Example #1
void Graph::dijkstra(Vertex *src)
	comparisons = 0;//tallies number of comparisons made
    src->d = 0;
	src->p = NULL;
	 PriorityQueue<Vertex*> pq;
	 for(int i = 0;i<vertList.size();++i){//Fill priority queue
		if(vertList[i]->getID() != src->getID()){
			vertList[i]->d = INT_MAX;
			vertList[i]->p = NULL;
		pq.insertItem(vertList[i]->d, vertList[i], vertList[i]->getID());
	while(!pq.isEmpty()){//Start sifting through the vertices
		Vertex* u = pq.minElement();
		int sz = u->outList.size();
		for(int i =0; i < sz;++i){
			int alt = u->d + u->outList[i]->getWeight();
			Vertex* evalVert = u->outList[i]->geteVertP();
			if(u->outList[i]->geteVertP()->d == INT_MAX){//relax function
					Locator repkey = pq.getLoc(evalVert->getID());
			else if(alt < u->outList[i]->geteVertP()->d){//relax function
					Locator repkey = pq.getLoc(evalVert->getID());
	comparisons += pq.getComps();//grab comparisons from priority queue
int main() {
	PriorityQueue<string> pq;
	PQVector<string> pqv;
		string elem;
	int what = 1;
	cout << "1. Priority Queue with Binary Heap\n2. Priority Queue with Vector\nChoic: ";
	cin >> what;
if(what ==1){
	string again, right, left;
	left = 'y'; 	right = 'Y'; 	again = 'Y';

	elem = "abc"; pq.insertItem(3, elem);
	elem = "2ab"; pq.insertItem(4, elem);
	elem = "bbc"; pq.insertItem(1, elem);
	elem = "cnn"; pq.insertItem(5, elem);
	elem = "ddn"; pq.insertItem(6, elem);
	elem = "eda"; pq.insertItem(7, elem);
	elem = "ggg"; pq.insertItem(9, elem);
	elem = "kkk"; pq.insertItem(10, elem);
	elem = "lll"; pq.insertItem(11, elem);
	elem = "mmm"; pq.insertItem(12, elem);

	// elem = "qqq"; pq.insertItem(16, elem);
	cout << "\nAlready inserted heaps\n";
	cout << "===============\n";
	cout << "===============\n";
	// cout << "---------Before Removing Min\n";
	// cout << "minElement: " << pq.minElement() << endl;
	// cout << "minKey: " << pq.minKey() << endl;
	// cout << "Min element removed." << endl;
	// pq.remove(pq.min());
	// cout << "--------After removing min\n";	
	// cout << "minElement: " << pq.minElement() << endl;
	// cout << "minKey: " << pq.minKey() << endl;	
	// pq.decreaseKey(pq.min(),pq.minKey());
	// cout << "--------After decreasing loc 3\n";
	// pq.decreaseKey(3,6);

	// cout << "================\n";
	// pq.decreaseKey(pq.minKey(), pq.min());

	while (again.compare(right) == 0 || again.compare(left) == 0)
		char choi;
		cout << "What would you like to do? (Press corresponding number and hit enter)"<<endl;
		cout << "1. Insert items into a priority queue."<<endl;
		cout << "2. Print out priority queue."<<endl;
		cout << "3. Remove an item with a specific location."<<endl;
		cout << "4. Find item with minimum key."<<endl;
		cout << "5. Decrease Key."<<endl;
		cout << "6. Build Priority Queue." << endl;
		cout << "7. Exit."<<endl;
		cout << "Choie: ";
		cin >> choi;
		if(choi == '1')
			int key;
			char element[255];
			cout << "Key: ";
			cin >> key;
			cout << "Elem: ";
			cin >> element;
			pq.insertItem(key, element);
		else if(choi == '2')