Example #1
 BINLINE BContentStreamWrapper::~BContentStreamWrapper() {
   PStream s = stdStream;
   ifstream* fstrm = static_cast<ifstream*>(s.get());
   if (fstrm) {
Example #2
s32 cellPngDecExtReadHeader(PHandle handle, PStream stream, PInfo info, PExtInfo extInfo)
	cellPngDec.warning("cellPngDecExtReadHeader(handle=*0x%x, stream=*0x%x, info=*0x%x, extInfo=*0x%x)", handle, stream, info, extInfo);
	// Set the reserved value to 0, if passed to the function. (Should this be arg error if they dont pass?)
	if (extInfo)
		extInfo->reserved = 0;

	// lets push what we have so far
	u8* data = static_cast<u8*>(stream->buffer->data.get_ptr()) + stream->buffer->cursor;
		png_process_data(stream->png_ptr, stream->info_ptr, data, stream->buffer->length);
	catch (LibPngCustomException&)

	// lets hope we pushed enough for callback

	// png doesnt allow empty image, so quick check for 0 verifys if we got the header
	// not sure exactly what should happen if we dont have header, ask for more data with callback?
	if (stream->info.imageWidth == 0)
		fmt::throw_exception("Invalid or not enough data sent to get header");

	// Set the pointer to stream info
	*info = stream->info;
	return CELL_OK;
Example #3
PDictionary ReadPdfTrailerSection( MappedFile const & f, XrefTable & objmap, char const * xref )
	if (::memcmp(xref, "xref", 4 ) == 0 )
		xref = objmap.ReadXrefSection( xref );
		if( !xref )
			// Bogus xref section
			return PDictionary();

	const char * p = GetPdfNextLine( f, xref );

	PObject trailerDictP = ParseDirect( p, objmap );

	PDictionary trailerDict = boost::shared_dynamic_cast<Dictionary>( trailerDictP );
	PStream xrefStream = boost::shared_dynamic_cast< Stream >( trailerDictP );

	if( xrefStream )
		trailerDict = xrefStream->dict;

	assert( trailerDict && "Invalid Trailer Dictionary" );

	PName type = trailerDict->Get<Name>( "Type", objmap );
	if( type && type->str == String( "XRef" ) )
		// xref stream
		if( !xrefStream )
			assert( !"bogus xref stream" );
			return PDictionary();

		xrefStreams.push_back( xrefStream );
		size_t streamLength;
		const char* streamContent = xrefStream->GetStreamBytes( XrefTable( f ), &streamLength );
		objmap.ReadXrefStream( xrefStream, streamContent, streamLength );

	WalkPreviousFileVersions( f, objmap, trailerDict );
	return trailerDict;
Example #4
s32 cellPngDecReadHeader(PHandle handle, PStream stream, PInfo info)
	cellPngDec.warning("cellPngDecReadHeader(handle=*0x%x, stream=*0x%x, info=*0x%x)", handle, stream, info);

	// Read the header info
	png_read_info(stream->png_ptr, stream->info_ptr);


	// Set the pointer to stream info
	*info = stream->info;
	return CELL_OK;
Example #5
HSaveError RestoreGameState(PStream in, SavegameVersion svg_version)
    PreservedParams pp;
    RestoredData r_data;
    HSaveError err;
    if (svg_version >= kSvgVersion_Components)
        err = SavegameComponents::ReadAll(in, svg_version, pp, r_data);
        err = restore_game_data(in.get(), svg_version, pp, r_data);
    if (!err)
        return err;
    return DoAfterRestore(pp, r_data);
Example #6
s32 pngDecodeData(ppu_thread& ppu, PHandle handle, PStream stream, vm::ptr<u8> data, PDataControlParam data_control_param, PDataOutInfo data_out_info, PCbControlDisp cb_control_disp = vm::null, PDispParam disp_param = vm::null)
	// Indicate, that the PNG decoding is stopped/failed. This is incase, we return an error code in the middle of decoding
	data_out_info->status = CELL_PNGDEC_DEC_STATUS_STOP;

	const u32 bytes_per_line = data_control_param->outputBytesPerLine;

	// Log this for now
	if (bytes_per_line < stream->out_param.outputWidthByte)
		fmt::throw_exception("Bytes per line less than expected output! Got: %d, expected: %d" HERE, bytes_per_line, stream->out_param.outputWidthByte);

