Example #1
BOOL CComboBox::Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID)
    QWidget *parentView = (QWidget *)pParentWnd->GetNSWindow();
    QComboBox *comboBox = new QComboBox(parentView);
    QRect contentRect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top);

    comboBox->move (contentRect.x(), contentRect.y());
    comboBox->resize(contentRect.width(), contentRect.height());


    m_hWnd = comboBox;
    mParentWin = pParentWnd;

    return TRUE;
HardwareSettingsDialog::HardwareSettingsDialog(QWidget *parent, QString file, Hardware *module) :
    hardwareModule = module;


    buttonOk = new QPushButton(this);
    buttonCancel = new QPushButton(this);

    buttonOk->resize(100, 25);

    buttonCancel->resize(100, 25);
    connect(buttonOk, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(applySettings()));
    connect(buttonCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cancelSettings()));

    // отрисовка найденых регистров на форме
    QVector<ModbusRegister*>::Iterator reg = registerVector.begin();
    int yPos = 10;
    int yStep = 30;
    int labelXsize = 200;
    int labelYsize = 25;
    int lineEditXsize = 150;
    int xDistance = 20;
    for (reg = registerVector.begin(); reg != registerVector.end(); ++reg) {
        if ((*reg)->getType() == ModbusRegister::reservType)

        QLabel* text = new QLabel(this);

        text->move(5, yPos);
        text->resize(labelXsize, labelYsize);


        switch ((*reg)->getType()) {
        case ModbusRegister::intType : {
                QLineEdit* edit = new QLineEdit(this);

                edit->move(labelXsize + xDistance, yPos);
                edit->resize(lineEditXsize, labelYsize);
        case ModbusRegister::textType : {
                QComboBox *box = new QComboBox(this);

                // заполняем список фозможными значениями
                int nText = (*reg)->stringText_.size();
                for (int j = 0; j < nText; j++) {
                // пихаем на форму
                box->move(labelXsize + xDistance, yPos);
                box->resize(lineEditXsize, labelYsize);
        default : break;

        yPos += yStep;

    yPos += yStep;
    buttonOk->move(400 - 100 - (400 - xDistance - labelXsize - lineEditXsize), yPos); // это придумал мой пьяный мозг, на самом деле нужно просто добавить компоновщик
    buttonCancel->move(400 - 100 - xDistance - 100 - (400 - xDistance - labelXsize - lineEditXsize), yPos);
    yPos += yStep;

    this->resize(400, yPos + 25);
Example #3
SetupDialog::SetupDialog( ConfigTabs _tab_to_open ) :
	m_bufferSize( ConfigManager::inst()->value( "mixer",
					"framesperaudiobuffer" ).toInt() ),
	m_toolTips( !ConfigManager::inst()->value( "tooltips",
							"disabled" ).toInt() ),
	m_warnAfterSetup( !ConfigManager::inst()->value( "app",
						"nomsgaftersetup" ).toInt() ),
	m_displaydBV( ConfigManager::inst()->value( "app", 
		      				"displaydbv" ).toInt() ),
	m_MMPZ( !ConfigManager::inst()->value( "app", "nommpz" ).toInt() ),
	m_disableBackup( !ConfigManager::inst()->value( "app",
							"disablebackup" ).toInt() ),
	m_hqAudioDev( ConfigManager::inst()->value( "mixer",
							"hqaudio" ).toInt() ),
	m_lang( ConfigManager::inst()->value( "app",
							"language" ) ),
	m_workingDir( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ConfigManager::inst()->workingDir() ) ),
	m_vstDir( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ConfigManager::inst()->vstDir() ) ),
	m_artworkDir( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ConfigManager::inst()->artworkDir() ) ),
	m_flDir( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ConfigManager::inst()->flDir() ) ),
	m_ladDir( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ConfigManager::inst()->ladspaDir() ) ),
	m_gigDir( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ConfigManager::inst()->gigDir() ) ),
	m_sf2Dir( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ConfigManager::inst()->sf2Dir() ) ),
	m_defaultSoundfont( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ConfigManager::inst()->defaultSoundfont() ) ),
	m_stkDir( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ConfigManager::inst()->stkDir() ) ),
	m_backgroundArtwork( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ConfigManager::inst()->backgroundArtwork() ) ),
	m_smoothScroll( ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui", "smoothscroll" ).toInt() ),
	m_enableAutoSave( ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui", "enableautosave" ).toInt() ),
	m_oneInstrumentTrackWindow( ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui",
					"oneinstrumenttrackwindow" ).toInt() ),
	m_compactTrackButtons( ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui",
					"compacttrackbuttons" ).toInt() ),
	m_syncVSTPlugins( ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui",
							"syncvstplugins" ).toInt() ),
	m_animateAFP(ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui",
						   "animateafp").toInt() ),
	m_printNoteLabels(ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui",
						   "printnotelabels").toInt() ),
	m_displayWaveform(ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui",
						   "displaywaveform").toInt() ),
	m_disableAutoQuit(ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui",
						   "disableautoquit").toInt() )
	setWindowIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "setup_general" ) );
	setWindowTitle( tr( "Setup LMMS" ) );
	setModal( true );

