Example #1
void FPSControls::computeXboxFoV( XINPUT_GAMEPAD* pGamepad,
    PerspectiveCamera& camera )
    ubyte lt = pGamepad->bLeftTrigger;
    ubyte rt = pGamepad->bRightTrigger;

    // do nothing if both triggers are held down
    if( lt > 0 && rt > 0 )

    float fov = camera.fovYRadians();

    // left trigger: zoom out
    if( lt > 0 )
        fov += lt * m_xboxGamepadParameters.fovRadiansPerTick;
    // right trigger: zoom in
        fov -= rt * m_xboxGamepadParameters.fovRadiansPerTick;

    float fovMin = MathUtils::degreesToRadians( 1.0f );
    float fovMax = MathUtils::degreesToRadians( 179.0f );
    fov = MathUtils::clampToRange( fov, fovMin, fovMax );

    camera.setFovYRadians( fov );
Example #2
	void RenderManager::renderBucket(RenderBucket bucket, Camera &camera, Environment &env)
		bool canRender = false;

		vector<Geometry*> geomList = buckets[bucket];
		if (geomList.size() > 0)
			for (size_t i = 0; i < geomList.size(); i++)
				if (frustumCullingEnabled)
					PerspectiveCamera *pers = static_cast<PerspectiveCamera*>(&camera);
					if (pers->getFrustum().intersectAABB(geomList[i]->getGlobalBoundingBox()))
						canRender = true;
					canRender = true;

				if (canRender)
					geomList[i]->render(camera, env);
Example #3
void LoadTestScene()
    Scene* firstScene = new Scene();

    Transform* t = nullptr;
    PerspectiveCamera* camera = new PerspectiveCamera(Color::Red(), 1.f, 1000.f, 45.f, Screen::AspectRatio());
    t = camera->GetTransform();
    t->SetRotation(glm::vec3(0, 180.f, 0));

    GameObject* triangle = new GameObject();
    triangle->ModifyMeshRenderer(Mesh::Triangle(), Shader::GetDefaultShader(Shader::DefaultShaderName::UNLIT_COLOR));
    t = triangle->GetTransform();
    t->Translate(glm::vec3(0.f, 0, 3.f));

    auto mr = triangle->GetMeshRenderer();
    glm::vec4 colors[3]{ Color::Red() , Color::Green() ,Color::Blue() };
    mr->mesh->Colorize(colors, 3);
Example #4
void XmlSceneParser::Parse (const ParseNode& decl, PerspectiveCamera& node, Node& parent, SceneContext& context)
      //попытка найти параметры в кеше
    PerspectiveCameraDeclPtr node_decl = impl->PreparePerspectiveCamera (decl);

      //настройка камеры

    if (node_decl->params [PerspectiveCameraDecl::FovX].state)  node.SetFovX (degree (node_decl->params [PerspectiveCameraDecl::FovX].value));
    if (node_decl->params [PerspectiveCameraDecl::FovY].state)  node.SetFovY (degree (node_decl->params [PerspectiveCameraDecl::FovY].value)); 
    if (node_decl->params [PerspectiveCameraDecl::ZNear].state) node.SetZNear (node_decl->params [PerspectiveCameraDecl::ZNear].value);
    if (node_decl->params [PerspectiveCameraDecl::ZFar].state)  node.SetZFar (node_decl->params [PerspectiveCameraDecl::ZFar].value);

      //разбор родительских параметров

    Parse (decl, static_cast<Camera&> (node), parent, context);    
  catch (xtl::exception& e)
    e.touch ("scene_graph::XmlSceneParser::Parse(const ParseNode&,PerspectiveCamera&,Node&,SceneContext&)");
Example #5
void PathHybridState::Init(const PathHybridRenderThread *thread) {
	PathHybridRenderEngine *renderEngine = (PathHybridRenderEngine *)thread->renderEngine;
	Scene *scene = renderEngine->renderConfig->scene;

	depth = 1;
	lastPdfW = 1.f;
	throuput = Spectrum(1.f);

	directLightRadiance = Spectrum();

