Example #1
    void registerOptionsAndFlags_()
        registerInputFile_("in", "<file>", "", "featureXML or consensusXML file");
        setValidFormats_("in", ListUtils::create<String>("featureXML,consensusXML"));
        registerOutputFile_("out", "<file>", "", "mzTab file");
        setValidFormats_("out", ListUtils::create<String>("csv"));

        registerOutputFile_("out_annotation", "<file>", "", "A copy of the input file, annotated with matching hits from the database.", false);
        setValidFormats_("out_annotation", ListUtils::create<String>("featureXML,consensusXML"));

        // move some params from algorithm section to top level (to support input file functionality)
        Param p = AccurateMassSearchEngine().getDefaults();
        registerTOPPSubsection_("db", "Database files which contain the identifications");
        registerInputFile_("db:mapping", "<file>", p.getValue("db:mapping"), p.getDescription("db:mapping"), true, false, ListUtils::create<String>("skipexists"));
        setValidFormats_("db:mapping", ListUtils::create<String>("tsv"));
        registerInputFile_("db:struct", "<file>", p.getValue("db:struct"), p.getDescription("db:struct"), true, false, ListUtils::create<String>("skipexists"));
        setValidFormats_("db:struct", ListUtils::create<String>("tsv"));
        registerInputFile_("positive_adducts_file", "<file>", p.getValue("positive_adducts_file"), p.getDescription("positive_adducts_file"), true, false, ListUtils::create<String>("skipexists"));
        setValidFormats_("positive_adducts_file", ListUtils::create<String>("tsv"));
        registerInputFile_("negative_adducts_file", "<file>", p.getValue("negative_adducts_file"), p.getDescription("negative_adducts_file"), true, false, ListUtils::create<String>("skipexists"));
        setValidFormats_("negative_adducts_file", ListUtils::create<String>("tsv"));
        // addEmptyLine_();
        // addText_("Parameters for the accurate mass search can be given in the 'algorithm' part of INI file.");
        registerSubsection_("algorithm", "Algorithm parameters section");
Example #2
  void registerOptionsAndFlags_()
    registerInputFile_("id", "<file>", "", "Protein/peptide identifications file");
    setValidFormats_("id", ListUtils::create<String>("mzid,idXML"));
    registerInputFile_("in", "<file>", "", "Feature map/consensus map file");
    setValidFormats_("in", ListUtils::create<String>("featureXML,consensusXML,mzq"));
    registerOutputFile_("out", "<file>", "", "Output file (the format depends on the input file format).");
    setValidFormats_("out", ListUtils::create<String>("featureXML,consensusXML,mzq"));

    IDMapper mapper;
    Param p = mapper.getParameters();
    registerDoubleOption_("rt_tolerance", "<value>", p.getValue("rt_tolerance"), "RT tolerance (in seconds) for the matching of peptide identifications and (consensus) features.\nTolerance is understood as 'plus or minus x', so the matching range increases by twice the given value.", false);
    setMinFloat_("rt_tolerance", 0.0);
    registerDoubleOption_("mz_tolerance", "<value>", p.getValue("mz_tolerance"), "m/z tolerance (in ppm or Da) for the matching of peptide identifications and (consensus) features.\nTolerance is understood as 'plus or minus x', so the matching range increases by twice the given value.", false);
    setMinFloat_("mz_tolerance", 0.0);
    registerStringOption_("mz_measure", "<choice>", p.getEntry("mz_measure").valid_strings[0], "Unit of 'mz_tolerance'.", false);
    setValidStrings_("mz_measure", p.getEntry("mz_measure").valid_strings);
    registerStringOption_("mz_reference", "<choice>", p.getEntry("mz_reference").valid_strings[0], "Source of m/z values for peptide identifications. If 'precursor', the precursor-m/z from the idXML is used. If 'peptide',\nmasses are computed from the sequences of peptide hits; in this case, an identification matches if any of its hits matches.\n('peptide' should be used together with 'feature:use_centroid_mz' to avoid false-positive matches.)", false);
    setValidStrings_("mz_reference", p.getEntry("mz_reference").valid_strings);
    registerFlag_("ignore_charge", "For feature/consensus maps: Assign an ID independently of whether its charge state matches that of the (consensus) feature.");

    registerTOPPSubsection_("feature", "Additional options for featureXML input");
    registerFlag_("feature:use_centroid_rt", "Use the RT coordinates of the feature centroids for matching, instead of the RT ranges of the features/mass traces.");
    registerFlag_("feature:use_centroid_mz", "Use the m/z coordinates of the feature centroids for matching, instead of the m/z ranges of the features/mass traces.\n(If you choose 'peptide' as 'mz_reference', you should usually set this flag to avoid false-positive matches.)");

    registerTOPPSubsection_("consensus", "Additional options for consensusXML input");
    registerFlag_("consensus:use_subelements", "Match using RT and m/z of sub-features instead of consensus RT and m/z. A consensus feature matches if any of its sub-features matches.");
    registerFlag_("consensus:annotate_ids_with_subelements", "Store the map index of the sub-feature in the peptide ID.", true);
    const TransformationModel::DataPoints & data, const Param & params)
    params_ = params;
    data_given_ = !data.empty();
    if (!data_given_ && params.exists("slope") && (params.exists("intercept")))
      // don't estimate parameters, use given values
      slope_ = params.getValue("slope");
      intercept_ = params.getValue("intercept");
    else     // estimate parameters from data
      Param defaults;
      symmetric_ = params_.getValue("symmetric_regression") == "true";

      size_t size = data.size();
      if (size == 0)       // no data
        throw Exception::IllegalArgument(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
                                         "no data points for 'linear' model");
      else if (size == 1)       // degenerate case, but we can still do something
        slope_ = 1.0;
        intercept_ = data[0].second - data[0].first;
      else       // compute least-squares fit
        vector<double> x(size), y(size);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
          if (symmetric_)
            x[i] = data[i].second + data[i].first;
            y[i] = data[i].second - data[i].first;
            x[i] = data[i].first;
            y[i] = data[i].second;
        double cov00, cov01, cov11, sumsq;         // covariance values, sum of squares
        double * x_start = &(x[0]), * y_start = &(y[0]);
        gsl_fit_linear(x_start, 1, y_start, 1, size, &intercept_, &slope_,
                       &cov00, &cov01, &cov11, &sumsq);

        if (symmetric_)         // undo coordinate transformation:
          slope_ = (1.0 + slope_) / (1.0 - slope_);
          intercept_ = intercept_ * 1.41421356237309504880;           // 1.41... = sqrt(2)
Example #4
 String File::getTempDirectory()
   Param p = getSystemParameters();
   if (p.exists("temp_dir") && String(p.getValue("temp_dir")).trim() != "")
     return p.getValue("temp_dir");
   return String(QDir::tempPath());
  TransformationModelLinear::TransformationModelLinear(const TransformationModel::DataPoints& data, const Param& params) :
    TransformationModel(data, params) // initializes model
    data_given_ = !data.empty();

    if (!data_given_ && params.exists("slope") && params.exists("intercept"))
      // don't estimate parameters, use given values
      slope_ = params.getValue("slope");
      intercept_ = params.getValue("intercept");
    else // estimate parameters from data
      Param defaults;
      symmetric_ = params_.getValue("symmetric_regression") == "true";
      // weight the data (if weighting is specified)
      TransformationModel::DataPoints data_weighted = data;
      if ((params.exists("x_weight") && params.getValue("x_weight") != "") || (params.exists("y_weight") && params.getValue("y_weight") != ""))

