void PlayerbotShamanAI::DoNonCombatActions()
    PlayerbotAI *ai = GetAI();
    Player *m_bot = GetPlayerBot();
    if (!m_bot || !ai || m_bot->isDead()) { return; }

    //If Casting or Eating/Drinking return
    if (m_bot->HasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_CASTING)) { return; }
    if (m_bot->getStandState() == UNIT_STAND_STATE_SIT) { return; }

    //buff and heal raid
    if (DoSupportRaid(m_bot)) { return; }

    //heal pets and bots
    Unit *target = DoSelectLowestHpFriendly(40, 1000);
    if (target && target->isAlive() && HealTarget(target, target->GetHealth()*100 / target->GetMaxHealth())) { return; }

    if (ChangeWeaponEnchants()) { return; }
    if (CastSpell(WATER_SHIELD,m_bot)) { return; }
    if (CastSpell(EARTH_SHIELD,m_bot)) { return; }

    //mana/hp check
    //Don't bother with eating, if low on hp, just let it heal themself
    if (m_bot->getRace() == (uint8) RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER && ai->GetHealthPercent() < 75 && CastSpell(R_CANNIBALIZE,m_bot)) { return; }
    if (m_bot->GetHealth() < m_bot->GetMaxHealth() && CastSpell(LESSER_HEAL,m_bot)) { return; }
	if (ai->GetManaPercent() < 50) { ai->Feast(); }

} //end DoNonCombatActions
void PlayerbotDruidAI::DoNonCombatActions()
    PlayerbotAI *ai = GetAI();
    Player *m_bot = GetPlayerBot();
    if (!m_bot || !ai || m_bot->isDead()) { return; }

    //If Casting or Eating/Drinking return
    if (m_bot->HasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_CASTING)) { return; }
    if (m_bot->getStandState() == UNIT_STAND_STATE_SIT) { return; }

    //buff and heal raid
    if (DoSupportRaid(GetMaster())) { return; }
    if (m_bot->GetGroup() && GetMaster()->GetGroup() != m_bot->GetGroup() && DoSupportRaid(m_bot)) { return; }

    //heal pets and bots
    Unit *target = DoSelectLowestHpFriendly(30, 1000);
    if (target && target->isAlive() && HealTarget(target, target->GetHealth()*100 / target->GetMaxHealth())) { return; }

    //mana/hp check
    //Don't bother with eating, if low on hp, just let it heal themself
    if (m_bot->getRace() == (uint8) RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER && ai->GetHealthPercent() < 75 && CastSpell(R_CANNIBALIZE,m_bot)) { return; }
    if (ai->GetManaPercent() < 10 && CastSpell (INNERVATE, m_bot)) { return; } //Need mana fast
    if (m_bot->GetHealth() < m_bot->GetMaxHealth() &&
        (ai->GetForm() != FORM_CAT && ai->GetForm() != FORM_MOONKIN && ai->GetForm() != FORM_DIREBEAR && ai->GetForm() != FORM_BEAR)
        && CastSpell(REGROWTH,m_bot)) { return; }
    if (ai->GetManaPercent() < 50) { ai->Feast(); }

} //end DoNonCombatActions
void PlayerbotDeathKnightAI::DoNonCombatActions()
    PlayerbotAI *ai = GetAI();
    Player *m_bot = GetPlayerBot();
    if (!m_bot || !ai || m_bot->isDead()) { return; }

    //If Casting or Eating/Drinking return
    if (m_bot->HasUnitState(UNIT_STATE_CASTING)) { return; }
    if (m_bot->getStandState() == UNIT_STAND_STATE_SIT) { return; }

    //Buff UP
    if (CastSpell(HORN_OF_WINTER,m_bot)) { return; }
    if (CastSpell(BONE_SHIELD,m_bot)) { return; }

