gcc_pure static PixelRect GetBottomWidgetRect(const PixelRect &rc, const Widget *bottom_widget) { if (bottom_widget == nullptr) { /* no bottom widget: return empty rectangle, map uses the whole main area */ PixelRect result = rc; result.top = result.bottom; return result; } const unsigned requested_height = bottom_widget->GetMinimumSize().cy; unsigned height; if (requested_height > 0) { const unsigned max_height = rc.GetHeight() / 2; height = std::min(max_height, requested_height); } else { const unsigned recommended_height = rc.GetHeight() / 3; height = recommended_height; } PixelRect result = rc; result.top = result.bottom - height; return result; }
void InfoBoxContentWindArrow::OnCustomPaint(Canvas &canvas, const PixelRect &rc) { const auto &info = CommonInterface::Calculated(); const auto pt = rc.GetCenter(); const unsigned padding = Layout::FastScale(10u); unsigned size = std::min(rc.GetWidth(), rc.GetHeight()); if (size > padding) size -= padding; // Normalize the size because the Layout::Scale is applied // by the DrawArrow() function again size = size * 100 / Layout::Scale(100); auto angle = info.wind.bearing - CommonInterface::Basic().attitude.heading; const int length = std::min(size, std::max(10u, uround(Quadruple(info.wind.norm)))); const int offset = -length / 2; auto style = CommonInterface::GetMapSettings().wind_arrow_style; WindArrowRenderer renderer(UIGlobals::GetLook().wind_arrow_info_box); renderer.DrawArrow(canvas, pt, angle, length, style, offset); }
void HorizonRenderer::Draw(Canvas &canvas, const PixelRect &rc, const HorizonLook &look, const AttitudeState &attitude) { /* This feature of having a backup artificial horizon based on inferred orientation from GPS and vario data is useful, and reasonably well tested, but has the issue of potentially invalidating use of XCSoar in FAI contests due to rule ref Annex A to Section 3 (2010 Edition) 4.1.2 "No instruments permitting pilots to fly without visual reference to the ground may be carried on board, even if made unserviceable." The quality of XCSoar's pseudo-AH is arguably good enough that this violates the rule. We need to seek clarification as to whether this is the case or not. */ const auto center = rc.GetCenter(); const int radius = std::min(rc.GetWidth(), rc.GetHeight()) / 2 - Layout::Scale(1); auto bank_degrees = attitude.IsBankAngleUseable() ? attitude.bank_angle.Degrees() : 0.; auto pitch_degrees = attitude.IsPitchAngleUseable() ? attitude.pitch_angle.Degrees() : 0.; auto phi = Clamp(bank_degrees, -89., 89.); auto alpha = Angle::acos(Clamp(pitch_degrees / 50, -1., 1.)); auto sphi = Angle::HalfCircle() - Angle::Degrees(phi); auto alpha1 = sphi - alpha; auto alpha2 = sphi + alpha; // draw sky part canvas.Select(look.sky_pen); canvas.Select(look.sky_brush); canvas.DrawSegment(center, radius, alpha2, alpha1, true); // draw ground part canvas.Select(look.terrain_pen); canvas.Select(look.terrain_brush); canvas.DrawSegment(center, radius, alpha1, alpha2, true); // draw aircraft symbol canvas.Select(look.aircraft_pen); canvas.DrawLine(center.x + radius / 2, center.y, center.x - radius / 2, center.y); canvas.DrawLine(center.x, center.y - radius / 4, center.x, center.y); // draw 45 degree dash marks const int rr2p = uround(radius * M_SQRT1_2) + Layout::Scale(1); const int rr2n = rr2p - Layout::Scale(2); canvas.DrawLine(center.x + rr2p, center.y - rr2p, center.x + rr2n, center.y - rr2n); canvas.DrawLine(center.x - rr2p, center.y - rr2p, center.x - rr2n, center.y - rr2n); }
