Example #1
void Expression::updatePlug( ValuePlug *parentPlug, size_t childIndex, ValuePlug *plug )
	if( parentPlug->children().size() > childIndex )
		// See if we can reuse the existing plug
		Plug *existingChildPlug = parentPlug->getChild<Plug>( childIndex );
			( existingChildPlug->direction() == Plug::In && existingChildPlug->getInput<Plug>() == plug ) ||
			( existingChildPlug->direction() == Plug::Out && plug->getInput<Plug>() == existingChildPlug )

	// Existing plug not OK, so we need to create one. First we must remove all
	// plugs from childIndex onwards, so that when we add the new plug it gets
	// the right index.
	removeChildren( parentPlug, childIndex );

	// Finally we can add the plug we need.

	PlugPtr childPlug = plug->createCounterpart( "p0", parentPlug->direction() );
	childPlug->setFlags( Plug::Dynamic, true );
	parentPlug->addChild( childPlug );
	if( childPlug->direction() == Plug::In )
		childPlug->setInput( plug );
		plug->setInput( childPlug );
Example #2
bool DotNodeGadget::drop( const DragDropEvent &event )
	if( dotNode()->inPlug<Plug>() )
		// We've already got our plugs set up - StandardNodeGadget
		// behaviour will take care of everything.
		return false;

	Plug *plug = runTimeCast<Plug>( event.data.get() );
	if( !plug )
		return false;

	Gaffer::UndoScope undoEnabler( node()->ancestor<ScriptNode>() );

	dotNode()->setup( plug );
	if( plug->direction() == Plug::In )
		plug->setInput( dotNode()->outPlug<Plug>() );
		dotNode()->inPlug<Plug>()->setInput( plug );

	return true;
Example #3
void ScriptingKeyframesBool::set_key (void)

	const std::vector<PlugBase*> &outgoing = _out.outgoing_connections();
	if (outgoing.size() > 0) {
		// get first connected plug
		Plug<DTboolean> *outplug = static_cast<Plug<DTboolean>*>(*(outgoing.begin()));
		// get the value of the first connected plug
		DTboolean val = outplug->value_without_compute();
		// clear any existing key
		// add the keyframe
		keyframe k;
		k._time = _t;
		k._value = val;
		k._id = _id++;
		std::sort(_keyframes.begin(), _keyframes.end());
Example #4
void Plug::removeOutputs()
    for( OutputContainer::iterator it = m_outputs.begin(); it!=m_outputs.end();  )
        Plug *p = *it++;
        p->setInput( 0 );
Example #5
Gaffer::Node *DotNodeGadget::upstreamNode()
	Plug *plug = dotNode()->inPlug<Plug>();
	while( plug && runTimeCast<Dot>( plug->node() ) )
		plug = plug->getInput<Plug>();
	return plug ? plug->node() : NULL;
Example #6
void BoxIO::setupPromotedPlug()
	Plug *toPromote = m_direction == Plug::In ? inPlugInternal() : outPlugInternal();
	if( toPromote && parent<Box>() )
		Plug *promoted = PlugAlgo::promoteWithName( toPromote, namePlug()->getValue() );
		namePlug()->setValue( promoted->getName() );
Example #7
std::vector<NoduleLayout::GadgetKey> NoduleLayout::layoutOrder()
	typedef pair<int, GadgetKey> SortItem;
	vector<SortItem> toSort;

	// Add any plugs which should be visible

	for( PlugIterator plugIt( m_parent.get() ); !plugIt.done(); ++plugIt )
		Plug *plug = plugIt->get();
		if( boost::starts_with( plug->getName().string(), "__" ) )
		if( !::visible( plug, m_section ) )

		toSort.push_back( SortItem( index( plug, toSort.size() ), plug ) );

	// Then any custom gadgets specified by the metadata

	vector<InternedString> metadata;
	Metadata::registeredValues( m_parent.get(), metadata );
	boost::regex customGadgetRegex( "noduleLayout:customGadget:(.+):gadgetType" );
	for( vector<InternedString>::const_iterator it = metadata.begin(), eIt = metadata.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		boost::cmatch match;
		if( !boost::regex_match( it->c_str(), match, customGadgetRegex ) )
		const InternedString name = match[1].str();
		if( !::visible( m_parent.get(), name, m_section ) )

		toSort.push_back( SortItem( index( m_parent.get(), name, toSort.size() ), name ) );

