Example #1
Instruction* Out::CreateInstruction(unsigned char* memLoc, Processor* proc) {
	unsigned char* opLoc = memLoc;
	char buf[65];
	std::string inst;

	Prefix* pre = Prefix::GetPrefix(memLoc);
	unsigned int preSize = 0;
	Instruction* newOut = 0;

	if(pre) {
		opLoc += preSize = pre->GetLength();

	switch(*opLoc) {
		case OUT_IMM8_AL:
		case OUT_IMM8_AX:
			eRegisters reg = *opLoc == OUT_IMM8_AL ? REG_AL : REG_AX;
			Operand* dst = new ImmediateOperand(*(opLoc + 1), 1);
			Operand* src = new RegisterOperand(reg, proc);
			GETINST(preSize + 2);
			snprintf(buf, 65, "OUT %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), reg == REG_AX ? "AX" : "AL");

			newOut = new Out(pre, buf, inst, (int)*opLoc);
			newOut->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newOut->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);
		case OUT_DX_AL:
		case OUT_DX_AX:
			eRegisters reg = *opLoc == OUT_DX_AL ? REG_AL : REG_AX;
			Operand* dst = new RegisterOperand(REG_DX, proc);
			Operand* src = new RegisterOperand(reg, proc);
			GETINST(preSize + 1);
			snprintf(buf, 65, "OUT DX, %s", reg == REG_AX ? "AX" : "AL");
			newOut = new Out(pre, buf, inst, (int)*opLoc);
			newOut->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newOut->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);

	return newOut;

Example #2
Instruction* In::CreateInstruction(Memory::MemoryOffset& memLoc, Processor* proc) {
	Memory::MemoryOffset opLoc = memLoc;
	char buf[65];
	std::string inst;

	Prefix* pre = Prefix::GetPrefix(memLoc);
	unsigned int preSize = 0;
	Instruction* newIn = 0;

	if(pre) {
		opLoc += preSize = pre->GetLength();

	switch(*opLoc) {
		case IN_AL_IMM8:
		case IN_AX_IMM8:
			eRegisters reg = *opLoc == IN_AL_IMM8 ? REG_AL : REG_AX;
			Operand* src = new ImmediateOperand(*(opLoc + 1), 1, (opLoc + 1).getOffset());
			Operand* dst = new RegisterOperand(reg, proc);
			GETINST(preSize + 2);
			snprintf(buf, 65, "IN %s, %s",reg == REG_AX ? "AX" : "AL", src->GetDisasm().c_str());

			newIn = new In(pre, buf, inst, (int)*opLoc);
			newIn->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newIn->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);
		case IN_AL_DX:
		case IN_AX_DX:
			eRegisters reg = *opLoc == IN_AL_DX ? REG_AL : REG_AX;
			Operand* src = new RegisterOperand(REG_DX, proc);
			Operand* dst = new RegisterOperand(reg, proc);
			GETINST(preSize + 1);
			snprintf(buf, 65, "IN %s, DX", reg == REG_AX ? "AX" : "AL");
			newIn = new In(pre, buf, inst, (int)*opLoc);
			newIn->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newIn->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);

	return newIn;

Example #3
Instruction* Cwd::CreateInstruction(Memory::MemoryOffset& memLoc, Processor*) {
    Memory::MemoryOffset opLoc = memLoc;
    char buf[65];
    std::string inst;

    Prefix* pre = Prefix::GetPrefix(memLoc);
    unsigned int preSize = 0;

    if(pre) {
        opLoc += preSize = pre->GetLength();

    if(*opLoc == CWD) {
        snprintf(buf, 65, "CWD");
        GETINST(preSize + 1);
        return new Cwd(pre, buf, inst, (int)*opLoc);
    return 0;
Example #4
Instruction* Aas::CreateInstruction(unsigned char* memLoc, Processor* proc) {
	unsigned char* opLoc = memLoc;
	char buf[65];
	std::string inst;

