Example #1
PropertySet AnimatableValueKeyframe::properties() const
    // This is not used in time-critical code, so we probably don't need to
    // worry about caching this result.
    PropertySet properties;
    for (PropertyValueMap::const_iterator iter = m_propertyValues.begin(); iter != m_propertyValues.end(); ++iter)
    return properties;
PropertySet StringKeyframe::properties() const
    // This is not used in time-critical code, so we probably don't need to
    // worry about caching this result.
    PropertySet properties;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_propertySet->propertyCount(); ++i)
    return properties;
PropertySet KeyframeEffectModelBase::properties() const
    PropertySet result;
    if (!m_keyframes.size()) {
        return result;
    result = m_keyframes[0]->properties();
    for (size_t i = 1; i < m_keyframes.size(); i++) {
        PropertySet extras = m_keyframes[i]->properties();
        for (PropertySet::const_iterator it = extras.begin(); it != extras.end(); ++it) {
    return result;
Example #4
static void resolveKeyframes(StyleResolver* resolver, Element* element, const Element& parentElement, const RenderStyle& style, RenderStyle* parentStyle, const AtomicString& name, TimingFunction* defaultTimingFunction,
    Vector<std::pair<KeyframeEffectModel::KeyframeVector, RefPtr<TimingFunction> > >& keyframesAndTimingFunctions)
    // When the element is null, use its parent for scoping purposes.
    const Element* elementForScoping = element ? element : &parentElement;
    const StyleRuleKeyframes* keyframesRule = CSSAnimations::matchScopedKeyframesRule(resolver, elementForScoping, name.impl());
    if (!keyframesRule)

    const Vector<RefPtr<StyleKeyframe> >& styleKeyframes = keyframesRule->keyframes();
    if (styleKeyframes.isEmpty())

    // Construct and populate the style for each keyframe
    PropertySet specifiedProperties;
    KeyframeEffectModel::KeyframeVector keyframes;
    HashMap<double, RefPtr<TimingFunction> > perKeyframeTimingFunctions;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < styleKeyframes.size(); ++i) {
        const StyleKeyframe* styleKeyframe = styleKeyframes[i].get();
        // It's OK to pass a null element here.
        RefPtr<RenderStyle> keyframeStyle = resolver->styleForKeyframe(element, style, parentStyle, styleKeyframe, name);
        RefPtr<Keyframe> keyframe = Keyframe::create();
        const Vector<double>& offsets = styleKeyframe->keys();
        TimingFunction* timingFunction = defaultTimingFunction;
        const StylePropertySet* properties = styleKeyframe->properties();
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < properties->propertyCount(); j++) {
            CSSPropertyID property = properties->propertyAt(j).id();
            if (property == CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationTimingFunction || property == CSSPropertyAnimationTimingFunction)
                timingFunction = KeyframeValue::timingFunction(*keyframeStyle);
            else if (CSSAnimations::isAnimatableProperty(property))
                keyframe->setPropertyValue(property, CSSAnimatableValueFactory::create(property, *keyframeStyle).get());
        // The last keyframe specified at a given offset is used.
        perKeyframeTimingFunctions.set(offsets[0], timingFunction);
        for (size_t j = 1; j < offsets.size(); ++j) {
            perKeyframeTimingFunctions.set(offsets[j], timingFunction);

    if (!perKeyframeTimingFunctions.contains(0))
        perKeyframeTimingFunctions.set(0, defaultTimingFunction);

    for (PropertySet::const_iterator iter = specifiedProperties.begin(); iter != specifiedProperties.end(); ++iter) {
        const CSSPropertyID property = *iter;
        ASSERT(property != CSSPropertyInvalid);
        blink::Platform::current()->histogramSparse("WebCore.Animation.CSSProperties", UseCounter::mapCSSPropertyIdToCSSSampleIdForHistogram(property));

    // Remove duplicate keyframes. In CSS the last keyframe at a given offset takes priority.
    std::stable_sort(keyframes.begin(), keyframes.end(), Keyframe::compareOffsets);
    size_t targetIndex = 0;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < keyframes.size(); i++) {
        if (keyframes[i]->offset() != keyframes[targetIndex]->offset())
        if (targetIndex != i)
            keyframes[targetIndex] = keyframes[i];
    keyframes.shrink(targetIndex + 1);