	Engine::projectJournal()->setJournalling( false );

	QVBoxLayout * vlayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
	vlayout->setSpacing( 0 );
	vlayout->setMargin( 0 );
	QWidget * settings = new QWidget( this );
	QHBoxLayout * hlayout = new QHBoxLayout( settings );
	hlayout->setSpacing( 0 );
	hlayout->setMargin( 0 );

	m_tabBar = new TabBar( settings, QBoxLayout::TopToBottom );
	m_tabBar->setExclusive( true );
	m_tabBar->setFixedWidth( 72 );

	QWidget * ws = new QWidget( settings );
	int wsHeight = 370;
	wsHeight += 50;
	wsHeight += 50;
	ws->setFixedSize( 360, wsHeight );
	QWidget * general = new QWidget( ws );
	general->setFixedSize( 360, 240 );
	QVBoxLayout * gen_layout = new QVBoxLayout( general );
	gen_layout->setSpacing( 0 );
	gen_layout->setMargin( 0 );
	labelWidget( general, tr( "General settings" ) );

	TabWidget * bufsize_tw = new TabWidget( tr( "BUFFER SIZE" ), general );
	bufsize_tw->setFixedHeight( 80 );

	m_bufSizeSlider = new QSlider( Qt::Horizontal, bufsize_tw );
	m_bufSizeSlider->setRange( 1, 256 );
	m_bufSizeSlider->setTickPosition( QSlider::TicksBelow );
	m_bufSizeSlider->setPageStep( 8 );
	m_bufSizeSlider->setTickInterval( 8 );
	m_bufSizeSlider->setGeometry( 10, 16, 340, 18 );
	m_bufSizeSlider->setValue( m_bufferSize / 64 );

	connect( m_bufSizeSlider, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this,
						SLOT( setBufferSize( int ) ) );

	m_bufSizeLbl = new QLabel( bufsize_tw );
	m_bufSizeLbl->setGeometry( 10, 40, 200, 24 );
	setBufferSize( m_bufSizeSlider->value() );

	QPushButton * bufsize_reset_btn = new QPushButton(
			embed::getIconPixmap( "reload" ), "", bufsize_tw );
	bufsize_reset_btn->setGeometry( 290, 40, 28, 28 );
	connect( bufsize_reset_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
						SLOT( resetBufSize() ) );
	ToolTip::add( bufsize_reset_btn, tr( "Reset to default-value" ) );

	QPushButton * bufsize_help_btn = new QPushButton(
			embed::getIconPixmap( "help" ), "", bufsize_tw );
	bufsize_help_btn->setGeometry( 320, 40, 28, 28 );
	connect( bufsize_help_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
						SLOT( displayBufSizeHelp() ) );

	TabWidget * misc_tw = new TabWidget( tr( "MISC" ), general );
	const int XDelta = 10;
	const int YDelta = 18;
	const int HeaderSize = 30;
	int labelNumber = 0;