      size_t size = data_weighted.size();
      std::vector<Wm5::Vector2d> points;
      if (size == 0) // no data
        throw Exception::IllegalArgument(__FILE__, __LINE__, OPENMS_PRETTY_FUNCTION,
                                         "no data points for 'linear' model");
      else if (size == 1) // degenerate case, but we can still do something
        slope_ = 1.0;
        intercept_ = data_weighted[0].second - data_weighted[0].first;
      else // compute least-squares fit
        for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
          points.push_back(Wm5::Vector2d(data_weighted[i].first, data_weighted[i].second));
        if (!Wm5::HeightLineFit2<double>(static_cast<int>(size), &points.front(), slope_, intercept_))
          throw Exception::UnableToFit(__FILE__, __LINE__, OPENMS_PRETTY_FUNCTION, "TransformationModelLinear", "Unable to fit linear transformation to data points.");
      // update params
      params_.setValue("slope", slope_);
      params_.setValue("intercept", intercept_);
Example #6
 /// The current OpenMS user data path (for result files)
 String File::getUserDirectory()
   Param p = getSystemParameters();
   String dir;
   if (p.exists("home_dir") && String(p.getValue("home_dir")).trim() != "")
     dir = p.getValue("home_dir");
     dir = String(QDir::homePath());
   return dir;
Example #7
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
  if (argc < 2) return 1;
  // the path to the data should be given on the command line
  String tutorial_data_path(argv[1]);
  PeakMap exp_raw;
  PeakMap exp_picked;

  MzMLFile mzml_file;
  mzml_file.load(tutorial_data_path + "/data/Tutorial_PeakPickerCWT.mzML", exp_raw);

  PeakPickerCWT pp;
  Param param;
  param.setValue("peak_width", 0.1);

  pp.pickExperiment(exp_raw, exp_picked);

  cout << "\nMinimal fwhm of a mass spectrometric peak: " << (DoubleReal)param.getValue("peak_width")
       << "\n\nNumber of picked peaks " << exp_picked.getSize() << std::endl;

  return 0;
} //end of main
 virtual void process(ci::audio::Buffer * buffer) override {
     int numFrames = buffer->getNumFrames();
     int numChannels = buffer->getNumChannels();
     float phaseInc = (freq->getValue() / getSampleRate()) * (float)M_PI * 2.0f;
     auto data = buffer->getData();
     for(int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) {
         phase = fmodf(phase + phaseInc, 2.0f * M_PI);
         float pan = abs(sin(phase)) * mix->getValue();
         for(int j = 0; j < numChannels; j++) {
             int index = j * numFrames + i;
             float initial = data[index];
             data[index] *= pan;
             data[index] += initial * (1.0f - mix->getValue());
Example #9
 void ITRAQLabeler::preCheck(Param& param) const
   // check for valid MS/MS method
   if (!ListUtils::contains(ListUtils::create<String>("disabled,precursor"), param.getValue("RawTandemSignal:status")))
     throw Exception::InvalidParameter(__FILE__, __LINE__, OPENMS_PRETTY_FUNCTION, "iTRAQ Labeling does not work with the chosen MS/MS type");
Example #10
  Param File::getSystemParameters()
    String filename = String(QDir::homePath()) + "/.OpenMS/OpenMS.ini";
    Param p;
    if (!File::readable(filename)) // create file
      p = getSystemParameterDefaults_();

      String dirname = String(QDir::homePath()) + "/.OpenMS";
      QDir dir(dirname.toQString());
      if (!dir.exists())
        if (!File::writable(dirname))
          LOG_WARN << "Warning: Cannot create folder '.OpenMS' in user home directory. Please check your environment!" << std::endl;
          LOG_WARN << "         Home directory determined is: " << QDir::homePath().toStdString() << "." << std::endl;
          return p;

      if (!File::writable(filename))
        LOG_WARN << "Warning: Cannot create '.OpenMS/OpenMS.ini' in user home directory. Please check your environment!" << std::endl;
        LOG_WARN << "         Home directory determined is: " << QDir::homePath().toStdString() << "." << std::endl;
        return p;

      ParamXMLFile paramFile;
      paramFile.store(filename, p);
      ParamXMLFile paramFile;
      paramFile.load(filename, p);

      // check version
      if (!p.exists("version") || (p.getValue("version") != VersionInfo::getVersion()))
        if (!p.exists("version"))
          LOG_WARN << "Broken file '" << filename << "' discovered. The 'version' tag is missing." << std::endl;
        else // old version
          LOG_WARN << "File '" << filename << "' is deprecated." << std::endl;
        LOG_WARN << "Updating missing/wrong entries in '" << filename << "' with defaults!" << std::endl;
        Param p_new = getSystemParameterDefaults_();
        p.setValue("version", VersionInfo::getVersion()); // update old version, such that p_new:version does not get overwritten during update()

        paramFile.store(filename, p_new);
    return p;
Example #11
  void updateTOPPAS(const String& infile, const String& outfile)
    Int this_instance = getIntOption_("instance");
    INIUpdater updater;
    String tmp_ini_file = File::getTempDirectory() + "/" + File::getUniqueName() + "_INIUpdater.ini";

    String path = File::getExecutablePath();

    ParamXMLFile paramFile;
    Param p;
    paramFile.load(infile, p);

    // get version of TOPPAS file
    String version = "Unknown";
    if (!p.exists("info:version"))
      writeLog_("No OpenMS version information found in file " + infile + "! Assuming OpenMS 1.8 and below.");
      version = "1.8.0";
      version = p.getValue("info:version");
      // TODO: return on newer version?!

    Int vertices = p.getValue("info:num_vertices");

    // update sections
    writeDebug_("#Vertices: " + String(vertices), 1);
    bool update_success = true;
    for (Int v = 0; v < vertices; ++v)
      String sec_inst = "vertices:" + String(v) + ":";
      // check for default instance
      if (!p.exists(sec_inst + "toppas_type"))
        writeLog_("Update for file " + infile + " failed because the vertex #" + String(v) + " does not have a 'toppas_type' node. Check INI file for corruption!");
        update_success = false;

      if (p.getValue(sec_inst + "toppas_type") != "tool") // not a tool (but input/output/merge node)

      if (!p.exists(sec_inst + "tool_name"))
        writeLog_("Update for file " + infile + " failed because the vertex #" + String(v) + " does not have a 'tool_name' node. Check INI file for corruption!");
        update_success = false;

      String old_name = p.getValue(sec_inst + "tool_name");
      String new_tool;
      String ttype;
      // find mapping to new tool (might be the same name)
      if (p.exists(sec_inst + "tool_type")) ttype = p.getValue(sec_inst + "tool_type");
      if (!updater.getNewToolName(old_name, ttype, new_tool))
        String type_text = ((ttype == "") ? "" : " with type '" + ttype + "' ");
        writeLog_("Update for file " + infile + " failed because the tool '" + old_name + "'" + type_text + "is unknown. TOPPAS file seems to be corrupted!");
        update_success = false;

      // set new tool name
      p.setValue(sec_inst + "tool_name", new_tool);
      // delete TOPPAS type
      if (new_tool != "GenericWrapper")
        p.setValue(sec_inst + "tool_type", "");

      // get defaults of new tool by calling it
      QProcess pr;
      QStringList arguments;
      arguments << "-write_ini";
      arguments << tmp_ini_file.toQString();
      arguments << "-instance";
      arguments << String(this_instance).toQString();
      pr.start((path + "/" + new_tool).toQString(), arguments);
      if (!pr.waitForFinished(-1))
        writeLog_("Update for file " + infile + " failed because the tool '" + new_tool + "' returned with an error! Check if the tool works properly.");
        update_success = false;