    //mana/hp check
    if (m_bot->getRace() == (uint8) RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER && ai->GetHealthPercent() < 75 && CastSpell(R_CANNIBALIZE,m_bot)) { return; }
    if (m_bot->GetHealth() < m_bot->GetMaxHealth() && CastSpell(RUNE_TAP,m_bot)) { return; } //no gcd but lets give the others a time to heal
    if (ai->GetHealthPercent() < 30) { ai->Feast(); }
    //Item* fItem = ai->FindBandage();
    /* if (pItem == NULL && fItem != NULL && !m_bot->HasAura(RECENTLY_BANDAGED, 0) && ai->GetHealthPercent() < 70)
        ai->TellMaster("I could use first aid.");
    }  */
} // end DoNonCombatActions
void PlayerbotMageAI::DoNonCombatActions()
    PlayerbotAI *ai = GetAI();
    Player *m_bot = GetPlayerBot();
    if (!m_bot || !ai || m_bot->isDead()) { return; }

    // make sure pet stays by your side
    uint64 pet_guid = m_bot->GetPetGUID();
    if (pet_guid>0){
        Pet* pet = ObjectAccessor::GetPet(*m_bot, pet_guid);
        Unit *unit = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(*m_bot, pet_guid);
        if (unit!=NULL){
            m_bot->GetSession()->HandlePetActionHelper(unit, pet_guid, COMMAND_FOLLOW, ACT_COMMAND, 0);
            m_bot->GetSession()->HandlePetActionHelper(unit, pet_guid, REACT_DEFENSIVE, ACT_REACTION, 0);

    //If Casting or Eating/Drinking return
    if (m_bot->HasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_CASTING)) { return; }
    if (m_bot->getStandState() == UNIT_STAND_STATE_SIT) { return; }

    //buff and heal raid
    if (DoSupportRaid(m_bot,30,0,0,0,1,1)) { return; }

    //Own Buffs
    if (MOLTEN_ARMOR) { if ( CastSpell(MOLTEN_ARMOR,m_bot)) { return; } }
    else if (CastSpell(MAGE_ARMOR,m_bot)) { return; }
    if (CastSpell(COMBUSTION,m_bot)) { } //nogcd
    if (!HasAuraName(m_bot, MANA_SHIELD)) CastSpell (MANA_SHIELD);

    //conjure food & water
    Item *pItem = ai->FindDrink();
	if(pItem == NULL && ai->GetManaPercent() >= 48)
        if (CastSpell(CONJURE_REFRESHMENT, m_bot)) { return; }
        if (CastSpell(CONJURE_WATER, m_bot)) { return; }
    pItem = ai->FindFood();
    if(pItem == NULL && ai->GetManaPercent() >= 48)
        if (CastSpell(CONJURE_REFRESHMENT, m_bot)) { return; }
        if (CastSpell(CONJURE_FOOD, m_bot)) { return; }
    //Conjure mana gem??

    //mana/hp check
    //Don't bother with eating, if low on hp, just let it heal themself
    if (m_bot->getRace() == (uint8) RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER && ai->GetHealthPercent() < 75 && CastSpell(R_CANNIBALIZE,m_bot)) { return; }
    if (ai->GetManaPercent() < 50 && CastSpell (EVOCATION, m_bot)) { return; }
    if (ai->GetManaPercent() < 50 || ai->GetHealthPercent() < 50) { ai->Feast(); }
} //end DoNonCombatActions
Example #5
void PlayerbotRogueAI::DoNonCombatActions()
    PlayerbotAI *ai = GetAI();
    Player *m_bot = GetPlayerBot();
    if (!m_bot || !ai || m_bot->isDead()) { return; }

    //If Casting or Eating/Drinking return
    if (m_bot->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_CASTING)) { return; }
    if (m_bot->getStandState() == UNIT_STAND_STATE_SIT) { return; }

    //Buff Up
    if (ChangeWeaponEnchants()) { return; }

    //mana/hp check
    if (m_bot->getRace() == (uint8) RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER && ai->GetHealthPercent() < 75 && CastSpell(R_CANNIBALIZE,m_bot)) { return; }
    if (ai->GetHealthPercent() < 50) { ai->Feast(); }
} //end DoNonCombatActions
void PlayerbotHunterAI::DoNonCombatActions()
    PlayerbotAI *ai = GetAI();
    Player *m_bot = GetPlayerBot();
    if (!m_bot || !ai || m_bot->isDead()) { return; }

    //If Casting or Eating/Drinking return
    if (m_bot->HasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_CASTING)) { return; }
    if (m_bot->getStandState() == UNIT_STAND_STATE_SIT) { return; }