	// Initialize eye ray
	PerspectiveCamera *camera = scene->camera;
	Film *film = thread->threadFilm;
	const u_int filmWidth = film->GetWidth();
	const u_int filmHeight = film->GetHeight();

	sampleResults[0].screenX = std::min(sampler->GetSample(0) * filmWidth, (float)(filmWidth - 1));
	sampleResults[0].screenY = std::min(sampler->GetSample(1) * filmHeight, (float)(filmHeight - 1));
	camera->GenerateRay(sampleResults[0].screenX, sampleResults[0].screenY, &nextPathVertexRay,
		sampler->GetSample(2), sampler->GetSample(3));

	sampleResults[0].alpha = 1.f;
	sampleResults[0].radiance = Spectrum(0.f);
	lastSpecular = true;
Example #6
void GameManager::update()
	double elapsed = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
	double delta_t = elapsed - _elapsed;
	_elapsed = elapsed;


	for (std::vector<StaticObject*>::iterator it = _gameobjects_static.begin(); it != _gameobjects_static.end(); it++)



	for (std::vector<DynamicObject*>::iterator it = _gameobjects_road.begin(); it != _gameobjects_road.end(); it++)
	for (std::vector<DynamicObject*>::iterator it = _gameobjects_road.begin(); it != _gameobjects_road.end(); it++)
		if (_car->checkColision((*it))){
			for (std::vector<DynamicObject*>::iterator it = _gameobjects_road.begin(); it != _gameobjects_road.end(); it++)

	for (std::vector<StaticObject*>::iterator it = _gameobjects_static.begin(); it != _gameobjects_static.end(); it++)
		if (_car->checkColision((*it))){


	PerspectiveCamera* camera = (PerspectiveCamera*)_cameras.at(_camera);
	if (_camera == 2)
		camera->setPosition(_car->getPosition()->getX() - 15 * cos(_car->getDirection()*3.14 / 180), _car->getPosition()->getY() - 15 * sin(_car->getDirection()*3.14 / 180), 10);
		camera->setAt(_car->getPosition()->getX(), _car->getPosition()->getY(), 3);
		//camera->setUp(0, 1, 0);

Example #7
void DensityField::computePiDensity(const PerspectiveCamera& cam, const Scene& scene) {
    printInfo("Performing fog density preintegration.");
    printInfo("This will take a few seconds. Please wait! :-)");
    const auto& res = m_pi_dens_res = ivec3{cam.resolution(), m_res.z};
    // Allocate storage
    m_pi_dens_data = new float[piDensSize()];
    // Set up render loop
    assert(0 == res.x % PACKET_SZ && 0 == res.y % PACKET_SZ);
    const ivec2 n_packets{cam.resolution() / PACKET_SZ};
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int p_j = 0; p_j < n_packets.y; ++p_j)
        for (int p_i = 0; p_i < n_packets.x; ++p_i)
            for (int p_y = 0; p_y < PACKET_SZ; ++p_y)
                for (int p_x = 0; p_x < PACKET_SZ; ++p_x) {
                    const int x{p_x + p_i * PACKET_SZ};
                    const int y{p_y + p_j * PACKET_SZ};
                    // Use pixel center: offset by 0.5
                    rt::Ray ray{cam.getPrimaryRay(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f)};
                    // Intersect the bounding volume of density field
                    const auto is = m_bbox.intersect(ray);
                    if (is) {
                        // Determine distance to the geometry
                        // Compute parametric ray bounds
                        const float t_min{max(is.entr, 0.0f)};
                        const float t_max{min(is.exit, ray.inters.distance)};
                        // Sample density at interval endpoints
                        const int   n_intervals{res.z * 4};
                        const float dt{(t_max - t_min) / n_intervals};
                        // Perform ray marching
                        float prev_dens{sampleDensity(ray.o + t_min * ray.d)};
                        float dens{0.0f};
                        for (int i = 1; i <= n_intervals; ++i) {
                            // Distance to the end of the interval
                            const float t{t_min + i * dt};
                            const float curr_dens{sampleDensity(ray.o + t * ray.d)};
                            // Use trapezoidal rule for integration
                            dens += 0.5f * (curr_dens + prev_dens);
                            prev_dens = curr_dens;
                            if (2 == i % 4) {
                                // We are in the middle of the camera-space voxel (froxel)
                                const int z{i / 4};
                                m_pi_dens_data[x + y * res.x + z * res.x * res.y] = dens * dt;
                    } else {
                        // Set density to zero along the ray
                        for (int z = 0; z < res.z; ++z) {
                            m_pi_dens_data[x + y * res.x + z * res.x * res.y] = 0.0f;
    // Save it to disk
    // Load data into OpenGL texture
Example #8
int main(int /*argc*/, char ** /*argv*/) {
  BaseApp app;
  ProgramObject program;