	// Sort and return the result

	sort( toSort.begin(), toSort.end() );

	vector<GadgetKey> result;
	result.reserve( toSort.size() );
	for( vector<SortItem>::const_iterator it = toSort.begin(), eIt = toSort.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		result.push_back( it->second );

	return result;
Example #8
void ArnoldShader::loadShader( const std::string &shaderName, bool keepExistingValues )
	IECoreArnold::UniverseBlock arnoldUniverse( /* writable = */ false );

	const AtNodeEntry *shader = AiNodeEntryLookUp( AtString( shaderName.c_str() ) );
	if( !shader )
		throw Exception( str( format( "Shader \"%s\" not found" ) % shaderName ) );

	Plug *parametersPlug = this->parametersPlug()->source<Plug>();

	if( !keepExistingValues )
		if( Plug *out = outPlug() )
			removeChild( out );

	const bool isLightShader = AiNodeEntryGetType( shader ) == AI_NODE_LIGHT;
	namePlug()->setValue( AiNodeEntryGetName( shader ) );

	int aiOutputType = AI_TYPE_POINTER;
	string type = "ai:light";
	if( !isLightShader )
		const CompoundData *metadata = ArnoldShader::metadata();
		const StringData *shaderTypeData = static_cast<const StringData*>( metadata->member<IECore::CompoundData>( "shader" )->member<IECore::Data>( "shaderType" ) );
		if( shaderTypeData )
			type = "ai:" + shaderTypeData->readable();
			type = "ai:surface";

		if( type == "ai:surface" )
			aiOutputType = AiNodeEntryGetOutputType( shader );

	if( !keepExistingValues && type == "ai:lightFilter" )
		attributeSuffixPlug()->setValue( shaderName );

	typePlug()->setValue( type );

	ParameterHandler::setupPlugs( shader, parametersPlug );
	ParameterHandler::setupPlug( "out", aiOutputType, this, Plug::Out );

Example #9
void Expression::removeChildren( ValuePlug *parentPlug, size_t startChildIndex )
	// Remove backwards, because children() is a vector and
	// it's therefore cheaper to remove from the end.
	for( int i = (int)(parentPlug->children().size() ) - 1; i >= (int)startChildIndex; --i )
		Plug *toRemove = parentPlug->getChild<Plug>( i );
		parentPlug->removeChild( toRemove );
Example #10
void ScriptNode::deleteNodes( Node *parent, const Set *filter, bool reconnect )
	parent = parent ? parent : this;
	// because children are stored as a vector, it's
	// much more efficient to delete those at the end before
	// those at the beginning.
	int i = (int)(parent->children().size()) - 1;
	while( i >= 0 )
		Node *node = parent->getChild<Node>( i );
		if( node && ( !filter || filter->contains( node ) ) )
			// reconnect the inputs and outputs as though the node was disabled
			DependencyNode *dependencyNode = IECore::runTimeCast<DependencyNode>( node );
			if( reconnect && dependencyNode )
				for( OutputPlugIterator it( node ); it != it.end(); ++it )
					Plug *inPlug = dependencyNode->correspondingInput( it->get() );
					if ( !inPlug )

					Plug *srcPlug = inPlug->getInput<Plug>();
					if ( !srcPlug )

					// record this plug's current outputs, and reconnect them. This is a copy of (*it)->outputs() rather
					// than a reference, as reconnection can modify (*it)->outputs()...
					Plug::OutputContainer outputs = (*it)->outputs();
					for ( Plug::OutputContainer::const_iterator oIt = outputs.begin(); oIt != outputs.end(); )
						Plug *dstPlug = *oIt;
						if ( dstPlug && dstPlug->acceptsInput( srcPlug ) && this->isAncestorOf( dstPlug ) )
							dstPlug->setInput( srcPlug );

			parent->removeChild( node );
Example #11
void BoxIO::insert( Box *box )
	// Must take a copy of children because adding a child
	// would invalidate our PlugIterator.
	GraphComponent::ChildContainer children = box->children();
	for( PlugIterator it( children ); !it.done(); ++it )
		Plug *plug = it->get();
		if( plug->direction() == Plug::In )
			std::vector<Plug *> outputsNeedingBoxIn;
			const Plug::OutputContainer &outputs = plug->outputs();
			for( Plug::OutputContainer::const_iterator oIt = outputs.begin(), oeIt = outputs.end(); oIt != oeIt; ++oIt )
				if( hasNodule( *oIt ) && !runTimeCast<BoxIO>( (*oIt)->node() ) )
					outputsNeedingBoxIn.push_back( *oIt );

			if( outputsNeedingBoxIn.empty() )

			BoxInPtr boxIn = new BoxIn;
			boxIn->namePlug()->setValue( plug->getName() );
			boxIn->setup( plug );
			box->addChild( boxIn );

			boxIn->inPlugInternal()->setInput( plug );
			for( std::vector<Plug *>::const_iterator oIt = outputsNeedingBoxIn.begin(), oeIt = outputsNeedingBoxIn.end(); oIt != oeIt; ++oIt )
				(*oIt)->setInput( boxIn->plug() );
			// Output plug

