bool FibpProcess::initConnectionServer(const ProcessOptions& po) { const BrokerAgentConfig& baConfig = FibpConfig::get()->getBrokerAgentConfig(); std::size_t threadPoolSize = baConfig.threadNum_; bool enableTest = baConfig.enableTest_; unsigned int port = baConfig.port_; boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(),port); // init Router driverRouter_.reset(new ::izenelib::driver::Router); initializeDriverRouter(*driverRouter_, enableTest); boost::shared_ptr<FiberDriverConnectionFactory> factory( new FiberDriverConnectionFactory(driverRouter_) ); driverServer_.reset( new FiberDriverServerV2(endpoint, factory, threadPoolSize) ); boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint http_endpoint(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), port + 1); boost::shared_ptr<HttpConnectionFactory> http_factory( new HttpConnectionFactory(driverRouter_)); httpServer_.reset(new FiberHttpServerV2(http_endpoint, http_factory, threadPoolSize)); std::string dns_servers; dns_servers = po.getRegistryAddr(); if (dns_servers.empty()) { dns_servers = FibpConfig::get()->distributedUtilConfig_.dns_config_.servers_; } std::string report_addr = po.getReportAddr(); std::size_t port_pos = report_addr.find(":"); if (port_pos == std::string::npos) { LOG(ERROR) << "The report address is wrong, should be ip:port. " << report_addr; return false; } std::string report_ip = report_addr.substr(0, port_pos); std::string report_port = report_addr.substr(port_pos + 1); FibpForwardManager::get()->init(dns_servers, FibpConfig::get()->distributedCommonConfig_.localHost_, port, report_ip, report_port, threadPoolSize); rpcServer_.reset(new FibpRpcServer( port + 2, threadPoolSize)); addExitHook(boost::bind(&FibpProcess::stopConnectionServer, this)); return true; }
void GpsimProcessor::compileMicrobe( const QString &filename, QObject *receiver, const char * successMember, const char * failMember ) { ProcessOptions o; o.b_addToProject = false; o.setTargetFile( QString(filename).replace(".microbe",".hex") ); o.setInputFiles(filename); o.setMethod( ProcessOptions::Method::Forget ); o.setProcessPath( ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Microbe_Program ); ProcessChain * pc = new ProcessChain(o); if (receiver) { if (successMember) connect( pc, SIGNAL(successful()), receiver, successMember ); if (failMember) connect( pc, SIGNAL(failed()), receiver, failMember ); } }
void FlowCode::processInput( ProcessOptions options ) { m_processOptions = options; if ( !options.p_flowCodeDocument ) { options.p_flowCodeDocument = new FlowCodeDocument( QString::null, 0l ); options.p_flowCodeDocument->openURL( options.inputFiles().first() ); connect( this, SIGNAL(processSucceeded( Language *)), options.p_flowCodeDocument, SLOT(deleteLater()) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(processFailed( Language *)), options.p_flowCodeDocument, SLOT(deleteLater()) ); }
void Gplib::processInput( ProcessOptions options ) { resetLanguageProcess(); m_processOptions = options; *m_languageProcess << ("gplib"); *m_languageProcess << ("--create"); *m_languageProcess << ( options.intermediaryOutput() ); const QStringList inputFiles = options.inputFiles(); QStringList::const_iterator end = inputFiles.end(); for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = inputFiles.begin(); it != end; ++it ) *m_languageProcess << ( *it ); if ( !start() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( LanguageManager::self()->logView(), i18n("Linking failed. Please check you have gputils installed.") ); processInitFailed(); return; } }
void Microbe::processInput( ProcessOptions options ) { resetLanguageProcess(); m_processOptions = options; *m_languageProcess << ("microbe"); // Input Asm file *m_languageProcess << ( options.inputFiles().first() ); // Output filename *m_languageProcess << ( options.intermediaryOutput() ); *m_languageProcess << ("--show-source"); if ( !start() ) { // QMessageBox::critical( LanguageManager::self()->logView(), tr("Assembly failed. Please check you have KTechlab installed properly (\"microbe\" could not be started).") ); qCritical() << "assembly failed"; processInitFailed(); return; } }