    // buff group
    if (CastSpell(TRUESHOT_AURA, m_bot)) { return; }

    //mana/hp check
    //Don't bother with eating, if low on hp, just let it heal themself
    if (m_bot->getRace() == (uint8) RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER && ai->GetHealthPercent() < 75 && CastSpell(R_CANNIBALIZE,m_bot)) { return; }
    if (ai->GetManaPercent() < 20 || ai->GetHealthPercent() < 30) { ai->Feast(); }

    #pragma region Check Pet
    // check for pet
    if( PET_SUMMON>0 && !m_petSummonFailed && HasPet(m_bot) )
        // we can summon pet, and no critical summon errors before
        Pet *pet = m_bot->GetPet();
        if( !pet )
            // summon pet
            if( PET_SUMMON>0 && ai->CastSpell(PET_SUMMON,m_bot) )
                ai->TellMaster( "summoning pet." );
                m_petSummonFailed = true;
                ai->TellMaster( "summon pet failed!" );
        else if( pet->getDeathState() != ALIVE )
            // revive pet
            if( PET_REVIVE>0 && ai->GetManaPercent()>=80 && ai->CastSpell(PET_REVIVE,m_bot) )
                ai->TellMaster( "reviving pet." );
        else if( ((float)pet->GetHealth()/(float)pet->GetMaxHealth()) < 0.5f )
            // heal pet when health lower 50%
            if( PET_MEND>0 && !pet->getDeathState() != ALIVE && !pet->HasAura(PET_MEND,0) && ai->GetManaPercent()>=13 && ai->CastSpell(PET_MEND,m_bot) )
                ai->TellMaster( "healing pet." );
        else if(pet->GetHappinessState() != HAPPY) // if pet is hungry
            Unit *caster = (Unit*)m_bot;
            // list out items in main backpack
            for (uint8 slot = INVENTORY_SLOT_ITEM_START; slot < INVENTORY_SLOT_ITEM_END; slot++)
                Item* const pItem = m_bot->GetItemByPos(INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_0, slot);
                if (pItem)
                    const ItemTemplate* const pItemProto = pItem->GetTemplate();
                    if (!pItemProto )
                    if(pet->HaveInDiet(pItemProto)) // is pItem in pets diet
                        //sLog.outDebug("Food for pet: %s",pItemProto->Name1);
                        caster->CastSpell(caster,51284,true); // pet feed visual
                        uint32 count = 1; // number of items used
                        int32 benefit = pet->GetCurrentFoodBenefitLevel(pItemProto->ItemLevel); // nutritional value of food
                        m_bot->DestroyItemCount(pItem,count,true); // remove item from inventory
                        m_bot->CastCustomSpell(m_bot,PET_FEED,&benefit,NULL,NULL,true); // feed pet
                        ai->TellMaster( "feeding pet." );
            // list out items in other removable backpacks
            for (uint8 bag = INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_START; bag < INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_END; ++bag)
                const Bag* const pBag = (Bag*) m_bot->GetItemByPos(INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_0, bag);
                if (pBag)
                    for (uint8 slot = 0; slot < pBag->GetBagSize(); ++slot)
                        Item* const pItem = m_bot->GetItemByPos(bag, slot);
                        if (pItem)
                            const ItemTemplate* const pItemProto = pItem->GetTemplate();
                            if (!pItemProto )
                            if(pet->HaveInDiet(pItemProto)) // is pItem in pets diet
                                //sLog.outDebug("Food for pet: %s",pItemProto->Name1);
                                caster->CastSpell(caster,51284,true); // pet feed visual
                                uint32 count = 1; // number of items used
                                int32 benefit = pet->GetCurrentFoodBenefitLevel(pItemProto->ItemLevel); // nutritional value of food
                                m_bot->DestroyItemCount(pItem,count,true); // remove item from inventory
                                m_bot->CastCustomSpell(m_bot,PET_FEED,&benefit,NULL,NULL,true); // feed pet
                                ai->TellMaster( "feeding pet." );
            if( pet->HasAura(PET_MEND, 0) && !pet->HasAura(PET_FEED, 0))

                ai->TellMaster( "..no pet food!" );
    #pragma endregion
} // end DoNonCombatActions