      // update defaults with old values
      Param new_param;
      paramFile.load(tmp_ini_file, new_param);
      new_param = new_param.copy(new_tool + ":1", true);
      Param old_param = p.copy(sec_inst + "parameters", true);
      // push back changes
      p.remove(sec_inst + "parameters:");
      p.insert(sec_inst + "parameters", new_param);

    if (!update_success)

    paramFile.store(tmp_ini_file, p);

    // update internal structure (e.g. edges format changed from 1.8 to 1.9)
    int argc = 1;
    const char* c = "IniUpdater";
    const char** argv = &c;

    QApplication app(argc, const_cast<char**>(argv), false);
    String tmp_dir = File::getTempDirectory() + "/" + File::getUniqueName();
    QDir d;
    TOPPASScene ts(nullptr, tmp_dir.toQString(), false);
    paramFile.store(tmp_ini_file, p);
    paramFile.load(tmp_ini_file, p);

    // STORE
    if (outfile.empty()) // create a backup
      QFileInfo fi(infile.toQString());
      String new_name = String(fi.path()) + "/" + fi.completeBaseName() + "_v" + version + ".toppas";
      QFile::rename(infile.toQString(), new_name.toQString());
      // write new file
      paramFile.store(infile, p);
      paramFile.store(outfile, p);
Example #12
	p2.setValue("test:b:b1", 47.1);
	p2.setValue("test2:a:a1", 47.1);
	p2.setValue("test2:b:b1", 47.1,"",ListUtils::create<String>("advanced"));

	Param p300;
	TEST_EXCEPTION(Exception::UnableToCreateFile, paramFile.store("/does/not/exist/FileDoesNotExist.xml",p300))

	String filename;
	Param p3;
	TEST_REAL_SIMILAR(float(p2.getValue("test:float")), float(p3.getValue("test:float")))
	TEST_EQUAL(p2.getValue("test:string"), p3.getValue("test:string"))
	TEST_EQUAL(p2.getValue("test:int"), p3.getValue("test:int"))
	TEST_REAL_SIMILAR(float(p2.getValue("test2:float")), float(p3.getValue("test2:float")))
	TEST_EQUAL(p2.getValue("test2:string"), p3.getValue("test2:string"))
	TEST_EQUAL(p2.getValue("test2:int"), p3.getValue("test2:int"))

	TEST_STRING_EQUAL(p2.getDescription("test:float"), p3.getDescription("test:float"))
	TEST_STRING_EQUAL(p2.getDescription("test:string"), p3.getDescription("test:string"))
	TEST_STRING_EQUAL(p2.getDescription("test:int"), p3.getDescription("test:int"))
Example #13
  String dirname = File::getTempDirectory() + "/" + File::getUniqueName() + "/";
  TEST_EQUAL(d.mkpath(dirname.toQString()), TRUE);
  _putenv_s("OPENMS_HOME_PATH", dirname.c_str());  
  setenv("OPENMS_HOME_PATH", dirname.c_str(), 0);  
  TEST_EQUAL(File::getUserDirectory(), dirname)
  // Note: this does not guarantee any more that the user directory or an
  // OpenMS.ini file exists at the new location.

START_SECTION(static Param getSystemParameters())
  Param p = File::getSystemParameters();
  TEST_EQUAL(p.size()>0, true)
  TEST_EQUAL(p.getValue("version"), VersionInfo::getVersion())

START_SECTION(static String findDatabase(const String &db_name))

  TEST_EXCEPTION(Exception::FileNotFound, File::findDatabase("filedoesnotexists"))
  String db = File::findDatabase("./CV/unimod.obo");
  TEST_EQUAL(db.hasSubstring("share/OpenMS"), true)


START_SECTION(static String findExecutable(const OpenMS::String& toolName))
	TEST_EXCEPTION(Exception::FileNotFound, File::findExecutable("executable_does_not_exist"))
	TEST_EQUAL(File::path(File::findExecutable("File_test")) + "/", File::getExecutablePath())

  TransformationDescription transformation;
  PoseClusteringShiftSuperimposer pcat;
	Param params;
#if 0 // switch this on for debugging
	pcat.run(input[0], input[1], transformation);

  TEST_STRING_EQUAL(transformation.getModelType(), "linear")
	params = transformation.getModelParameters();
	TEST_EQUAL(params.size(), 2)
  TEST_REAL_SIMILAR(params.getValue("slope"), 1.0)
  TEST_REAL_SIMILAR(params.getValue("intercept"), -20.4)


Example #15
  ExitCodes main_(int, const char**) override
    // parsing parameters
    String in = getStringOption_("in");
    String out = getStringOption_("out");

    PeptideIndexing indexer;
    Param param = getParam_().copy("", true);
    Param param_pi = indexer.getParameters();
    param_pi.update(param, false, Log_debug); // suppress param. update message
    String db_name = getStringOption_("fasta");
    if (!File::readable(db_name))
      String full_db_name;
        full_db_name = File::findDatabase(db_name);
      catch (...)
        return ILLEGAL_PARAMETERS;
      db_name = full_db_name;

    // reading input

    // we stream the Fasta file
    std::vector<ProteinIdentification> prot_ids;
    std::vector<PeptideIdentification> pep_ids;

    IdXMLFile idxmlfile;
    idxmlfile.load(in, prot_ids, pep_ids);

    // calculations

    FASTAContainer<TFI_File> proteins(db_name);
    PeptideIndexing::ExitCodes indexer_exit = indexer.run(proteins, prot_ids, pep_ids);
    // calculate protein coverage

    if (param.getValue("write_protein_sequence").toBool())
      for (Size i = 0; i < prot_ids.size(); ++i)
    // writing output
    idxmlfile.store(out, prot_ids, pep_ids);

    if (indexer_exit == PeptideIndexing::DATABASE_EMPTY)
      return INPUT_FILE_EMPTY;       
    else if (indexer_exit == PeptideIndexing::UNEXPECTED_RESULT)
    else if ((indexer_exit != PeptideIndexing::EXECUTION_OK) &&
             (indexer_exit != PeptideIndexing::PEPTIDE_IDS_EMPTY))
      return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
    return EXECUTION_OK;
Example #16

START_SECTION((Param parse(const StringList &setting)))
  StringList settings;
  settings.push_back("DEBUG add cout");
  settings.push_back("DEBUG add a.out");
  settings.push_back("INFO add a.out");
  settings.push_back("FATAL_ERROR add cerr");

  Param p = LogConfigHandler::getInstance().parse(settings);
  // p should contain a list of the above set commands  
  StringList parsedConfigs = static_cast<StringList>( p.getValue(LogConfigHandler::PARAM_NAME) );

  TEST_EQUAL(parsedConfigs[0] , "DEBUG add cout FILE")
  TEST_EQUAL(parsedConfigs[1] , "DEBUG add a.out FILE")
  TEST_EQUAL(parsedConfigs[2] , "INFO add a.out FILE")
  TEST_EQUAL(parsedConfigs[3] , "FATAL_ERROR add cerr FILE")
  StringList settings2;
  TEST_EXCEPTION(Exception::ParseError, LogConfigHandler::getInstance().parse(settings2));  

START_SECTION((void configure(const Param &param)))
Example #17
  void updateINI(const String& infile, const String& outfile)
    Int this_instance = getIntOption_("instance");
    INIUpdater updater;
    String tmp_ini_file = File::getTempDirectory() + "/" + File::getUniqueName() + "_INIUpdater.ini";

    String path = File::getExecutablePath();

    Param p;
    ParamXMLFile paramFile;
    paramFile.load(infile, p);
    // get sections (usually there is only one - or the user has merged INI files manually)
    StringList sections = updater.getToolNamesFromINI(p);

    if (sections.empty())
      writeLog_("Update for file " + infile + " failed because tool section does not exist. Check INI file for corruption!");

    // get version of first section
    String version_old = "Unknown";
    if (!p.exists(sections[0] + ":version"))
      writeLog_("No OpenMS version information found in file " + infile + "! Cannot update!");
      version_old = p.getValue(sections[0] + ":version");
      // TODO: return on newer version?!

