int main(int argc, char** argv){
  TBool debug = false;
  TStr TagsFnm = "/lfs/madmax4/0/yonathan/tags_200000";
  if(debug){ TagsFnm = "/lfs/madmax4/0/yonathan/tags_small";}
  Schema TagS; 
  TagS.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>("UserId", atInt));
  TTableContext Context;
  float ft_max;
  float mu_max;
  timeval timer0;
  gettimeofday(&timer0, NULL);
  double t1 = timer0.tv_sec + (timer0.tv_usec/1000000.0);
  PTable Tags = TTable::LoadSS(TagS, TagsFnm + ".tsv", Context);
  gettimeofday(&timer0, NULL);
  double t2 = timer0.tv_sec + (timer0.tv_usec/1000000.0);
  printf("Time to load tags table: %f\n", t2 - t1);
  printf("Table Size:\n");
  getmaxcpumem(&ft_max, &mu_max);
  printf("time: %0.3f seconds, memory: %0.3f MB\n", ft_max, mu_max);
  timeval timer1;
  gettimeofday(&timer1, NULL);
  t1 = timer1.tv_sec + (timer1.tv_usec/1000000.0);
  PTable TagsJoinTag = Tags->SelfJoin("Tag");
  gettimeofday(&timer1, NULL);
  t2 = timer1.tv_sec + (timer1.tv_usec/1000000.0);
  printf("Time to join on tags column: %f\n", t2 - t1);
  printf("Table Size:\n");
  if(debug){ TagsJoinTag->SaveSS(TagsFnm + "_join_tag.tsv");}
  getmaxcpumem(&ft_max, &mu_max);
  printf("time: %0.3f seconds, memory: %0.3f MB\n", ft_max, mu_max);
  return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    TBool debug = false;
    TStr TagsFnm = "/lfs/madmax4/0/yonathan/tags";
    if(debug) {
        TagsFnm = "/lfs/madmax4/0/yonathan/tags_small";
    Schema TagS;
    TagS.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>("UserId", atInt));
    TagS.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>("Tag", atStr));
    // Load a TTable object and benchmark how long it takes to iterate over all of its records
    TTableContext Context;

    //float ft0, ft1, ft2, ft3;
    //float mu0, mu1, mu2, mu3;
    float ft_max;
    float mu_max;
    //float tdiff1, tdiff2, dfiff3;
    //float mdiff1, mdiff2, mdiff3;

    timeval timer0;
    gettimeofday(&timer0, NULL);
    double t1 = timer0.tv_sec + (timer0.tv_usec/1000000.0);
    PTable Tags = TTable::LoadSS(TagS, TagsFnm + ".tsv", Context);
    gettimeofday(&timer0, NULL);
    double t2 = timer0.tv_sec + (timer0.tv_usec/1000000.0);
    printf("Time to load tags table: %f\n", t2 - t1);
    printf("Table Size:\n");
    //tdiff1 = ft1 - ft0;
    //mdiff1 = mu1 - mu0;
    //printf("time: %0.3f seconds, memory: %0.3f MB\n", tdiff1, mdiff1);
    getmaxcpumem(&ft_max, &mu_max);
    printf("time: %0.3f seconds, memory: %0.3f MB\n", ft_max, mu_max);

    timeval timer2;
    gettimeofday(&timer2, NULL);
    t1 = timer2.tv_sec + (timer2.tv_usec/1000000.0);
    printf("start join on user\n");
    PTable TagsJoinUser = Tags->SelfJoin("UserId");
    printf("finish join on user\n");
    gettimeofday(&timer2, NULL);
    t2 = timer2.tv_sec + (timer2.tv_usec/1000000.0);
    printf("Time to join on user id column: %f\n", t2 - t1);
    printf("Table Size:\n");
    if(debug) {
        TagsJoinUser->SaveSS(TagsFnm + "_join_user.tsv");
    //tdiff2 = ft2 - ft1;
    //mdiff2 = mu2 - mu1;
    //printf("time: %0.3f seconds, memory: %0.3f MB\n", tdiff2, mdiff2);
    getmaxcpumem(&ft_max, &mu_max);
    printf("time: %0.3f seconds, memory: %0.3f MB\n", ft_max, mu_max);

    timeval timer3;
    gettimeofday(&timer3, NULL);
    t1 = timer3.tv_sec + (timer3.tv_usec/1000000.0);
    PTable JavaTags = TTable::New(TagS, Context);
    TIntV SelectedRows;
    if(debug) {
        Tags->SelectAtomicConst(TStr("Tag"), TStr("c#"), EQ, SelectedRows, JavaTags, false, true);
    } else {
        Tags->SelectAtomicConst(TStr("Tag"), TStr("java"), EQ, SelectedRows, JavaTags, false, true);
    gettimeofday(&timer3, NULL);
    t2 = timer3.tv_sec + (timer3.tv_usec/1000000.0);
    printf("Time to select java users: %f\n", t2 - t1);
    printf("Table Size:\n");
    if(debug) {
        JavaTags->SaveSS(TagsFnm + "_select.tsv");
    //tdiff3 = ft3 - ft2;
    //mdiff3 = mu3 - mu2;
    //printf("time: %0.3f seconds, memory: %0.3f MB\n", tdiff3, mdiff3);
    getmaxcpumem(&ft_max, &mu_max);
    printf("time: %0.3f seconds, memory: %0.3f MB\n", ft_max, mu_max);
    return 0;