double MahalanobisDistance::operator()(const Peak& A, const Peak& B, double drt, double dmz, double dz=0., double dint=0.)
    if(drt <= 0 || dmz <= 0){
        MSPP_LOG(logERROR) << "MahalanobisDistance::operator(): drt and dmz have to be positive." << std::endl;
    mspp_precondition(drt > 0. && dmz > 0. , "MahalanobisDistance::operator(): drt and dmz have to be positive.");

    if(A.getAbundance() < dint || B.getAbundance() < dint){
        // low abundance peak --> high distance
        return DBL_MAX;

    if(dz == 0.){
        // only calculate distance if peaks have same charge
        if(A.getCharge() != B.getCharge()){
            // charge differs and dz == 0: max. distance
            return DBL_MAX;
            // charge equal: normal distance
            double rt = (A.getRt()-B.getRt());
            double mz = (A.getMz()-B.getMz());

            return sqrt(rt*rt/(drt*drt) + mz*mz/(dmz*dmz));
        // return normal distance
        double rt = (A.getRt()-B.getRt());
        double mz = (A.getMz()-B.getMz());
        double z = A.getCharge() - B.getCharge();

        return sqrt(rt*rt/(drt*drt) + mz*mz/(dmz*dmz) + z*z/(dz*dz));
