void BufferedInvocation::begin(PointBuffer& buffer) { PointContext ctx = buffer.m_context; Dimension::IdList const& dims = ctx.dims(); for (auto di = dims.begin(); di != dims.end(); ++di) { Dimension::Id::Enum d = *di; Dimension::Detail *dd = ctx.dimDetail(d); void *data = malloc(dd->size() * buffer.size()); m_buffers.push_back(data); // Hold pointer for deallocation char *p = (char *)data; for (PointId idx = 0; idx < buffer.size(); ++idx) { buffer.getFieldInternal(d, idx, (void *)p); p += dd->size(); } std::string name = ctx.dimName(*di); insertArgument(name, (uint8_t *)data, dd->type(), buffer.size()); } }
void BufferedInvocation::end(PointBuffer& buffer) { // for each entry in the script's outs dictionary, // look up that entry's name in the schema and then // copy the data into the right dimension spot in the // buffer std::vector<std::string> names; getOutputNames(names); PointContext ctx = buffer.m_context; Dimension::IdList const& dims = ctx.dims(); for (auto di = dims.begin(); di != dims.end(); ++di) { Dimension::Id::Enum d = *di; Dimension::Detail *dd = ctx.dimDetail(d); std::string name = ctx.dimName(*di); auto found = std::find(names.begin(), names.end(), name); if (found == names.end()) continue; // didn't have this dim in the names assert(name == *found); assert(hasOutputVariable(name)); size_t size = dd->size(); void *data = extractResult(name, dd->type()); char *p = (char *)data; for (PointId idx = 0; idx < buffer.size(); ++idx) { buffer.setField(d, dd->type(), idx, (void *)p); p += size; } } for (auto bi = m_buffers.begin(); bi != m_buffers.end(); ++bi) free(*bi); m_buffers.clear(); }
int Diff::execute() { PointContext sourceCtx; Options sourceOptions; { sourceOptions.add<std::string>("filename", m_sourceFile); sourceOptions.add<bool>("debug", isDebug()); sourceOptions.add<boost::uint32_t>("verbose", getVerboseLevel()); } std::unique_ptr<Stage> source(AppSupport::makeReader(m_sourceFile)); source->setOptions(sourceOptions); source->prepare(sourceCtx); PointBufferSet sourceSet = source->execute(sourceCtx); ptree errors; PointContext candidateCtx; Options candidateOptions; { candidateOptions.add<std::string>("filename", m_candidateFile); candidateOptions.add<bool>("debug", isDebug()); candidateOptions.add<boost::uint32_t>("verbose", getVerboseLevel()); } std::unique_ptr<Stage> candidate(AppSupport::makeReader(m_candidateFile)); candidate->setOptions(candidateOptions); candidate->prepare(candidateCtx); PointBufferSet candidateSet = candidate->execute(candidateCtx); assert(sourceSet.size() == 1); assert(candidateSet.size() == 1); PointBufferPtr sourceBuf = *sourceSet.begin(); PointBufferPtr candidateBuf = *candidateSet.begin(); if (candidateBuf->size() != sourceBuf->size()) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Source and candidate files do not have the same point count"; errors.put("count.error", oss.str()); errors.put("count.candidate", candidateBuf->size()); errors.put("count.source", sourceBuf->size()); } MetadataNode source_metadata = sourceCtx.metadata(); MetadataNode candidate_metadata = candidateCtx.metadata(); if (source_metadata != candidate_metadata) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Source and candidate files do not have the same metadata count"; errors.put("metadata.error", oss.str()); errors.put_child("metadata.source", pdal::utils::toPTree(source_metadata)); errors.put_child("metadata.candidate", pdal::utils::toPTree(candidate_metadata)); } if (candidateCtx.dims().size() != sourceCtx.dims().size()) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Source and candidate files do not have the same " "number of dimensions"; errors.put<std::string>("schema.error", oss.str()); //Need to "ptree" the PointContext dimension list in some way // errors.put_child("schema.source", sourceCtx.schema()->toPTree()); // errors.put_child("schema.candidate", // candidateCtx.schema()->toPTree()); } if (errors.size()) { write_json(std::cout, errors); return 1; } else { // If we made it this far with no errors, now we'll // check the points. checkPoints(*sourceBuf, *candidateBuf, errors); if (errors.size()) { write_json(std::cout, errors); return 1; } } return 0; }