Example #1
Png::New(const Arguments &args)
    HandleScope scope;

    if (args.Length() < 3)
        return VException("At least three arguments required - data buffer, width, height, [and input buffer type]");
    if (!Buffer::HasInstance(args[0]))
        return VException("First argument must be Buffer.");
    if (!args[1]->IsInt32())
        return VException("Second argument must be integer width.");
    if (!args[2]->IsInt32())
        return VException("Third argument must be integer height.");

    buffer_type buf_type = BUF_RGB;
    if (args.Length() == 4) {
        if (!args[3]->IsString())
            return VException("Fourth argument must be 'gray', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'rgba' or 'bgra'.");

        String::AsciiValue bts(args[3]->ToString());
        if (!(str_eq(*bts, "rgb") || str_eq(*bts, "bgr") ||
            str_eq(*bts, "rgba") || str_eq(*bts, "bgra") ||
            str_eq(*bts, "gray")))
            return VException("Fourth argument must be 'gray', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'rgba' or 'bgra'.");
        if (str_eq(*bts, "rgb"))
            buf_type = BUF_RGB;
        else if (str_eq(*bts, "bgr"))
            buf_type = BUF_BGR;
        else if (str_eq(*bts, "rgba"))
            buf_type = BUF_RGBA;
        else if (str_eq(*bts, "bgra"))
            buf_type = BUF_BGRA;
        else if (str_eq(*bts, "gray"))
            buf_type = BUF_GRAY;
            return VException("Fourth argument wasn't 'gray', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'rgba' or 'bgra'.");

    int w = args[1]->Int32Value();
    int h = args[2]->Int32Value();

    if (w < 0)
        return VException("Width smaller than 0.");
    if (h < 0)
        return VException("Height smaller than 0.");

    Png *png = new Png(w, h, buf_type);

    // Save buffer.
    png->handle_->SetHiddenValue(String::New("buffer"), args[0]);

    return args.This();
Example #2
Png::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value> &args)
    Isolate *isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent();
    HandleScope scope(isolate);

    if (args.Length() < 3)
        args.GetReturnValue().Set(VException("At least three arguments required - data buffer, width, height, [and input buffer type]"));
    if (!Buffer::HasInstance(args[0]))
        args.GetReturnValue().Set(VException("First argument must be Buffer."));
    if (!args[1]->IsInt32())
        args.GetReturnValue().Set(VException("Second argument must be integer width."));
    if (!args[2]->IsInt32())
        args.GetReturnValue().Set(VException("Third argument must be integer height."));

    buffer_type buf_type = BUF_RGB;
    if (args.Length() >= 4) {
        if (!args[3]->IsString())
            args.GetReturnValue().Set(VException("Fourth argument must be 'gray', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'rgba' or 'bgra'."));

        String::Utf8Value bts(args[3]->ToString());
        if (!(str_eq(*bts, "rgb") || str_eq(*bts, "bgr") ||
            str_eq(*bts, "rgba") || str_eq(*bts, "bgra") ||
            str_eq(*bts, "gray")))
            args.GetReturnValue().Set(VException("Fourth argument must be 'gray', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'rgba' or 'bgra'."));

        if (str_eq(*bts, "rgb"))
            buf_type = BUF_RGB;
        else if (str_eq(*bts, "bgr"))
            buf_type = BUF_BGR;
        else if (str_eq(*bts, "rgba"))
            buf_type = BUF_RGBA;
        else if (str_eq(*bts, "bgra"))
            buf_type = BUF_BGRA;
        else if (str_eq(*bts, "gray"))
            buf_type = BUF_GRAY;
            args.GetReturnValue().Set(VException("Fourth argument wasn't 'gray', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'rgba' or 'bgra'."));

    int bits = 8;

    if (args.Length() >= 5) {
        if(buf_type != BUF_GRAY)
            args.GetReturnValue().Set(VException("Pixel bit width option only valid for \"gray\" buffer type"));
            args.GetReturnValue().Set(VException("Fifth argument must be 8 or 16"));

        if(args[4]->Int32Value() == 8)
            bits = 8;
        else if (args[4]->Int32Value() == 16)
            bits = 16;
            args.GetReturnValue().Set(VException("Fifth arguments wasn't 8 or 16"));

    int w = args[1]->Int32Value();
    int h = args[2]->Int32Value();

    if (w < 0)
        args.GetReturnValue().Set(VException("Width smaller than 0."));
    if (h < 0)
        args.GetReturnValue().Set(VException("Height smaller than 0."));

    Png *png = new Png(w, h, buf_type, bits);

    // Save buffer.
    png->handle()->SetHiddenValue(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "buffer"), args[0]);
