Example #1
FeatureMatcher::FeatureMatcher(cv::Mat& sourceImage, cv::Mat& targetImage, PointCloudPtr& sourceCloud, PointCloudPtr& targetCloud) {
    ParameterReader paramReader;
    paramReader.get("descriptor_matches", matcherType_);

    sourceCloudPtr_ = sourceCloud;
    targetCloudPtr_ = targetCloud;
    sourceImage_ = sourceImage;
    targetImage_  = targetImage;

Example #2
FeatureMatcher::FeatureMatcher() {
   ParameterReader paramReader;
   paramReader.get("descriptor_matches", matcherType_);
Example #3
int FeatureMatcher::outlierRemoval( std::vector<cv::DMatch>& rawMatches, std::vector< cv::DMatch >& goodMatches) {

    ParameterReader paramReader;
    int ransac, minInliers;
    paramReader.get ("RANSAC", ransac);
    paramReader.get ("minimum_inliers", minInliers);

    if (ransac) {

        RansacTransformation ransacTransForm;
        Eigen::Matrix4f resTransForm;
        float rmse =  0.0;

        //print3DMatch (sourceFeatureLocation3f_, targetFeatureLocation3f_);
        ransacTransForm.getRelativeTransformationTo(sourceFeatureLocation3f_, targetFeatureLocation3f_, &rawMatches, resTransForm, rmse, goodMatches, minInliers );
      //  Eigen::Quaterniond q (resTransForm.block <3,3>(0, 0) );
        Eigen::Vector3f tran;
        tran  = resTransForm.block<3, 1>(0, 3);
        tran (0) = resTransForm(3,0);
        tran (1) = resTransForm(3,1);
        tran (2) = resTransForm(3,2);

        Eigen::Matrix3d rotMax = resTransForm.block<3 ,3 > (0, 0).cast<double> ();
        //Eigen::Matrix3d rotMaxd = rotMaxf.cast<>
        Eigen::Quaterniond q(rotMax);

        std::cout << "T : " << tran(0) << ", " << tran(1) << ", " << tran(2)   << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Q: " << q.w() << ", " << q.x() << ", " << q.y() << ", "<< q.z() << std::endl;
        Eigen::Affine3d aff;

    } else {

        // Outlier detection
        double max_dist = 0;
        double min_dist = 100;

        //-- Quick calculation of max and min distances between keypoints
        for (uint i = 0; i < rawMatches.size (); i++)
            double dist = rawMatches[i].distance;
            if (dist < min_dist)
                min_dist = dist;
            if (dist > max_dist)
                max_dist = dist;

        printf ("-- Max dist : %f \n", max_dist);
        printf ("-- Min dist : %f \n", min_dist);

        //-- Find only "good" matches (i.e. whose distance is less than 2*min_dist )
        //-- PS.- radiusMatch can also be used here.
        for (uint i = 0; i < rawMatches.size (); i++)
            if (rawMatches[i].distance < 4 * min_dist)
                goodMatches.push_back (rawMatches[i]);

        for (uint i = 0; i < goodMatches.size (); i++)
            printf ("-- Good Match [%d] Keypoint 1: %d  -- Keypoint 2: %d  \n", i,
                goodMatches[i].queryIdx, goodMatches[i].trainIdx);


    return 0;
void NucleusGridFunction::
readParameterFile( ParameterReader &params )
  // nucleus type=none, file, box, sphere
  // nucleus file= <file.cwn>
  // nucleus corners= x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1
  // nucleus center= x0 y0 z0
  // nucleus radius= r0
  // nucleus boundary thickness= t0

  const std::string keyBoundaryThickness="nucleus boundary thickness";
  double thickness;
  params.get( "nucleus boundary thickness", thickness, -1. );
  if ( thickness>=0. ) nucleusBoundaryThickness=thickness;

  typedef boost::tokenizer<>::iterator TokIterator;
  typedef std::vector<double>          DoubleVector;

  bool noNucleus=false;
  std::string nucleusType;
  params.get( "nucleus type", nucleusType, "");
  if ( (nucleusType == "box" )   || (nucleusType == "cubic")) {
    Nucleus::NucleusShape nucleusShape=Nucleus::BoxNucleus;
    std::string doubleList="";
    params.get("nucleus corners",  doubleList ); 
    DPrintf(DebugSolver,"..NucleusGridFunction: nucleus type=box.\n");
    DPrintf(DebugSolver,"....  nucleus corners = '%s'\n", doubleList.c_str());

    boost::tokenizer<> tok(doubleList);
    DoubleVector       corners;

