Example #1
void geometryUtils::subdivide(Polyhedron& P) {
    if (P.size_of_facets() == 0)
    // We use that new vertices/halfedges/facets are appended at the end.
    std::size_t nv = P.size_of_vertices();
    Vertex_iterator last_v = P.vertices_end();
    --last_v; // the last of the old vertices
    Edge_iterator last_e = P.edges_end();
    --last_e; // the last of the old edges
    Facet_iterator last_f = P.facets_end();
    --last_f; // the last of the old facets
    Facet_iterator f = P.facets_begin(); // create new center vertices
    do {
        geometryUtils::subdivide_create_center_vertex(P, f);
    } while (f++ != last_f);
    std::vector<Point_3> pts; // smooth the old vertices
    pts.reserve(nv); // get intermediate space for the new points
    ++last_v; // make it the past-the-end position again
    std::transform(P.vertices_begin(), last_v, std::back_inserter(pts),
    std::copy(pts.begin(), pts.end(), P.points_begin());
    Edge_iterator e = P.edges_begin(); // flip the old edges
    ++last_e; // make it the past-the-end position again
    while (e != last_e) {
        Halfedge_handle h = e;
        ++e; // careful, incr. before flip since flip destroys current edge
        geometryUtils::subdivide_flip_edge(P, h);
Example #2
bool is_weakly_convex(Polyhedron const& p) {
  for (typename Polyhedron::Edge_const_iterator i = p.edges_begin(); i != p.edges_end(); ++i) {
    typename Polyhedron::Plane_3 p(i->opposite()->vertex()->point(), i->vertex()->point(), i->next()->vertex()->point());
    if (p.has_on_positive_side(i->opposite()->next()->vertex()->point()) &&
        CGAL::squared_distance(p, i->opposite()->next()->vertex()->point()) > 1e-8) {
      return false;
  // Also make sure that there is only one shell:
  boost::unordered_set<typename Polyhedron::Facet_const_handle, typename CGAL::Handle_hash_function> visited;
  // c++11
  // visited.reserve(p.size_of_facets());
  std::queue<typename Polyhedron::Facet_const_handle> to_explore;
  to_explore.push(p.facets_begin()); // One arbitrary facet
  while (!to_explore.empty()) {
    typename Polyhedron::Facet_const_handle f = to_explore.front();
    typename Polyhedron::Facet::Halfedge_around_facet_const_circulator he, end;
    end = he = f->facet_begin();
    CGAL_For_all(he,end) {
      typename Polyhedron::Facet_const_handle o = he->opposite()->facet();
      if (!visited.count(o)) {
Example #3
void SetEdgeWeightsEuclidean(Polyhedron& P)
  edge_descriptor e(P.edges_begin());
  edge_descriptor e_end(P.edges_end());
  for(; e!=e_end; e=e.next())
    e.halfedge()->weight (sqrt( (e.halfedge()->vertex()->point() - e.opposite().halfedge()->vertex()->point()).squared_length() ));
void subdiv_border( Polyhedron& P) {
    if ( P.size_of_facets() == 0)
    // We use that new halfedges are appended at the end.
    Edge_iterator last_e = P.edges_end();
    -- last_e;  // the last of the old edges
    Edge_iterator e = P.edges_begin(); // create trisected border edges
    do {
        if ( e->opposite()->is_border())
            trisect_border_halfedge( P, e->opposite());
        else if ( e->is_border())
            trisect_border_halfedge( P, e);
    } while ( e++ != last_e);
    e = P.edges_begin();               // smooth points on border edges
    std::vector<Point> pts;  // store new smoothed points temporarily
    do {
        if ( e->opposite()->is_border())
            smooth_border_vertices( e->opposite(), std::back_inserter(pts));
        else if ( e->is_border())
            smooth_border_vertices( e, std::back_inserter(pts));
    } while ( e++ != last_e);
    e = P.edges_begin(); // copy smoothed points back
    std::vector<Point>::iterator i = pts.begin();
    do {
        if ( e->opposite()->is_border()) {
            e->vertex()->point() = *i++;
            e->opposite()->vertex()->point() = *i++;
            e->opposite()->next()->vertex()->point() = *i++;
        } else if ( e->is_border()) {
            e->opposite()->vertex()->point() = *i++;
            e->vertex()->point() = *i++;
            e->next()->vertex()->point() = *i++;
    } while ( e++ != last_e);
    CGAL_assertion( i == pts.end());
    CGAL_postcondition( P.is_valid());
// a helper method for running different iterators
void running_iterators( Polyhedron& P) {
    if ( P.size_of_facets() == 0)

    std::size_t nv = P.size_of_vertices();

    std::cout << "The number of vertices in the Polyhedron: " << nv << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The number of facets in the Polyhedron: " << P.size_of_facets() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The number of half edges in the Polyhedron: " << P.size_of_halfedges() << std::endl;

    std::cout << std:: endl;

    Polyhedron::Vertex_iterator last_v = P.vertices_end();
    -- last_v;  // the last of the old vertices

    Polyhedron::Edge_iterator last_e = P.edges_end();
    -- last_e;  // the last of the old edges

    Polyhedron::Facet_iterator last_f = P.facets_end();
    -- last_f;  // the last of the old facets

    int k = 0;
    Polyhedron::Facet_iterator f = P.facets_begin();

    do {
    	std::cout << "Printing a facet index: " << k++ <<  std::endl;


    } while ( f++ != last_f);

    std::cout  << std::endl;

    // -------------------------------------------------
    // traverse the vertices
    // -------------------------------------------------

    std::cout << "Printing the vertex indices: " << std::endl;

     int n=0;
     for (Polyhedron::Vertex_iterator vi = P.vertices_begin(); vi != P.vertices_end(); ++vi)
    	 Kernel::Point_3 p;
    	 p = vi->point();
    	 std::cout << "Vertex index: "  << n++ << std::endl;
    	 std::cout << "p.x() = "  << p.x() << std::endl;
    	 std::cout << "p.y() = "  << p.y() << std::endl;
    	 std::cout << "p.z() = "  << p.z() << std::endl;


     std::cout  << std::endl;

     // -------------------------------------------------
     // traverse the edges
     // -------------------------------------------------

     std::cout << "Iterating over the edges.... " << std::endl;

     for (Polyhedron::Edge_iterator ei = P.edges_begin(); ei != P.edges_end(); ++ei)
    	 Kernel::Point_3 p;
    	 p =  ei->vertex()->point();
    	 std::cout << "For edge index: " << n++ << std::endl;
    	 std::cout << "p.x() = "  << p.x() << std::endl;
		 std::cout << "p.y() = "  << p.y() << std::endl;
		 std::cout << "p.z() = "  << p.z() << std::endl;

     std::cout  << std::endl;

	 // -----------------------------------------------
	 // Do something else with the edge iterators
	 // -----------------------------------------------

    Polyhedron::Edge_iterator e = P.edges_begin();
    ++ last_e; // make it the past-the-end position again

    while ( e != last_e) {
    	Polyhedron::Halfedge_handle h = e;

    CGAL_postcondition( P.is_valid());