    // update sections
    writeDebug_("Section names: " + ListUtils::concatenate(sections, ", "), 1);
    bool update_success = true;
    for (Size s = 0; s < sections.size(); ++s)
      String sec_inst = sections[s] + ":" + String(this_instance) + ":";
      // check for default instance
      if (!p.exists(sec_inst + "debug"))
        writeLog_("Update for file '" + infile + "' failed because the instance section '" + sec_inst + "' does not exist. Use -instance or check INI file for corruption!");
        update_success = false;
      String new_tool;
      String ttype;
      // find mapping to new tool (might be the same name)
      if (p.exists(sec_inst + "type")) ttype = p.getValue(sec_inst + "type");
      if (!updater.getNewToolName(sections[s], ttype, new_tool))
        String type_text = ((ttype == "") ? "" : " with type '" + ttype + "' ");
        writeLog_("Update for file '" + infile + "' failed because the tool '" + sections[s] + "'" + type_text + "is unknown. TOPPAS file seems to be corrupted!");
        update_success = false;
      // get defaults of new tool by calling it
      QProcess pr;
      QStringList arguments;
      arguments << "-write_ini";
      arguments << tmp_ini_file.toQString();
      arguments << "-instance";
      arguments << String(this_instance).toQString();
      pr.start((path + "/" + new_tool).toQString(), arguments);
      if (!pr.waitForFinished(-1))
        writeLog_("Update for file '" + infile + "' failed because the tool '" + new_tool + "' returned with an error! Check if the tool works properly.");
        update_success = false;

      // update defaults with old values
      Param new_param;
      paramFile.load(tmp_ini_file, new_param);
      new_param = new_param.copy(new_tool, true);
      Param old_param = p.copy(sections[s], true);
      // push back changes
      p.remove(sections[s] + ":");
      p.insert(new_tool, new_param);

    if (!update_success)

    // STORE
    if (outfile.empty()) // create a backup
      QFileInfo fi(infile.toQString());
      String backup_filename = String(fi.path()) + "/" + fi.completeBaseName() + "_v" + version_old + ".ini";
      QFile::rename(infile.toQString(), backup_filename.toQString());
      std::cout << "Backup of input file created: " << backup_filename << std::endl;
      // write updated/new file
      paramFile.store(infile, p);
      paramFile.store(outfile, p);
Example #18
  ExitCodes main_(int, const char **) override
    // find the config for the tool:
    String type = getStringOption_("type");

    Param tool_param = this->getParam_();

    // check required parameters (TOPPBase does not do this as we did not use registerInputFile_(...) etc)
    Param p = tool_param.copy("ETool:", true);
    for (Param::ParamIterator it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it)
      if ((it->tags).count("required") > 0)
        String in = it->value.toString().trim(); // will give '[]' for empty lists (hack, but DataValue class does not offer a convenient query)
        if (in.empty() || in == "[]") // any required parameter should have a value
          LOG_ERROR << "The INI-parameter 'ETool:" << it->name << "' is required, but was not given! Aborting ..." << std::endl;
          return wrapExit(CANNOT_WRITE_OUTPUT_FILE);
        else if ((it->tags).count("input file") > 0) // any required input file should exist
          StringList ifs;
          switch (it->value.valueType())
            case DataValue::STRING_VALUE:
            case DataValue::STRING_LIST:
              ifs = it->value;
              LOG_ERROR << "The INI-parameter 'ETool:" << it->name << "' is tagged as input file and thus must be a string! Aborting ...";
              return wrapExit(ILLEGAL_PARAMETERS);
          for (StringList::const_iterator itf = ifs.begin(); itf != ifs.end(); ++itf)
            if (!File::exists(*itf))
              LOG_ERROR << "Input file '" << *itf << "' does not exist! Aborting ...";
              return wrapExit(INPUT_FILE_NOT_FOUND);

    Internal::ToolDescription gw = ToolHandler::getTOPPToolList(true)[toolName_()];
    for (Size i = 0; i < gw.types.size(); ++i)
      if (type == gw.types[i])
        tde_ = gw.external_details[i];
        if (tde_.working_directory.trim() == "") tde_.working_directory = ".";

    LOG_INFO << tde_.text_startup << "\n";

    String command_args = tde_.commandline;
    // check for double spaces and warn
    if (command_args.hasSubstring("  "))
      LOG_WARN << "Command line contains double spaces, which is not allowed. Condensing...\n";
      while (command_args.hasSubstring("  "))
        command_args.substitute("  ", " ");
      LOG_WARN << "result: " << command_args << std::endl;

    writeDebug_("CommandLine from ttd (unprocessed): " + command_args, 1);

    // do "pre" moves (e.g. if the wrapped tool works on its data in-place (overwrites) it - we need to make a copy first
    // - we copy the file
    // - we set the value of the affected parameter to the copied tmp file, such that subsequent calls target the tmp file
    for (Size i = 0; i < tde_.tr_table.pre_moves.size(); ++i)
      const Internal::FileMapping & fm = tde_.tr_table.pre_moves[i];
      // find target param:
      Param p = tool_param.copy("ETool:", true);
      String target = fm.target;
      if (!p.exists(target)) throw Exception::InvalidValue(__FILE__, __LINE__, OPENMS_PRETTY_FUNCTION, "Cannot find target parameter '" + target + "' being mapped from external tools output!", target);
      String tmp_location = fm.location;
      // fragment's placeholder evaluation:

      createFragment_(tmp_location, p);

      // check if target already exists:
      String target_file = (String)p.getValue(target);
      if (File::exists(tmp_location))
        if (!File::remove(tmp_location))
          LOG_ERROR << "While writing a tmp file: Cannot remove conflicting file '" + tmp_location + "'. Check permissions! Aborting ...";
          return wrapExit(CANNOT_WRITE_OUTPUT_FILE);
      // create the temp file  tmp_location target_file
      writeDebug_(String("Copying '") + target_file + "' to '" + tmp_location + "'", 1);
      bool move_ok = QFile::copy(target_file.toQString(), tmp_location.toQString());
      if (!move_ok)
        LOG_ERROR << "Copying the target file '" + tmp_location + "' from '" + target_file + "' failed! Aborting ...";
        return wrapExit(CANNOT_WRITE_OUTPUT_FILE);
      // set the input file's value to the temp file
      tool_param.setValue(String("ETool:") + target, tmp_location);

    ///// construct the command line:
    std::map<int, std::string> mappings;  // remember the values for each mapping (for file_post substitution later on)
    // go through mappings (reverse because replacing %10 must come before %1):
    for (std::map<Int, String>::reverse_iterator it = tde_.tr_table.mapping.rbegin(); it != tde_.tr_table.mapping.rend(); ++it)
      //std::cout << "mapping #" << it->first << "\n";
      String fragment = it->second;
      // fragment's placeholder evaluation:
      createFragment_(fragment, tool_param.copy("ETool:", true));

      // replace fragment in cl
      //std::cout << "replace : " << "%"+String(it->first) << " with '" << fragment << "\n";
      command_args.substitute("%" + String(it->first), fragment);