PixelRect GetButtonPosition(unsigned MenuID, const PixelRect& rcScreen) { PixelRect rc = rcScreen; rc.Grow(-1); // remove Margin unsigned i = MenuID - 1; assert(i < MenuButtons.size()); const PixelScalar row = ScreenLandscape ? LandscapeLayout[i].row : PortraitLayout[i].row; const PixelScalar col = ScreenLandscape ? LandscapeLayout[i].col :PortraitLayout[i].col; const PixelScalar nbRow = ScreenLandscape ? 5 : 7; const PixelScalar nbCol = ScreenLandscape ? 5 : 4; const PixelSize size = { std::min<PixelScalar>((rc.GetSize().cx-(nbCol-1))/nbCol, NIBLSCALE(80)), std::min<PixelScalar>((rc.GetSize().cy-nbRow-1)/nbRow, NIBLSCALE(40)) }; const double x_interval = (rc.GetSize().cx - size.cx * nbCol) / (nbCol-1); const double y_interval = (rc.GetSize().cy - size.cy * nbRow) / (nbRow-1); const RasterPoint origin = { rc.left + (PixelScalar)(col * (size.cx + x_interval)), rc.top + (PixelScalar)(row * (size.cy + y_interval)) }; return PixelRect(origin, size); }
void SymbolRenderer::DrawArrow(Canvas &canvas, PixelRect rc, Direction direction) { assert(direction == UP || direction == DOWN || direction == LEFT || direction == RIGHT); auto size = std::min(rc.GetWidth(), rc.GetHeight()) / 5; auto center = rc.GetCenter(); BulkPixelPoint arrow[3]; if (direction == LEFT || direction == RIGHT) { arrow[0].x = center.x + (direction == LEFT ? size : -size); arrow[0].y = center.y + size; arrow[1].x = center.x + (direction == LEFT ? -size : size); arrow[1].y = center.y; arrow[2].x = center.x + (direction == LEFT ? size : -size); arrow[2].y = center.y - size; } else if (direction == UP || direction == DOWN) { arrow[0].x = center.x + size; arrow[0].y = center.y + (direction == UP ? size : -size); arrow[1].x = center.x; arrow[1].y = center.y + (direction == UP ? -size : size); arrow[2].x = center.x - size; arrow[2].y = center.y + (direction == UP ? size : -size); } canvas.DrawTriangleFan(arrow, 3); }
PixelRect ButtonPanel::HorizontalRange(PixelRect rc, unsigned start, unsigned end) { const unsigned n = end - start; assert(n > 0); const unsigned total_width = rc.GetWidth(); const unsigned total_height = rc.GetHeight(); const unsigned max_row_height = Layout::GetMaximumControlHeight(); const unsigned row_height = max_row_height < total_height / 2 ? max_row_height : std::max(Layout::GetMinimumControlHeight(), total_height / 2); const unsigned width = total_width / n; assert(width > 0); PixelRect button_rc(rc.left, rc.bottom - row_height, rc.left + width, rc.bottom); rc.bottom -= row_height; for (unsigned i = start; i < end; ++i) { buttons[i]->Move(button_rc); button_rc.left = button_rc.right; button_rc.right += width; } return rc; }
void Window::Create(ContainerWindow *parent, PixelRect rc, const WindowStyle window_style) { assert(IsScreenInitialized()); assert(rc.left <= rc.right); assert(rc.right - rc.left < 0x8000); assert(rc.top <= rc.bottom); assert(rc.bottom - rc.top < 0x8000); double_clicks = window_style.double_clicks; this->parent = parent; position = rc.GetOrigin(); size = rc.GetSize(); tab_stop = window_style.tab_stop; control_parent = window_style.control_parent; visible = window_style.visible; enabled = window_style.enabled; has_border = window_style.has_border; text_style = window_style.text_style; if (parent != NULL) parent->AddChild(*this); OnCreate(); OnResize(size); }
PixelRect ButtonFrameRenderer::GetDrawingRect(PixelRect rc, bool pressed) const { rc.Grow(-2); if (pressed) rc.Offset(1, 1); return rc; }
inline void TabMenuDisplay::PaintMainMenuBorder(Canvas &canvas) const { PixelRect rc = GetMainMenuButtonSize(0); rc.bottom = GetMainMenuButtonSize(GetNumMainMenuItems() - 1).bottom; rc.Grow(GetTabLineHeight()); canvas.DrawFilledRectangle(rc, COLOR_BLACK); }