			Plug *input = plug->getInput();
			if( !input || !hasNodule( input ) || runTimeCast<BoxIO>( input->node() ) )

			BoxOutPtr boxOut = new BoxOut;
			boxOut->namePlug()->setValue( plug->getName() );
			boxOut->setup( plug );
			box->addChild( boxOut );

			boxOut->plug()->setInput( input );
			plug->setInput( boxOut->outPlugInternal() );

Example #12
void TaskNode::postTasks( const Context *context, Tasks &tasks ) const
	for( PlugIterator cIt( postTasksPlug() ); !cIt.done(); ++cIt )
		Plug *source = (*cIt)->source();
		if( source != *cIt && source->direction() == Plug::Out )
			if( TaskNodePtr n = runTimeCast<TaskNode>( source->node() ) )
				tasks.push_back( Task( n, context ) );
void CompoundNumericPlug<T>::ungang()
	for( size_t i = 1, e = children().size(); i < e; ++i )
		Plug *child = getChild( i );
		if( const Plug *input = child->getInput<Plug>() )
			if( input->parent<Plug>() == this )
				child->setInput( 0 );
Example #14
void TaskNode::preTasks( const Context *context, Tasks &tasks ) const
	for( PlugIterator cIt( preTasksPlug() ); !cIt.done(); ++cIt )
		Plug *source = (*cIt)->source<Plug>();
		if( source != *cIt )
			if( TaskNodePtr n = runTimeCast<TaskNode>( source->node() ) )
				tasks.push_back( Task( n, context ) );
Example #15
static void loadCoshaderParameter( Gaffer::CompoundPlug *parametersPlug, const std::string &name )
	Plug *existingPlug = parametersPlug->getChild<Plug>( name );
	if( existingPlug && existingPlug->typeId() == Plug::staticTypeId() )
	PlugPtr plug = new Plug( name, Plug::In, Plug::Default | Plug::Dynamic );
	if( existingPlug && existingPlug->getInput<Plug>() )
		plug->setInput( existingPlug->getInput<Plug>() );
	parametersPlug->setChild( name, plug );
Example #16
void ExecutableNode::requirements( const Context *context, Tasks &requirements ) const
	for( PlugIterator cIt( requirementsPlug() ); cIt != cIt.end(); ++cIt )
		Plug *p = (*cIt)->source<Plug>();
		if( p != *cIt )
			if( ExecutableNode *n = runTimeCast<ExecutableNode>( p->node() ) )
				/// \todo Can we not just reuse the context? Maybe we need to make
				/// the context in Task const?
				requirements.push_back( Task( n, new Context( *context ) ) );
Example #17
		void emit()
			// Because we hold a reference to the plugs via m_graph,
			// we may be the last owner. This means that when we clear
			// the graph below, those plugs may be destroyed, which can
			// trigger another dirty propagation as their child plugs are
			// removed etc.
			// Additionally, emitting plugDirtiedSignal() can cause
			// ill-behaved code to trigger another dirty propagation
			// phase while we're emitting this one. This is explicitly
			// disallowed in the documentation for the Node class, but
			// unfortunately we can't control what the python interpreter
			// does - entering python via plugDirtiedSignal() can
			// trigger a garbage collection which might delete plugs
			// and trigger dirty propagation again as their children
			// and inputs are removed.
			// We use the m_emitting flag to disable these unwanted
			// secondary propagations during emit(), since they're not
			// needed, and can cause crashes.

			ScopedAssignment<bool> scopedAssignment( m_emitting, true );

			std::vector<VertexDescriptor> sorted;
				topological_sort( m_graph, std::back_inserter( sorted ) );
			catch( const std::exception &e )
				IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Error, "Plug dirty propagation", e.what() );

			for( std::vector<VertexDescriptor>::const_iterator it = sorted.begin(), eIt = sorted.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
				Plug *plug = m_graph[*it].get();
				if( Node *node = plug->node() )
					node->plugDirtiedSignal()( plug );

Example #18
void BoxIO::plugInputChanged( Plug *plug )
	// An input has changed either on this node or on
	// the parent box node. This gives us the opportunity
	// to discover our promoted plug and connect to its
	// signals.
	Plug *promoted = nullptr;
	if( m_direction == Plug::In && plug == inPlugInternal() )
		promoted = promotedPlug();
	else if( m_direction == Plug::Out && plug == promotedPlug() )
		promoted = plug;

	if( promoted )
		m_promotedPlugNameChangedConnection = promoted->nameChangedSignal().connect(
			boost::bind( &BoxIO::promotedPlugNameChanged, this, ::_1 )
		m_promotedPlugParentChangedConnection = promoted->parentChangedSignal().connect(
			boost::bind( &BoxIO::promotedPlugParentChanged, this, ::_1 )