  auto mainWindow = app.getMainWindow();

  std::string prefix = app.getResourceDir() + "Shaders/Examples/e06_ModelLoader/";

  PerspectiveCamera cam;
  OrbitManipulator manipulator(&cam);
  NodeShared root;

  GLuint query[2];

  app.addInitCallback([&]() {
    auto vs = compileShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, Loader::text(prefix + "phong.vert"));
    auto fs = compileShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, Loader::text(prefix + "phong.frag"));
    program = createProgram(vs, fs);

    root = Loader::scene(app.getResourceDir() + "Models/sponza/sponza.fbx");
    glCreateQueries(GL_TIMESTAMP, 2, query);

  app.addResizeCallback([&](int w, int h) {
    glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
    cam.setAspect(float(w) / float(h));

  app.addDrawCallback([&]() {

    glQueryCounter(query[0], GL_TIMESTAMP);
    glClearColor(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1);

    program.setMatrix4fv("p", value_ptr(cam.getProjection()));
    program.setMatrix4fv("v", value_ptr(cam.getView()));

    drawNode(program, root);
    glQueryCounter(query[1], GL_TIMESTAMP);

    GLuint64 time1, time2;
    glGetQueryObjectui64v(query[0], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &time1);
    glGetQueryObjectui64v(query[1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &time2);

    std::string s = "fps: " + std::to_string(1e9 / (time2 - time1)) + " (" + std::to_string(ImGui::GetIO().Framerate) + ")";
    label(s, 0, 0, 300, 100);
  return app.run();
Example #9
void TitleWindow::drawCallback()
    const uvec2 &wsize = atmGetWindowSize();
    PerspectiveCamera cam;
    cam.setPosition(vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 3.0f));

void PerspectiveCameraBase::execSyncV(      FieldContainer    &oFrom,
                                        ConstFieldMaskArg  whichField,
                                        AspectOffsetStore &oOffsets,
                                        ConstFieldMaskArg  syncMode,
                                  const UInt32             uiSyncInfo)
    PerspectiveCamera *pThis = static_cast<PerspectiveCamera *>(this);

    pThis->execSync(static_cast<PerspectiveCamera *>(&oFrom),
Example #11
void testCamera() {

	ParamSet params;

	GaussianFilter *filter = new GaussianFilter(2, 2, 2);
	float crop[4] = { 0, 1, 0, 1 };
    ImageFilm* film = new ImageFilm(100, 100, filter, crop, "filename", false);

	Transform t = LookAt(Point(0,0,0), Point(0,0,-100), Vector(0,1,0));
	AnimatedTransform cam2world(&t, 0, &t, 0);

	//BoxFilter *filter = CreateBoxFilter(params);
	//ImageFilm *film = CreateImageFilm(params, filter);
	PerspectiveCamera *camera = CreatePerspectiveCamera(params, cam2world, film);

    bool jitter = false; //params.FindOneBool("jitter", true);
    // Initialize common sampler parameters
    int xstart, xend, ystart, yend;
    film->GetSampleExtent(&xstart, &xend, &ystart, &yend);
    int xsamp = 1;
    int ysamp = 1;
    StratifiedSampler *sampler = new StratifiedSampler(
		xstart, xend, ystart, yend,
		xsamp, ysamp,
        jitter, camera->shutterOpen, camera->shutterClose);

	RNG rng;
	Sample sample(sampler, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	int count = 0;
	while (sampler->GetMoreSamples(&sample, rng) && count < 10) {

		printf("sample imageX: %g, imageY: %g\n", sample.imageX, sample.imageY);