	Prefix* pre = Prefix::GetPrefix(memLoc);
	unsigned int preSize = 0;
	Instruction* newAas = 0;

	if(pre) {
		opLoc += preSize = pre->GetLength();

	if(*opLoc == AAS) {

		GETINST(preSize + 1);
		snprintf(buf, 65, "AAS");

		newAas = new Aas(pre, buf, inst, (int)*opLoc);

	return newAas;

Example #5
Instruction* Aaa::CreateInstruction(Memory::MemoryOffset& memLoc, Processor*) {
	Memory::MemoryOffset opLoc = memLoc;
	char buf[65];
	std::string inst;

	Prefix* pre = Prefix::GetPrefix(memLoc);
	unsigned int preSize = 0;
	Instruction* newAaa = 0;

	if(pre) {
		opLoc += preSize = pre->GetLength();

	if(*opLoc == AAA) {

		GETINST(preSize + 1);
		snprintf(buf, 65, "AAA");

		newAaa = new Aaa(pre, buf, inst, (int)*opLoc);

	return newAaa;

Example #6
Instruction* Mov::CreateInstruction(Memory::MemoryOffset& memLoc, Processor* proc) {
	Memory::MemoryOffset opLoc = memLoc;
	char buf[65];
	std::string inst;

	Prefix* pre = Prefix::GetPrefix(memLoc);
	unsigned int preSize = 0;

	Instruction* newMov = 0;

	if(pre) {
		opLoc += preSize = pre->GetLength();

	switch(*opLoc) {
		case MOV_MOD8_REG8:
		case MOV_MOD16_REG16:
			unsigned int size = (*opLoc == MOV_MOD8_REG8 ? 1 : 2);
			Operand* src = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::REG, size);
			Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::MOD, size);

			snprintf(buf, 65, "MOV %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			GETINST(preSize + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen() + src->GetBytecodeLen());

			newMov = new Mov(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);

		case MOV_REG8_MOD8:
		case MOV_REG16_MOD16:
			unsigned int size = (*opLoc == MOV_REG8_MOD8 ? 1 : 2);
			Operand* src = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::MOD, size);
			Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::REG, size);

			snprintf(buf, 65, "MOV %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			GETINST(preSize + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen() + src->GetBytecodeLen());

			newMov = new Mov(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);
		case MOV_MOD16_SEGREG:
			Operand* src = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::SEGREG, 2);
			Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::MOD, 2);

			snprintf(buf, 65, "MOV %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			GETINST(preSize + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen() + src->GetBytecodeLen());

			newMov = new Mov(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);

		case MOV_SEGREG_MOD16:
			Operand* src = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::MOD, 2);
			Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::SEGREG, 2);

			snprintf(buf, 65, "MOV %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			GETINST(preSize + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen() + src->GetBytecodeLen());

			newMov = new Mov(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);

		case MOV_AL_MOFF8:
		case MOV_AX_MOFF16:
			unsigned int size = (*opLoc == MOV_AL_MOFF8 ? 1 : 2);
			Operand* dst = new RegisterOperand(*opLoc == MOV_AL_MOFF8 ? REG_AL : REG_AX, proc);

			unsigned int val = (int)*(opLoc + 1);
			val += ((int)*(opLoc + 2)) << 8;

			Memory::MemoryOffset tmpMem = opLoc.getNewOffset(val);
			Operand* src = AddressOperand::GetAddressOperand(proc, tmpMem, size);

			snprintf(buf, 65, "MOV %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			GETINST(preSize + 3);

			newMov = new Mov(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);

		case MOV_MOFF8_AL:
		case MOV_MOFF16_AX:
			unsigned int size = (*opLoc == MOV_MOFF8_AL ? 1 : 2);
			Operand* src = new RegisterOperand(*opLoc == MOV_MOFF8_AL ? REG_AL : REG_AX, proc);

			unsigned int val = (int)*(opLoc + 1);
			val += ((int)*(opLoc + 2)) << 8;