	// Detect manual setups created by legacy scripts from before
	// we added the pass-through, and fix them to include a pass-through.

		m_direction == Plug::Out &&
		plug == outPlugInternal() &&
		plug->getInput() == inPlugInternal() &&

	// If a connection has been made to our passThrough plug
	// for the first time, then we also want to create an enabled
	// plug for the Box and connect to it.
	if( plug == passThroughPlugInternal() && passThroughPlugInternal()->getInput() )
Example #19
static Plug *loadClosureParameter( const OSLQuery::Parameter *parameter, Gaffer::CompoundPlug *parent )
	const string name = plugName( parameter );
	Plug *existingPlug = parent->getChild<Plug>( name );
	if(	existingPlug && existingPlug->typeId() == Plug::staticTypeId() )
		return existingPlug;
	PlugPtr plug = new Plug( name, parent->direction(), Plug::Default | Plug::Dynamic );
	transferConnectionOrValue( existingPlug, plug.get() );
	parent->setChild( name, plug );
	return plug;
Example #20
static boost::python::tuple outputs( Plug &p )
	const Plug::OutputContainer &o = p.outputs();
	boost::python::list l;
	for( Plug::OutputContainer::const_iterator it=o.begin(); it!=o.end(); it++ )
		l.append( PlugPtr( *it ) );
	return boost::python::tuple( l );
Example #21
void OSLShader::loadShader( const std::string &shaderName, bool keepExistingValues )
	const char *searchPath = getenv( "OSL_SHADER_PATHS" );

	OSLQuery query;
	if( !query.open( shaderName, searchPath ? searchPath : "" ) )
		throw Exception( query.error() );
	loadShaderParameters( query, parametersPlug(), keepExistingValues );
	if( query.shadertype() == "shader" )
		CompoundPlug *existingOut = getChild<CompoundPlug>( "out" );
		if( !existingOut || existingOut->typeId() != CompoundPlug::staticTypeId() )
			CompoundPlugPtr outPlug = new CompoundPlug( "out", Plug::Out, Plug::Default | Plug::Dynamic );
			setChild( "out", outPlug );
		loadShaderParameters( query, getChild<CompoundPlug>( "out" ), keepExistingValues );		
		Plug *existingOut = getChild<Plug>( "out" );
		if( !existingOut || existingOut->typeId() != Plug::staticTypeId() )
			PlugPtr outPlug = new Plug( "out", Plug::Out, Plug::Default | Plug::Dynamic );
			setChild( "out", outPlug );
	namePlug()->setValue( shaderName );
	typePlug()->setValue( "osl:" + query.shadertype() );
	m_metadata = NULL;
Example #22
void PathFilter::plugDirtied( const Gaffer::Plug *plug )
	if( plug == pathsPlug() )
		//\todo: share this logic with Switch::variesWithContext()
		Plug* sourcePlug = pathsPlug()->source();
		if( sourcePlug->direction() == Plug::Out && IECore::runTimeCast<const ComputeNode>( sourcePlug->node() ) )
			// pathsPlug() is receiving data from a plug whose value is context varying, meaning
			// we need to use the intermediate pathMatcherPlug() in computeMatch() instead:

			m_pathMatcher = nullptr;
			// pathsPlug() value is not context varying, meaning we can save on graph evaluations
			// by just precomputing it here and directly using it in computeMatch():

			ConstStringVectorDataPtr paths = pathsPlug()->getValue();
			m_pathMatcher = new PathMatcherData;
			m_pathMatcher->writable().init( paths->readable().begin(), paths->readable().end() );
Example #23
void Scene::removeEdge(PlugEdge* edge)
    Plug* fromPlug = edge->getStartPlug();
    Plug* toPlug = edge->getEndPlug();
    QPair<Plug*, Plug*> edgeKey(fromPlug, toPlug);
#ifdef QT_DEBUG

    // unregister from the connected plugs

    // remove the edge from the Scene's register

    // remove the edge from its group
    EdgeGroup* edgeGroup  = edge->getGroup();

    // if the group is now empty, we can only delete it if the other group in the pair is also empty
    EdgeGroupPair* edgeGroupPair = edgeGroup->getEdgeGroupPair();
        uint firstHash = edgeGroupPair->getFirstGroup()->getHash();
        uint secondHash = edgeGroupPair->getSecondGroup()->getHash();
        delete edgeGroupPair; // also deletes the EdgeGroups
        edgeGroupPair = nullptr;

    // lastly, remove the QGraphicsItem from the scene, thereby taking possession of the last pointer to the edge