	// partial decoding
	if (cb_control_disp && stream->outputCounts > 0)
		// get data from cb
		auto streamInfo = vm::ptr<CellPngDecStrmInfo>::make(handle->malloc_(ppu, sizeof(CellPngDecStrmInfo), handle->malloc_arg).addr());
		auto streamParam = vm::ptr<CellPngDecStrmParam>::make(handle->malloc_(ppu, sizeof(CellPngDecStrmParam), handle->malloc_arg).addr());
		stream->cbDispInfo = vm::ptr<CellPngDecDispInfo>::make(handle->malloc_(ppu, sizeof(CellPngDecDispInfo), handle->malloc_arg).addr());
		stream->cbDispParam = vm::ptr<CellPngDecDispParam>::make(handle->malloc_(ppu, sizeof(CellPngDecDispParam), handle->malloc_arg).addr());

		auto freeMem = [&]()
			handle->free_(ppu, streamInfo, handle->free_arg);
			handle->free_(ppu, streamParam, handle->free_arg);
			handle->free_(ppu, stream->cbDispInfo, handle->free_arg);
			handle->free_(ppu, stream->cbDispParam, handle->free_arg);

		// set things that won't change between callbacks
		stream->cbDispInfo->outputFrameWidthByte = bytes_per_line;
		stream->cbDispInfo->outputFrameHeight = stream->out_param.outputHeight;
		stream->cbDispInfo->outputWidthByte = stream->out_param.outputWidthByte;
		stream->cbDispInfo->outputBitDepth = stream->out_param.outputBitDepth;
		stream->cbDispInfo->outputComponents = stream->out_param.outputComponents;
		stream->cbDispInfo->outputHeight = stream->outputCounts;
		stream->cbDispInfo->outputStartXByte = 0;
		stream->cbDispInfo->outputStartY = 0;
		stream->cbDispInfo->scanPassCount = 0;
		stream->cbDispInfo->nextOutputStartY = 0;

		stream->ppuContext = &ppu;
		stream->nextRow = stream->cbDispInfo->outputHeight;
		stream->cbCtrlDisp.cbCtrlDispArg = cb_control_disp->cbCtrlDispArg;
		stream->cbCtrlDisp.cbCtrlDispFunc = cb_control_disp->cbCtrlDispFunc;

		stream->cbDispParam->nextOutputImage = disp_param->nextOutputImage;

		streamInfo->decodedStrmSize = stream->buffer->cursor;
		// push the rest of the buffer we have
		if (stream->buffer->length > stream->buffer->cursor)
			u8* data = static_cast<u8*>(stream->buffer->data.get_ptr()) + stream->buffer->cursor;
				png_process_data(stream->png_ptr, stream->info_ptr, data, stream->buffer->length - stream->buffer->cursor);
			catch (LibPngCustomException&)
			streamInfo->decodedStrmSize = stream->buffer->length;

		// todo: commandPtr
		// then just loop until the end, the callbacks should take care of the rest
		while (stream->endOfFile != true)
			stream->cbCtrlStream.cbCtrlStrmFunc(ppu, streamInfo, streamParam, stream->cbCtrlStream.cbCtrlStrmArg);
			streamInfo->decodedStrmSize += streamParam->strmSize;
				png_process_data(stream->png_ptr, stream->info_ptr, static_cast<u8*>(streamParam->strmPtr.get_ptr()), streamParam->strmSize);
			catch (LibPngCustomException&)

		// Check if the image needs to be flipped
		const bool flip = stream->out_param.outputMode == CELL_PNGDEC_BOTTOM_TO_TOP;

		// Decode the image
		// todo: commandptr
			for (int j = 0; j < stream->passes; j++)
				for (int i = 0; i < stream->out_param.outputHeight; ++i)
					const u32 line = flip ? stream->out_param.outputHeight - i - 1 : i;
					png_read_row(stream->png_ptr, &data[line*bytes_per_line], nullptr);
			png_read_end(stream->png_ptr, stream->info_ptr);
		catch (LibPngCustomException&)

	// Get the number of iTXt, tEXt and zTXt chunks
	const s32 text_chunks = png_get_text(stream->png_ptr, stream->info_ptr, nullptr, nullptr);

	// Set the chunk information and the previously obtained number of text chunks
	data_out_info->numText = (u32)text_chunks;
	data_out_info->chunkInformation = pngDecGetChunkInformation(stream.get_ptr(), true);
	png_unknown_chunkp unknowns;
	const int num_unknowns = png_get_unknown_chunks(stream->png_ptr, stream->info_ptr, &unknowns);
	data_out_info->numUnknownChunk = num_unknowns;

	// Indicate that the decoding succeeded
	data_out_info->status = CELL_PNGDEC_DEC_STATUS_FINISH;

	return CELL_OK;