void cDragItems::dropOnGround( P_CLIENT client, P_ITEM pItem, const Coord_cl &pos ) { P_CHAR pChar = client->player(); // Check if the destination is in line of sight if( !line_of_sight( client->socket(), pChar->pos, pos, TREES_BUSHES|WALLS_CHIMNEYS|DOORS|ROOFING_SLANTED|FLOORS_FLAT_ROOFING|LAVA_WATER ) ) { client->sysMessage( "You cannot see the target." ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } if( !pChar->canPickUp( pItem ) ) { bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } pItem->setContSerial( INVALID_SERIAL ); pItem->moveTo( pos ); pItem->setLayer( 0 ); RefreshItem( pItem ); // Send it to all clients in range pChar->weight -= pItem->getWeight(); statwindow( client->socket(), pChar ); // Update our weight-stats if( pItem->glow != INVALID_SERIAL ) { pChar->removeHalo( pItem ); pChar->glowHalo( pItem ); } // Multi handling (Hm i don't like that...) if( pChar->multis > 0 ) { P_ITEM pMulti = FindItemBySerial( pChar->multis ); if( pMulti != NULL ) { pMulti = findmulti( pItem->pos ); if( pItem != NULL ) pItem->SetMultiSerial( pMulti->serial ); } } }
void cPlayer::applyStartItemDefinition( const cElement* element ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < element->childCount(); ++i ) { const cElement* node = element->getChild( i ); // Apply another startitem definition if ( node->name() == "inherit" ) { const cElement* inheritNode = Definitions::instance()->getDefinition( WPDT_STARTITEMS, node->getAttribute( "id" ) ); if ( inheritNode ) { applyStartItemDefinition( inheritNode ); } } // Item related nodes else { P_ITEM pItem = 0; if ( node->hasAttribute( "id" ) && node->getAttribute( "id" ) != QString::null ) { pItem = cItem::createFromScript( node->getAttribute( "id" ) ); } else if ( node->hasAttribute( "list" ) && node->getAttribute( "list" ) != QString::null ) { pItem = cItem::createFromList( node->getAttribute( "list" ) ); } else if ( node->hasAttribute( "randomlist" ) && node->getAttribute( "randomlist" ) != QString::null ) { QStringList RandValues = node->getAttribute( "randomlist" ).split( "," ); pItem = cItem::createFromList( RandValues[RandomNum( 0, RandValues.size() - 1 )] ); } if ( !pItem ) { Console::instance()->log( LOG_ERROR, tr( "Invalid item tag without id or list in startitem definition '%1'" ).arg( element->getAttribute( "id" ) ) ); } else { pItem->applyDefinition( node ); if ( node->name() == "item" ) { pItem->toBackpack( this ); } else if ( node->name() == "bankitem" ) { getBackpack()->addItem( pItem ); } else if ( node->name() == "equipment" ) { unsigned char layer = pItem->layer(); pItem->setLayer( 0 ); if ( !layer ) { tile_st tile = TileCache::instance()->getTile( pItem->id() ); layer = tile.layer; } if ( layer ) { // Check if there is sth there already. // Could happen due to inherit. P_ITEM existing = atLayer( static_cast<cBaseChar::enLayer>( layer ) ); if ( existing ) existing->remove(); addItem( static_cast<cBaseChar::enLayer>( layer ), pItem ); } else { Console::instance()->log( LOG_ERROR, tr( "Trying to equip invalid item (%1) in startitem definition '%2'" ).arg( pItem->id(), 0, 16 ).arg( element->getAttribute( "id" ) ) ); } } else { pItem->remove(); Console::instance()->log( LOG_ERROR, tr( "Unrecognized startitem tag '%1' in definition '%2'." ).arg( QString(node->name()) ).arg( element->getAttribute( "id" ) ) ); } } } } }
// New Class implementation void cDragItems::grabItem( P_CLIENT client ) { // Get our character P_CHAR pChar = client->player(); if( pChar == NULL ) return; // Fetch the grab information SERIAL iSerial = LongFromCharPtr( &buffer[ client->socket() ][ 1 ] ); UI16 amount = ShortFromCharPtr( &buffer[ client->socket() ][ 5 ] ); P_ITEM pItem = FindItemBySerial( iSerial ); if( !pItem ) return; // Are we already dragging an item ? // Bounce it and reject the move // (Logged out while dragging an item) if( client->dragging() ) { bounceItem( client, client->dragging() ); bounceItem( client, pItem, true ); return; } // Do we really want to let him break his meditation // When he picks up an item ? // Maybe a meditation check here ?!? pChar->disturbMed( client->socket() ); // Meditation