    // delete the edge from memory (automatically deletes all Qt-children as well)

    // emit signals
    emit fromPlug->getNode()->outputDisconnected(fromPlug, toPlug);
    emit toPlug->getNode()->inputDisconnected(toPlug, fromPlug);
Example #24
ArnoldMeshLight::ArnoldMeshLight( const std::string &name )
	:	GafferScene::FilteredSceneProcessor( name, IECore::PathMatcher::NoMatch )

	// ArnoldAttributesNode. This hides the objects from the majority
	// of ray types, since we don't want to add the poor sampling of the
	// object on top of the nice sampling of the light. The only visibility
	// option we don't turn off is camera visibility - instead we promote
	// so the user can decide whether or not the mesh should be visible in
	// the render.

	ArnoldAttributesPtr attributes = new ArnoldAttributes( "__attributes" );
	attributes->inPlug()->setInput( inPlug() );
	attributes->filterPlug()->setInput( filterPlug() );
	for( CompoundDataPlug::MemberPlugIterator it( attributes->attributesPlug() ); !it.done(); ++it )
		if( boost::ends_with( (*it)->getName().string(), "Visibility" ) && (*it)->getName() != "cameraVisibility" )
			(*it)->enabledPlug()->setValue( true );
			(*it)->valuePlug<BoolPlug>()->setValue( false );

	addChild( attributes );

	Plug *internalCameraVisibilityPlug = attributes->attributesPlug()->getChild<Plug>( "cameraVisibility" );
	PlugPtr cameraVisibilityPlug = internalCameraVisibilityPlug->createCounterpart( "cameraVisibility", Plug::In );
	addChild( cameraVisibilityPlug );
	internalCameraVisibilityPlug->setInput( cameraVisibilityPlug );

	// Shader node. This loads the Arnold mesh_light shader.

	ArnoldShaderPtr shader = new ArnoldShader( "__shader" );
	shader->loadShader( "mesh_light" );
	addChild( shader );

	PlugPtr parametersPlug = shader->parametersPlug()->createCounterpart( "parameters", Plug::In );
	addChild( parametersPlug );
	for( PlugIterator srcIt( parametersPlug.get() ), dstIt( shader->parametersPlug() ); !srcIt.done(); ++srcIt, ++dstIt )
		(*dstIt)->setInput( *srcIt );
		// We don't need the parameters to be dynamic, because we create the
		// plugs in our constructor when calling `loadShader()`.
		(*srcIt)->setFlags( Plug::Dynamic, false );

	// ShaderAssignment node. This assigns the mesh_light shader
	// to the objects chosen by the filter.

	ShaderAssignmentPtr shaderAssignment = new ShaderAssignment( "__shaderAssignment" );
	shaderAssignment->inPlug()->setInput( attributes->outPlug() );
	shaderAssignment->filterPlug()->setInput( filterPlug() );
	shaderAssignment->shaderPlug()->setInput( shader->outPlug() );
	addChild( shaderAssignment );

	// Set node. This adds the objects into the __lights set,
	// so they will be output correctly to the renderer.

	SetPtr set = new Set( "__set" );
	set->inPlug()->setInput( shaderAssignment->outPlug() );
	set->filterPlug()->setInput( filterPlug() );
	set->namePlug()->setValue( "__lights" );
	set->modePlug()->setValue( Set::Add );
	addChild( set );

	// Default lights Set node.

	BoolPlugPtr defaultLightPlug = new BoolPlug( "defaultLight", Plug::In, true );
	addChild( defaultLightPlug );

	SetPtr defaultLightsSet = new Set( "__defaultLightsSet" );
	defaultLightsSet->inPlug()->setInput( set->outPlug() );
	defaultLightsSet->filterPlug()->setInput( filterPlug() );
	defaultLightsSet->enabledPlug()->setInput( defaultLightPlug.get() );
	defaultLightsSet->namePlug()->setValue( "defaultLights" );
	defaultLightsSet->modePlug()->setValue( Set::Add );
	addChild( defaultLightsSet );

	// Switch for enabling/disabling

	SwitchPtr enabledSwitch = new Switch( "__switch" );
	enabledSwitch->setup( inPlug() );
	enabledSwitch->inPlugs()->getChild<ScenePlug>( 0 )->setInput( inPlug() );
	enabledSwitch->inPlugs()->getChild<ScenePlug>( 1 )->setInput( defaultLightsSet->outPlug() );
	enabledSwitch->indexPlug()->setValue( 1 );
	enabledSwitch->enabledPlug()->setInput( enabledPlug() );
	addChild( enabledSwitch );

	outPlug()->setInput( enabledSwitch->outPlug() );
	// We don't need to serialise the connection because we make
	// it upon construction.
	/// \todo Can we just do this in the SceneProcessor base class?
	outPlug()->setFlags( Plug::Serialisable, false );
Example #25
void OSLShader::loadShader( const std::string &shaderName, bool keepExistingValues )
	Plug *existingOut = outPlug();
	if( shaderName.empty() )
		namePlug()->setValue( "" );
		typePlug()->setValue( "" );
		if( existingOut )

	const char *searchPath = getenv( "OSL_SHADER_PATHS" );