		Ray ray;
		camera->GenerateRay(sample, &ray);

		print("ray.o", ray.o);
		print("ray.d", ray.d);
		printf("ray mint: %g, maxt: %g", ray.mint, ray.maxt);


	//CameraSample sample;

Example #12
void randomSpheres(Scene* &scene, Camera* &camera, QtFilm* &film) {
    // Create scene
    scene = new Scene(new ListAggregate());
    *scene << new SkyLight(vec3(0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f));
    Texture* spheresTexture = ImageLoading::LoadImage("/Users/gael/Desktop/Courses/CSE_168/models/textures/earth.jpg");
    Texture* planeTexture = ImageLoading::LoadImage("/Users/gael/Desktop/Courses/CSE_168/models/textures/scale_brown.png");
    // Materials
    Matte* spheresMaterial = new Matte(spheresTexture);
    Matte* planeMaterial = new Matte(planeTexture);
    // Create ground plane
    Plane* groundShape = new Plane();
    GeometricPrimitive* ground = new GeometricPrimitive(groundShape, planeMaterial);
    *scene << ground;
    // Create spheres
    for(int i=0; i<20; ++i) {
        Sphere* sphereShape = new Sphere();
        GeometricPrimitive* sphere = new GeometricPrimitive(sphereShape, spheresMaterial);
        float rad = RangeRand(0.25f,0.5f);
        vec3 pos(RangeRand(-5.0f,5.0f), rad, RangeRand(-5.0f,5.0f));
        *scene << sphere;
    // Create lights
    DirectionalLight* sunlgt = new DirectionalLight();
    sunlgt->setSpectrum(Spectrum(vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.9f)));
    sunlgt->setDirection(vec3(2.0f, -3.0f, -2.0f));
    *scene << sunlgt;
    // Create camera
    PerspectiveCamera* perspectiveCamera = new PerspectiveCamera();
    perspectiveCamera->lookAt(vec3(-0.75f,0.25f,5.0f), vec3(0.0f,0.5f,0.0f));
    film = new QtFilm(vec2(800, 600));
    camera = perspectiveCamera;
Example #13
	void Renderer::rayTrace(Film *film, Shape& scene, PerspectiveCamera& camera, Lights& lights) {
		int w = film->width(), h = film->height();
		IntersectResult result;
		for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
			float sy = 1.0f - (float)y / h;
			for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
				float sx = (float)x / w;
				Ray& ray = camera.GenerateRay(sx, sy);
				scene.Intersect(ray, &result);
				if (result.geometry) {
					Material* pMaterial = result.geometry->material;
					Color color(0, 0, 0);
					for (int i = 0; i < lights.size(); i++) {
						Vector3dF incidence = lights[i]->incidence(result.position);
						Color c = pMaterial->Sample(ray, result.position, result.normal, incidence);
						color = color + c;
					//printf("c=%f,%f,%f\n", color->r(),color->g(),color->b());
					film->set(x, y, 
						min(int(color.r() * 255), 255),
						min(int(color.g() * 255), 255),
						min(int(color.b() * 255), 255));
Example #14
void mouseCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos) {

  if (firstMouseEvent) {
    lastX = xpos;
    lastY = ypos;
    firstMouseEvent = false;

  // Find the position difference of the mouse.
  GLfloat xoffset = xpos - lastX;
  GLfloat yoffset = lastY - ypos; // Reversed since positive y is up.