    DPrintf(DebugSolver,"    corners are = ");
    for (TokIterator it=tok.begin(); it!=tok.end(); ++it) {
      double q;
      sscanf(it->c_str(), "%lf", &q);
      DPrintf(DebugSolver," %lf ", q);
      corners.push_back( q );
    //..create the nucleic info
    if( corners.size() >5 ) { 
      Nucleus thisNuc;
      thisNuc.setBoundaryThickness( nucleusBoundaryThickness );
      thisNuc.setCorners(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2],
			 corners[3], corners[4], corners[5]);
      thisNuc.setShape( nucleusShape );

      nucleus.push_back( thisNuc );
  else if ( (nucleusType == "sphere") || ( nucleusType == "spherical")) {
    Nucleus::NucleusShape nucleusShape=Nucleus::SphericalNucleus;
    double radius;
    params.get("nucleus radius",radius, 20.);
    std::string doubleList="";
    params.get("nucleus center",  doubleList ); 
    DPrintf(DebugSolver,"..NucleusGridFunction: nucleus type=sphere not supported yet:\n");
    DPrintf(DebugSolver,"..  nucleus center = '%s'\n", doubleList.c_str());

    boost::tokenizer<> tok(doubleList);
    DoubleVector       center;

    DPrintf(DebugSolver,"    center is = ");
    for (TokIterator it=tok.begin(); it!=tok.end(); ++it) {
      double q;
      sscanf(it->c_str(), "%lf", &q);
      DPrintf(DebugSolver," %lf ", q);
      center.push_back( q );
    //..create the nucleic info
    double x0=0., y0=0., z0=0.;
    if( center.size() >1) {
    if( center.size()>2) {

    Nucleus thisNuc;
    thisNuc.setBoundaryThickness( nucleusBoundaryThickness );
    thisNuc.setCenter( x0, y0, z0);
    thisNuc.setRadius( radius);
    thisNuc.setShape( nucleusShape );
    nucleus.push_back( thisNuc );

  else if ( nucleusType == "file" ) {
    std::string nucleusFileName="";
    params.get("nucleus file",nucleusFileName);
    DPrintf(DebugSolver,"nuclei read in from file='%s'\n", nucleusFileName.c_str());
    readCellNucleusFile( nucleusFileName );
  else { // all other options mean--> no nucleus
Example #5
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 3) {
        return -1;

    int startIndex = std::atoi(argv[1]);
    int endIndex = std::atoi(argv[2]);
    int startIndex = 1;
    int endIndex = 500;
    std::vector<FRAME> keyFrame;
    ParameterReader pd;
    int check_loop_closure, nearby_loops, random_loops;
    pd.get( "check_loop_closure", check_loop_closure );
    pd.get( "nearby_loops", nearby_loops );
    pd.get( "random_loops", random_loops );

    //ofstream fout("/home/exbot/catkin_ws/dataset/xyz/odometry.txt",  ios::trunc);

    FRAME lastFrame;
    FRAME currentFrame;

    FeatureDection featDection;
    readFrame(startIndex, lastFrame);
    imagesToPointCloud(lastFrame.depImg, lastFrame.rgbImg, " ", lastFrame.cloud);
    int kpSize = featDection.computeKeyPointsAndDesp(lastFrame.rgbImg, lastFrame.kp, lastFrame.desp);
    if (kpSize < 10) {

        std::cout << "the frame id %d  key points size is : %d, too little!\n" << startIndex << kpSize;
        return -1;

    SlamEnd slamEnd;
    slamEnd.addVertex( lastFrame.frameID, true);

    for (int index = startIndex +1; index < endIndex;  index ++) {

        readFrame (index, currentFrame);
        imagesToPointCloud(currentFrame.depImg, currentFrame.rgbImg, " ", currentFrame.cloud);
        int kpSize = featDection.computeKeyPointsAndDesp(currentFrame.rgbImg, currentFrame.kp, currentFrame.desp);
        if (kpSize < 10) {
            std::cout << "the frame id %d  key points size is : %d, too little!\n" << startIndex << kpSize;
            return -1;