static void Draw(Canvas &canvas) { PixelRect rc = canvas.GetRect(); rc.Grow(-16); DrawBanner(canvas, rc); DrawFlights(canvas, rc); }
void Canvas::InvertRectangle(PixelRect r) { if (r.IsEmpty()) return; CopyNot(r.left, r.top, r.GetWidth(), r.GetHeight(), buffer, r.left, r.top); }
inline void TabMenuDisplay::PaintSubMenuBorder(Canvas &canvas, const MainMenuButton &main_button) const { PixelRect rc = GetSubMenuButtonSize(main_button.first_page_index); rc.bottom = GetSubMenuButtonSize(main_button.last_page_index).bottom; rc.Grow(GetTabLineHeight()); canvas.DrawFilledRectangle(rc, COLOR_BLACK); }
PixelRect ButtonPanel::UpdateLayout(const PixelRect rc) { if (buttons.empty()) return rc; const bool landscape = rc.GetWidth() > rc.GetHeight(); return landscape ? LeftLayout(rc) : BottomLayout(rc); }
virtual void OnPaint(Canvas &canvas) override { canvas.ClearWhite(); const PixelRect rc = canvas.GetRect(); PixelPoint pt = rc.GetCenter(); canvas.SelectBlackPen(); canvas.SelectHollowBrush(); canvas.DrawCircle(pt.x, pt.y, 2); renderer.Draw(canvas, Angle::Zero(), wind, pt, rc, WindArrowStyle::ARROW_HEAD); }
unsigned WndFrame::GetTextHeight() const { PixelRect rc = GetClientRect(); const int padding = Layout::GetTextPadding(); rc.Grow(-padding); AnyCanvas canvas; canvas.Select(look.text_font); return text_renderer.GetHeight(canvas, rc, text.c_str()); }
inline void GLTexture::DrawFlippedOES(PixelRect dest, PixelRect src) const { const GLint rect[4] = { src.left, src.top, (GLint)src.GetWidth(), (GLint)src.GetHeight() }; glTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES, rect); /* glDrawTexiOES() circumvents the projection settings, thus we must roll our own translation */ glDrawTexiOES(OpenGL::translate.x + dest.left, OpenGL::viewport_size.y - OpenGL::translate.y - dest.bottom, 0, dest.GetWidth(), dest.GetHeight()); }
void GLTexture::DrawFlipped(PixelRect dest, PixelRect src) const { #ifdef HAVE_OES_DRAW_TEXTURE if (OpenGL::oes_draw_texture) { DrawFlippedOES(dest, src); return; } #endif const RasterPoint vertices[] = { dest.GetTopLeft(), dest.GetTopRight(), dest.GetBottomLeft(), dest.GetBottomRight(), }; const ScopeVertexPointer vp(vertices); const PixelSize allocated = GetAllocatedSize(); GLfloat x0 = (GLfloat)src.left / allocated.cx; GLfloat y0 = (GLfloat)src.top / allocated.cy; GLfloat x1 = (GLfloat)src.right / allocated.cx; GLfloat y1 = (GLfloat)src.bottom / allocated.cy; const GLfloat coord[] = { x0, y1, x1, y1, x0, y0, x1, y0, }; #ifdef USE_GLSL glEnableVertexAttribArray(OpenGL::Attribute::TEXCOORD); glVertexAttribPointer(OpenGL::Attribute::TEXCOORD, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, coord); #else glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, coord); #endif glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); #ifdef USE_GLSL glDisableVertexAttribArray(OpenGL::Attribute::TEXCOORD); OpenGL::solid_shader->Use(); #else glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); #endif }
gcc_pure static PixelRect GetButtonPosition(unsigned i, PixelRect rc) { unsigned hwidth = rc.GetWidth(), hheight = rc.GetHeight(); if (hheight > hwidth) { // portrait hheight /= 6; if (i == 0) { rc.left = rc.right; rc.top = rc.bottom; } else if (i < 5) { hwidth /= 4; rc.left += hwidth * (i - 1); rc.top = rc.bottom - hheight; } else { hwidth /= 3; rc.left = rc.right - hwidth; rc.top += (i - 5) * hheight; } rc.right = rc.left + hwidth; rc.bottom = rc.top + hheight; } else { // landscape hwidth /= 5; hheight /= 5; if (i == 0) { rc.left = rc.right; rc.top = rc.bottom; } else if (i < 5) { rc.top += hheight * (i - 1); } else { rc.left += hwidth * (i - 5); rc.top = rc.bottom - hheight; } rc.right = rc.left + hwidth; rc.bottom = rc.top + hheight; } return rc; }