  // Set the history values to the current values.
  lastX = xpos;
  lastY = ypos;

  // Multiply the offset by the mouse sensitivity to prevent rapidly unplanned
  // seizures and the like.
  GLfloat mouseSensitivity = 0.12f / (45.0f / camera.fov);
  xoffset *= mouseSensitivity;
  yoffset *= mouseSensitivity;

  camera.rotation.y += xoffset;
  camera.rotation.x += yoffset;

  // Constrain the pitch so the FPS camera does not do sick backflips.
  if (camera.rotation.x > glm::radians(89.0f)) camera.rotation.x = glm::radians(89.0f);
  if (camera.rotation.x < glm::radians(-89.0f)) camera.rotation.x = glm::radians(-89.0f);

Example #15
void FPSControls::applyTranslation( float dx, float dy, float dz,
    PerspectiveCamera& camera )
    Vector3f eye = camera.eye();
    Vector3f x = camera.right();
    Vector3f y = camera.up();
    Vector3f z = -( camera.forward() );

    // project the y axis onto the ground plane
    //Vector3f zp = m_worldToGroundPlane * z;
    //zp[ 1 ] = 0;
    //zp = m_groundPlaneToWorld * zp;

    eye = eye + dx * x + dy * upVector() + dz * z;
    camera.setLookAt( eye, eye - z, y );
Example #16
void FPSControls::applyRotation( float yaw, float pitch,
    PerspectiveCamera& camera )
    Matrix3f worldToCamera = camera.viewMatrix().getSubmatrix3x3();
    Matrix3f cameraToWorld = camera.inverseViewMatrix().getSubmatrix3x3();

    Vector3f eye = camera.eye();
    Vector3f y = camera.up();
    Vector3f z = -( camera.forward() );

    auto x = camera.right();

    // Pitch around the local x axis.
    Matrix3f pitchMatrix = Matrix3f::rotateX( pitch );

    y = cameraToWorld * pitchMatrix * worldToCamera * y;
    z = cameraToWorld * pitchMatrix * worldToCamera * z;

    // Yaw around the world up vector.
    Matrix3f yawMatrix =
        m_groundPlaneToWorld * Matrix3f::rotateY( yaw ) * m_worldToGroundPlane;
    y = yawMatrix * y;
    z = yawMatrix * z;

    camera.setLookAt( eye, eye - z, y );
Example #17
void FPSCameraController::update(PerspectiveCamera& a_camera, float a_deltaSec, bool a_focused)
	glm::ivec2 newMousePos;
	GLEngine::input->getMousePosition(newMousePos.x, newMousePos.y);
	if (m_mousePos.x == -1 && m_mousePos.y == -1) // First update, dont process movement
		m_mousePos = newMousePos;
	glm::ivec2 mouseMovement = m_mousePos - newMousePos;
	m_mousePos = newMousePos;

	if (!a_focused)
	if (!GLEngine::input->isMousePressed(EMouseButton::LEFT))
		mouseMovement = glm::ivec2(0);

	const float xLookRotation = (mouseMovement.x * m_mouseLookSensitivity);
	const float yLookRotation = (mouseMovement.y * m_mouseLookSensitivity);

	glm::vec3 direction = a_camera.getDirection();
	const glm::vec3 tmp = direction;
	const glm::vec3 side = glm::cross(direction, UP);
	const glm::vec3 up = glm::cross(side, direction);
	const glm::quat yaw = glm::angleAxis(glm::radians(xLookRotation), up);

	const float xzAngle = std::atan2(direction.x, direction.z); //calculate axis to rotate vertically on
	const glm::vec3 yRotAxis(-glm::cos(xzAngle), 0.0f, glm::sin(xzAngle));
	const glm::quat pitch = glm::angleAxis(glm::radians(yLookRotation), yRotAxis);
	const glm::quat orientation = glm::normalize(glm::cross(pitch, yaw));
	direction = glm::rotate(orientation, direction);
	const float newXZ = std::atan2(direction.x, direction.z);
	const float xzDiff = glm::abs(xzAngle - newXZ);
	if (xzDiff > 2.0f && xzDiff < 4.0f) // flip protection
		direction = tmp;

	a_camera.translateRelative(getLocalSpaceMovementVector() * m_cameraSpeed * a_deltaSec);
Example #18
void RenderingConfig::SetMotionBlur(const bool v) {
	boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(cfgMutex);

	bool wasRunning = renderThreadsStarted;
	// First stop all devices
	if (wasRunning)

	PerspectiveCamera *camera = scene->camera;
	camera->motionBlur = v;
	if (camera->motionBlur) {
		camera->mbOrig = camera->orig;
		camera->mbTarget = camera->target;
		camera->mbUp = camera->up;
	camera->Update(film->GetWidth(), film->GetHeight());