			Memory::MemoryOffset tmpMem = opLoc.getNewOffset(val);
			Operand* dst = AddressOperand::GetAddressOperand(proc, tmpMem, size);

			snprintf(buf, 65, "MOV %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			GETINST(preSize + 3);

			newMov = new Mov(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);

		case MOV_AL_IMM8:
		case MOV_CL_IMM8:
		case MOV_DL_IMM8:
		case MOV_BL_IMM8:
		case MOV_AH_IMM8:
		case MOV_CH_IMM8:
		case MOV_DH_IMM8:
		case MOV_BH_IMM8:
		case MOV_AX_IMM16:
		case MOV_CX_IMM16:
		case MOV_DX_IMM16:
		case MOV_BX_IMM16:
		case MOV_SP_IMM16:
		case MOV_BP_IMM16:
		case MOV_SI_IMM16:
		case MOV_DI_IMM16:
			unsigned int size = 0;
			Operand* dst = 0;

			if(*opLoc <= MOV_BL_IMM8) {
				//The 8 bit omes
				size = 1;
				dst = new RegisterOperand((eRegisters)(*opLoc - MOV_AL_IMM8 + REG_AL), proc);
			} else if(*opLoc <= MOV_BH_IMM8) {
				size = 1;
				dst = new RegisterOperand((eRegisters)(*opLoc - MOV_AH_IMM8 + REG_AH), proc);
			} else {
				size = 2;
				dst = new RegisterOperand((eRegisters)(*opLoc - MOV_AX_IMM16), proc);

			unsigned int val = (int)*(opLoc + 1 + dst->GetBytecodeLen());
			if(size == 2) {
				val += (int)*(opLoc + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen()) << 8;
			Operand* src = new ImmediateOperand(val, size, (opLoc + 1 + dst->GetBytecodeLen()).getOffset());
			snprintf(buf, 65, "MOV %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			GETINST(preSize + 1 + dst->GetBytecodeLen() + src->GetBytecodeLen());

			newMov = new Mov(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);

		case MOV_MOD8_IMM8:
		case MOV_MOD16_IMM16:
			unsigned int size = (*opLoc == MOV_MOD8_IMM8 ? 1 : 2);
			Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::MOD, size);

			unsigned int val = (int)*(opLoc + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen());
			if(size == 2) {
				val += (int)*(opLoc + 3 + dst->GetBytecodeLen()) << 8;
			Operand* src = new ImmediateOperand(val, size, (opLoc + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen()).getOffset());
			snprintf(buf, 65, "MOV %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			GETINST(preSize + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen() + src->GetBytecodeLen());

			newMov = new Mov(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newMov->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);

	return newMov;
Example #7
Instruction* Push::CreateInstruction(Memory::MemoryOffset& memLoc, Processor* proc) {

    Memory::MemoryOffset opLoc = memLoc;
    char buf[65];
    std::string inst;
    Prefix* pre = Prefix::GetPrefix(memLoc);
    unsigned int preSize = 0;
    Instruction* newPush = 0;

    if(pre) {
        opLoc += preSize = pre->GetLength();

    switch(*opLoc) {
    case PUSH_MOD16:
        if((unsigned int)((*(opLoc + 1) & 0x38) >> 3) != PUSH_SUB_OPCODE)
            return newPush;
        Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::MOD, 2);
        snprintf(buf, 65, "PUSH %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str());
        GETINST(preSize + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen());
        newPush = new Push(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
        newPush->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);
    case PUSH_REG_AX:
    case PUSH_REG_CX:
    case PUSH_REG_DX:
    case PUSH_REG_BX:
    case PUSH_REG_SP:
    case PUSH_REG_BP:
    case PUSH_REG_SI:
    case PUSH_REG_DI:
        Operand* dst = new RegisterOperand((eRegisters)(*opLoc - PUSH_REG_AX + REG_AX),
        snprintf(buf, 65, "PUSH %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str());
        GETINST(preSize + 1 + dst->GetBytecodeLen());
        newPush = new Push(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
        newPush->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);
    case PUSH_IMM8:
    case PUSH_IMM16:
        unsigned int val = *(opLoc + 1);
        unsigned int size = *opLoc == PUSH_IMM8 ? 1 : 2;

        if(size == 2) {
            val += *(opLoc + 2) << 0x8;
        } else {
            val += (val >= 0x80) ? 0xFF00 : 0x0000;