	LedCheckBox * enable_tooltips = new LedCheckBox(
							tr( "Enable tooltips" ),
								misc_tw );
	enable_tooltips->move( XDelta, YDelta*labelNumber );
	enable_tooltips->setChecked( m_toolTips );
	connect( enable_tooltips, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
					this, SLOT( toggleToolTips( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * restart_msg = new LedCheckBox(
			tr( "Show restart warning after changing settings" ),
								misc_tw );
	restart_msg->move( XDelta, YDelta*labelNumber );
	restart_msg->setChecked( m_warnAfterSetup );
	connect( restart_msg, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleWarnAfterSetup( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * dbv = new LedCheckBox( tr( "Display volume as dBV " ),
								misc_tw );
	dbv->move( XDelta, YDelta*labelNumber );
	dbv->setChecked( m_displaydBV );
	connect( dbv, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleDisplaydBV( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * mmpz = new LedCheckBox(
				tr( "Compress project files per default" ),
								misc_tw );
	mmpz->move( XDelta, YDelta*labelNumber );
	mmpz->setChecked( m_MMPZ );
	connect( mmpz, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
					this, SLOT( toggleMMPZ( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * oneitw = new LedCheckBox(
				tr( "One instrument track window mode" ),
								misc_tw );
	oneitw->move( XDelta, YDelta*labelNumber );
	oneitw->setChecked( m_oneInstrumentTrackWindow );
	connect( oneitw, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleOneInstrumentTrackWindow( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * hqaudio = new LedCheckBox(
				tr( "HQ-mode for output audio-device" ),
								misc_tw );
	hqaudio->move( XDelta, YDelta*labelNumber );
	hqaudio->setChecked( m_hqAudioDev );
	connect( hqaudio, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleHQAudioDev( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * compacttracks = new LedCheckBox(
				tr( "Compact track buttons" ),
								misc_tw );
	compacttracks->move( XDelta, YDelta*labelNumber );
	compacttracks->setChecked( m_compactTrackButtons );
	connect( compacttracks, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleCompactTrackButtons( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * syncVST = new LedCheckBox(
				tr( "Sync VST plugins to host playback" ),
								misc_tw );
	syncVST->move( XDelta, YDelta*labelNumber );
	syncVST->setChecked( m_syncVSTPlugins );
	connect( syncVST, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleSyncVSTPlugins( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * noteLabels = new LedCheckBox(
				tr( "Enable note labels in piano roll" ),
								misc_tw );
	noteLabels->move( XDelta, YDelta*labelNumber );
	noteLabels->setChecked( m_printNoteLabels );
	connect( noteLabels, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleNoteLabels( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * displayWaveform = new LedCheckBox(
				tr( "Enable waveform display by default" ),
								misc_tw );
	displayWaveform->move( XDelta, YDelta*labelNumber );
	displayWaveform->setChecked( m_displayWaveform );
	connect( displayWaveform, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleDisplayWaveform( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * disableAutoquit = new LedCheckBox(
				tr( "Keep effects running even without input" ),
								misc_tw );
	disableAutoquit->move( XDelta, YDelta*labelNumber );
	disableAutoquit->setChecked( m_disableAutoQuit );
	connect( disableAutoquit, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleDisableAutoquit( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * disableBackup = new LedCheckBox(
				tr( "Create backup file when saving a project" ),
								misc_tw );
	disableBackup->move( XDelta, YDelta*labelNumber );
	disableBackup->setChecked( m_disableBackup );
	connect( disableBackup, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleDisableBackup( bool ) ) );

	misc_tw->setFixedHeight( YDelta*labelNumber + HeaderSize );

	TabWidget * lang_tw = new TabWidget( tr( "LANGUAGE" ), general );
	lang_tw->setFixedHeight( 48 );
	QComboBox * changeLang = new QComboBox( lang_tw );
	changeLang->move( XDelta, YDelta );

	QDir dir( ConfigManager::inst()->localeDir() );
	QStringList fileNames = dir.entryList( QStringList( "*.qm" ) );
	for( int i = 0; i < fileNames.size(); ++i )
		// get locale extracted by filename
		fileNames[i].truncate( fileNames[i].lastIndexOf( '.' ) );
		m_languages.append( fileNames[i] );
		QString lang = QLocale( m_languages.last() ).nativeLanguageName();
		changeLang->addItem( lang );
	connect( changeLang, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ),
							this, SLOT( setLanguage( int ) ) );

	//If language unset, fallback to system language when available
	if( m_lang == "" )
		QString tmp = QLocale::system().name().left( 2 );
		if( m_languages.contains( tmp ) )
			m_lang = tmp;
			m_lang = "en";

	for( int i = 0; i < changeLang->count(); ++i )
		if( m_lang == m_languages.at( i ) )
			changeLang->setCurrentIndex( i );

	gen_layout->addWidget( bufsize_tw );
	gen_layout->addSpacing( 10 );
	gen_layout->addWidget( misc_tw );
	gen_layout->addSpacing( 10 );
	gen_layout->addWidget( lang_tw );

	QWidget * paths = new QWidget( ws );
	int pathsHeight = 370;
	pathsHeight += 55;
	pathsHeight += 55;
	paths->setFixedSize( 360, pathsHeight );
	QVBoxLayout * dir_layout = new QVBoxLayout( paths );
	dir_layout->setSpacing( 0 );
	dir_layout->setMargin( 0 );
	labelWidget( paths, tr( "Paths" ) );
	QLabel * title = new QLabel( tr( "Directories" ), paths );
	QFont f = title->font();
	f.setBold( true );
	title->setFont( pointSize<12>( f ) );