        CHECK_RESULT result = slamEnd.checkKeyframes(keyFrame.back(), currentFrame);
        switch (result ) {
        case NOT_MATCHED:
                std::cout << "Not enough linliers." << std::endl;
        case TOO_FAR_AWAY:
                std::cout << "Too far away, may be an error" << std::endl;
        case TOO_CLOSE:
                std::cout<< "This is too close" << std::endl;
        case KEYFRAME:
                std::cout << " This is  a new keyframe " << std::endl;
                if ( check_loop_closure ) {
                    slamEnd.checkNearbyLoops(keyFrame, currentFrame);
                    slamEnd.checkRandomLoops(keyFrame, currentFrame);

        //to do the computer
        Eigen::Vector7d  pos;
        pos = Maching(lastFrame, currentFrame);

        fout << lastFrame.frameID <<"\t"<<currentFrame.frameID
             << "\t"<< pos(0)<< "\t"<< pos(1)<< "\t"<< pos(2)<< "\t"<< pos(3)
             << "\t"<< pos(4)<< "\t"<< pos(5)<< "\t"<< pos(6) << std::endl;


   //     lastFrame =currentFrame;
      //  cv::imshow("rgb", lastFrame->rgbImg);
    //    cv::waitKey(1000);


        std::string before = "result_before.g2o";
        std::string after = "result_after.g2o";


    return 0;

Example #6
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "registration");

    std::string rgb1,rgb2, depth1, depth2;
    ParameterReader paramReader;
    paramReader.get( "rgb1", rgb1 );
    paramReader.get( "rgb2", rgb2 );
    paramReader.get( "depth1", depth1 );
    paramReader.get( "depth2", depth2 );

    cv::Mat sourceRgbImage = cv::imread( rgb1, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR );
    cv::Mat targetRgbImage = cv::imread( rgb2, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR );
    cv::Mat sourceDepthImage = cv::imread( depth1, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH );
    cv::Mat targetDepthImage = cv::imread( depth2, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH );

    pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr sourcePointCloud(new pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB>() );
    pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr targetPointCloud(new pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB>() );

    imagesToPointCloud( sourceDepthImage, sourceRgbImage, " ",  sourcePointCloud);
    imagesToPointCloud( targetDepthImage, targetRgbImage, " ",  targetPointCloud);

    cv::Mat img1Gray, img2Gray;
    cv::cvtColor( sourceRgbImage, img1Gray, CV_RGB2GRAY );
    cv::cvtColor( targetRgbImage, img2Gray, CV_RGB2GRAY );

    FeatureMatcher featureMatcher;

    Matches matches;
    cv::Mat matchesImg;
    featureMatcher.getMatches( matches );
    featureMatcher.drawMatches( matches.matches, matchesImg );

    FeatureMatcher featureMatcher;

    FeatureDection featureDection;
    ParameterServer * param = ParameterServer::instance();
    ParameterReader paramReader;
    std::string detector;
    double cx;
    paramReader.get("detector", detector);
    paramReader.get("camera.cx", cx);

    std::cout << "detector: " << detector <<" cx: " <<  cx << std::endl;

    int inlier;
    inlier =  param->get<int>("minimum_inliers");
    //inlier = ParameterServer::instance ()->get<int> ("minimum_inliers");
    std::vector<KeyPoint> keyPoints;
    cv::Mat descriptor;
    cv::Mat keyPointsImg;
    FeatureDection featureDection;
    cv::Mat img = cv::imread(rgb1.c_str(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
    featureDection.DetectFeature(img, keyPoints);
    std::cout << "keyPoints size: "  << keyPoints.size() << std::endl;
    featureDection.ExtractFeature(img, keyPoints, descriptor);
    featureDection.drawFeature(img, keyPoints, keyPointsImg);

   // std::cout << "minimum_inliers: " << inlier << std::endl;
    cv::imshow("keyPoints", matchesImg );
    //cv::imshow("keyPoints", img);
    return 0;