      // cache mapping
      mappings[it->first] = fragment;

    QProcess builder;
    String call = tde_.path + " " + command_args;

    writeDebug_("call command: " + call, 1);


    if (!builder.waitForFinished(-1) || builder.exitStatus() != 0 || builder.exitCode() != 0)
      LOG_ERROR << ("External tool returned with exit code (" + String(builder.exitCode()) + "), exit status (" + String(builder.exitStatus()) + ") or timed out. Aborting ...\n");
      LOG_ERROR << ("External tool output:\n" + String(QString(builder.readAll())));
      return wrapExit(EXTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR);

    LOG_INFO << ("External tool output:\n" + String(QString(builder.readAll())));

    // post processing (file moving via 'file_post' command)
    for (Size i = 0; i < tde_.tr_table.post_moves.size(); ++i)
      const Internal::FileMapping & fm = tde_.tr_table.post_moves[i];
      // find target param:
      Param p = tool_param.copy("ETool:", true);
      String source_file = fm.location;
      // fragment's placeholder evaluation:
      createFragment_(source_file, p, mappings);
      // check if target already exists:
      String target = fm.target;
      if (!p.exists(target)) throw Exception::InvalidValue(__FILE__, __LINE__, OPENMS_PRETTY_FUNCTION, "Cannot find target parameter '" + target + "' being mapped from external tools output!", target);
      String target_file = (String)p.getValue(target);

      if (target_file.trim().empty())   // if target was not given, we skip the copying step (usually for optional parameters)
        LOG_INFO << "Parameter '" + target + "' not given. Skipping forwarding of files.\n";
      // check if the target exists already (should not; if yes, delete it before overwriting it)
      if (File::exists(target_file))
        if (!File::remove(target_file))
          LOG_ERROR << "Cannot remove conflicting file '" + target_file + "'. Check permissions! Aborting ..." << std::endl;
          return wrapExit(CANNOT_WRITE_OUTPUT_FILE);
      // move to target
      writeDebug_(String("<file_post>: moving '") + source_file + "' to '" + target_file + "'", 1);
      if (!File::exists(source_file))
        LOG_ERROR << "Moving the source file '" + source_file + "' during <file_post> failed, since it does not exist!\n"
                  << "Make sure the external program created the file and its filename is either\n"
                  << "unique or you only run one GenericWrapper at a time to avoid overwriting of files!\n"
                  << "Ideally, (if the external program allows to specify output filenames directly) avoid <file_post>\n"
                  << "in the TTD and request the output file directly. Aborting ..." << std::endl;
        return wrapExit(CANNOT_WRITE_OUTPUT_FILE);
      bool move_ok = QFile::rename(source_file.toQString(), target_file.toQString());
      if (!move_ok)
        LOG_ERROR << "Moving the target file '" + target_file + "' from '" + source_file + "' failed!\n"
                  << "This file exists, but is either currently open for writing or otherwise blocked (concurrent process?). Aborting ..." << std::endl;
        return wrapExit(CANNOT_WRITE_OUTPUT_FILE);

    LOG_INFO << tde_.text_finish << "\n";

    return wrapExit(EXECUTION_OK);
Example #19
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
  // list of all the valid options
  Map<String, String> valid_options, valid_flags, option_lists;
  valid_flags["--help"] = "help";
  valid_flags["--debug"] = "debug";
  valid_options["-ini"] = "ini";
  // invalid, but keep for now in order to inform users where to find this functionality now
  valid_options["-execute"] = "execute";
  valid_options["-out_dir"] = "out_dir";

  Param param;
  param.parseCommandLine(argc, argv, valid_options, valid_flags, option_lists);

  // '--help' given
  if (param.exists("help"))
    return 0;

  // '-debug' given
  if (param.exists("debug"))
    LOG_INFO << "Debug flag provided. Enabling 'LOG_DEBUG' ..." << std::endl;
    Log_debug.insert(cout); // allows to use LOG_DEBUG << "something" << std::endl;

  // test if unknown options were given
  if (param.exists("unknown"))
    // if TOPPAS is packed as Mac OS X bundle it will get a -psn_.. parameter by default from the OS
    // if this is the only unknown option it will be ignored .. maybe this should be solved directly
    // in Param.h
    if (!(param.getValue("unknown").toString().hasSubstring("-psn") && !param.getValue("unknown").toString().hasSubstring(", ")))
      LOG_ERROR << "Unknown option(s) '" << param.getValue("unknown").toString() << "' given. Aborting!" << endl;
      return 1;


    if (param.exists("execute") || param.exists("out_dir"))
      LOG_ERROR << "The parameters '-execute' and '-out_dir' are not valid anymore. This functionality has been moved to the ExecutePipeline tool." << endl;
      return 1;

    QApplicationTOPP a(argc, const_cast<char**>(argv));
    a.connect(&a, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &a, SLOT(quit()));

    TOPPASBase* mw = new TOPPASBase();

    a.connect(&a, SIGNAL(fileOpen(QString)), mw, SLOT(openToppasFile(QString)));

    // Create the splashscreen that is displayed while the application loads (version is drawn dynamically)
    QPixmap qpm(":/TOPPAS_Splashscreen.png");
    QPainter pt_ver(&qpm);
    pt_ver.setFont(QFont("Helvetica [Cronyx]", 15, 2, true));
    pt_ver.setPen(QColor(44, 50, 152));
    pt_ver.drawText(490, 84, VersionInfo::getVersion().toQString());
    QSplashScreen* splash_screen = new QSplashScreen(qpm);
    StopWatch stop_watch;

    if (param.exists("ini"))

    if (param.exists("misc"))
      mw->loadFiles(param.getValue("misc"), splash_screen);
    else // remember this new window as obsolete once a real workflow is loaded without this window being touched
    {    // if this is not desired, simply call newPipeline() without arguments

    // We are about to show the application.
    // Proper time to  remove the splash screen, if at least 1.5 seconds have passed...
    while (stop_watch.getClockTime() < 1.5) /*wait*/
    delete splash_screen;

    FreeConsole(); // get rid of console window at this point (we will not see any console output from this point on)
    AttachConsole(-1); // if the parent is a console, reattach to it - so we can see debug output - a normal user will usually not use cmd.exe to start a GUI)

    int result = a.exec();
    return result;
  //######################## ERROR HANDLING #################################
  catch (Exception::UnableToCreateFile& e)
    cout << String("Error: Unable to write file (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;
  catch (Exception::FileNotFound& e)
    cout << String("Error: File not found (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;
  catch (Exception::FileNotReadable& e)
    cout << String("Error: File not readable (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;
  catch (Exception::FileEmpty& e)
    cout << String("Error: File empty (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;
  catch (Exception::ParseError& e)
    cout << String("Error: Unable to read file (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;
  catch (Exception::InvalidValue& e)
    cout << String("Error: Invalid value (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;
  catch (Exception::BaseException& e)
    cout << String("Error: Unexpected error (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;

  return 1;
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
#if  defined(__APPLE__)
  // we do not want to load plugins as this leads to serious problems
  // when shipping on mac os x

  // ensure correct encoding of paths

  Map<String, String> option_lists;
  Map<String, String> options;
  options["-print"] = "print";
  Map<String, String> flags;
  flags["--help"] = "help";
  Param param;
  param.parseCommandLine(argc, argv, options, flags, option_lists);

