Example #1
static gboolean gtk_xournal_expose(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventExpose* event)
	g_return_val_if_fail(widget != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_XOURNAL(widget), FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail(event != NULL, FALSE);

	GtkXournal* xournal = GTK_XOURNAL(widget);

	cairo_t* cr = gdk_cairo_create(GTK_WIDGET(widget)->window);

	ArrayIterator<PageView*> it = xournal->view->pageViewIterator();

	GtkAllocation alloc = { 0 };
	gtk_widget_get_allocation(widget, &alloc);
	int lastVisibleX = alloc.width + xournal->x + 10;
	int lastVisibleY = alloc.height + xournal->y + 10; //+10 fix to draw the shadow

	int firstVisibleX = xournal->x - 10;
	int firstVisibleY = xournal->y - 10;

	while (it.hasNext())
		PageView* pv = it.next();

		int px = pv->getX();
		int py = pv->getY();
		int pw = pv->getDisplayWidth();
		int ph = pv->getDisplayHeight();

		// not visible, its on the right side of the visible area
		if (px > lastVisibleX)
		// not visible, its on the left side of the visible area
		if (px + pw < firstVisibleX)
		// not visible, its on the bottom side of the visible area
		if (py > lastVisibleY)
		// not visible, its on the top side of the visible area
		if (py + ph < firstVisibleY)

		int x = px - xournal->x;
		int y = py - xournal->y;

		gtk_xournal_draw_shadow(xournal, cr, x, y, pw, ph, pv->isSelected());
		cairo_translate(cr, x, y);

		GdkRectangle rect = event->area;
		rect.x -= x;
		rect.y -= y;

		pv->paintPage(cr, &rect);

	if (xournal->selection)
		double zoom = xournal->view->getZoom();

		int px = xournal->selection->getXOnView() * zoom;
		int py = xournal->selection->getYOnView() * zoom;
		//		int pw = xournal->selection->getWidth() * zoom;
		//		int ph = xournal->selection->getHeight() * zoom;

		// not visible, its on the right side of the visible area
		if (px > lastVisibleX)
			printf("Warning: object on right side of visible area.\n");
			// not visible, its on the left side of the visible area

			// TODO LOW PRIO this is not working correct if the zoom is small, xournal->x is never smaller than 0
			//		if (px + pw < firstVisibleX) {
			//			printf("test2\n");
			//		} else
			// not visible, its on the bottom side of the visible area
			if (py > lastVisibleY)
				printf("Warning: object below visible area.\n");
				//		} else
				//		// not visible, its on the top side of the visible area
				//		if (py + ph < firstVisibleY) {
				//			printf("test4 %i:: %i\n", py + ph, firstVisibleY);
				Redrawable* red = xournal->selection->getView();
				cairo_translate(cr, red->getX() - xournal->x, red->getY() - xournal->y);

				xournal->selection->paint(cr, zoom);


	return true;