bool TabDisplay::OnMouseMove(PixelScalar x, PixelScalar y, unsigned keys) { if (!dragging) return false; const PixelRect rc = GetButtonSize(down_index); bool not_on_button = !rc.IsInside({ x, y }); if (drag_off_button != not_on_button) { drag_off_button = not_on_button; Invalidate(rc); } return true; }
void SymbolRenderer::DrawSign(Canvas &canvas, PixelRect rc, bool plus) { unsigned size = std::min(rc.GetWidth(), rc.GetHeight()) / 5; auto center = rc.GetCenter(); // Draw horizontal bar canvas.Rectangle(center.x - size, center.y - size / 3, center.x + size, center.y + size / 3); if (plus) // Draw vertical bar canvas.Rectangle(center.x - size / 3, center.y - size, center.x + size / 3, center.y + size); }
bool WndForm::OnMouseMove(PixelScalar x, PixelScalar y, unsigned keys) { if (ContainerWindow::OnMouseMove(x, y, keys)) return true; if (dragging) { const PixelRect position = GetPosition(); const int dx = position.left + x - last_drag.x; const int dy = position.top + y - last_drag.y; last_drag.x = position.left + x; last_drag.y = position.top + y; PixelRect parent = GetParentClientRect(); parent.Grow(-client_rect.top); PixelRect new_position = position; new_position.Offset(dx, dy); if (new_position.right < parent.left) new_position.Offset(parent.left - new_position.right, 0); if (new_position.left > parent.right) new_position.Offset(parent.right - new_position.left, 0); if (new_position.top > parent.bottom) new_position.Offset(0, parent.bottom - new_position.top); if (new_position.top < 0) new_position.Offset(0, -new_position.top); #ifdef USE_MEMORY_CANVAS /* the RasterCanvas class doesn't clip negative window positions properly, therefore we avoid this problem at this stage */ if (new_position.left < 0) new_position.left = 0; if (new_position.top < 0) new_position.top = 0; #endif Move(new_position.left, new_position.top); return true; } return false; }
static void Draw(Canvas &canvas, PixelRect rc, const TaskOZMapItem &item, const TwoTextRowsRenderer &row_renderer, const TaskLook &look, const AirspaceLook &airspace_look, const AirspaceRendererSettings &airspace_settings) { const unsigned line_height = rc.GetHeight(); const unsigned text_padding = Layout::GetTextPadding(); const ObservationZonePoint &oz = *item.oz; const Waypoint &waypoint = *item.waypoint; const PixelPoint pt(rc.left + line_height / 2, rc.top + line_height / 2); const unsigned radius = line_height / 2 - text_padding; OZPreviewRenderer::Draw(canvas, oz, pt, radius, look, airspace_settings, airspace_look); rc.left += line_height + text_padding; TCHAR buffer[256]; // Draw details line OrderedTaskPointRadiusLabel(*item.oz, buffer); if (!StringIsEmpty(buffer)) row_renderer.DrawSecondRow(canvas, rc, buffer); // Draw waypoint name OrderedTaskPointLabel(item.tp_type, waypoint.name.c_str(), item.index, buffer); row_renderer.DrawFirstRow(canvas, rc, buffer); }
static void Draw(Canvas &canvas, PixelRect rc, const ThermalMapItem &item, RoughTimeDelta utc_offset, const TwoTextRowsRenderer &row_renderer, const MapLook &look) { const unsigned line_height = rc.GetHeight(); const unsigned text_padding = Layout::GetTextPadding(); const ThermalSource &thermal = item.thermal; const PixelPoint pt(rc.left + line_height / 2, rc.top + line_height / 2); look.thermal_source_icon.Draw(canvas, pt); rc.left += line_height + text_padding; row_renderer.DrawFirstRow(canvas, rc, _("Thermal")); StaticString<256> buffer; TCHAR lift_buffer[32]; FormatUserVerticalSpeed(thermal.lift_rate, lift_buffer, 32); int timespan = BrokenDateTime::NowUTC().GetSecondOfDay() - (int)thermal.time; if (timespan < 0) timespan += 24 * 60 * 60; buffer.Format(_T("%s: %s - left %s ago (%s)"), _("Avg. lift"), lift_buffer, FormatTimespanSmart(timespan).c_str(), FormatLocalTimeHHMM((int)thermal.time, utc_offset).c_str()); row_renderer.DrawSecondRow(canvas, rc, buffer); }