P_CHAR itemOwner = GetPackOwner( pItem, 64 ); // Try to pick something out of another characters posessions if( itemOwner && ( itemOwner != pChar ) && ( !pChar->Owns( itemOwner ) ) ) { client->sysMessage( QString( "You have to steal the %1 out of %2's posessions." ).arg( pItem->getName() ).arg( itemOwner->name.c_str() ) ); bounceItem( client, pItem, true ); return; } // Check if the user can grab the item if( !pChar->canPickUp( pItem ) ) { client->sysMessage( "You cannot pick that up." ); bounceItem( client, pItem, true ); return; } // The user can't see the item // Basically thats impossible as the client should deny moving the item // if it's not in line of sight but to prevent exploits if( !line_of_sight( client->socket(), pChar->pos, pItem->pos, TREES_BUSHES|WALLS_CHIMNEYS|DOORS|ROOFING_SLANTED|FLOORS_FLAT_ROOFING|LAVA_WATER ) ) { client->sysMessage( "You can't see the item." ); bounceItem( client, pItem, true ); return; } P_ITEM outmostCont = GetOutmostCont( pItem, 64 ); // If it's a trade-window, reset the ack-status if( outmostCont && ( outmostCont->contserial == pChar->serial ) && ( outmostCont->layer() == 0 ) && ( outmostCont->id() == 0x1E5E ) ) { // Get the other sides tradewindow P_ITEM tradeWindow = FindItemBySerial( calcserial( outmostCont->moreb1(), outmostCont->moreb2(), outmostCont->moreb3(), outmostCont->moreb4() ) ); // If one of the trade-windows has the ack-status reset it if( tradeWindow && ( tradeWindow->morez || outmostCont->morez ) ) { tradeWindow->morez = 0; outmostCont->morez = 0; sendtradestatus( tradeWindow, outmostCont ); } } // If the top-most container ( thats important ) is a corpse // and looting is a crime, flag the character criminal. if( outmostCont && outmostCont->corpse() ) { // For each item we take out we loose carma // if the corpse is innocent and not in our guild bool sameGuild = ( GuildCompare( pChar, FindCharBySerial( outmostCont->ownserial ) ) != 0 ); if( ( outmostCont->more2 == 1 ) && !pChar->Owns( outmostCont ) && !sameGuild ) { pChar->karma -= 5; criminal( pChar ); client->sysMessage( "You lost some karma." ); } } // Check if the item is too heavy //if( !pc_currchar->isGMorCounselor() ) //{ //} << Deactivated (DarkStorm) // ==== Grabbing the Item is allowed here ==== // Remove eventual item-bonusses if we're unequipping something if( pItem->layer() > 0 ) { P_CHAR wearer = FindCharBySerial( pItem->contserial ); if( wearer ) wearer->removeItemBonus( pItem ); } // Send the user a pickup sound if we're picking it up // From a container/paperdoll if( !pItem->isInWorld() ) soundeffect( client->socket(), 0x00, 0x57 ); // If we're picking up a specific amount of what we got // Take that into account if( pItem->amount() > 1 ) { UI32 pickedAmount = min( amount, pItem->amount() ); // We only have to split if we're not taking it all if( pickedAmount != pItem->amount() ) { P_ITEM splitItem = new cItem( *pItem ); // Create a new item to pick that up splitItem->SetSerial( cItemsManager::getInstance()->getUnusedSerial() ); splitItem->setAmount( pItem->amount() - pickedAmount ); splitItem->setContSerial( pItem->contserial ); splitItem->SetOwnSerial( pItem->ownserial ); splitItem->SetSpawnSerial( pItem->spawnserial ); // He needs to see the new item RefreshItem( splitItem ); // If we're taking something out of a spawn-region it's spawning "flag" is removed isn't it? pItem->SetSpawnSerial( INVALID_SERIAL ); pItem->setAmount( pickedAmount ); } } pItem->setContSerial( pChar->serial ); pItem->SetMultiSerial( INVALID_SERIAL ); pItem->setLayer( 0x1E ); // It's in the equipment of another character if( itemOwner && ( itemOwner != pChar ) ) { itemOwner->weight -= pItem->getWeight(); statwindow( calcSocketFromChar( itemOwner ), itemOwner ); } // If the item is in the bank or any sell-container it's NOT counted as char-weight bool inBank = ( outmostCont && ( outmostCont->contserial == pChar->serial ) && ( outmostCont->layer() >= 0x1A ) ); // Add the weight if: // - Picked from ground // - Picked out of another character // - Picked out of our bank or any other non-visible container if( ( itemOwner != pChar ) || !inBank ) { pChar->weight += pItem->getWeight(); statwindow( client->socket(), pChar ); } }
