Example #1
PassRefPtr<Document> DOMImplementation::createDocument(const String& type, Frame* frame, bool inViewSourceMode)
    if (inViewSourceMode) {
        if (type == "text/html" || type == "application/xhtml+xml" || type == "image/svg+xml" || isTextMIMEType(type) || isXMLMIMEType(type))
            return HTMLViewSourceDocument::create(frame, type);

    // Plugins cannot take HTML and XHTML from us, and we don't even need to initialize the plugin database for those.
    if (type == "text/html")
        return HTMLDocument::create(frame);
    if (type == "application/xhtml+xml")
        return Document::createXHTML(frame);
    // Plugins cannot take FTP from us either
    if (type == "application/x-ftp-directory")
        return FTPDirectoryDocument::create(frame);

    PluginData* pluginData = 0;
    if (frame && frame->page() && frame->page()->settings()->arePluginsEnabled())
        pluginData = frame->page()->pluginData();

    // PDF is one image type for which a plugin can override built-in support.
    // We do not want QuickTime to take over all image types, obviously.
    if ((type == "application/pdf" || type == "text/pdf") && pluginData && pluginData->supportsMimeType(type))
        return PluginDocument::create(frame);
    if (Image::supportsType(type))
        return ImageDocument::create(frame);

     // Check to see if the type can be played by our MediaPlayer, if so create a MediaDocument
     if (MediaPlayer::supportsType(type))
         return MediaDocument::create(frame);

    // Everything else except text/plain can be overridden by plugins. In particular, Adobe SVG Viewer should be used for SVG, if installed.
    // Disallowing plug-ins to use text/plain prevents plug-ins from hijacking a fundamental type that the browser is expected to handle,
    // and also serves as an optimization to prevent loading the plug-in database in the common case.
    if (type != "text/plain" && pluginData && pluginData->supportsMimeType(type)) 
        return PluginDocument::create(frame);
    if (isTextMIMEType(type))
        return TextDocument::create(frame);

    if (type == "image/svg+xml") {
        Settings* settings = frame ? frame->settings() : 0;
        if (!settings || !settings->usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode())
            return SVGDocument::create(frame);
    if (isXMLMIMEType(type))
        return Document::create(frame);

    return HTMLDocument::create(frame);
Example #2
PassRefPtr<Document> DOMImplementation::createDocument(const String& type, Frame* frame, const URL& url)
    // Plugins cannot take HTML and XHTML from us, and we don't even need to initialize the plugin database for those.
    if (type == "text/html")
        return HTMLDocument::create(frame, url);
    if (type == "application/xhtml+xml")
        return Document::createXHTML(frame, url);

    // Plugins cannot take FTP from us either
    if (type == "application/x-ftp-directory")
        return FTPDirectoryDocument::create(frame, url);

    PluginData* pluginData = 0;
    PluginData::AllowedPluginTypes allowedPluginTypes = PluginData::OnlyApplicationPlugins;
    if (frame && frame->page()) {
        if (frame->loader().subframeLoader().allowPlugins(NotAboutToInstantiatePlugin))
            allowedPluginTypes = PluginData::AllPlugins;

        pluginData = &frame->page()->pluginData();

    // PDF is one image type for which a plugin can override built-in support.
    // We do not want QuickTime to take over all image types, obviously.
    if ((MIMETypeRegistry::isPDFOrPostScriptMIMEType(type)) && pluginData && pluginData->supportsMimeType(type, allowedPluginTypes))
        return PluginDocument::create(frame, url);
    if (Image::supportsType(type))
        return ImageDocument::create(frame, url);

     // Check to see if the type can be played by our MediaPlayer, if so create a MediaDocument
    // Key system is not applicable here.
    DOMImplementationSupportsTypeClient client(frame && frame->settings().needsSiteSpecificQuirks(), url.host());
    MediaEngineSupportParameters parameters;
    parameters.type = type;
    parameters.url = url;
    if (MediaPlayer::supportsType(parameters, &client))
         return MediaDocument::create(frame, url);

    // Everything else except text/plain can be overridden by plugins. In particular, Adobe SVG Viewer should be used for SVG, if installed.
    // Disallowing plug-ins to use text/plain prevents plug-ins from hijacking a fundamental type that the browser is expected to handle,
    // and also serves as an optimization to prevent loading the plug-in database in the common case.
    if (type != "text/plain" && ((pluginData && pluginData->supportsMimeType(type, allowedPluginTypes)) || (frame && frame->loader().client().shouldAlwaysUsePluginDocument(type))))
        return PluginDocument::create(frame, url);
    if (isTextMIMEType(type))
        return TextDocument::create(frame, url);

    if (type == "image/svg+xml")
        return SVGDocument::create(frame, url);

    if (isXMLMIMEType(type))
        return Document::create(frame, url);

    return HTMLDocument::create(frame, url);
Example #3
static bool canShowMIMEType(const String& mimeType, Page* page)
    if (blink::Platform::current()->mimeRegistry()->supportsMIMEType(mimeType) == blink::WebMimeRegistry::IsSupported)
        return true;
    PluginData* pluginData = page->pluginData();
    return !mimeType.isEmpty() && pluginData && pluginData->supportsMimeType(mimeType);
static bool canShowMIMEType(const String& mimeType, LocalFrame* frame)
    if (Platform::current()->mimeRegistry()->supportsMIMEType(mimeType) == WebMimeRegistry::IsSupported)
        return true;
    PluginData* pluginData = frame->pluginData();
    return !mimeType.isEmpty() && pluginData && pluginData->supportsMimeType(mimeType);
Example #5
PassRefPtr<Document> DOMImplementation::createDocument(const String& type, Frame* frame, const KURL& url, bool inViewSourceMode)
    if (inViewSourceMode)
        return HTMLViewSourceDocument::create(frame, url, type);