	// Restart all devices
	if (wasRunning)
void GridSystem::getLastClickedGrid(PerspectiveCamera pc, int &reti, int &retj){
	int retij[2] = { -1, -1 };
	float min_dist = FLT_MAX;

	Vector3f ray = pc.getRay();
	float d = sqrt(pow(ray.x(), 2) + pow(ray.y(), 2) + pow(ray.z(), 2)); //dist from ray to projection pt
	Vector3f p = pc.getCameraLocation() + ray;
	for (int i = 0; i < grids.size(); i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < grids[0].size(); j++)
			Grid* g = grids[i][j];
			Vector3f pt = g->getXYZ();
			Vector3f newray = pt - pc.getCameraLocation(); //ray from camera to pt
			float dist = sqrt(pow(newray.x(), 2) + pow(newray.y(), 2) + pow(newray.z(), 2)); //dist from camera to pt
			Vector3f extNewray = newray.normalized() * d;
			Vector3f extPt = pc.getCameraLocation() + extNewray; //extended point in objective 3d space (0, 0, 592, 592)
			float threshold = (exp(4-(dist/15.0f))/d)*1500.0f*offset; //exp(3) = 20. (quite efficient for dist 4-30)
			if (abs(extPt.x() - p.x()) < threshold \
				&& abs(extPt.y() - p.y()) < threshold \
				&& abs(extPt.z() - p.z()) < threshold){ //NO LONGER DUMMY LOL //IT WORKS
				if (min_dist > dist){
					min_dist = dist;
					retij[0] = i; retij[1] = j;
					//cout << "min_dist: " << min_dist << endl;

	//cout << "-------------" << endl;

	reti = retij[0];
	retj = retij[1];
Example #20
void LineRenderer::render(RenderDevice* device, uint16_t& view)
    dcfx::Context* context = device->m_context;
    PerspectiveCamera* camera = device->m_camera;
    const glm::ivec2& windowSize = device->m_windowSize;
    // Write vertices to buffer
    context->updateBuffer(m_vertexBuffer, 0, m_vertexCount * sizeof(vertex::PC), &m_vertexData[0]);

    context->setView(view, camera->view());
    context->setProj(view, camera->proj());
    context->setFramebuffer(view, dcfx::Invalid<dcfx::FramebufferHandle>());
    context->setViewport(view, glm::ivec4(0, 0, windowSize.x, windowSize.y));
    context->setIndexBuffer(dcfx::Invalid<dcfx::BufferHandle>(), 0, 0);
    context->setVertexBuffer(m_vertexBuffer, 0, m_vertexCount);
    context->submit(view, 1);

    m_vertexCount = 0;

Example #21
void rayTraceReflection(Object& scene, PerspectiveCamera& camera, int maxReflect, DirectionalLight light)
	for(int y=0;y<Y_RES;y++)
		float sy =  (float)y/Y_RES;
		for(int x=0;x<X_RES;x++)
			float sx = (float)x/X_RES;
			Ray3 ray = camera.generateRay(sx,sy);
			Color color = rayTraceRecursive(scene, ray, maxReflect, light);
Example #22
	void Renderer::renderDepth(Film *film, Shape& scene, PerspectiveCamera& camera, float maxDepth) {
		int w = film->width(), h = film->height();
		IntersectResult result;
		for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
			float sy = 1.0f - (float)y / h;
			for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
				float sx = (float)x / w;
				Ray& ray = camera.GenerateRay(sx, sy);
				scene.Intersect(ray, &result);
				if (result.geometry) {
					int depth = int(255.0f - min((result.distance / maxDepth) * 255.0f, 255.0f));
					film->set(x, y, depth, depth, depth);
Example #23
	void Renderer::renderNormal(Film *film, Shape& scene, PerspectiveCamera& camera, float maxDepth) {
		int w = film->width(), h = film->height();
		IntersectResult result;
		for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
			float sy = 1.0f - (float)y / h;
			for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
				float sx = (float)x / w;
				Ray&& ray = camera.GenerateRay(sx, sy);
				scene.Intersect(ray, &result);
				if (result.geometry) {
					Normal3dF& n = result.normal;
					film->set(x, y, 
						(n.x + 1.0f) * 128.0f,
						(n.y + 1.0f) * 128.0f,
						(n.z + 1.0f) * 128.0f);
Example #24
void renderNormal(Sphere scene, PerspectiveCamera camera)
	for(int y=0;y<Y_RES;y++)
		float sy =  (float)y/Y_RES;
		for(int x=0;x<X_RES;x++)
			float sx = (float)x/X_RES;
			Ray3 ray = camera.generateRay(sx,sy);
			IntersectResult result = scene.intersect(ray);