  //catch command line errors
  if (param.exists("help") //help requested
     || argc > 3 //too many arguments
     || (argc == 3 && !param.exists("print")) //three argument but no -print
     || (param.exists("print") && param.getValue("print") == "") //-print but no file given
    cerr << endl
         << "INIFileEditor -- An editor for OpenMS configuration files." << endl
         << endl
         << "Usage:" << endl
         << " INIFileEditor [options] [file]" << endl
         << endl
         << "Options are:" << endl
         << " --help         Shows this help and exits" << endl
         << " -print <file>  Prints the content of the file to the command line and exits" << endl
         << endl;
    return 0;

  //print a ini file as text
  if (param.exists("print"))
    Param data;
    ParamXMLFile paramFile;
      paramFile.load(param.getValue("print"), data);
      for (Param::ParamIterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it)
        cout << it.getName() << " = " << it->value << endl;
    catch (Exception::BaseException& e)
      LOG_ERROR << "Error while parsing file '" << param.getValue("print") << "'\n";
      LOG_ERROR << e << "\n";

    return 0;

  //Create window
  QApplicationTOPP app(argc, const_cast<char**>(argv));

  //set plastique style unless windows / mac style is available
  if (QStyleFactory::keys().contains("windowsxp", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
  else if (QStyleFactory::keys().contains("macintosh", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
  else if (QStyleFactory::keys().contains("plastique", Qt::CaseInsensitive))

  INIFileEditorWindow editor_window;

  //Open passed file
  if (argc == 2)
    //cout << "OPEN: "  << argv[1] << endl;

  FreeConsole(); // get rid of console window at this point (we will not see any console output from this point on)
  AttachConsole(-1); // if the parent is a console, reattach to it - so we can see debug output - a normal user will usually not use cmd.exe to start a GUI)

  return app.exec();

START_SECTION((Param parse(const StringList &setting)))
  StringList settings;
  settings.push_back("DEBUG add cout");
  settings.push_back("DEBUG add a.out");
  settings.push_back("INFO add a.out");
  settings.push_back("FATAL_ERROR add cerr");

  Param p = LogConfigHandler::getInstance().parse(settings);

  // p should contain a list of the above set commands
  StringList parsedConfigs = p.getValue(LogConfigHandler::PARAM_NAME);

  TEST_EQUAL(parsedConfigs[0] , "DEBUG add cout FILE")
  TEST_EQUAL(parsedConfigs[1] , "DEBUG add a.out FILE")
  TEST_EQUAL(parsedConfigs[2] , "INFO add a.out FILE")
  TEST_EQUAL(parsedConfigs[3] , "FATAL_ERROR add cerr FILE")

  StringList settings2;

  TEST_EXCEPTION(Exception::ParseError, LogConfigHandler::getInstance().parse(settings2));

START_SECTION((void configure(const Param &param)))
  ExitCodes main_(int, const char **)
    // find the config for the tool:
    String type = getStringOption_("type");

    Param tool_param = this->getParam_();

    // check required parameters (TOPPBase does not do this as we did not use registerInputFile_(...) etc)
    Param p = tool_param.copy("ETool:", true);
    for (Param::ParamIterator it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it)
      if ((it->tags).count("required") > 0)
        if (it->value.toString().trim().empty())    // any required parameter should have a value
          LOG_ERROR << "The INI-parameter '" + it->name + "' is required, but was not given! Aborting ...";
          return wrapExit(CANNOT_WRITE_OUTPUT_FILE);
        else if ((it->tags).count("input file") > 0) // any required input file should exist
          if (!File::exists(it->value))
            LOG_ERROR << "Input file '" + String(it->value) + "' does not exist! Aborting ...";
            return wrapExit(INPUT_FILE_NOT_FOUND);

    Internal::ToolDescription gw = ToolHandler::getTOPPToolList(true)[toolName_()];
    for (Size i = 0; i < gw.types.size(); ++i)
      if (type == gw.types[i])
        tde_ = gw.external_details[i];
        if (tde_.working_directory.trim() == "") tde_.working_directory = ".";

    LOG_INFO << tde_.text_startup << "\n";

    String command_args = tde_.commandline;
    // check for double spaces and warn
    if (command_args.hasSubstring("  "))
      LOG_WARN << "Commandline contains double spaces, which is not allowed. Condensing...\n";
      while (command_args.hasSubstring("  "))
        command_args.substitute("  ", " ");
      LOG_WARN << "result: " << command_args << std::endl;

    writeDebug_("CommandLine from ttd (unprocessed): " + command_args, 1);

    // do "pre" moves (e.g. if the wrapped tool works on its data in-place (overwrites) it - we need to make a copy first
    // - we copy the file
    // - we set the value of the affected parameter to the copied tmp file, such that subsequent calls target the tmp file
    for (Size i = 0; i < tde_.tr_table.pre_moves.size(); ++i)
      const Internal::FileMapping & fm = tde_.tr_table.pre_moves[i];
      // find target param:
      Param p = tool_param.copy("ETool:", true);
      String target = fm.target;
      if (!p.exists(target)) throw Exception::InvalidValue(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Cannot find target parameter '" + target + "' being mapped from external tools output!", target);
      String tmp_location = fm.location;
      // fragment's placeholder evaluation:

      createFragment_(tmp_location, p);

      // check if target already exists:
      String target_file = (String)p.getValue(target);
      if (File::exists(tmp_location))
        if (!File::remove(tmp_location))
          LOG_ERROR << "While writing a tmp file: Cannot remove conflicting file '" + tmp_location + "'. Check permissions! Aborting ...";
          return wrapExit(CANNOT_WRITE_OUTPUT_FILE);
      // create the temp file  tmp_location target_file
      writeDebug_(String("Copying '") + target_file + "' to '" + tmp_location + "'", 1);
      bool move_ok = QFile::copy(target_file.toQString(), tmp_location.toQString());
      if (!move_ok)
        LOG_ERROR << "Copying the target file '" + tmp_location + "' from '" + target_file + "' failed! Aborting ...";
        return wrapExit(CANNOT_WRITE_OUTPUT_FILE);
      // set the input file's value to the temp file
      tool_param.setValue(String("ETool:") + target, tmp_location);

    ///// construct the command line:
    // go through mappings (reverse because replacing %10 must come before %1):
    for (std::map<Int, String>::reverse_iterator it = tde_.tr_table.mapping.rbegin(); it != tde_.tr_table.mapping.rend(); ++it)
      //std::cout << "mapping #" << it->first << "\n";
      String fragment = it->second;
      // fragment's placeholder evaluation:
      createFragment_(fragment, tool_param.copy("ETool:", true));

      // replace fragment in cl
      //std::cout << "replace : " << "%"+String(it->first) << " with '" << fragment << "\n";
      command_args.substitute("%" + String(it->first), fragment);

    QProcess builder;
    String call = tde_.path + " " + command_args;

    writeDebug_("call command: " + call, 1);


    if (!builder.waitForFinished(-1) || builder.exitStatus() != 0 || builder.exitCode() != 0)
      LOG_ERROR << ("External tool returned with non-zero exit code (" + String(builder.exitCode()) + "), exit status (" + String(builder.exitStatus()) + ") or timed out. Aborting ...\n");
      LOG_ERROR << ("External tool output:\n" + String(QString(builder.readAll())));
      return wrapExit(EXTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR);

    LOG_INFO << ("External tool output:\n" + String(QString(builder.readAll())));