void cDragItems::dropOnItem( P_CLIENT client, P_ITEM pItem, P_ITEM pCont, const Coord_cl &dropPos ) { P_CHAR pChar = client->player(); if( pItem->isMulti() ) { client->sysMessage( "You cannot put houses in containers" ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } // If the target belongs to another character // It needs to be our vendor or else it's denied P_CHAR packOwner = GetPackOwner( pCont ); if( ( packOwner != NULL ) && ( packOwner != pChar ) ) { // For each item someone puts into there // He needs to do a snoop-check if( pChar->canSnoop() ) { if( !Skills->CheckSkill( pChar, SNOOPING, 0, 1000 ) ) { client->sysMessage( QString( "You fail to put that into %1's pack" ).arg( packOwner->name.c_str() ) ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } } if( !packOwner->isNpc() || ( packOwner->npcaitype() != 17 ) || !pChar->Owns( packOwner ) ) { client->sysMessage( "You cannot put that into the belongings of another player" ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } } // If we put the item into a trade-window // Reset the trade-status for both players if( pCont->layer() == 0 && pCont->id() == 0x1E5E && pChar->Wears( pCont ) ) { // Trade window??? P_ITEM tradeWindow = FindItemBySerial( calcserial( pCont->moreb1(), pCont->moreb2(), pCont->moreb3(), pCont->moreb4() ) ); // If it *IS* a trade-window, replace the status if( tradeWindow && ( pCont->morez || tradeWindow->morez ) ) { tradeWindow->morez = 0; pCont->morez = 0; sendtradestatus( tradeWindow, pCont ); } } if( !pChar->canPickUp( pItem ) ) { bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } // Trash can if( pCont->type()==87 ) { Items->DeleItem( pItem ); client->sysMessage( "As you let go of the item it disappears." ); return; } // Spell Book if( pCont->type() == 9 ) { UI08 spellId = Magic->calcSpellId( pItem->id() ); if( spellId < 0 ) { client->sysMessage( "You can only put scrolls into a spellbook" ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } if( Magic->hasSpell( pCont, spellId ) ) { client->sysMessage( "That spellbook already contains this spell" ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } } // We drop something on the belongings of one of our playervendors if( ( packOwner != NULL ) && ( packOwner->npcaitype() == 17 ) && pChar->Owns( packOwner ) ) { client->sysMessage( "You drop something into your playervendor" ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } // Playervendors (chest equipped by the vendor - opened to the client) /*if( !( pCont->pileable() && pItem->pileable() && pCont->id() == pItem->id() || ( pCont->type() != 1 && pCont->type() != 9 ) ) ) { P_CHAR pc_j = GetPackOwner(pCont); if (pc_j != NULL) { if (pc_j->npcaitype() == 17 && pc_j->isNpc() && pChar->Owns(pc_j)) { pChar->inputitem = pItem->serial; pChar->inputmode = cChar::enPricing; sysmessage(s, "Set a price for this item."); } } */ // We may also drop into *any* locked chest // So we can have post-boxes ;o) // Spellbooks are containers for us as well if( pCont->type() == 9 || pCont->type() == 1 || pCont->type() == 8 || pCont->type() == 63 || pCont->type() == 65 || pCont->type() == 66 ) { pItem->setContSerial( pCont->serial ); pItem->setLayer( 0 ); // Remove it from our drag-layer // Huh ? - Make that random will you! pItem->pos = dropPos; SndRemoveitem( pItem->serial ); RefreshItem( pItem ); // Dropped on another Container/in another Container soundeffect2( pChar, 0x57 ); return; } // Item matching needs to be extended !!! at least Color! (for certain types) else if ( pCont->isPileable() && pItem->isPileable() && ( pCont->id() == pItem->id() ) ) { if( pCont->amount() + pItem->amount() <= 65535 ) { pCont->setAmount( pCont->amount() + pItem->amount() ); Items->DeleItem( pItem ); RefreshItem( pCont ); // Need to update the amount return; } // We have to *keep* our current item else { pCont->setAmount( 65535 ); // Max out the amount RefreshItem( pCont ); // The delta between 65535 and pCont->amount() sub our Amount is the // new amount pItem->setAmount( pItem->amount() - ( 