    // Add 0% and 100% keyframes if absent.
    RefPtr<Keyframe> startKeyframe = keyframes[0];
    if (startKeyframe->offset()) {
        startKeyframe = Keyframe::create();
    RefPtr<Keyframe> endKeyframe = keyframes[keyframes.size() - 1];
    if (endKeyframe->offset() != 1) {
        endKeyframe = Keyframe::create();
    ASSERT(keyframes.size() >= 2);
    ASSERT(keyframes.last()->offset() == 1);

    // Snapshot current property values for 0% and 100% if missing.
    PropertySet allProperties;
    size_t numKeyframes = keyframes.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numKeyframes; i++) {
        const PropertySet& keyframeProperties = keyframes[i]->properties();
        for (PropertySet::const_iterator iter = keyframeProperties.begin(); iter != keyframeProperties.end(); ++iter)
    const PropertySet& startKeyframeProperties = startKeyframe->properties();
    const PropertySet& endKeyframeProperties = endKeyframe->properties();
    bool missingStartValues = startKeyframeProperties.size() < allProperties.size();
    bool missingEndValues = endKeyframeProperties.size() < allProperties.size();
    if (missingStartValues || missingEndValues) {
        for (PropertySet::const_iterator iter = allProperties.begin(); iter != allProperties.end(); ++iter) {
            const CSSPropertyID property = *iter;
            bool startNeedsValue = missingStartValues && !startKeyframeProperties.contains(property);
            bool endNeedsValue = missingEndValues && !endKeyframeProperties.contains(property);
            if (!startNeedsValue && !endNeedsValue)
            RefPtr<AnimatableValue> snapshotValue = CSSAnimatableValueFactory::create(property, style);
            if (startNeedsValue)
                startKeyframe->setPropertyValue(property, snapshotValue.get());
            if (endNeedsValue)
                endKeyframe->setPropertyValue(property, snapshotValue.get());
    ASSERT(startKeyframe->properties().size() == allProperties.size());
    ASSERT(endKeyframe->properties().size() == allProperties.size());

    // Determine how many keyframes specify each property. Note that this must
    // be done after we've filled in end keyframes.
    typedef HashCountedSet<CSSPropertyID> PropertyCountedSet;
    PropertyCountedSet propertyCounts;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numKeyframes; ++i) {
        const PropertySet& properties = keyframes[i]->properties();
        for (PropertySet::const_iterator iter = properties.begin(); iter != properties.end(); ++iter)

    // Split keyframes into groups, where each group contains only keyframes
    // which specify all properties used in that group. Each group is animated
    // in a separate animation, to allow per-keyframe timing functions to be
    // applied correctly.
    for (PropertyCountedSet::const_iterator iter = propertyCounts.begin(); iter != propertyCounts.end(); ++iter) {
        const CSSPropertyID property = iter->key;
        const size_t count = iter->value;
        ASSERT(count <= numKeyframes);
        if (count == numKeyframes)
        KeyframeEffectModel::KeyframeVector splitOutKeyframes;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numKeyframes; i++) {
            Keyframe* keyframe = keyframes[i].get();
            if (!keyframe->properties().contains(property)) {
                ASSERT(i && i != numKeyframes - 1);
            RefPtr<Keyframe> clonedKeyframe = Keyframe::create();
            clonedKeyframe->setPropertyValue(property, keyframe->propertyValue(property));
            // Note that it's OK if this keyframe ends up having no
            // properties. This can only happen when none of the properties
            // are specified in all keyframes, in which case we won't animate
            // anything with these keyframes.
        ASSERT(splitOutKeyframes.last()->offset() == 1);
#ifndef NDEBUG
        for (size_t j = 0; j < splitOutKeyframes.size(); ++j)
            ASSERT(splitOutKeyframes[j]->properties().size() == 1);
        keyframesAndTimingFunctions.append(std::make_pair(splitOutKeyframes, generateTimingFunction(splitOutKeyframes, perKeyframeTimingFunctions)));

    unsigned numPropertiesSpecifiedInAllKeyframes = keyframes.first()->properties().size();
#ifndef NDEBUG
    for (size_t i = 1; i < numKeyframes; ++i)
        ASSERT(keyframes[i]->properties().size() == numPropertiesSpecifiedInAllKeyframes);

    // If the animation specifies any keyframes, we always provide at least one
    // vector of resolved keyframes, even if no properties are animated.
    if (numPropertiesSpecifiedInAllKeyframes || keyframesAndTimingFunctions.isEmpty())
        keyframesAndTimingFunctions.append(std::make_pair(keyframes, generateTimingFunction(keyframes, perKeyframeTimingFunctions)));