    // post processing (file moving via 'file' command)
    for (Size i = 0; i < tde_.tr_table.post_moves.size(); ++i)
      const Internal::FileMapping & fm = tde_.tr_table.post_moves[i];
      // find target param:
      Param p = tool_param.copy("ETool:", true);
      String target = fm.target;
      if (!p.exists(target)) throw Exception::InvalidValue(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Cannot find target parameter '" + target + "' being mapped from external tools output!", target);
      String source = fm.location;
      // fragment's placeholder evaluation:
      createFragment_(source, p);
      // check if target already exists:
      String target_file = (String)p.getValue(target);

      if (target_file.trim().empty())   // if target was not given, we skip the copying step (usually for optional parameters)
        LOG_INFO << "Parameter '" + target + "' not given. Skipping forwarding of files.\n";
      if (File::exists(target_file))
        if (!File::remove(target_file))
          LOG_ERROR << "Cannot remove conflicting file '" + target_file + "'. Check permissions! Aborting ..." << std::endl;
          return wrapExit(CANNOT_WRITE_OUTPUT_FILE);
      // move to target
      writeDebug_(String("moving '") + source + "' to '" + target_file + "'", 1);
      bool move_ok = QFile::rename(source.toQString(), target_file.toQString());
      if (!move_ok)
        LOG_ERROR << "Moving the target file '" + target_file + "' from '" + source + "' failed! Aborting ..." << std::endl;
        return wrapExit(CANNOT_WRITE_OUTPUT_FILE);

    LOG_INFO << tde_.text_finish << "\n";

    return wrapExit(EXECUTION_OK);
Example #23
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
  //list of all the valid options
  Map<String, String> valid_options, valid_flags, option_lists;
  valid_flags["--help"] = "help";
  valid_options["-ini"] = "ini";

  Param param;
  param.parseCommandLine(argc, argv, valid_options, valid_flags, option_lists);

  // '--help' given
  if (param.exists("help"))
    return 0;

  // test if unknown options were given
  if (param.exists("unknown"))
    // if TOPPView is packed as Mac OS X bundle it will get a -psn_.. parameter by default from the OS
    // if this is the only unknown option it will be ignored .. maybe this should be solved directly
    // in Param.h
    if (!(param.getValue("unknown").toString().hasSubstring("-psn") && !param.getValue("unknown").toString().hasSubstring(", ")))
      cout << "Unknown option(s) '" << param.getValue("unknown").toString() << "' given. Aborting!" << endl;
      return 1;

    QApplicationTOPP a(argc, const_cast<char**>(argv));
    a.connect(&a, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &a, SLOT(quit()));

    TOPPViewBase* mw = new TOPPViewBase();
    a.connect(&a, SIGNAL(fileOpen(QString)), mw, SLOT(loadFile(QString)));

    // Create the splashscreen that is displayed while the application loads
    QSplashScreen* splash_screen = new QSplashScreen(QPixmap(":/TOPPView_Splashscreen.png"));
    splash_screen->showMessage("Loading parameters");
    StopWatch stop_watch;

    if (param.exists("ini"))

    //load command line files
    if (param.exists("misc"))
      mw->loadFiles(param.getValue("misc"), splash_screen);

    // We are about to show the application.
    // Proper time to  remove the splashscreen, if at least 1.5 seconds have passed...
    while (stop_watch.getClockTime() < 1.5) /*wait*/
    delete splash_screen;

    FreeConsole(); // get rid of console window at this point (we will not see any console output from this point on)
    AttachConsole(-1); // if the parent is a console, reattach to it - so we can see debug output - a normal user will usually not use cmd.exe to start a GUI)

    int result = a.exec();
    return result;
  //######################## ERROR HANDLING #################################
  catch (Exception::UnableToCreateFile& e)
    cout << String("Error: Unable to write file (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;
  catch (Exception::FileNotFound& e)
    cout << String("Error: File not found (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;
  catch (Exception::FileNotReadable& e)
    cout << String("Error: File not readable (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;
  catch (Exception::FileEmpty& e)
    cout << String("Error: File empty (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;
  catch (Exception::ParseError& e)
    cout << String("Error: Unable to read file (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;
  catch (Exception::InvalidValue& e)
    cout << String("Error: Invalid value (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;
  catch (Exception::BaseException& e)
    cout << String("Error: Unexpected error (") << e.what() << ")" << endl << "Code location: " << e.getFile() << ":" << e.getLine() << endl;

  return 1;
  void FeatureFinderAlgorithmSHCtrl::initParams(Param param)

    // MS1 data centroid data
    // Key: ms1:data_is_centroided_already
    // 1 == data is centroided already
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->centroidDataModus_ = !(param.getValue("centroiding:active").toBool());

     //def->search_tag("Precursor detection scan levels", &vInt);
     // Key: ms1:precursor_detection_scan_levels

     IntList list = (IntList)(param.getValue("ms1:precursor_detection_scan_levels"));
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)

     //def->search_tag("Fragment Mass Scan levels", &vInt);

     //def->search_tag("MS1 max inter scan distance", &INT);
     // Key: ms1:max_inter_scan_distance
     FTPeakDetecMzXmlReader::MS1_base_inter_scan_distance = param.getValue("ms1:max_inter_scan_distance");

    //def->search_tag("MS1 LC retention time resolution", &DB);
    // Key: ms1:tr_resolution
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->ms1TRResolution_ = param.getValue("ms1:tr_resolution");      //0.01;

    // Key: ms1:intensity_threshold
    // float thresh = 1000;
    // def->search_tag("FT peak detect MS1 intensity min threshold", &DB);
    //    LCMSCData::intensity_min_threshold = param.getValue("ms1:intensity_threshold");;

    // NOTE: Was hardcoded to 1000, however:
    //    - def->search_tag("FT peak detect MS2 intensity min threshold", &INTENSITY_THRESHOLD);
    //    - but the above is probably something different
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->intensityThreshold_ = param.getValue("ms1:intensity_threshold");

    // MS1 max inter scan distance
    // Key: ms1:max_inter_scan_rt_distance
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->maxInterScanRetentionTimeDistance_ = param.getValue(
      "ms1:max_inter_scan_rt_distance");              // 0.1;

    // def->search_tag("FT peak detect MS1 min nb peak members", &min_nb_cluster_members);
    // Key: ms1:min_nb_cluster_members
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->minNbClusterMembers_ = param.getValue("ms1:min_nb_cluster_members");     // 4

    //def->search_tag("Detectable isotope factor",&DB);
    // Key: ms1:detectable_isotope_factor
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->detectableIsotopeFactor_ = param.getValue("ms1:detectable_isotope_factor");     // 0.05;

    // def->search_tag("IntensityCV",&DB);
    // Key: ms1:intensity_cv
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->intensityCV_ = param.getValue("ms1:intensity_cv");     // 0.9;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // from void FT_PEAK_DETECT_initializer::init_all(){
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    //def->search_tag("Centroid window width",&INT);
    // Key: centroiding:window_width
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->centroidWindowWidth_ = param.getValue("centroiding:window_width");     // 5;

    //def->search_tag("Absolute isotope mass precision",&DB);
    // Key: centroiding:absolute_isotope_mass_precision
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->massTolDa_ = param.getValue("centroiding:absolute_isotope_mass_precision");     // 0.01;

    //def->search_tag("Relative isotope mass precision",&DB);
    // Key: centroiding:relative_isotope_mass_precision
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->massTolPpm_ = param.getValue("centroiding:relative_isotope_mass_precision");     // 10;

    //def->search_tag("Minimal peak height",&DB);
    // Key: centroiding:minimal_peak_height
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->minIntensity_ = param.getValue("centroiding:minimal_peak_height");     // 0.0;

    //def->search_tag("Min. Centroid MS Signal Intensity",&DB);
    // Key: centroiding:min_ms_signal_intensity
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->intensityFloor_ = param.getValue("centroiding:min_ms_signal_intensity");     // 50; //in config its 50, but in CentroidData it's 1;