65535 - pCont->amount() ) ); } } // We dropped the item NOT on a container // And were *un*able to stack it (!) // >> Set it to the location of the item we dropped it on and stack it up by 1 pItem->moveTo( pCont->pos ); pItem->pos.z++; // Increase z by 1 pItem->pos.y++; // To get it visualized do that with y as well pItem->setLayer( 0 ); pItem->setContSerial( pCont->contserial ); RefreshItem( pItem ); // This needs to be checked // It annoyingly shows the spellbook // whenever you add a scroll if( pCont->type() == 9 ) Magic->openSpellBook( pChar, pCont ); // Glowing Objects moved between chars if( pItem->glow != INVALID_SERIAL ) { pChar->removeHalo( pItem ); if( packOwner != NULL ) { packOwner->addHalo(pItem); packOwner->glowHalo(pItem); } } }
void cDragItems::dropOnChar( P_CLIENT client, P_ITEM pItem, P_CHAR pOtherChar ) { // Three possibilities: // If we're dropping it on ourself: packintobackpack // If we're dropping it on some other player: trade-window // If we're dropping it on some NPC: checkBehaviours // If not handeled: Equip the item if the NPC is owned by us P_CHAR pChar = client->player(); // Dropped on ourself if( pChar == pOtherChar ) { pItem->setLayer( 0 ); pItem->setContSerial( INVALID_SERIAL ); pItem->toBackpack( pChar ); return; } // Are we in range of our target if( !inrange1p( pChar, pOtherChar ) ) { client->sysMessage( "You are too far away from that character." ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } // Can wee see our target if( !line_of_sight( client->socket(), pChar->pos, pOtherChar->pos, TREES_BUSHES|WALLS_CHIMNEYS|DOORS|ROOFING_SLANTED|FLOORS_FLAT_ROOFING|LAVA_WATER ) ) { client->sysMessage( "You can't see this character" ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } // Open a secure trading window if( !pOtherChar->isNpc() && online( pOtherChar ) ) { // Check if we're already trading, // if not create a new window vector< SERIAL > equipment = contsp.getData( pChar->serial ); P_ITEM tradeWindow = NULL; for( UI16 i = 0; i < equipment.size(); i++ ) { P_ITEM pEquip = FindItemBySerial( equipment[ i ] ); // Is it a trade-window ? if( ( pEquip->layer() == 0 ) && ( pEquip->id() == 0x1E5E ) ) { P_ITEM tradeWindow = FindItemBySerial( calcserial( pEquip->moreb1(), pEquip->moreb2(), pEquip->moreb3(), pEquip->moreb4() ) ); if( tradeWindow && ( tradeWindow->contserial == pOtherChar->serial ) ) { tradeWindow = pEquip; break; } } } if( !tradeWindow ) tradeWindow = Trade->tradestart( client->socket(), pOtherChar ); pItem->setContSerial( tradeWindow->serial); pItem->pos.x = rand() % 60; pItem->pos.y = rand() % 60; pItem->pos.z = 9; pItem->setLayer( 0 ); SndRemoveitem( pItem->serial ); RefreshItem( pItem ); return; } // For our hirelings we have a special function if( pChar->Owns( pOtherChar ) ) { dropOnPet( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); return; } // Dropping based on AI Type switch( pOtherChar->npcaitype() ) { case 4: dropOnGuard( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); break; case 5: dropOnBeggar( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); break; case 8: dropOnBanker( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); break; case 19: dropOnBroker( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); break; }; // Try to train - works for any NPC if( pOtherChar->cantrain() ) if( pChar->trainer() == pOtherChar->serial ) dropOnTrainer( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); else pOtherChar->talk( "You need to tell me what you want to learn first" ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; }