	OSLQuery query;
	if( !query.open( shaderName, searchPath ? searchPath : "" ) )
		throw Exception( query.geterror() );

	const bool outPlugHadChildren = existingOut ? existingOut->children().size() : false;
	if( !keepExistingValues )
		// If we're not preserving existing values then remove all existing
		// parameter plugs - the various plug creators above know that if a
		// plug exists then they should preserve its values.
		if( existingOut )

	m_metadata = NULL;
	namePlug()->setValue( shaderName );
	typePlug()->setValue( std::string( "osl:" ) + query.shadertype().c_str() );

	const IECore::CompoundData *metadata = OSLShader::metadata();
	const IECore::CompoundData *parameterMetadata = NULL;
	if( metadata )
		parameterMetadata = metadata->member<IECore::CompoundData>( "parameter" );

	loadShaderParameters( query, parametersPlug(), parameterMetadata );

	if( !existingOut || existingOut->typeId() != Plug::staticTypeId() )
		PlugPtr outPlug = new Plug( "out", Plug::Out, Plug::Default | Plug::Dynamic );
		if( existingOut )
			// We had an out plug but it was the wrong type (we used
			// to use a CompoundPlug before that was deprecated). Move
			// over any existing child plugs onto our replacement.
			for( PlugIterator it( existingOut ); !it.done(); ++it )
				outPlug->addChild( *it );
		setChild( "out", outPlug );

	if( query.shadertype() == "shader" )
		loadShaderParameters( query, outPlug(), parameterMetadata );

	if( static_cast<bool>( outPlug()->children().size() ) != outPlugHadChildren )
		// OSLShaderUI registers a dynamic metadata entry which depends on whether or
		// not the plug has children, so we must notify the world that the value will
		// have changed.
		Metadata::plugValueChangedSignal()( staticTypeId(), "out", "nodule:type", outPlug() );
Example #26
static NodePtr node( Plug &p )
	return p.node();
Example #27
void DependencyNode::propagateDirtiness( Plug *plugToDirty )
	// we're not able to signal anything if there's no node, so just early out
	Node *node = plugToDirty->ancestor<Node>();
	if( !node )
	// we don't emit dirtiness immediately for each plug as we traverse the
	// dependency graph for two reasons :
	// - we don't want to emit dirtiness for the same plug more than once
	// - we don't want to emit dirtiness while the graph may still be being
	//   rewired by slots connected to plugSetSignal() or plugInputChangedSignal()
	// instead we collect all the dirty plugs in a container as we traverse
	// the graph and only when the traversal is complete do we emit the plugDirtiedSignal().
	// the container used is stored per-thread as although it's illegal to be
	// monkeying with a script from multiple threads, it's perfectly legal to
	// be monkeying with a different script in each thread.
	DirtyPlugsContainer &dirtyPlugs = g_dirtyPlugsContainers.local();
	// if the container is currently empty then we are at the start of a traversal,
	// and will emit plugDirtiedSignal() and empty the container before returning
	// from this function. if the container isn't empty then we are mid-traversal
	// and will just add to it.
	const bool emit = dirtyPlugs.empty();

	Plug *p = plugToDirty;
	while( p )
		dirtyPlugs.insert( p );
		p = p->parent<Plug>();
	// we only propagate dirtiness along leaf level plugs, because
	// they are the only plugs which can be the target of the affects(),
	// and compute() methods.
	if( !plugToDirty->isInstanceOf( (IECore::TypeId)CompoundPlugTypeId ) )
		DependencyNode *dependencyNode = IECore::runTimeCast<DependencyNode>( node );
		if( dependencyNode )
			AffectedPlugsContainer affected;
			dependencyNode->affects( plugToDirty, affected );
			for( AffectedPlugsContainer::const_iterator it=affected.begin(); it!=affected.end(); it++ )
				if( ( *it )->isInstanceOf( (IECore::TypeId)Gaffer::CompoundPlugTypeId ) )
					// DependencyNode::affects() implementations are only allowed to place leaf plugs in the outputs,
					// so we helpfully report any mistakes.
					throw IECore::Exception( "Non-leaf plug " + (*it)->fullName() + " cannot be returned by affects()" );
				// cast is ok - AffectedPlugsContainer only holds const pointers so that
				// affects() can be const to discourage implementations from having side effects.
				propagateDirtiness( const_cast<Plug *>( *it ) );
		for( Plug::OutputContainer::const_iterator it=plugToDirty->outputs().begin(), eIt=plugToDirty->outputs().end(); it!=eIt; ++it )
			propagateDirtiness( *it );
	if( emit )
		for( size_t i = 0, e = dirtyPlugs.size(); i < e; ++i )
			Plug *plug = dirtyPlugs.get<1>()[i];
			Node *node = plug->node();
			if( node )
				node->plugDirtiedSignal()( plug );
Example #28
void Reference::load( const std::string &fileName )
	ScriptNode *script = scriptNode();
	if( !script )
		throw IECore::Exception( "Reference::load called without ScriptNode" );