//BEGIN class ProcessChain ProcessChain::ProcessChain( ProcessOptions options, const char *name ) : QObject( KTechlab::self() /*, name */ ) { setObjectName( name ); m_pFlowCode = 0l; m_pGpasm = 0l; m_pGpdasm = 0l; m_pGplib = 0l; m_pGplink = 0l; m_pMicrobe = 0l; m_pPicProgrammer = 0l; m_pSDCC = 0l; m_processOptions = options; QString target; if ( ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::to( options.processPath() ) == ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Pic ) target = options.m_picID; else target = options.targetFile(); LanguageManager::self()->logView()->addOutput( i18n("Building: %1", target ), LogView::ot_important ); QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(compile()) ); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { setupDefaultSignalHandlers(); bool caughtException = false; try { ProcessOptions po; std::vector<std::string> args(argv + 1, argv + argc); if (po.setLogServerProcessArgs(argv[0], args)) { __pid_t pid = getPid(); LOG(INFO) << "\tLog Server Process : pid=" << pid; LogServerProcess logServerProcess; if (logServerProcess.init(po.getConfigFile())) { logServerProcess.start(); logServerProcess.join(); } else { logServerProcess.stop(); } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { caughtException = true; std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return caughtException ? 1 : 0; }
void Gpdasm::processInput( ProcessOptions options ) { resetLanguageProcess(); m_asmOutput = ""; m_processOptions = options;; *m_languageProcess << ("gpdasm"); *m_languageProcess << ("--processor"); *m_languageProcess << ( options.m_picID ); *m_languageProcess << ( options.inputFiles().first() ); if ( !start() ) { // QMessageBox::critical( LanguageManager::self()->logView(), tr("Disassembly failed. Please check you have gputils installed.") ); qDebug() << "disassembly failed"; processInitFailed(); return; } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Only 1 argument: xml filename if (argc < 2) { cout << "\nTo few arguments."; return 0; } // Path is a structure from Boost file system path ConfigFile(argv[1]); if (!exists(ConfigFile)) { cout << ConfigFile.filename().string() << " not exists " << '\n'; return 0; } // ProcessOptions is a class that contains all necessary parameters ProcessOptions ProcOptions; // Read parameters from the XML file ProcOptions.LoadParams(ConfigFile.string()); string ProcOptionsStr = ProcOptions.ShowParams(); cout << ProcOptionsStr; path PathToProcess(ProcOptions.InFolderName1); if (!exists(PathToProcess)) { cout << PathToProcess << " not exists " << '\n'; return 0; } if (!is_directory(PathToProcess)) { cout << PathToProcess << " This is not a directory path " << '\n'; //return 0; } if (ProcOptions.displayResult) { namedWindow("Image", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); } if (ProcOptions.displaySmallImage) { namedWindow("ImageSmall", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); } regex FilePattern(ProcOptions.InFilePattern1); // Create ROI. The ROI could be the whole image or a tile of specific size and shape Mat Roi; int roiMaxX, roiMaxY; // Bounding box sizes for ROI switch (ProcOptions.tileShape) // Different tile shapes { case 1: // Rectangle roiMaxX = ProcOptions.maxTileX; roiMaxY = ProcOptions.maxTileY; Roi = Mat::ones(roiMaxY, roiMaxX, CV_16U); break; case 2: // Ellipse roiMaxX = ProcOptions.maxTileX; roiMaxY = ProcOptions.maxTileY; Roi = Mat::zeros(roiMaxY, roiMaxX, CV_16U); ellipse(Roi, Point(roiMaxX / 2, roiMaxY / 2), Size(roiMaxX / 2, roiMaxY / 2), 0.0, 0.0, 360.0, 1, -1); break; case 3: // Hexagon { int edgeLength = ProcOptions.maxTileX; roiMaxX = edgeLength * 2; roiMaxY = (int)((float)edgeLength * 0.8660254 * 2.0); Roi = Mat::zeros(roiMaxY, roiMaxX, CV_16U); Point vertice0(edgeLength / 2, 0); Point vertice1(edgeLength / 2 + edgeLength - 1, 0); Point vertice2(roiMaxX - 1, roiMaxY / 2); Point vertice3(edgeLength / 2 + edgeLength - 1, roiMaxY - 1); Point vertice4(edgeLength / 2, roiMaxY - 1); Point vertice5(0, roiMaxY / 2); line(Roi, vertice0, vertice1, 1, 1); line(Roi, vertice1, vertice2, 1, 1); line(Roi, vertice2, vertice3, 1, 1); line(Roi, vertice3, vertice4, 1, 1); line(Roi, vertice4, vertice5, 1, 1); line(Roi, vertice5, vertice0, 1, 1); unsigned short *wRoi; for (int y = 1; y < roiMaxY - 1; y++) { wRoi = (unsigned short *) + roiMaxX * y; int x = 0; for (x; x < roiMaxX; x++) { if (*wRoi) break; wRoi++; } x++; wRoi++; for (x; x < roiMaxX; x++) { if (*wRoi) break; *wRoi = 1; wRoi++; } } } break; default: break; } int stepNr = (int)(180.0 / ProcOptions.angleStep); // angle step for computations (number of steps) // data vector float *Energy = new float[stepNr]; float *Contrast = new float[stepNr]; float *Correlation = new float[stepNr]; float *Homogenity = new float[stepNr]; int *Angles = new int[stepNr]; // vector for best angles histogtam // check how many features to compute float featCount = 0; if (ProcOptions.useContrast) featCount++; if (ProcOptions.useEnergy) featCount++; if (ProcOptions.useHomogeneity) featCount++; if (ProcOptions.useCorrelation) featCount++; //Matrix declarations Mat ImIn, ImInF, ImToShow, SmallIm, COM, SmallImToShow; steady_clock::time_point timePointOld = steady_clock::now(); // loop through all files in the inpur directory for (directory_entry& FileToProcess : directory_iterator(PathToProcess)) { steady_clock::time_point timePointPresent = steady_clock::now(); duration<double> time_span = duration_cast<duration<double>>(timePointPresent - timePointOld); cout << "file time: " << time_span.count() << "\n"; timePointOld = timePointPresent; path InPath = FileToProcess.path(); string OutString = ProcOptionsStr; // check if the filename follows the input regular expression if (!regex_match(InPath.filename().string().c_str(), FilePattern)) continue; if (!exists(InPath)) { cout << InPath.filename().string() << " File does not exist" << "\n"; continue; } OutString += "In file - " + InPath.filename().string() + "\n"; cout << "In file - " << InPath.filename().string() << "\n"; //Mat ImIn = imread(InPath.string(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH); ImIn.release(); ImIn = imread(InPath.string(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH); // check if it is an image file if (!ImIn.size) { cout << "this is not a valid image file"; continue; } int maxX, maxY, maxXY; maxX = ImIn.cols; maxY = ImIn.rows; maxXY = maxX * maxY; // conversion to float //Mat ImInF; // ,ImInFTemp; ImInF.release(); ImIn.convertTo(ImInF, CV_32F); // Filtering // switch (ProcOptions.preprocessType) { case 1: blur(ImInF, ImInF, Size(3, 3)); break; case 2: medianBlur(ImInF, ImInF, 3); break; default: break; } float maxNormGlobal = ProcOptions.maxNormGlobal; float minNormGlobal = ProcOptions.minNormGlobal; switch (ProcOptions.normalisation) { case 1: NormParamsMinMax(ImInF, &maxNormGlobal, &minNormGlobal); break; case 2: NormParamsMinMax(ImInF, &maxNormGlobal, &minNormGlobal); break; case 3: NormParamsMeanP3Std(ImInF, &maxNormGlobal, &minNormGlobal); break; case 4: NormParamsMeanP3Std(ImInF, &maxNormGlobal, &minNormGlobal); break; case 5: NormParams1to99perc(ImInF, &maxNormGlobal, &minNormGlobal); break; case 6: NormParams1to99perc(ImInF, &maxNormGlobal, &minNormGlobal); break; default: break; } OutString += "Min Norm Global: \t" + to_string(minNormGlobal) + "\n"; OutString += "Max Norm Global: \t" + to_string(maxNormGlobal) + "\n"; float displayMax = ProcOptions.displayMax; float displayMin = ProcOptions.displayMin; if (!ProcOptions.useFixtDispNorm) { displayMax = maxNormGlobal; displayMin = minNormGlobal; } //Mat ImToShow; ImToShow.release(); ImToShow = ShowImageF32PseudoColor(ImInF, displayMin, displayMax); if (ProcOptions.showTiles) { switch (ProcOptions.tileShape) { case 1: for (int y = ProcOptions.offsetTileY; y <= (maxY - ProcOptions.offsetTileY); y += ProcOptions.shiftTileY) { for (int x = ProcOptions.offsetTileX; x <= (maxX - ProcOptions.offsetTileX); x += ProcOptions.shiftTileX) { rectangle(ImToShow, Point(x - roiMaxX / 2, y - roiMaxY / 2), Point(x - roiMaxX / 2 + roiMaxX - 1, y - roiMaxY / 2 + roiMaxY - 1), Scalar(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ProcOptions.tileLineThickness); } } break; case 2: for (int y = ProcOptions.offsetTileY; y <= (maxY - ProcOptions.offsetTileY); y += ProcOptions.shiftTileY) { for (int x = ProcOptions.offsetTileX; x <= (maxX - ProcOptions.offsetTileX); x += ProcOptions.shiftTileX) { ellipse(ImToShow, Point(x, y), Size(roiMaxX / 2, roiMaxY / 2), 0.0, 0.0, 360.0, Scalar(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ProcOptions.tileLineThickness); } } break; case 3: for (int y = ProcOptions.offsetTileY; y <= (maxY - ProcOptions.offsetTileY); y += ProcOptions.shiftTileY) { for (int x = ProcOptions.offsetTileX; x <= (maxX - ProcOptions.offsetTileX); x += ProcOptions.shiftTileX) { int edgeLength = ProcOptions.maxTileX; Point vertice0(x - edgeLength / 2, y - (int)((float)edgeLength * 0.8660254)); Point vertice1(x + edgeLength - edgeLength / 2, y - (int)((float)edgeLength * 0.8660254)); Point vertice2(x + edgeLength, y); Point vertice3(x + edgeLength - edgeLength / 2, y + (int)((float)edgeLength * 0.8660254)); Point vertice4(x - edgeLength / 2, y + (int)((float)edgeLength * 0.8660254)); Point vertice5(x - edgeLength, y); line(ImToShow, vertice0, vertice1, Scalar(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ProcOptions.tileLineThickness); line(ImToShow, vertice1, vertice2, Scalar(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ProcOptions.tileLineThickness); line(ImToShow, vertice2, vertice3, Scalar(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ProcOptions.tileLineThickness); line(ImToShow, vertice3, vertice4, Scalar(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ProcOptions.tileLineThickness); line(ImToShow, vertice4, vertice5, Scalar(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ProcOptions.tileLineThickness); line(ImToShow, vertice5, vertice0, Scalar(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ProcOptions.tileLineThickness); } } break; default: break; } } if (ProcOptions.displayResult) { imshow("Image", ImToShow); waitKey(50); } //Mat SmallIm; SmallIm.release(); int xTileNr = 0; int yTileNr = 0; OutString += "Tile Y\tTile X\tAngle Contrast\tAngle Energy\tAngle Hogeneity\tAngle Corelation\tMean Intensity\tTile min norm\tTile max norm\n"; for (int y = ProcOptions.offsetTileY; y <= (maxY - ProcOptions.offsetTileY); y += ProcOptions.shiftTileY) { for (int x = ProcOptions.offsetTileX; x <= (maxX - ProcOptions.offsetTileX); x += ProcOptions.shiftTileX) { ImInF(Rect(x - roiMaxX / 2, y - roiMaxY / 2, roiMaxX, roiMaxY)).copyTo(SmallIm); float meanSmallIm = -10.0; //if (ProcOptions.useMinMean) meanSmallIm = MatFMeanRoi(SmallIm, Roi, 1); bool meanCondition = 0; if (ProcOptions.useMinMean) { if (meanSmallIm >= ProcOptions.minMean) meanCondition = true; else meanCondition = false; } else meanCondition = true; float maxNorm, minNorm; switch (ProcOptions.normalisation) { case 1: NormParamsMinMax(SmallIm, Roi, 1, &maxNorm, &minNorm); break; case 2: maxNorm = maxNormGlobal; minNorm = minNormGlobal; break; case 3: NormParamsMeanP3Std(SmallIm, Roi, 1, &maxNorm, &minNorm); break; case 4: maxNorm = maxNormGlobal; minNorm = minNormGlobal; break; case 5: NormParams1to99perc(SmallIm, Roi, 1, &maxNorm, &minNorm); break; case 6: maxNorm = maxNormGlobal; minNorm = minNormGlobal; break; default: maxNorm = 65535.0; minNorm = 0.0; break; } for (int i = 0; i < stepNr; i++) { Angles[i] = 0; Contrast[i] = 0.0; Energy[i] = 0.0; Homogenity[i] = 0.0; Correlation[i] = 0.0; } // ofset loop if (meanCondition) { for (int offset = ProcOptions.minOfset; offset <= ProcOptions.maxOfset; offset += 1) { for (int angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < stepNr; angleIndex++) { float angle = ProcOptions.angleStep * angleIndex; //Mat COM; // co-occurrence matrix definition COM.release(); if (ProcOptions.tileShape < 2) COM = COMCardone4(SmallIm, offset, angle, ProcOptions.binCount, maxNorm, minNorm, ProcOptions.interpolation); else COM = COMCardoneRoi(SmallIm, Roi, offset, angle, ProcOptions.binCount, maxNorm, minNorm, ProcOptions.interpolation, 1); float tmpContrast, tmpEnergy, tmpHomogenity, tmpCorrelation; COMParams(COM, &tmpContrast, &tmpEnergy, &tmpHomogenity, &tmpCorrelation); Contrast[angleIndex] += tmpContrast; Energy[angleIndex] += tmpEnergy; Homogenity[angleIndex] += tmpHomogenity; Correlation[angleIndex] = +tmpCorrelation; } } } // best angle for ofset int bestAngle = 0; int bestAngleContrast, bestAngleEnergy, bestAngleHomogenity, bestAngleCorrelation; bestAngleContrast = FindBestAngleMin(Contrast, stepNr); bestAngleEnergy = FindBestAngleMax(Energy, stepNr); bestAngleHomogenity = FindBestAngleMax(Homogenity, stepNr); bestAngleCorrelation = FindBestAngleMax(Correlation, stepNr); if (ProcOptions.useContrast) bestAngle = bestAngleContrast; if (ProcOptions.useEnergy) bestAngle = bestAngleEnergy; if (ProcOptions.useHomogeneity) bestAngle = bestAngleHomogenity; if (ProcOptions.useCorrelation) bestAngle = bestAngleCorrelation; /* int bestAngle = 0; if (ProcOptions.useContrast) Angles[bestAngleContrast]++; if (ProcOptions.useEnergy) Angles[bestAngleEnergy]++; if (ProcOptions.useHomogeneity) Angles[bestAngleHomogenity]++; if (ProcOptions.useCorrelation) Angles[bestAngleCorrelation]++; int bestAngle = 0; int maxAngle = Angles[0]; for (int i = 1; i < stepNr; i++) { if (maxAngle < Angles[i]) { maxAngle = Angles[i]; bestAngle = i; } } */ // show line on image //int barCenterX = ProcOptions.maxTileX / 2 + x; //int barCenterY = ProcOptions.maxTileY / 2 + y; double lineLength; // if (ProcOptions.lineLengthPropToConfidence) // lineLength = (double)(ProcOptions.lineHalfLength) / (ProcOptions.maxOfset - ProcOptions.minOfset + 1) / featCount * maxAngle; // else // lineLength = (double)(ProcOptions.lineHalfLength); lineLength = (double)(ProcOptions.lineHalfLength); int lineOffsetX = (int)round(lineLength * sin((double)(bestAngle)*ProcOptions.angleStep* PI / 180.0)); int lineOffsetY = (int)round(lineLength * cos((double)(bestAngle)*ProcOptions.angleStep* PI / 180.0)); // if ( meanCondition) { //line(ImToShow, Point(barCenterX - lineOffsetX, barCenterY - lineOffsetY), Point(barCenterX + lineOffsetX, barCenterY + lineOffsetY), Scalar(0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ProcOptions.imposedLineThickness); line(ImToShow, Point(x - lineOffsetX, y - lineOffsetY), Point(x + lineOffsetX, y + lineOffsetY), Scalar(0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ProcOptions.imposedLineThickness); } if (ProcOptions.displayResult) { imshow("Image", ImToShow); } cout << yTileNr << "\t" << xTileNr << "\t"; cout << "A Cont = " << to_string(bestAngleContrast*ProcOptions.angleStep); cout << "A Ener = " << to_string(bestAngleEnergy*ProcOptions.angleStep); cout << "A Homg = " << to_string(bestAngleHomogenity*ProcOptions.angleStep); cout << "A Corr = " << to_string(bestAngleCorrelation*ProcOptions.angleStep); //cout << " c = " << ItoStrLS(maxAngle, 2) << " mean = " << to_string(meanSmallIm); cout << " min norm = " << to_string(minNorm) << " max norm = " << to_string(maxNorm) << "\n"; OutString += ItoStrLS(yTileNr, 2) + "\t" + ItoStrLS(xTileNr, 2) + "\t"; if ( meanCondition) { OutString += to_string((float)bestAngleContrast * ProcOptions.angleStep) + "\t"; OutString += to_string((float)bestAngleEnergy * ProcOptions.angleStep) + "\t"; OutString += to_string((float)bestAngleHomogenity * ProcOptions.angleStep) + "\t"; OutString += to_string((float)bestAngleCorrelation * ProcOptions.angleStep) + "\t"; //OutString += to_string((float)(maxAngle) / (float)(ProcOptions.maxOfset - ProcOptions.minOfset + 1) / (float)featCount) + "\t"; } else { OutString += "NAN\t"; OutString += "NAN\t"; OutString += "NAN\t"; OutString += "NAN\t"; } OutString += to_string(meanSmallIm) + "\t" + to_string(minNorm) + "\t" + to_string(maxNorm) + "\n"; if (ProcOptions.displaySmallImage) { //Mat SmallImToShow = ShowImageF32PseudoColor(SmallIm, minNorm, maxNorm); SmallImToShow.release(); SmallImToShow = ShowImageF32PseudoColor(SmallIm, minNorm, maxNorm); line(SmallImToShow, Point(SmallImToShow.cols / 2 - lineOffsetX, SmallImToShow.rows / 2 - lineOffsetY), Point(SmallImToShow.cols / 2 + lineOffsetX, SmallImToShow.rows / 2 + lineOffsetY), Scalar(0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ProcOptions.imposedLineThickness); imshow("ImageSmall", ShowSolidRegionOnImage(GetContour5(Roi), SmallImToShow)); } if (ProcOptions.displayResult || ProcOptions.displaySmallImage) { if (ProcOptions.goThru) waitKey(50); else waitKey(0); } xTileNr++; } yTileNr++; xTileNr = 0; } if (ProcOptions.imgOut) { imwrite(ProcOptions.OutFolderName1 + InPath.filename().stem().string() + ".bmp", ImToShow); } if (ProcOptions.textOut) { string TextFileName = ProcOptions.OutFolderName1 + InPath.filename().stem().string() + ".txt"; std::ofstream out(TextFileName); out << OutString; out.close(); } } //end //for debug only //string TempStr; //cin >> TempStr; return 0; }