        Operand* dst = new ImmediateOperand(val, 2, (opLoc + 1).getOffset());
        snprintf(buf, 65, "PUSH %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str());
        GETINST(preSize + 1 + size);
        newPush = new Push(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
        newPush->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);
    case PUSH_CS:
    case PUSH_SS:
    case PUSH_DS:
    case PUSH_ES:
        eRegisters reg = REG_CS;
        if(*opLoc == PUSH_CS)
            reg = REG_CS;
        else if(*opLoc == PUSH_DS)
            reg = REG_DS;
        else if(*opLoc == PUSH_SS)
            reg = REG_SS;
        else if(*opLoc == PUSH_ES)
            reg = REG_ES;

        Operand* dst = new RegisterOperand(reg, proc);
        snprintf(buf, 65, "PUSH %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str());
        GETINST(preSize + 1 + dst->GetBytecodeLen());
        newPush = new Push(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
        newPush->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);
    case PUSHF:
        Operand* dst = new RegisterOperand(REG_FLAGS, proc);
        snprintf(buf, 65, "PUSHF");
        GETINST(preSize + 1);
        newPush = new Push(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
        newPush->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);
    case PUSHA:
        snprintf(buf, 65, "PUSHA");
        GETINST(preSize + 1);
        newPush = new Push(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
    return newPush;

Example #8
Instruction* Or::CreateInstruction(Memory::MemoryOffset& memLoc, Processor* proc) {

	Memory::MemoryOffset opLoc = memLoc;
	int prefixLen = 0;
	char buf[65];
	int tInt1 = 0;
	unsigned char modrm = 0;

	Prefix* prefix = 0;

	Instruction* newOr = 0;

	//Build a prefix if possible
	prefix = Prefix::GetPrefix(memLoc);

	//Start looking after the prefix
	if(prefix) {
		opLoc += prefix->GetLength();
		prefixLen += prefix->GetLength();

	std::string inst;
	//Switch for the different valid opcodes
	switch(*opLoc) {
		case OR_AL_IMM8:
			sprintf(buf, "OR AL, 0x%02X", (int)*(opLoc + 1));

			GETINST(prefixLen + 2);

			newOr = new Or(prefix, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newOr->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, new ImmediateOperand(*(opLoc + 1), 1,(opLoc + 1).getOffset()));
			newOr->SetOperand(Operand::DST, new RegisterOperand(REG_AL, proc));

		case OR_AX_IMM16:
			tInt1 = (unsigned char)*(opLoc + 1);
			tInt1 |= (((unsigned char)*(opLoc + 2)) << 8);

			sprintf(buf, "OR AX, 0x%04X", tInt1);

			GETINST(prefixLen + 3);

			newOr = new Or(prefix, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newOr->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, new ImmediateOperand(tInt1, 2, (opLoc + 1).getOffset()));
			newOr->SetOperand(Operand::DST, new RegisterOperand(REG_AX, proc));


		case GRP1_OR_MOD8_IMM8:
		case GRP1_OR_MOD16_IMM16:
		case GRP1_OR_MOD16_IMM8:
			modrm = (*(opLoc + 1) & 0x38) >> 3;
			if(modrm == 1) {
				unsigned int immSize = (*opLoc == GRP1_OR_MOD8_IMM8) ? 1 : 2;

				Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(
							proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::MOD, immSize);

				tInt1 = (int)*(opLoc+2+dst->GetBytecodeLen());
				if(immSize == 2) {
					if(*opLoc == GRP1_OR_MOD16_IMM16) {
						tInt1 += ((int)*(opLoc+3+dst->GetBytecodeLen())) << 8;
					}else {
						tInt1 = (tInt1 >= 0x80) ? 0xFF00 + tInt1 : tInt1;

				if(immSize == 1)
					sprintf(buf, "OR %s, 0x%02X", "", tInt1);
					sprintf(buf, "OR %s, 0x%04X", "", tInt1);

				GETINST(prefixLen + 2 + immSize + dst->GetBytecodeLen() - (*opLoc == GRP1_OR_MOD16_IMM8 ? 1 : 0));
				newOr = new Or(prefix, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
				newOr->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, new ImmediateOperand(tInt1, immSize, (opLoc + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen()).getOffset()));
				newOr->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);

		case GRP2_OR_MOD8_REG8:
		case GRP2_OR_MOD16_REG16:
				unsigned int size = (*opLoc == GRP2_OR_MOD8_REG8) ? 1 : 2;

				Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(
						proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::MOD, size);
				Operand* src = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(
						proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::REG, size);
				sprintf(buf, "OR %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
				GETINST(prefixLen + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen() + src->GetBytecodeLen());
				newOr = new Or(prefix, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
				newOr->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
				newOr->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);

		case GRP3_OR_REG8_MOD8:
		case GRP3_OR_REG16_MOD16:
				unsigned int size = *opLoc == GRP3_OR_REG8_MOD8 ? 1 : 2;

				Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(
						proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::REG, size);
				Operand* src = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(
						proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::MOD, size);
				sprintf(buf, "OR %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
				GETINST(prefixLen + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen() + src->GetBytecodeLen());
				newOr = new Or(prefix, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
				newOr->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
				newOr->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);



	return newOr;

Example #9
Instruction* Test::CreateInstruction(Memory::MemoryOffset& memLoc, Processor* proc) {
	Memory::MemoryOffset opLoc = memLoc;
	char buf[65];
	std::string inst;

	Prefix* pre = Prefix::GetPrefix(memLoc);
	unsigned int preSize = 0;
	Instruction* newTest = 0;

	if(pre) {
		opLoc += preSize = pre->GetLength();

	switch(*opLoc) {
		case TEST_AL_IMM8:
		case TEST_AX_IMM16:
			unsigned int size = (*opLoc == TEST_AL_IMM8 ? 1 : 2);

			unsigned int val = (int)*(opLoc + 1);
			if(size == 2) {
				val += (int)*(opLoc + 2) << 8;

			GETINST(preSize + 1 + size);

			Operand* src = new ImmediateOperand(val, size, (opLoc + 1).getOffset());
			Operand* dst = new RegisterOperand(*opLoc == TEST_AL_IMM8 ? REG_AL : REG_AX, proc);

			snprintf(buf, 65, "TEST %s, %s", size == 1 ? "AL" : "AH", src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			newTest = new Test(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newTest->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newTest->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);
		case TEST_MOD8_IMM8:
		case TEST_MOD16_IMM16:
			if((unsigned int)((*(opLoc + 1) & 0x38) >> 3) != TEST_SUB_OPCODE)
				return 0;

			unsigned int size = (*opLoc == TEST_MOD8_IMM8 ? 1 : 2);

			unsigned int val = (int)*(opLoc + 1);
			if(size == 2) {
				val += (int)*(opLoc + 2) << 8;

			Operand* src = new ImmediateOperand(val, size, (opLoc + 1).getOffset());
			Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::MOD, size);

			snprintf(buf, 65, "TEST %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			GETINST(preSize + 2 + size + dst->GetBytecodeLen());
			newTest = new Test(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newTest->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newTest->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);
		case TEST_MOD8_REG8:
		case TEST_MOD16_REG16:
			unsigned int size = (*opLoc == TEST_MOD8_REG8 ? 1 : 2);
			Operand* src = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::REG, size);
			Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::MOD, size);

			snprintf(buf, 65, "TEST %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			GETINST(preSize + 2 + dst->GetBytecodeLen() + src->GetBytecodeLen());
			newTest = new Test(pre, buf, inst, (unsigned char)*opLoc);
			newTest->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newTest->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);


	return newTest;