	// if we're doing a reload, then we want to maintain any values and
	// connections that our external plugs might have. but we also need to
	// get those existing plugs out of the way during the load, so that the
	// incoming plugs don't get renamed.

	std::map<std::string, Plug *> previousPlugs;
	for( PlugIterator it( this ); it != it.end(); ++it )
		Plug *plug = it->get();
		if( isReferencePlug( plug ) )
			previousPlugs[plug->getName()] = plug;
			plug->setName( "__tmp__" + plug->getName().string() );

	for( PlugIterator it( userPlug() ); it != it.end(); ++it )
		Plug *plug = it->get();
		previousPlugs[plug->relativeName( this )] = plug;
		plug->setName( "__tmp__" + plug->getName().string() );

	// if we're doing a reload, then we also need to delete all our child
	// nodes to make way for the incoming nodes.

	int i = (int)(children().size()) - 1;
	while( i >= 0 )
		if( Node *node = getChild<Node>( i ) )
			removeChild( node );

	// load the reference. we use continueOnError=true to get everything possible
	// loaded, but if any errors do occur we throw an exception at the end of this
	// function. this means that the caller is still notified of errors via the
	// exception mechanism, but we leave ourselves in the best state possible for
	// the case where ScriptNode::load( continueOnError = true ) will ignore the
	// exception that we throw.

	const bool errors = script->executeFile( fileName, this, /* continueOnError = */ true );
	fileNamePlug()->setValue( fileName );

	// transfer connections and values from the old plugs onto the corresponding new ones.

	for( std::map<std::string, Plug *>::const_iterator it = previousPlugs.begin(), eIt = previousPlugs.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		Plug *oldPlug = it->second;
		Plug *newPlug = descendant<Plug>( it->first );
		if( newPlug )
				if( newPlug->direction() == Plug::In && oldPlug->direction() == Plug::In )
					if( Plug *oldInput = oldPlug->getInput<Plug>() )
						newPlug->setInput( oldInput );
						ValuePlug *oldValuePlug = runTimeCast<ValuePlug>( oldPlug );
						ValuePlug *newValuePlug = runTimeCast<ValuePlug>( newPlug );
						if( oldValuePlug && newValuePlug )
							newValuePlug->setFrom( oldValuePlug );
				else if( newPlug->direction() == Plug::Out && oldPlug->direction() == Plug::Out )
					for( Plug::OutputContainer::const_iterator oIt = oldPlug->outputs().begin(), oeIt = oldPlug->outputs().end(); oIt != oeIt;  )
						Plug *outputPlug = *oIt;
						++oIt; // increment now because the setInput() call invalidates our iterator.
						outputPlug->setInput( newPlug );
			catch( const std::exception &e )
					boost::str( boost::format( "Loading \"%s\" onto \"%s\"" ) % fileName % getName().c_str() ),


		// remove the old plug now we're done with it.
		oldPlug->parent<GraphComponent>()->removeChild( oldPlug );

	// make the loaded plugs non-dynamic, because we don't want them
	// to be serialised in the script the reference is in - the whole
	// point is that they are referenced.

	for( RecursivePlugIterator it( this ); it != it.end(); ++it )
		if( isReferencePlug( it->get() ) )
			(*it)->setFlags( Plug::Dynamic, false );

	if( errors )
		throw Exception( boost::str( boost::format( "Error loading reference \"%s\"" ) % fileName ) );
Example #29
void ScriptNode::deleteNodes( Node *parent, const Set *filter, bool reconnect )
	parent = parent ? parent : this;
	// because children are stored as a vector, it's
	// much more efficient to delete those at the end before
	// those at the beginning.
	int i = (int)(parent->children().size()) - 1;
	while( i >= 0 )
		Node *node = parent->getChild<Node>( i );
		if( node && ( !filter || filter->contains( node ) ) )
			// reconnect the inputs and outputs as though the node was disabled
			DependencyNode *dependencyNode = IECore::runTimeCast<DependencyNode>( node );
			if( reconnect && dependencyNode )
				for( RecursiveOutputPlugIterator it( node ); !it.done(); ++it )
					Plug *inPlug = nullptr;
						inPlug = dependencyNode->correspondingInput( it->get() );
					catch( const std::exception &e )
							boost::str( boost::format( "correspondingInput error while deleting - cannot reconnect \"%s\"" ) % it->get()->fullName() ),

					if ( !inPlug )

