void PerformPaste (ICLEntry *other, const QString& text, const ICoreProxy_ptr& proxy, const IUserChoiceHandler_ptr& handler, OkF okCont, CancelF cancelCont) { QSettings settings (QCoreApplication::organizationName (), QCoreApplication::applicationName () + "_Azoth_Autopaste"); settings.beginGroup ("SavedChoices"); settings.beginGroup (other->GetEntryID ()); const auto guard = Util::MakeScopeGuard ([&settings] { settings.endGroup (); settings.endGroup (); }); if (!handler->ShouldAsk (settings)) return; PasteDialog dia; dia.SetCreatorName (settings.value ("Service").toString ()); dia.SetHighlight (static_cast<Highlight> (settings.value ("Highlight").toInt ())); dia.exec (); switch (dia.GetChoice ()) { case PasteDialog::Cancel: cancelCont (); break; case PasteDialog::No: handler->Rejected (settings); break; case PasteDialog::Yes: { auto service = dia.GetCreator () (other->GetQObject (), proxy); service->Paste ({ proxy->GetNetworkAccessManager (), text, dia.GetHighlight () }); okCont (); handler->Accepted (settings); settings.setValue ("Service", dia.GetCreatorName ()); settings.setValue ("Highlight", static_cast<int> (dia.GetHighlight ())); break; } } }
void Plugin::hookMessageWillCreated (LeechCraft::IHookProxy_ptr proxy, QObject*, QObject *entry, int, QString) { ICLEntry *other = qobject_cast<ICLEntry*> (entry); if (!other) { qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unable to cast" << entry << "to ICLEntry"; return; } QString text = proxy->GetValue ("text").toString (); const int maxLines = XmlSettingsManager::Instance () .property ("LineCount").toInt (); if (text.split ('\n').size () < maxLines) return; QByteArray propName; switch (other->GetEntryType ()) { case ICLEntry::ETChat: propName = "EnableForNormalChats"; break; case ICLEntry::ETMUC: propName = "EnableForMUCChats"; break; case ICLEntry::ETPrivateChat: propName = "EnableForPrivateChats"; break; default: return; } if (!XmlSettingsManager::Instance ().property (propName).toBool ()) return; PasteDialog dia; dia.exec (); auto choice = dia.GetChoice (); switch (choice) { case PasteDialog::Cancel: proxy->CancelDefault (); case PasteDialog::No: return; case PasteDialog::Yes: { auto service = dia.GetCreator () (entry); service->Paste ({ Proxy_->GetNetworkAccessManager (), text, dia.GetHighlight () }); proxy->CancelDefault (); } } }
void Plugin::hookMessageWillCreated (LeechCraft::IHookProxy_ptr proxy, QObject*, QObject *entry, int, QString) { ICLEntry *other = qobject_cast<ICLEntry*> (entry); if (!other) { qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unable to cast" << entry << "to ICLEntry"; return; } QString text = proxy->GetValue ("text").toString (); const int maxLines = XmlSettingsManager::Instance () .property ("LineCount").toInt (); const int maxSymbols = XmlSettingsManager::Instance () .property ("SymbolCount").toInt (); if (text.size () < maxSymbols && text.count ('\n') + 1 < maxLines) return; QByteArray propName; switch (other->GetEntryType ()) { case ICLEntry::ETChat: propName = "EnableForNormalChats"; break; case ICLEntry::ETMUC: propName = "EnableForMUCChats"; break; case ICLEntry::ETPrivateChat: propName = "EnableForPrivateChats"; break; default: return; } if (!XmlSettingsManager::Instance ().property (propName).toBool ()) return; QSettings settings (QCoreApplication::organizationName (), QCoreApplication::applicationName () + "_Azoth_Autopaste"); settings.beginGroup ("SavedChoices"); settings.beginGroup (other->GetEntryID ()); auto guard = std::shared_ptr<void> (nullptr, [&settings] (void*) -> void { settings.endGroup (); settings.endGroup (); }); PasteDialog dia; dia.SetCreatorName (settings.value ("Service").toString ()); dia.SetHighlight (static_cast<Highlight> (settings.value ("Highlight").toInt ())); dia.exec (); switch (dia.GetChoice ()) { case PasteDialog::Cancel: proxy->CancelDefault (); case PasteDialog::No: return; case PasteDialog::Yes: { auto service = dia.GetCreator () (entry); service->Paste ({ Proxy_->GetNetworkAccessManager (), text, dia.GetHighlight () }); proxy->CancelDefault (); settings.setValue ("Service", dia.GetCreatorName ()); settings.setValue ("Highlight", static_cast<int> (dia.GetHighlight ())); } } }