Example #1
void TestProjectModel::testItemSanity()
    ProjectBaseItem* parent = new ProjectBaseItem( nullptr, QStringLiteral("test") );
    ProjectBaseItem* child = new ProjectBaseItem( nullptr, QStringLiteral("test"), parent );
    ProjectBaseItem* child2 = new ProjectBaseItem( nullptr, QStringLiteral("ztest"), parent );
    ProjectFileItem* child3 = new ProjectFileItem( nullptr, Path(QUrl(QStringLiteral("file:///bcd"))), parent );
    ProjectFileItem* child4 = new ProjectFileItem(  nullptr, Path(QUrl(QStringLiteral("file:///abcd"))), parent  );

    // Just some basic santiy checks on the API
    QCOMPARE( parent->child( 0 ), child );
    QCOMPARE( parent->row(), -1 );
    QVERIFY( !parent->child( -1 ) );
    QVERIFY( !parent->file() );
    QVERIFY( !parent->folder() );
    QVERIFY( !parent->project() );
    QVERIFY( !parent->child( parent->rowCount() ) );
    QCOMPARE( parent->iconName(), QString() );
    QCOMPARE( parent->index(), QModelIndex() );

    QCOMPARE( child->type(), (int)ProjectBaseItem::BaseItem );

    QCOMPARE( child->lessThan( child2 ), true );
    QCOMPARE( child3->lessThan( child4 ), false );

    // Check that model is properly emitting data-changes
    model->appendRow( parent );
    QCOMPARE( parent->index(), model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()) );
    QSignalSpy s( model, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)) );
    parent->setPath( Path(QStringLiteral("/newtest")) );
    QCOMPARE( s.count(), 1 );
    QCOMPARE( model->data( parent->index() ).toString(), QStringLiteral("newtest") );

    parent->removeRow( child->row() );