					Plug *srcPlug = inPlug->getInput();
					if ( !srcPlug )

					// record this plug's current outputs, and reconnect them. This is a copy of (*it)->outputs() rather
					// than a reference, as reconnection can modify (*it)->outputs()...
					Plug::OutputContainer outputs = (*it)->outputs();
					for ( Plug::OutputContainer::const_iterator oIt = outputs.begin(); oIt != outputs.end(); ++oIt )
						Plug *dstPlug = *oIt;
						if ( dstPlug && dstPlug->acceptsInput( srcPlug ) && this->isAncestorOf( dstPlug ) )
							dstPlug->setInput( srcPlug );

			parent->removeChild( node );
Example #30
void Plug::parentChanging( Gaffer::GraphComponent *newParent )
	if( getFlags( Dynamic ) )
		// When a dynamic plug is removed from a node, we
		// need to propagate dirtiness based on that. We
		// must call DependencyNode::affects() now, while the
		// plug is still a child of the node, but we push
		// scope so that the emission of plugDirtiedSignal()
		// is deferred until parentChanged() when the operation
		// is complete. It is essential that exceptions don't
		// prevent us getting to parentChanged() where we pop
		// scope, so propateDirtiness() takes care of handling
		// exceptions thrown by DependencyNode::affects().
		if( node() )
			propagateDirtinessForParentChange( this );

	// This method manages the connections between plugs when
	// additional child plugs are added or removed. We only
	// want to react to these changes when they are first made -
	// after this our own actions will have been recorded in the
	// undo buffer anyway and will be undone/redone automatically.
	// So here we early out if we're in such an Undo/Redo situation.

	ScriptNode *scriptNode = ancestor<ScriptNode>();
	scriptNode = scriptNode ? scriptNode : ( newParent ? newParent->ancestor<ScriptNode>() : NULL );
	if( scriptNode && ( scriptNode->currentActionStage() == Action::Undo || scriptNode->currentActionStage() == Action::Redo ) )

	// Now we can take the actions we need to based on the new parent
	// we're getting.

	if( !newParent )
		// We're losing our parent - remove all our connections first.
		// this must be done here (rather than in a parentChangedSignal() slot)
		// because we need a current parent for the operation to be undoable.
		setInput( 0 );
		// Deal with outputs whose parent is an output of our parent.
		// For these we actually remove the destination plug itself,
		// so that the parent plugs may remain connected.
		if( Plug *oldParent = parent<Plug>() )
			for( OutputContainer::iterator it = m_outputs.begin(); it!=m_outputs.end();  )
				Plug *output = *it++;
				Plug *outputParent = output->parent<Plug>();
				if( outputParent && outputParent->getInput<Plug>() == oldParent )
					// We're removing the child precisely so that the parent connection
					// remains valid, so we can block its updateInputFromChildInputs() call.
					assert( outputParent->m_skipNextUpdateInputFromChildInputs == false );
					ScopedAssignment<bool> blocker( outputParent->m_skipNextUpdateInputFromChildInputs, true );
					outputParent->removeChild( output );
		// Remove any remaining output connections.
	else if( Plug *newParentPlug = IECore::runTimeCast<Plug>( newParent ) )
		// we're getting a new parent - update its input connection from
		// all the children including the pending one.
		newParentPlug->updateInputFromChildInputs( this );
		// and add a new child plug to any of its outputs to maintain
		// the output connections.
		const OutputContainer &outputs = newParentPlug->outputs();
		for( OutputContainer::const_iterator it = outputs.begin(), eIt = outputs.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
			Plug *output = *it;
			if( output->acceptsChild( this ) )
				PlugPtr outputChildPlug = createCounterpart( getName(), direction() );
					// We're adding the child so that the parent connection remains valid,
					// but the parent connection wouldn't be considered valid until the
					// child has both been added and had its input connected. We therefore
					// block the call to updateInputFromChildInputs() to keep the parent
					// connection intact.
					assert( output->m_skipNextUpdateInputFromChildInputs == false );
					ScopedAssignment<bool> blocker( output->m_skipNextUpdateInputFromChildInputs, true );
					output->addChild( outputChildPlug );
				outputChildPlug->setInput( this, /* setChildInputs = */ true, /* updateParentInput = */ false );
