void SoccerBehavior::ParseObjectVision(const Predicate& predicate)
    for (
         Predicate::Iterator iter(predicate);
         iter != iter.end();
            // extract the element as a parameter list
            Predicate::Iterator paramIter = iter;
            if (! predicate.DescentList(paramIter))

            // read the object name
            string name;
            if (! predicate.GetValue(paramIter,name))

            // try read the 'id' section
            string strId;
            if (predicate.GetValue(paramIter,"id", strId))
                    name += strId;

            // try to lookup the VisionObject
            TVisionObjectMap::iterator visiter = mVisionObjectMap.find(name);
            if (visiter == mVisionObjectMap.end())

            VisionObject vo = (*visiter).second;

            // find the 'pol' entry in the object's section
            Predicate::Iterator polIter = paramIter;
            if (! predicate.FindParameter(polIter,"pol"))

            // read the position vector
            VisionSense sense;
            if (
                (! predicate.AdvanceValue(polIter,sense.distance)) ||
                (! predicate.AdvanceValue(polIter,sense.theta)) ||
                (! predicate.AdvanceValue(polIter,sense.phi))

            // update the vision map
//             cerr << "+++" << endl;
//             cerr << "VO " << vo << endl;
//             cerr << "D " << sense.distance << endl;
//             cerr << "T " << sense.theta << endl;
//             cerr << "P " << sense.phi << endl;
//             cerr << "---" << endl;
            mVisionMap[vo] = sense;