	QScrollArea *pathScroll = new QScrollArea( paths );

	QWidget *pathSelectors = new QWidget( ws );
	QVBoxLayout *pathSelectorLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
	pathScroll->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn );
	pathScroll->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	pathScroll->resize( 362, pathsHeight - 50  );
	pathScroll->move( 0, 30 );
	pathSelectors->resize( 360, pathsHeight - 50 );

	const int txtLength = 285;
	const int btnStart = 305;

	// working-dir
	TabWidget * lmms_wd_tw = new TabWidget( tr(
					"LMMS working directory" ).toUpper(),
								pathSelectors );
	lmms_wd_tw->setFixedHeight( 48 );

	m_wdLineEdit = new QLineEdit( m_workingDir, lmms_wd_tw );
	m_wdLineEdit->setGeometry( 10, 20, txtLength, 16 );
	connect( m_wdLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this,
				SLOT( setWorkingDir( const QString & ) ) );

	QPushButton * workingdir_select_btn = new QPushButton(
				embed::getIconPixmap( "project_open", 16, 16 ),
							"", lmms_wd_tw );
	workingdir_select_btn->setFixedSize( 24, 24 );
	workingdir_select_btn->move( btnStart, 16 );
	connect( workingdir_select_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
						SLOT( openWorkingDir() ) );

	// artwork-dir
	TabWidget * artwork_tw = new TabWidget( tr(
					"Themes directory" ).toUpper(),
								pathSelectors );
	artwork_tw->setFixedHeight( 48 );

	m_adLineEdit = new QLineEdit( m_artworkDir, artwork_tw );
	m_adLineEdit->setGeometry( 10, 20, txtLength, 16 );
	connect( m_adLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this,
				SLOT( setArtworkDir( const QString & ) ) );

	QPushButton * artworkdir_select_btn = new QPushButton(
				embed::getIconPixmap( "project_open", 16, 16 ),
							"", artwork_tw );
	artworkdir_select_btn->setFixedSize( 24, 24 );
	artworkdir_select_btn->move( btnStart, 16 );
	connect( artworkdir_select_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
						SLOT( openArtworkDir() ) );

	// background artwork file
	TabWidget * backgroundArtwork_tw = new TabWidget( tr(
			"Background artwork" ).toUpper(), paths );
	backgroundArtwork_tw->setFixedHeight( 48 );

	m_baLineEdit = new QLineEdit( m_backgroundArtwork, 
			backgroundArtwork_tw );
	m_baLineEdit->setGeometry( 10, 20, txtLength, 16 );
	connect( m_baLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this,
			SLOT( setBackgroundArtwork( const QString & ) ) );

	QPushButton * backgroundartworkdir_select_btn = new QPushButton(
			embed::getIconPixmap( "project_open", 16, 16 ),
			"", backgroundArtwork_tw );
	backgroundartworkdir_select_btn->setFixedSize( 24, 24 );
	backgroundartworkdir_select_btn->move( btnStart, 16 );
	connect( backgroundartworkdir_select_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
					SLOT( openBackgroundArtwork() ) );

	// FL Studio-dir
	TabWidget * fl_tw = new TabWidget( tr(
				"FL Studio installation directory" ).toUpper(),
								paths );
	fl_tw->setFixedHeight( 48 );

	m_fdLineEdit = new QLineEdit( m_flDir, fl_tw );
	m_fdLineEdit->setGeometry( 10, 20, txtLength, 16 );
	connect( m_fdLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this,
					SLOT( setFLDir( const QString & ) ) );

	QPushButton * fldir_select_btn = new QPushButton(
				embed::getIconPixmap( "project_open", 16, 16 ),
								"", fl_tw );
	fldir_select_btn->setFixedSize( 24, 24 );
	fldir_select_btn->move( btnStart, 16 );
	connect( fldir_select_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
						SLOT( openFLDir() ) );

	// vst-dir
	TabWidget * vst_tw = new TabWidget( tr(
					"VST-plugin directory" ).toUpper(),
								pathSelectors );
	vst_tw->setFixedHeight( 48 );

	m_vdLineEdit = new QLineEdit( m_vstDir, vst_tw );
	m_vdLineEdit->setGeometry( 10, 20, txtLength, 16 );
	connect( m_vdLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this,
					SLOT( setVSTDir( const QString & ) ) );