void KeyboardWidget::PrepareSize(const PixelRect &rc) { const PixelSize new_size = rc.GetSize(); button_width = new_size.cx / 10; button_height = new_size.cy / 5; }
void SymbolRenderer::DrawArrow(Canvas &canvas, PixelRect rc, Direction direction) { assert(direction == UP || direction == DOWN || direction == LEFT || direction == RIGHT); PixelScalar size = std::min(rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top) / 5; RasterPoint center = rc.GetCenter(); RasterPoint arrow[3]; if (direction == LEFT || direction == RIGHT) { arrow[0].x = center.x + (direction == LEFT ? size : -size); arrow[0].y = center.y + size; arrow[1].x = center.x + (direction == LEFT ? -size : size); arrow[1].y = center.y; arrow[2].x = center.x + (direction == LEFT ? size : -size); arrow[2].y = center.y - size; } else if (direction == UP || direction == DOWN) { arrow[0].x = center.x + size; arrow[0].y = center.y + (direction == UP ? size : -size); arrow[1].x = center.x; arrow[1].y = center.y + (direction == UP ? -size : size); arrow[2].x = center.x - size; arrow[2].y = center.y + (direction == UP ? size : -size); } canvas.DrawTriangleFan(arrow, 3); }
void WndFrame::OnPaint(Canvas &canvas) { if (HaveClipping()) canvas.Clear(look.background_brush); canvas.SetTextColor(caption_color); canvas.SetBackgroundTransparent(); canvas.Select(look.text_font); PixelRect rc = GetClientRect(); const int padding = Layout::GetTextPadding(); rc.Grow(-padding); text_renderer.Draw(canvas, rc, text.c_str()); }
AnalysisWidget::Layout::Layout(const PixelRect rc) { const unsigned width = rc.GetWidth(), height = rc.GetHeight(); const unsigned button_height = ::Layout::GetMaximumControlHeight(); main = rc; /* close button on the bottom left */ close_button.left = rc.left; close_button.right = rc.left + ::Layout::Scale(70); close_button.bottom = rc.bottom; close_button.top = close_button.bottom - button_height; /* previous/next buttons above the close button */ previous_button = close_button; previous_button.bottom = previous_button.top; previous_button.top = previous_button.bottom - button_height; previous_button.right = (previous_button.left + previous_button.right) / 2; next_button = previous_button; next_button.left = next_button.right; next_button.right = close_button.right; /* "details" button above "previous/next" */ details_button = close_button; details_button.bottom = previous_button.top; details_button.top = details_button.bottom - button_height; if (width > height) { info = close_button; info.top = rc.top; info.bottom = details_button.top; main.left = close_button.right; } else { main.bottom = details_button.top; info.left = close_button.right; info.right = rc.right; info.top = main.bottom; info.bottom = rc.bottom; } }