void SDCC::processInput( ProcessOptions options ) { resetLanguageProcess(); MicroInfo * info = MicroLibrary::self()->microInfoWithID( options.m_picID ); if (!info) { outputError( i18n("Could not find PIC with ID \"%1\".").arg(options.m_picID) ); return; } m_processOptions = options; *m_languageProcess << ("sdcc"); //BEGIN Pass custom sdcc options #define ARG(text,option) if ( KTLConfig::text() ) *m_languageProcess << ( QString("--%1").arg(option) ); // General ARG( sDCC_nostdlib, "nostdlib" ) ARG( sDCC_nostdinc, "nostdinc" ) ARG( sDCC_less_pedantic, "less-pedantic" ) ARG( sDCC_std_c89, "std-c89" ) ARG( sDCC_std_c99, "std-c99" ) // Code generation ARG( sDCC_stack_auto, "stack-auto" ) ARG( sDCC_int_long_reent, "int-long-reent" ) ARG( sDCC_float_reent, "float-reent" ) ARG( sDCC_fommit_frame_pointer, "fommit-frame-pointer" ) ARG( sDCC_no_xinit_opt, "no-xinit-opt" ) ARG( sDCC_all_callee_saves, "all-callee-saves" ) // Optimization ARG( sDCC_nooverlay, "nooverlay" ) ARG( sDCC_nogcse, "nogcse" ) ARG( sDCC_nolabelopt, "nolabelopt" ) ARG( sDCC_noinvariant, "noinvariant" ) ARG( sDCC_noinduction, "noinduction" ) ARG( sDCC_no_peep, "no-peep" ) ARG( sDCC_noloopreverse, "noloopreverse" ) ARG( sDCC_opt_code_size, "opt-code-size" ) ARG( sDCC_opt_code_speed, "opt-code-speed" ) ARG( sDCC_peep_asm, "peep-asm" ) ARG( sDCC_nojtbound, "nojtbound" ) // PIC16 Specific if ( info->instructionSet()->set() == AsmInfo::PIC16 ) { ARG( sDCC_nodefaultlibs, "nodefaultlibs" ) ARG( sDCC_pno_banksel, "pno-banksel" ) ARG( sDCC_pstack_model_large, "pstack-model=large" ) ARG( sDCC_debug_xtra, "debug-xtra" ) ARG( sDCC_denable_peeps, "denable-peeps" ) ARG( sDCC_calltree, "calltree" ) ARG( sDCC_fstack, "fstack" ) ARG( sDCC_optimize_goto, "optimize-goto" ) ARG( sDCC_optimize_cmp, "optimize-cmp" ) ARG( sDCC_optimize_df, "optimize-df" ) } #undef ARG if ( !KTLConfig::miscSDCCOptions().isEmpty() ) *m_languageProcess << ( KTLConfig::miscSDCCOptions() ); //END Pass custom sdcc options *m_languageProcess << ("--debug"); // Enable debugging symbol output *m_languageProcess << ("-S"); // Compile only; do not assemble or link QString asmSwitch; switch ( info->instructionSet()->set() ) { case AsmInfo::PIC12: // Last time I checked, SDCC doesn't support Pic12, and probably never will, but whatever... asmSwitch = "-mpic12"; break; case AsmInfo::PIC14: asmSwitch = "-mpic14"; break; case AsmInfo::PIC16: asmSwitch = "-mpic16"; break; } *m_languageProcess << (asmSwitch); *m_languageProcess << ( "-"+options.m_picID.lower() ); *m_languageProcess << ( options.inputFiles().first() ); *m_languageProcess << ("-o"); *m_languageProcess << ( options.intermediaryOutput() ); if ( !start() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( LanguageManager::self()->logView(), i18n("Compilation failed. Please check you have sdcc installed.") ); processInitFailed(); return; } }
void Gplink::processInput( ProcessOptions options ) { resetLanguageProcess(); m_processOptions = options; *m_languageProcess << ("gplink"); if ( !options.m_hexFormat.isEmpty() ) { *m_languageProcess << ("--hex-format"); *m_languageProcess << (options.m_hexFormat); } if ( options.m_bOutputMapFile ) *m_languageProcess << ("--map"); if ( !options.m_libraryDir.isEmpty() ) { *m_languageProcess << ("--include"); *m_languageProcess << ( options.m_libraryDir ); } if ( !options.m_linkerScript.isEmpty() ) { *m_languageProcess << ("--script"); *m_languageProcess << ( options.m_linkerScript ); } if ( !options.m_linkOther.isEmpty() ) *m_languageProcess << (options.m_linkOther); // Output hex file *m_languageProcess << ("--output"); *m_languageProcess << ( options.intermediaryOutput() ); // Input object file const QStringList inputFiles = options.inputFiles(); QStringList::const_iterator end = inputFiles.end(); for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = inputFiles.begin(); it != end; ++it ) *m_languageProcess << ( *it ); // Other libraries end = options.m_linkLibraries.end(); for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = options.m_linkLibraries.begin(); it != end; ++it ) *m_languageProcess << ( *it ); // if selected to automatically link to SDCC libraries, add some options. if( KTLConfig::gplink_link_shared() ) { // set up the include directory MicroInfo * info = MicroLibrary::self()->microInfoWithID( options.m_picID ); if ( ! info ) { // be program won't link anyway, but the user can't say that the program didn't try kError() << k_funcinfo << "Couldn't find the requested PIC" << options.m_picID << endl; kWarning() << k_funcinfo << "Supposing that the pic is pic12 or pic14" << endl; *m_languageProcess << "-I" << m_sdccLibDir + "/pic" ; } else { if ( info->instructionSet()->set() == AsmInfo::PIC16 ) *m_languageProcess << "-I" << m_sdccLibDir + "/pic16" ; else *m_languageProcess << "-I" << m_sdccLibDir + "/pic" ; // to pic to link against *m_languageProcess << options.m_picID.lower().replace ( "p","pic" ) + ".lib"; } *m_languageProcess << "libsdcc.lib"; } if ( !start() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( LanguageManager::self()->logView(), i18n("Linking failed. Please check you have gputils installed.") ); processInitFailed(); return; } }
