Example #1
void CookieManager::removeCookieWithName(const KURL& url, const String& cookieName)
    // Dispatch the message because the database cookies are not loaded in memory yet.
    if (!m_syncedWithDatabase && !m_privateMode) {
        typedef void (WebCore::CookieManager::*FunctionType)(const KURL&, const String&);
            BlackBerry::Platform::createMethodCallMessage<FunctionType, CookieManager, const KURL, const String>(
                &CookieManager::removeCookieWithName, this, url, cookieName));

    // We get all cookies from all domains that domain matches the request domain
    // and delete any cookies with the specified name that path matches the request path
    Vector<ParsedCookie*> results;
    getRawCookies(results, url, WithHttpOnlyCookies);
    // Delete the cookies that path matches the request path
    for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
        ParsedCookie* cookie = results[i];
        if (!equalIgnoringCase(cookie->name(), cookieName))
        if (url.path().startsWith(cookie->path(), false)) {
            checkAndTreatCookie(cookie, RemoveFromBackingStore);
Example #2
void CookieManager::cookieLimitCleanUp(Timer<CookieManager>* timer)
    ASSERT_UNUSED(timer, timer == &m_limitTimer);

    CookieLimitLog("CookieManager - Starting cookie clean up");

    size_t numberOfCookiesOverLimit = (m_count > s_globalMaxCookieCount) ? m_count - s_globalMaxCookieCount : 0;
    size_t amountToDelete = s_cookiesToDeleteWhenLimitReached + numberOfCookiesOverLimit;

    CookieLimitLog("CookieManager - Excess: %d  Amount to Delete: %d", numberOfCookiesOverLimit, amountToDelete);

    // Call the database to delete 'amountToDelete' of cookies
    Vector<ParsedCookie*> cookiesToDelete;

    CookieLimitLog("CookieManager - Calling database to clean up");
    m_cookieBackingStore->getCookiesFromDatabase(cookiesToDelete, amountToDelete);

    // Cookies are ordered in ASC order by lastAccessed
    for (size_t i = 0; i < amountToDelete; ++i) {
        // Expire them and call checkandtreat to delete them from memory and database
        ParsedCookie* newCookie = cookiesToDelete[i];
        CookieLimitLog("CookieManager - Expire cookie: %s and delete", newCookie->toString().utf8().data());
        checkAndTreatCookie(newCookie, RemoveFromBackingStore);

    CookieLimitLog("CookieManager - Cookie clean up complete.");
Example #3
void CookieManager::removeCookieWithName(const KURL& url, const String& cookieName)
    // We get all cookies from all domains that domain matches the request domain
    // and delete any cookies with the specified name that path matches the request path
    Vector<ParsedCookie*> results;
    getRawCookies(results, url, WithHttpOnlyCookies);
    // Delete the cookies that path matches the request path
    for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
        ParsedCookie* cookie = results[i];
        if (!equalIgnoringCase(cookie->name(), cookieName))
        if (url.path().startsWith(cookie->path(), false)) {
            checkAndTreatCookie(cookie, RemoveFromBackingStore);