void ListControl::DrawItems(Canvas &canvas, unsigned start, unsigned end) const { PixelRect rc = item_rect(start); canvas.SetBackgroundColor(look.list.background_color); canvas.SetBackgroundTransparent(); canvas.Select(*look.list.font); #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL /* enable clipping */ GLScissor scissor(OpenGL::translate.x, OpenGL::screen_height - OpenGL::translate.y - canvas.GetHeight() - 1, scroll_bar.GetLeft(GetSize()), canvas.GetHeight()); #endif unsigned last_item = std::min(length, end); const bool focused = HasFocus(); for (unsigned i = start; i < last_item; i++) { const bool selected = i == cursor; const bool pressed = selected && drag_mode == DragMode::CURSOR; canvas.DrawFilledRectangle(rc, look.list.GetBackgroundColor(selected, focused, pressed)); canvas.SetTextColor(look.list.GetTextColor(selected, focused, pressed)); if (item_renderer != nullptr) item_renderer->OnPaintItem(canvas, rc, i); if (focused && selected) canvas.DrawFocusRectangle(rc); rc.Offset(0, rc.bottom - rc.top); } /* paint the bottom part below the last item */ rc.bottom = canvas.GetHeight(); if (rc.bottom > rc.top) canvas.DrawFilledRectangle(rc, look.list.background_color); }
inline void AirspaceIntersectionVisitorSlice::RenderBox(const PixelRect rc, AirspaceClass type) const { if (AirspacePreviewRenderer::PrepareFill(canvas, type, airspace_look, settings)) { const auto &class_settings = settings.classes[type]; // Draw thick brushed outlines const int border_width = class_settings.fill_mode == AirspaceClassRendererSettings::FillMode::PADDING ? Layout::ScalePenWidth(10) : 0; if (border_width > 0 && (rc.right - rc.left) > border_width * 2 && (rc.bottom - rc.top) > border_width * 2) { PixelRect border = rc; border.Grow(-border_width); // Left border canvas.Rectangle(rc.left, rc.top, border.left, rc.bottom); // Right border canvas.Rectangle(border.right, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom); // Bottom border canvas.Rectangle(border.left, border.bottom, border.right, rc.bottom); // Top border canvas.Rectangle(border.left, rc.top, border.right, border.top); } else { // .. or fill the entire rect if the outlines would overlap canvas.Rectangle(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom); } AirspacePreviewRenderer::UnprepareFill(canvas); } // Use transparent brush and type-dependent pen for the outlines if (AirspacePreviewRenderer::PrepareOutline(canvas, type, airspace_look, settings)) canvas.Rectangle(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom); }
void NextArrowRenderer::DrawArrow(Canvas &canvas, const PixelRect &rc, Angle angle) { /* * Define arrow geometry for forward pointing arrow. * These are the coordinates of the corners, relative to the center (o) * * + (0,-head_len) * / \ * / \ * / \ * (-head_width,-head_base) +-+ +-+ (head_width,-head_base) * (-tail_width,-head_base) | o | (tail_width,-head_base) * | | * | | * (-tail_width,tail_len) +---+ (tail_width,tail_len) * * The "tail" of the arrow is slightly shorter than the "head" to avoid * the corners of the tail to stick out of the bounding PixelRect. */ static constexpr auto head_len = 50; static constexpr auto head_width = 36; static constexpr auto head_base = head_len - head_width; static constexpr auto tail_width = 16; static constexpr auto tail_len = head_len - tail_width / 2; // An array of the arrow corner coordinates. RasterPoint arrow[] = { { 0, -head_len }, { head_width, -head_base }, { tail_width, -head_base }, { tail_width, tail_len }, { -tail_width, tail_len }, { -tail_width, -head_base }, { -head_width, -head_base }, }; /* * Rotate the arrow, center it in the bounding rectangle, and scale * it to fill the rectangle. * * Note that PolygonRotateShift scales a polygon with coordinates * in the range -50 to +50 to fill a square with the size of the 'scale' * argument. */ const auto size = std::min(rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top); PolygonRotateShift(arrow, ARRAY_SIZE(arrow), rc.GetCenter(), angle, size, false); // Draw the arrow. canvas.Select(look.arrow_pen); canvas.Select(look.arrow_brush); canvas.DrawPolygon(arrow, ARRAY_SIZE(arrow)); }