QString GpsimProcessor::generateSymbolFile( const QString &fileName, QObject *receiver, const char *successMember, const char * failMember ) { if ( !isValidProgramFile(fileName) ) return QString::null; QString extension = fileName.right( fileName.length() - fileName.lastIndexOf('.') - 1 ).toLower(); if ( extension == "cod" ) { QTimer::singleShot( 0, receiver, successMember ); return fileName; } if ( extension == "hex" ) { QTimer::singleShot( 0, receiver, successMember ); // We've already checked for the existance of the ".cod" file in GpsimProcessor::isValidProgramFile return QString(fileName).replace(".hex",".cod"); } else if ( extension == "basic" || extension == "microbe" ) { compileMicrobe( fileName, receiver, successMember, failMember ); return QString(fileName).replace( "."+extension, ".cod" ); } else if ( extension == "flowcode" ) { const QString hexFile = QTemporaryFile( "tmpXXXXXX.hex" ).fileName(); ProcessOptions o; o.b_addToProject = false; o.setTargetFile( hexFile ); o.setInputFiles( QStringList(fileName) ); o.setMethod( ProcessOptions::Method::Forget ); o.setProcessPath( ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::FlowCode_Program ); ProcessChain * pc = new ProcessChain(o); if (receiver) { if (successMember) connect( pc, SIGNAL(successful()), receiver, successMember ); if (failMember) connect( pc, SIGNAL(failed()), receiver, failMember ); } return QString(hexFile).replace( ".hex", ".cod" ); } else if ( extension == "asm" ) { ProcessOptions o; o.b_addToProject = false; o.setTargetFile( QString(fileName).replace(".asm",".hex")); o.setInputFiles(QStringList(fileName)); o.setMethod( ProcessOptions::Method::Forget ); o.setProcessPath( ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::path( ProcessOptions::guessMediaType(fileName), ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Program ) ); ProcessChain *pc = new ProcessChain(o); if (receiver) { if (successMember) connect( pc, SIGNAL(successful()), receiver, successMember ); if (failMember) connect( pc, SIGNAL(failed()), receiver, failMember ); } return QString(fileName).replace(".asm",".cod"); } else if ( extension == "c" ) { ProcessOptions o; o.b_addToProject = false; o.setTargetFile( QString(fileName).replace(".c",".hex")); o.setInputFiles(QStringList(fileName)); o.setMethod( ProcessOptions::Method::Forget ); o.setProcessPath( ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::C_Program ); ProcessChain *pc = new ProcessChain(o); if (receiver) { if (successMember) connect( pc, SIGNAL(successful()), receiver, successMember ); if (failMember) connect( pc, SIGNAL(failed()), receiver, failMember ); } return QString(fileName).replace(".c",".cod"); } if ( failMember ) QTimer::singleShot( 0, receiver, failMember ); return QString::null; }
void Gpasm::processInput( ProcessOptions options ) { resetLanguageProcess(); m_processOptions = options; AsmParser p( options.inputFiles().first() ); p.parse(); *m_languageProcess << ("gpasm"); if ( ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::from( options.processPath() ) == ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::AssemblyRelocatable ) *m_languageProcess << ("--object"); // *m_languageProcess << ("--debug-info"); // Debug info // Output filename *m_languageProcess << ("--output"); *m_languageProcess << ( options.intermediaryOutput() ); if ( !options.m_hexFormat.isEmpty() ) { *m_languageProcess << ("--hex-format"); *m_languageProcess << (options.m_hexFormat); } // Radix if ( !p.containsRadix() ) { *m_languageProcess << ("--radix"); switch( KtlConfig::self()->radix() ) { case KtlConfig::Binary: *m_languageProcess << ("BIN"); break; case KtlConfig::Octal: *m_languageProcess << ("OCT"); break; case KtlConfig::Hexadecimal: *m_languageProcess << ("HEX"); break; case