bool RenderThemeQt::paintMediaSliderTrack(RenderObject* o, const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r) { HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = toParentMediaElement(o); if (!mediaElement) return false; StylePainter p(this, paintInfo); if (!p.isValid()) return true; p.painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); paintMediaBackground(p.painter, r); if (MediaPlayer* player = mediaElement->player()) { // Get the buffered parts of the media PassRefPtr<TimeRanges> buffered = player->buffered(); if (buffered->length() > 0 && player->duration() < std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) { // Set the transform and brush WorldMatrixTransformer transformer(p.painter, o, r); p.painter->setBrush(getMediaControlForegroundColor()); // Paint each buffered section ExceptionCode ex; for (int i = 0; i < buffered->length(); i++) { float startX = (buffered->start(i, ex) / player->duration()) * 100; float width = ((buffered->end(i, ex) / player->duration()) * 100) - startX; p.painter->drawRect(startX, 37, width, 26); } } } return false; }
void ScriptBreakpoint::sourceBreakpointsFromInspectorObject(PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> breakpoints, SourceBreakpoints* sourceBreakpoints) { for (InspectorObject::iterator it = breakpoints->begin(); it != breakpoints->end(); ++it) { bool ok; int lineNumber = it->first.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) continue; RefPtr<InspectorObject> breakpoint = it->second->asObject(); if (!breakpoint) continue; bool enabled; RefPtr<InspectorValue> enabledValue = breakpoint->get("enabled"); if (!enabledValue || !enabledValue->asBoolean(&enabled)) continue; String condition; RefPtr<InspectorValue> conditionValue = breakpoint->get("condition"); if (!conditionValue || !conditionValue->asString(&condition)) continue; sourceBreakpoints->set(lineNumber, ScriptBreakpoint(enabled, condition)); } }