     //def->search_tag("Report mono peaks",&INT);
     // NO OpenMS equivalent
     FTPeakDetecMzXmlReader::sfReportMonoPeaks = 0;

     //def->search_tag("Report scan number",&INT);
     // NO OpenMS equivalent
     FTPeakDetecMzXmlReader::sfReportScanNumber = 0;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // aus initializer
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // feature parameters:
    //def->search_tag("MS1 retention time tolerance", &TMP);
    // Key: ms1:retention_time_tolerance
    // Unit: min
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->trTol_ = param.getValue("ms1:retention_time_tolerance");     // 0.5;

    //  def->search_tag("MS1 m/z tolerance", &TMP);
    // Key: ms1:mz_tolerance
    // Unit: ppm
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->mzTolPpm_ = param.getValue("ms1:mz_tolerance");     // 0.0;
    // ConsensusIsotopePattern::FT_MZ_TOLERANCE = SHFeature::PPM_MZ_TOL;

    // MS2_M2_matcher parameters:
    //def->search_tag("MS2 mass matching modus", &TMP_B);
    // Key: general:ms2_mass_matching_modus
    // Unit: define which modus used to match ms2 assignments to ms1 peaks
    //                      - theoretical mass [1]  : use theoretical mass calculated from sequence
    //                      - MS1 precursor mass [0]: use measured ms1 mass of precursor ion
    // MS2Info::THEO_MATCH_MODUS = 1;

    // MS2 matching PPM parameters:
    //def->search_tag("MS2 PPM m/z tolerance", &TMP);
    // Key: general:ms2_ppm_mz_tolerance
    // Unit: ppm
    // MS2Info::MS2_MZ_PPM_TOLERANCE = 30;

    // MS2 retention time tolerance:
    //def->search_tag("MS2 retention time tolerance", &TMP);
    // Key: general:ms2_retention_time_tolerance
    // Unit: retention time tolerance with which MS2 identifications will be associated
    // to a defined MS1 LC elution peak [min]
    // (if set to -1, then the MS1 retention time tolerance will be used
    //if( TMP > 0 ){
    //  MS2Info::MS2_TR_TOL = TMP;
    // MS2Info::MS2_TR_TOL = SHFeature::TR_TOL;

    //  def->search_tag("Peptide Prophet Threshold", &TMP);
    // Key: general:peptide_prophet_threshold
    // only MS2 related
    //double d = param.getValue("general:peptide_prophet_threshold"); // 0.9;

    // double d = 0.9;
    // ------ peptide_DELTA_group::PEPTIDE_PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD = d;
    // PKUNSZT: commented out: the default is 0.9 already.
    // SuperHirnParameters::instance()->peptideProbabilityThreshold_ = d;
    // ------ interact_parser::PEPTIDE_PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD = d;

    //def->search_tag("Create monoisotopic LC profile", &TMP_B);
    // ------- LCMSDataImporter::CREATE_FEATURE_ELUTION_PROFILES = 1;
    // FTPeakDetectController::CREATE_FEATURE_ELUTION_PROFILES = 1;
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->createFeatureElutionProfiles_ = true;
    // ------- LC_MS_XML_writer::STORE_FEATURE_ELUTION_PROFILES = 1;

    // Parameters for the peak merging:
    //def->search_tag("Activation of MS1 feature merging post processing", &TMP_B);
    // Key: ms1_feature_merger:active
// MS1FeatureMerger::MS1_FEATURE_CLUSTERING = param.getValue("ms1_feature_merger:active").toBool(); //1;
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->ms1FeatureClustering_ = param.getValue("ms1_feature_merger:active").toBool();     //1;

    //def->search_tag("MS1 LC retention time resolution", &TMP); // belongs to MS1 PEAK DETECTION PARAMETERS FOR THE DIFFERENT FILTER METHODS:
    // Key: ms1_feature_merger:tr_resolution
// MS1FeatureMerger::MS1_PEAK_AREA_TR_RESOLUTION = param.getValue("ms1_feature_merger:tr_resolution"); //0.01;
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->ms1PeakAreaTrResolution_ = param.getValue("ms1_feature_merger:tr_resolution");     //0.01;

    //def->search_tag("Initial Apex Tr tolerance", &TMP);
    // Key: ms1_feature_merger:initial_apex_tr_tolerance
// MS1FeatureMerger::INITIAL_TR_TOLERANCE = param.getValue("ms1_feature_merger:initial_apex_tr_tolerance"); //5.0;
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->initialTrTolerance_ = param.getValue(
      "ms1_feature_merger:initial_apex_tr_tolerance");           //5.0;

    //def->search_tag("MS1 feature Tr merging tolerance", &TMP);
    // Key: ms1_feature_merger:feature_merging_tr_tolerance
// MS1FeatureMerger::MS1_FEATURE_MERGING_TR_TOLERANCE = param.getValue(
// "ms1_feature_merger:feature_merging_tr_tolerance"); //1.0;
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->ms1FeatureMergingTrTolerance_ = param.getValue(
      "ms1_feature_merger:feature_merging_tr_tolerance");           //1.0;

    //def->search_tag("Percentage of intensity variation between LC border peaks", &TMP);
    // Key: ms1_feature_merger:intensity_variation_percentage
// "ms1_feature_merger:intensity_variation_percentage"); //25;
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->percentageIntensityElutionBorderVariation_ = param.getValue(
      "ms1_feature_merger:intensity_variation_percentage");           //25;

    //def->search_tag("PPM value for the m/z clustering of merging candidates", &TMP);
    // Key: ms1_feature_merger:ppm_tolerance_for_mz_clustering
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->ppmToleranceForMZClustering_ = param.getValue(
      "ms1_feature_merger:ppm_tolerance_for_mz_clustering");           //10;

    // what information is extracted from the LC/MS or mastermap:
    //  def->search_tag("start elution window", &TMP);
    // Key: ms1_feature_selection_options:start_elution_window
    // Unit: min
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->minTR_ = param.getValue("ms1_feature_selection_options:start_elution_window");     //0;

    //  def->search_tag("end elution window", &TMP);
    // Key: ms1_feature_selection_options:end_elution_window
    // Unit: min
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->maxTR_ = param.getValue("ms1_feature_selection_options:end_elution_window");     //180;

    //def->search_tag("MS1 feature mz range min", &TMP);
    // Key: ms1_feature_selection_options:mz_range_min
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->minFeatureMZ_ = param.getValue("ms1_feature_selection_options:mz_range_min");     //0;

    //def->search_tag("MS1 feature mz range max", &TMP );
    // Key: ms1_feature_selection_options:mz_range_max
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->maxFeatureMZ_ = param.getValue("ms1_feature_selection_options:mz_range_max");     //2000;

    //def->search_tag("MS1 feature CHRG range min", &TMP_I );
    // Key: ms1_feature_selection_options:chrg_range_min
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->minFeatureChrg_ = param.getValue("ms1_feature_selection_options:chrg_range_min");     //1;
    //Deisotoper::sfMinCharge = param.getValue("ms1_feature_selection_options:chrg_range_min"); //1;

    //def->search_tag("MS1 feature CHRG range max", &TMP_I );
    // Key: ms1_feature_selection_options:chrg_range_max
    SuperHirnParameters::instance()->maxFeatureChrg_ = param.getValue("ms1_feature_selection_options:chrg_range_max");     //5;
    //Deisotoper::sfMaxCharge = param.getValue("ms1_feature_selection_options:chrg_range_max"); //5;

    // what and how data is stored during superhirn processing:
    // ms2 information of a feature:
    // only the best ms2 info / feature stored:
    //def->search_tag("progress all low probability ms2 info in MS1 feature", &TMP_B);