int dummyEffect(const ParameterList & parameterList, predicateCallbackType predicateCallback, numericalFluentCallbackType numericalFluentCallback, int relaxed, vector<double>& writtenVars) { ROS_DEBUG("Calling %s module", __func__); if(predicateCallback == NULL) return false; PredicateList pl; ParameterList paramList; paramList.push_back(Parameter("","","pos-1")); pl.push_back(Predicate("free", paramList)); PredicateList* plp = &pl; bool ret = predicateCallback(plp); if(!ret) return false; if(pl.empty()) // callback removed our predicate! return false; // now we could / should react on the value of the predicate. skip // this for the moment.... std::cout << "(free pos-1) is currently " << pl.front().value << std::endl; // write arbitrary value back writtenVars[0] = 17.0; return 0; }
void SexpMonitor::AddPredicates(std::ostringstream& ss, const PredicateList& pList) { for ( PredicateList::TList::const_iterator iter = pList.begin(); iter != pList.end(); ++iter ) { const Predicate& pred = (*iter); ss << "("; ss <<; const ParameterList& paramList = pred.parameter; ParameterList::TVector::const_iterator pIter = paramList.begin(); std::string param; while ( (pIter != paramList.end()) && (paramList.AdvanceValue(pIter, param)) ) { ss << " "; ss << param; } ss << ")"; } }
void GameStateItem::PutFloatParam(const string& name, PredicateList& pList) { float value; if (! SoccerBase::GetSoccerVar(*this,name,value)) { return; } Predicate& pred = pList.AddPredicate(); = name; pred.parameter.AddValue(value); }
void GameStateItem::GetInitialPredicates(PredicateList& pList) { ResetSentFlags(); // field geometry parameter PutFloatParam("FieldLength",pList); PutFloatParam("FieldWidth",pList); PutFloatParam("FieldHeight",pList); PutFloatParam("GoalWidth",pList); PutFloatParam("GoalDepth",pList); PutFloatParam("GoalHeight",pList); PutFloatParam("BorderSize",pList); PutFloatParam("FreeKickDistance",pList); PutFloatParam("WaitBeforeKickOff",pList); // agent parameter PutFloatParam("AgentMass",pList); PutFloatParam("AgentRadius",pList); PutFloatParam("AgentMaxSpeed",pList); // ball parameter PutFloatParam("BallRadius",pList); PutFloatParam("BallMass",pList); // soccer rule parameters PutFloatParam("RuleGoalPauseTime",pList); PutFloatParam("RuleKickInPauseTime",pList); PutFloatParam("RuleHalfTime",pList); // play modes Predicate& pred = pList.AddPredicate(); = "play_modes"; for (int i=0; i<PM_NONE; ++i) { pred.parameter.AddValue (SoccerBase::PlayMode2Str(static_cast<TPlayMode>(i))); } }
void SparkMonitorClient::ParseCustomPredicates(sexp_t* sexp, PredicateList& pList) { if ( (sexp == 0) || (sexp->ty != SEXP_VALUE) ) { return; } Predicate& pred = pList.AddPredicate(); = sexp->val; sexp = sexp->next; while (sexp != 0) { if (sexp->ty == SEXP_VALUE) { pred.parameter.AddValue(sexp->val); } sexp = sexp->next; } }
void GameStateItem::GetPredicates(PredicateList& pList) { if (mGameState.get() == 0) { return; } Predicate& timePred = pList.AddPredicate(); = "time"; timePred.parameter.AddValue(mGameState->GetTime()); if (! mSentLeftTeamname) { // team names string name = mGameState->GetTeamName(TI_LEFT); if (! name.empty()) { Predicate& teamPredLeft = pList.AddPredicate(); = "team_left"; teamPredLeft.parameter.AddValue(name); mSentLeftTeamname = true; } } if (! mSentRightTeamname) { // team names string name = mGameState->GetTeamName(TI_RIGHT); if (! name.empty()) { Predicate& teamPredRight = pList.AddPredicate(); = "team_right"; teamPredRight.parameter.AddValue(name); mSentRightTeamname = true; } } // game half TGameHalf half = mGameState->GetGameHalf(); if (half != mLastHalf) { mLastHalf = half; Predicate& halfPred = pList.AddPredicate(); = "half"; halfPred.parameter.AddValue(static_cast<int>(half)); } // scores int left_score = mGameState->GetScore(TI_LEFT); if (left_score != mLastLeftScore) { mLastLeftScore = left_score; Predicate& scoreLeftPred = pList.AddPredicate(); = "score_left"; scoreLeftPred.parameter.AddValue(left_score); } int right_score = mGameState->GetScore(TI_RIGHT); if (right_score != mLastRightScore) { mLastRightScore = right_score; Predicate& scoreRightPred = pList.AddPredicate(); = "score_right"; scoreRightPred.parameter.AddValue(right_score); } // gamestate TPlayMode play_mode = mGameState->GetPlayMode(); if (play_mode != mLastPlayMode) { mLastPlayMode = play_mode; Predicate& modePred = pList.AddPredicate(); = "play_mode"; modePred.parameter.AddValue(static_cast<int>(play_mode)); } }
double can_load(const ParameterList & parameterList, predicateCallbackType predicateCallback, numericalFluentCallbackType numericalFluentCallback, int ) { ROS_DEBUG("Calling module %s", __func__); static int count = 0; count++; //cout << "Count: " << count << endl; if(DEBUG_MOD) cout << parameterList << endl; PredicateList* list = NULL; predicateCallback(list); if(list == NULL) { exit(1); return false; } if(DEBUG_MOD) { cout << "Predicates are: " << endl; cout << *list << endl; } string me = parameterList.front().value; string pack = parameterList.back().value; deque<string> packs_in_truck; for(PredicateList::iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); it++) { Predicate p = *it; if(!p.value) continue; if( != "in") continue; if(p.parameters.back().value == me) packs_in_truck.push_back(p.parameters.front().value); } if(DEBUG_MOD) { for(deque<string>::iterator it = packs_in_truck.begin(); it != packs_in_truck.end(); it++) { cout << *it << endl; } if(packs_in_truck.empty()) { cout << "No packs in " << me << endl; } else { cout << packs_in_truck.size() << " packs i truck " << me << endl; } } packs_in_truck.push_back(pack); NumericalFluentList* nfl = new NumericalFluentList(); for(deque<string>::iterator it = packs_in_truck.begin(); it != packs_in_truck.end(); it++) { ParameterList pl; pl.push_back(Parameter("p", "package", *it)); nfl->push_back(NumericalFluent("package-size", pl)); } ParameterList plt; plt.push_back(Parameter("v", "vehicle", me)); nfl->push_back(NumericalFluent("capacity", plt)); if(!numericalFluentCallback(nfl)) { exit(1); return false; } if(DEBUG_MOD) cout << *nfl << endl; // ideally: get sizes 1 - n-2, size n-1 == package, size n == capcity // 1..n-2 + n == full_load deque<double> packs; for(NumericalFluentList::iterator it = nfl->begin(); it != nfl->end(); it++) { packs.push_back((*it).value); } double cap = packs.back(); packs.erase(packs.end() - 1); double pSize = packs.back(); packs.erase(packs.end() - 1); if(DEBUG_MOD) cout << "Packs" << packs.size() <<endl; double sumPacks = 0; for(deque<double>::iterator it = packs.begin(); it != packs.end(); it++) { if(DEBUG_MOD) cout << *it << endl; sumPacks += *it; } if(DEBUG_MOD) { cout << "newpack " << pSize << endl; cout << "cap " << cap << endl; } double loadCap = sumPacks + cap; if(DEBUG_MOD) { cout << "loadCap " << loadCap; cout << endl; } packs.push_back(pSize); bool loadPoss = checkLoading(packs, loadCap); return loadPoss; }
Conjunct& operator|| (const Conjunct& c) { for (auto& p : c.mPredicates) { mPredicates.emplace_back(p); } return *this; }
Conjunct& operator|| (const Predicate& predicate) { mPredicates.push_back(predicate); return *this; }
Conjunct(const Predicate& predicate) { mPredicates.push_back(predicate); }
Conjunct(Predicate&& predicate) { mPredicates.emplace_back(std::move(predicate)); }