Example #10
int VM::LoadVirgoFile(const char* filename) {

	mLoaded = false;

	std::ifstream fin;
	fin.open(filename, std::ios_base::in);
	if(fin.fail()) {
		return VM_ERR_FOPEN;

	//parse header
	int numInitArgs, numLines, addrStart, bytesTotal;
	fin >> numInitArgs;
	fin >> numLines;
	fin >> addrStart;
	fin >> bytesTotal;

	int i = 0;
	unsigned int hexSize;
	char* hex;
	char label[128];
	char disasm[256];
	unsigned int addr;
	unsigned int delay;
	char line[512];
	char text[TEXT_LEN];
	memset(line, 0, 512);
	fin.ignore(100, '\n');

	while(!fin.eof()) {
		fin.getline(line, 512);
		//swap all "quotation marks" with nulls
		for(char* c = line; *c != '\0'; c++)
			*c = *c == '\x001f' ? '\0' : *c;
		hex = 0;
		label[0] = '\0';
		disasm[0] = '\0';
		delay = 0;
		char* cl = line;

		//Parse Address
		if(strlen(cl) != 0)
			sscanf(cl, "%x", &addr);

		//Skip to next field
		cl += strlen(cl) + 2;

		//Number of bytes in hex representation
		if(strlen(cl) != 0)
			sscanf(cl, "%d", &hexSize);
		//Next Field
		cl += strlen(cl) + 2;

		//Create a buffer for the hex
		unsigned int hexArrSize = (hexSize > 1024 ? 1024 : (hexSize == 0 ? 1 : (hexSize * 2 + 1)) * sizeof(char));
		hex = new char[hexArrSize];

		//copy hex into buffer
		if(strlen(cl) != 0) {
			strncpy(hex, cl, hexArrSize);
		} else {
			hex[0] = '\0';
		//Next Field
		cl += strlen(cl) + 2;

		//Copy label if it exists
		if(strlen(cl) != 0)
			strncpy(label, cl, 128);
		//next Field
		cl += strlen(cl) + 2;

		//copy disassembled version
		if(strlen(cl) != 0)
			strncpy(disasm, cl, 256);

		//next Field
		cl += strlen(cl) + 2;

		//copy delay (20)
		if(strlen(cl) != 0)
			sscanf(cl, "%d", &delay);

		//Check for invalid hex string
		if(strlen(hex) % 2 != 0 || strlen(hex) / 2 != hexSize) { //odd number of hex digits, not bytes
			delete hex;
			mLoaded = false;
			return VM_ERR_CORRUPT;

		//convert ascii hex into real hex
		memset(text, 0, TEXT_LEN);
		for(size_t j = 0; j < strlen(hex); j++) {
			if(j == TEXT_LEN) {
				delete hex;
				mLoaded = false;
				return VM_ERR_OVERFLOW;
			if(hex[j] >= '0' && hex[j] <= '9') {
				text[j/2] |= (hex[j] - '0') << (j % 2 == 0 ? 4 : 0);
			}else if(toupper(hex[j])  >= 'A' && toupper(hex[j]) <= 'F') {
				text[j/2] |= (hex[j] - 'A' + 10) << (j % 2 == 0 ? 4 : 0);

		//Try to build a prefix
		Prefix* pre = Prefix::GetPrefix((unsigned char*)text, TEXT_LEN);
		char* opLoc = text;
		if(pre) {
			opLoc += pre->GetLength();

		std::string s;
		std::string dis(disasm);

		//trim whitespace from disassemblu
		dis.erase(dis.find_last_not_of(" \f\n\r\t\v") + 1);
		dis.erase(0, dis.find_first_not_of(" \f\n\r\t\v"));