    // Plugins cannot take HTML and XHTML from us, and we don't even need to initialize the plugin database for those.
    if (type == "text/html")
        return HTMLDocument::create(frame, url);
    if (type == "application/xhtml+xml")
        return Document::createXHTML(frame, url);

    PluginData* pluginData = 0;
    if (frame && frame->page() && frame->loader()->subframeLoader()->allowPlugins(NotAboutToInstantiatePlugin))
        pluginData = frame->page()->pluginData();

    // PDF is one image type for which a plugin can override built-in support.
    // We do not want QuickTime to take over all image types, obviously.
    if ((type == "application/pdf" || type == "text/pdf") && pluginData && pluginData->supportsMimeType(type))
        return PluginDocument::create(frame, url);
    if (Image::supportsType(type))
        return ImageDocument::create(frame, url);

    // Check to see if the type can be played by our MediaPlayer, if so create a MediaDocument
    // Key system is not applicable here.
    if (MediaPlayer::supportsType(ContentType(type), String(), url))
        return MediaDocument::create(frame, url);

    // Everything else except text/plain can be overridden by plugins. In particular, Adobe SVG Viewer should be used for SVG, if installed.
    // Disallowing plug-ins to use text/plain prevents plug-ins from hijacking a fundamental type that the browser is expected to handle,
    // and also serves as an optimization to prevent loading the plug-in database in the common case.
    if (type != "text/plain" && pluginData && pluginData->supportsMimeType(type)) 
        return PluginDocument::create(frame, url);
    if (isTextMIMEType(type))
        return TextDocument::create(frame, url);

    if (type == "image/svg+xml")
        return SVGDocument::create(frame, url);
    if (isXMLMIMEType(type))
        return Document::create(frame, url);

    return HTMLDocument::create(frame, url);
Example #6
PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Document> DOMImplementation::createDocument(const String& type, const DocumentInit& init, bool inViewSourceMode)
    if (inViewSourceMode)
        return HTMLViewSourceDocument::create(init, type);

    // Plugins cannot take HTML and XHTML from us, and we don't even need to initialize the plugin database for those.
    if (type == "text/html")
        return HTMLDocument::create(init);
    if (type == "application/xhtml+xml" || type == "application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml")
        return XMLDocument::createXHTML(init);
    if (type == "text/vnd.wap.wml")
        return XMLDocument::createWML(init);

    PluginData* pluginData = 0;
    if (init.frame() && init.frame()->page() && init.frame()->loader().allowPlugins(NotAboutToInstantiatePlugin))
        pluginData = init.frame()->page()->pluginData();

    // PDF is one image type for which a plugin can override built-in support.
    // We do not want QuickTime to take over all image types, obviously.
    if ((type == "application/pdf" || type == "text/pdf") && pluginData && pluginData->supportsMimeType(type))
        return PluginDocument::create(init);
    if (Image::supportsType(type))
        return ImageDocument::create(init);

    // Check to see if the type can be played by our media player, if so create a MediaDocument
    if (HTMLMediaElement::supportsType(ContentType(type)))
        return MediaDocument::create(init);

    // Everything else except text/plain can be overridden by plugins. In particular, Adobe SVG Viewer should be used for SVG, if installed.
    // Disallowing plugins to use text/plain prevents plugins from hijacking a fundamental type that the browser is expected to handle,
    // and also serves as an optimization to prevent loading the plugin database in the common case.
    if (type != "text/plain" && pluginData && pluginData->supportsMimeType(type))
        return PluginDocument::create(init);
    if (isTextMIMEType(type))
        return TextDocument::create(init);
    if (type == "image/svg+xml")
        return XMLDocument::createSVG(init);
    if (isXMLMIMEType(type))
        return XMLDocument::create(init);

    return HTMLDocument::create(init);
ObjectContentType FrameLoaderClientImpl::getObjectContentType(
    const KURL& url,
    const String& explicitMimeType,
    bool shouldPreferPlugInsForImages) {
  // This code is based on Apple's implementation from
  // WebCoreSupport/WebFrameBridge.mm.

  String mimeType = explicitMimeType;
  if (mimeType.isEmpty()) {
    // Try to guess the MIME type based off the extension.
    String filename = url.lastPathComponent();
    int extensionPos = filename.reverseFind('.');
    if (extensionPos >= 0) {
      String extension = filename.substring(extensionPos + 1);
      mimeType = MIMETypeRegistry::getWellKnownMIMETypeForExtension(extension);

    if (mimeType.isEmpty())
      return ObjectContentFrame;

  // If Chrome is started with the --disable-plugins switch, pluginData is 0.
  PluginData* pluginData = m_webFrame->frame()->pluginData();
  bool plugInSupportsMIMEType =
      pluginData && pluginData->supportsMimeType(mimeType);

  if (MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedImageMIMEType(mimeType))
    return shouldPreferPlugInsForImages && plugInSupportsMIMEType
               ? ObjectContentNetscapePlugin
               : ObjectContentImage;

  if (plugInSupportsMIMEType)
    return ObjectContentNetscapePlugin;

  if (MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedNonImageMIMEType(mimeType))
    return ObjectContentFrame;

  return ObjectContentNone;