KtlConfig::Decimal: default: *m_languageProcess << ("DEC"); break; } *m_languageProcess << ("DEC"); // choose the default } // Warning Level *m_languageProcess << ("--warning"); switch( KtlConfig::self()->gpasmWarningLevel() ) { case KtlConfig::Warnings: *m_languageProcess << ("1"); break; case KtlConfig::Errors: *m_languageProcess << ("2"); break; default: case KtlConfig::All: *m_languageProcess << ("0"); break; } // Ignore case if ( KtlConfig::self()->ignoreCase() ) *m_languageProcess << ("--ignore-case"); // Dos formatting if ( KtlConfig::self()->dosFormat() ) *m_languageProcess << ("--dos"); // Force list if ( options.b_forceList ) *m_languageProcess << ("--force-list"); // Other options if ( !KtlConfig::self()->miscGpasmOptions().isEmpty() ) *m_languageProcess << ( KtlConfig::self()->miscGpasmOptions() ); // Input Asm file *m_languageProcess << ( options.inputFiles().first() ); if ( !start() ) { // KMessageBox::sorry( LanguageManager::self()->logView(), tr("Assembly failed. Please check you have gputils installed.") ); qCritical() << "assembly failed"; processInitFailed(); return; } }
void ProcessChain::slotFinishedCompile(Language *language) { ProcessOptions options = language->processOptions(); if ( options.b_addToProject && ProjectManager::self()->currentProject() ) ProjectManager::self()->currentProject()->addFile( KUrl(options.targetFile()) ); ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::MediaType typeTo = ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::to( m_processOptions.processPath() ); TextDocument * editor = 0l; if ( KTLConfig::reuseSameViewForOutput() ) { editor = options.textOutputTarget(); if ( editor && (!editor->url().isEmpty() || editor->isModified()) ) editor = 0l; } switch (typeTo) { case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::AssemblyAbsolute: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::AssemblyRelocatable: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::C: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Disassembly: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Library: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Microbe: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Object: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Program: { switch ( options.method() ) { case ProcessOptions::Method::LoadAsNew: { if ( !editor ) editor = DocManager::self()->createTextDocument(); if ( !editor ) break; QString text; QFile f( options.targetFile() ); if ( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { editor->deleteLater(); editor = 0l; break; } QTextStream stream(&f); while ( !stream.atEnd() ) text += stream.readLine()+'\n'; f.close(); editor->setText( text, true ); break; } case ProcessOptions::Method::Load: { editor = dynamic_cast<TextDocument*>( DocManager::self()->openURL(options.targetFile()) ); break; } case ProcessOptions::Method::Forget: break; } } case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::FlowCode: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Pic: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Unknown: break; } if (editor) { switch (typeTo) { case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::AssemblyAbsolute: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::AssemblyRelocatable: { if ( KTLConfig::autoFormatMBOutput() ) editor->formatAssembly(); editor->slotInitLanguage( TextDocument::ct_asm ); break; } case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::C: editor->slotInitLanguage( TextDocument::ct_c ); break; case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Disassembly: break; case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Library: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Object: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Program: editor->slotInitLanguage( TextDocument::ct_hex ); break; case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Microbe: editor->slotInitLanguage( TextDocument::ct_microbe ); break; case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::FlowCode: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Pic: case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Unknown: break; } DocManager::self()->giveDocumentFocus( editor ); } options.setTextOutputtedTo( editor ); emit successful(options); emit successful(); }