		//Prefix with label
//		dis = label + ('\t' + dis);

		s.insert(0, hex);

		//clear up buffer from above
		delete hex;

		if(hexSize != 0) {
			memcpy(mMem.getPtr() + (addr % MEM_SIZE), text, hexSize);

		if((dis.size() == 0 || (hexSize == 0 && label[0] == '\0')) && (strlen(label) == 0))

		Instruction* inst = new VirgoInstruction(pre, dis, s, (int)*opLoc);


		if(++i >= numLines)

	mLoaded = true;
	mVirgo = true;


	return VM_SUCCESS;
Example #11
Instruction* Xor::CreateInstruction(unsigned char* memLoc, Processor* proc) {
	unsigned char* opLoc = memLoc;
	unsigned int preSize = 0;
	char buf[65];
	std::string inst;
	Instruction* newXor = 0;

	Prefix* pre = Prefix::GetPrefix(memLoc);

	if(pre) {
		opLoc += preSize = pre->GetLength();

	switch(*opLoc) {
		case XOR_AL_IMM8:
		case XOR_AX_IMM16:
			unsigned int size = (*opLoc) == XOR_AL_IMM8 ? 1 : 2;
			unsigned int val = (int)*(opLoc + 1);
			if(size == 2) {
				val += (int)*(opLoc + 2) << 8;

			GETINST(preSize + 1 + size);

			Operand* dst = new RegisterOperand(size == 1 ? REG_AL : REG_AX, proc);
			Operand* src = new ImmediateOperand(val, size);
			snprintf(buf, 65, "XOR %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			newXor = new Xor(pre, buf, inst, (int)*opLoc);
			newXor->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newXor->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);
		case XOR_MOD8_IMM8:
		case XOR_MOD16_IMM16:
		case XOR_MOD16_IMM8:
			if(((*(opLoc + 1) & 0x38) >> 3) != XOR_REG_CONST)

			unsigned int size = *opLoc == XOR_MOD8_IMM8 ? 1 : 2;
			Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(proc, opLoc, ModrmOperand::MOD, size);

			unsigned int val = (int)*(opLoc + 2 +dst->GetBytecodeLen());
			if(size == 2) {
				if(*opLoc == XOR_MOD16_IMM16)
					val += (int)*(opLoc + 3 + dst->GetBytecodeLen()) << 8;
					val += val >= 0x80 ? 0xFF00 : 0x0000;

			Operand* src = new ImmediateOperand(val, size);
			GETINST(preSize + 2 + (*opLoc == XOR_MOD16_IMM8 ? 1 : size) + dst->GetBytecodeLen());
			snprintf(buf, 65, "XOR %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());

			newXor = new Xor(pre, buf, inst, (int)*opLoc);
			newXor->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newXor->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);
		case XOR_MOD8_REG8:
		case XOR_MOD16_REG16:
		case XOR_REG8_MOD8:
		case XOR_REG16_MOD16:
			unsigned int size = (*opLoc == XOR_MOD8_REG8 || *opLoc == XOR_REG8_MOD8) ? 1 : 2;
			Operand* dst = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(
					(*opLoc == XOR_MOD8_REG8 || *opLoc == XOR_MOD16_REG16) ? 
						ModrmOperand::MOD : ModrmOperand::REG,
			Operand* src = ModrmOperand::GetModrmOperand(
					(*opLoc == XOR_REG8_MOD8 || *opLoc == XOR_REG16_MOD16) ? 
						ModrmOperand::MOD : ModrmOperand::REG,

			GETINST(preSize + 2 + src->GetBytecodeLen() + dst->GetBytecodeLen());
			snprintf(buf, 65, "XOR %s, %s", dst->GetDisasm().c_str(), src->GetDisasm().c_str());
			newXor = new Xor(pre, buf, inst, (int)*opLoc);
			newXor->SetOperand(Operand::SRC, src);
			newXor->SetOperand(Operand::DST, dst);

	return newXor;