Vector3D PointLight::LightIntensity(Scene& scene, IntersectResult intersect, const PerspectiveCamera& cam)
	Vector3D delta = mPosition - intersect.mPosition;
	float rr = Length2(delta);
	float r = sqrt(rr);
	float r1 = 1.0 / r;
	Vector3D inverseDire = Normalize(delta);

	if (mIsShadow) {
		Ray shadowRay(intersect.mPosition, inverseDire);
		IntersectResult shadowResult = scene.Intersect(shadowRay);
		if (shadowResult.mIsHit && shadowResult.mDistance <= r) {
			return -(this->mColor * this->mShadowReducingFactor);

	float diffuseAttenuation = 1.0 / (mAttenuation.x + mAttenuation.y * r + mAttenuation.z * rr);
	float specularAttenuation = 1.0 / (mAttenuation.x + mAttenuation.y * r + mAttenuation.z * rr);
	Vector3D colorRes;

	// Diffuse Material
	float NdotL = Dot(intersect.mNormal, inverseDire);

	// std::cout << NdotL << std::endl;
	if (NdotL > 0) {
		colorRes = colorRes + 
			intersect.mPrimitive->GetDiffuseColor() * this->mColor * NdotL * diffuseAttenuation;
	// Specular Material
	Vector3D Vo = cam.GetPosition() - intersect.mPosition;
	Vector3D V = Normalize(Vo);
	Vector3D h = Normalize(V + inverseDire);
	float NdotH = Dot(intersect.mNormal, h);
	if (NdotH > 0) {
		colorRes = colorRes + 
			intersect.mPrimitive->GetSpecularColor() * this->mColor * powf(NdotH, intersect.mPrimitive->GetShininess()) * specularAttenuation;

	return colorRes;
Example #26
void rayTrace2( Sphere scene, PerspectiveCamera camera)
	for(int y=0;y<Y_RES;y++)
		float sy =  (float)y/Y_RES;
		for(int x=0;x<X_RES;x++)
			float sx = (float)x/X_RES;
			Ray3 ray = camera.generateRay(sx,sy);
			IntersectResult result = scene.intersect(ray);
				cout<<"x:"<<y<<" y:"<<x<<endl;
				Color color = PhongMaterial(Color::red,Color::white,16,1).sample(ray, result.getPosition(), result.getNormal());

Example #27
	void Renderer::rayTraceReflection(Film *film, Shape* scene, PerspectiveCamera& camera, Lights& lights, int maxReflect, int px, int py, int pw, int ph) {
		int w = pw, h = ph, img_width = film->width(), img_height = film->height();
		if (w == 0)
			w = img_width;
		if (h == 0)
			h = img_height;
		for (int y = py, yMax = py + h; y < yMax; y++) {
			float sy = 1.0f - (float)y / img_height;
			for (int x = px, xMax = px + w; x < xMax; x++) {
				float sx = (float)x / img_width;
				Ray& ray = camera.GenerateRay(sx, sy);
				Color color = rayTraceRecursive(&(*scene), ray, lights, maxReflect);
				int r = min(int(color.r() * 255), 255),
					g = min(int(color.g() * 255), 255),
					b = min(int(color.b() * 255), 255);
				//printf("[rgb] %d %d = %d %d %d\n", x, y, r, g, b);
				film->set(x, y, 
					r, g, b);
Example #28
void rayTrace( Object& scene, PerspectiveCamera camera)
	for(int y=0;y<Y_RES;y++)
		float sy =  (float)y/Y_RES;
		for(int x=0;x<X_RES;x++)
			float sx = (float)x/X_RES;
			Ray3 ray = camera.generateRay(sx,sy);
			IntersectResult result = scene.intersect(ray);
				//Color color = scene.material->sample(ray, result.getPosition(), result.getNormal());
				Color color = result.getGeometry()->material->sample(ray,result.getPosition(),result.getNormal());	
					//CheckMaterial(0.1,1).sample(ray, result.getPosition(), result.getNormal());