void cDragItems::equipItem( P_CLIENT client ) { // Get the packet information SERIAL itemId = LongFromCharPtr( &buffer[ client->socket() ][ 1 ] ); SERIAL playerId = LongFromCharPtr( &buffer[ client->socket() ][ 6 ] ); P_ITEM pItem = FindItemBySerial( itemId ); P_CHAR pWearer = FindCharBySerial( playerId ); if( !pItem || !pWearer ) return; P_CHAR pChar = client->player(); // We're dead and can't do that if( pChar->dead ) { client->sysMessage( "You are dead and can't do that." ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } // Our target is dead if( ( pWearer != pChar ) && pWearer->dead ) { client->sysMessage( "You can't equip dead players." ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } // Get our tile-information tile_st pTile; Map->SeekTile( pItem->id(), &pTile ); // Is the item wearable ? ( layer == 0 | equip-flag not set ) // Multis are not wearable are they :o) if( pTile.layer == 0 || !( pTile.flag3 & 0x40 ) || pItem->isMulti() ) { client->sysMessage( "This item cannot be equipped." ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } // Required Strength if( pItem->st > pWearer->st ) { if( pWearer == pChar ) client->sysMessage( "You cannot wear that item, you seem not strong enough" ); else client->sysMessage( "This person can't wear that armor, it seems not strong enough" ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } // Required Dexterity if( pItem->dx > pWearer->effDex() ) { if( pWearer == pChar ) client->sysMessage( "You cannot wear that item, you seem not agile enough" ); else client->sysMessage( "This person can't wear that armor, it seems not agile enough" ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } // Required Intelligence if( pItem->in > pWearer->in ) { if( pWearer == pChar ) client->sysMessage( "You cannot wear that item, you seem not smart enough" ); else client->sysMessage( "This person can't wear that armor, it seems not smart enough" ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } // Males can't wear female armor if( ( pChar->id() == 0x0190 ) && ( pItem->id() >= 0x1C00 ) && ( pItem->id() <= 0x1C0D ) ) { client->sysMessage( "You cannot wear female armor." ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } // Needs a check (!) // Checks for equipment on the same layer // If there is any it tries to unequip it // If that fails it cancels UI08 layer = pItem->layer(); vector< SERIAL > equipment = contsp.getData( pWearer->serial ); for( UI32 i = 0; i < equipment.size(); i++ ) { P_ITEM pEquip = FindItemBySerial( equipment[ i ] ); if( pEquip ) continue; // We found an item which is on the same layer (!) // Unequip it if we can bool twoHanded = false; if( pEquip->twohanded() && ( layer == 1 || layer == 2 ) ) twoHanded = true; if( pItem->twohanded() && ( pEquip->layer() == 1 || pEquip->layer() == 2 ) ) twoHanded = true; if( ( pEquip->layer() == layer ) || twoHanded ) { if( pChar->canPickUp( pEquip ) ) // we're equipping so we do the check pEquip->toBackpack( pWearer ); // If it's still on the char: cancel equipment if( pEquip->contserial == pWearer->serial ) { client->sysMessage( "You already have an item on that layer." ); bounceItem( client, pItem ); return; } } } // At this point we're certain that we can wear the item pItem->setContSerial( playerId ); pItem->setLayer( pTile.layer ); // Don't trust the user input on this one // Handle the weight if the item is leaving our "body" if( pWearer != pChar ) { pChar->weight -= pItem->getWeight(); pWearer->weight += pItem->getWeight(); // Update the status-windows statwindow( client->socket(), pChar ); statwindow( calcSocketFromChar( pWearer ), pWearer ); } if( pTile.layer == 0x19 ) pWearer->setOnHorse( true ); // Apply the bonuses pWearer->st += pItem->st2; pWearer->chgDex( pItem->dx2 ); pWearer->in += pItem->in2; // Show debug information if requested if( showlayer ) clConsole.send( QString( "Item (%1) equipped on layer %2" ).arg( pItem->name() ).arg( pItem->layer() ) ); // I don't think we need to remove the item // as it's only visible to the current char // And he looses contact anyway // SndRemoveitem( pi->serial ); // Build our packets cWornItems wearItem( pWearer->serial, pItem->serial, pItem->layer(), pItem->id(), pItem->color() ); cSoundEffect soundEffect( 0x57, pWearer->pos ); // Send to all sockets in range // ONLY the new equipped item and the sound-effect for( UOXSOCKET s = 0; s < now; s++ ) if( perm[s] && inrange1p( pWearer, currchar[s] ) ) { soundEffect.send( s ); wearItem.send( s ); } // Lord Binaries Glow stuff if( pItem->glow != INVALID_SERIAL ) { pChar->removeHalo( pItem ); pWearer->addHalo( pItem ); pWearer->glowHalo( pItem ); } }