Example #29
void renderDepth(Sphere scene, PerspectiveCamera camera, int maxDepth)
	for(int y=0;y<Y_RES;y++)
		float sy =  (float)y/Y_RES;
		for(int x=0;x<X_RES;x++)
			float sx = (float)x/X_RES;
			Ray3 ray = camera.generateRay(sx,sy);
			IntersectResult result = scene.intersect(ray);
				int depth = 255 - Min((result.getDistance()/maxDepth)*255,255);
				//cout<< "x: " << x << " y: " << y << " depth: "<<depth<<" dis: "<<result.getDistance()<<endl;

void GridSystem::forceGroundedView(PerspectiveCamera &pc) {
	float lookAt_distance = offset/2;
	float old_distance = pc.GetDistance(); //need?

	Vector3f _p = pc.getCameraLocation(); Vector3f p = _p - Vector3f(0, _p.y(), 0); //xz only
	Vector3f _vec = pc.GetCenter() - p; Vector3f vec = _vec - Vector3f(0, _vec.y(), 0);
	Vector3f lookAt = p + ((offset*2) * vec.normalized()); //from camera to lookAt direction (xz only)

	Vector3f p_ground = Vector3f(p.x(), getYLevel(p.x(), p.z()) + 0.5f, p.z());
	Vector3f lookAt_ground = Vector3f(lookAt.x(), getYLevel(lookAt.x(), lookAt.z()) + 0.5f, lookAt.z());
	Vector3f nvec = (lookAt_ground - p_ground); //new camera location to new camera center
	Vector3f lookAt_final = p_ground + (lookAt_distance * nvec.normalized());

	//force distance to be at ground
	pc.SetCenter(lookAt_final); //apply new camera center
	//pc.SetCenter(lookAt_ground); //apply new camera center
	/*if (pc.GetCenter().y() < lookAt_ground.y() - 0.2){
		pc.SetCenter(lookAt_ground - Vector3f(0, 0.2, 0)); //apply new camera center
	else if (pc.GetCenter().y() > lookAt_ground.y() + 0.2) {
		pc.SetCenter(lookAt_ground + Vector3f(0, 0.2, 0));

	//float lookAt_distance = sqrt(pow(nvec.x(), 2) + pow(nvec.y(), 2) + pow(nvec.z(), 2));

	Vector3f rotaxis = Vector3f::cross(nvec, Vector3f::UP);
	float angle_cur = atan((lookAt.y() - p_ground.y())/old_distance);
	float angle_new = atan((lookAt_ground.y() - p_ground.y())/lookAt_distance);
	float angle = angle_new - angle_cur;

	pc.SetViewRotation(RotationMatrixOnAxis(angle, rotaxis.x(), rotaxis.y(), rotaxis.z()));

	////set view to correct Z axis
	//pc.SetCenter(lookAt_ground); //apply new camera center
	//Vector3f nvec = (lookAt_ground - p_ground); //new camera location to new camera center (alrd applied)
	////float lookAt_distance = sqrt(pow(nvec.x(), 2) + pow(nvec.y(), 2) + pow(nvec.z(), 2));
	//float lookAt_distance = lookAtDistance;

	cout << "p:" << p_ground.x() << " " << p_ground.y() << " " << p_ground.z() << endl;
	cout << "lookAt:" << lookAt_ground.x() << " " << lookAt_ground.y() << " " << lookAt_ground.z() << endl;
	//cout << "test:" << test.x() << " " << test.y() << " " << test.z() << endl;
	//cout << p.x() << " " << p.z() << " " << getYLevel(0.758, 0.875) << endl;