	QPushButton * vstdir_select_btn = new QPushButton(
				embed::getIconPixmap( "project_open", 16, 16 ),
								"", vst_tw );
	vstdir_select_btn->setFixedSize( 24, 24 );
	vstdir_select_btn->move( btnStart, 16 );
	connect( vstdir_select_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
						SLOT( openVSTDir() ) );

	// gig-dir
	TabWidget * gig_tw = new TabWidget( tr(
					"GIG directory" ).toUpper(),
								pathSelectors );
	gig_tw->setFixedHeight( 48 );

	m_gigLineEdit = new QLineEdit( m_gigDir, gig_tw );
	m_gigLineEdit->setGeometry( 10, 20, txtLength, 16 );
	connect( m_gigLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this,
					SLOT( setGIGDir( const QString & ) ) );

	QPushButton * gigdir_select_btn = new QPushButton(
				embed::getIconPixmap( "project_open", 16, 16 ),
								"", gig_tw );
	gigdir_select_btn->setFixedSize( 24, 24 );
	gigdir_select_btn->move( btnStart, 16 );
	connect( gigdir_select_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
						SLOT( openGIGDir() ) );

	// sf2-dir
	TabWidget * sf2_tw = new TabWidget( tr(
					"SF2 directory" ).toUpper(),
								pathSelectors );
	sf2_tw->setFixedHeight( 48 );

	m_sf2LineEdit = new QLineEdit( m_sf2Dir, sf2_tw );
	m_sf2LineEdit->setGeometry( 10, 20, txtLength, 16 );
	connect( m_sf2LineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this,
					SLOT( setSF2Dir( const QString & ) ) );

	QPushButton * sf2dir_select_btn = new QPushButton(
				embed::getIconPixmap( "project_open", 16, 16 ),
								"", sf2_tw );
	sf2dir_select_btn->setFixedSize( 24, 24 );
	sf2dir_select_btn->move( btnStart, 16 );
	connect( sf2dir_select_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
						SLOT( openSF2Dir() ) );

	// LADSPA-dir
	TabWidget * lad_tw = new TabWidget( tr(
			"LADSPA plugin directories" ).toUpper(),
							paths );
	lad_tw->setFixedHeight( 48 );

	m_ladLineEdit = new QLineEdit( m_ladDir, lad_tw );
	m_ladLineEdit->setGeometry( 10, 20, txtLength, 16 );
	connect( m_ladLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this,
		 		SLOT( setLADSPADir( const QString & ) ) );

	QPushButton * laddir_select_btn = new QPushButton(
				embed::getIconPixmap( "add_folder", 16, 16 ),
								"", lad_tw );
	laddir_select_btn->setFixedSize( 24, 24 );
	laddir_select_btn->move( btnStart, 16 );
	connect( laddir_select_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
				 		SLOT( openLADSPADir() ) );

	// STK-dir
	TabWidget * stk_tw = new TabWidget( tr(
			"STK rawwave directory" ).toUpper(),
							paths );
	stk_tw->setFixedHeight( 48 );

	m_stkLineEdit = new QLineEdit( m_stkDir, stk_tw );
	m_stkLineEdit->setGeometry( 10, 20, txtLength, 16 );
	connect( m_stkLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this,
		 SLOT( setSTKDir( const QString & ) ) );

	QPushButton * stkdir_select_btn = new QPushButton(
			embed::getIconPixmap( "project_open", 16, 16 ),
								"", stk_tw );
	stkdir_select_btn->setFixedSize( 24, 24 );
	stkdir_select_btn->move( btnStart, 16 );
	connect( stkdir_select_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
		 SLOT( openSTKDir() ) );

	// Soundfont
	TabWidget * sf_tw = new TabWidget( tr(
			"Default Soundfont File" ).toUpper(), paths );
	sf_tw->setFixedHeight( 48 );

	m_sfLineEdit = new QLineEdit( m_defaultSoundfont, sf_tw );
	m_sfLineEdit->setGeometry( 10, 20, txtLength, 16 );
	connect( m_sfLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this,
		 		SLOT( setDefaultSoundfont( const QString & ) ) );

	QPushButton * sf_select_btn = new QPushButton(
				embed::getIconPixmap( "project_open", 16, 16 ),
								"", sf_tw );
	sf_select_btn->setFixedSize( 24, 24 );
	sf_select_btn->move( btnStart, 16 );
	connect( sf_select_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
				 		SLOT( openDefaultSoundfont() ) );

	pathSelectors->setLayout( pathSelectorLayout );

	pathSelectorLayout->addWidget( lmms_wd_tw );
	pathSelectorLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
	pathSelectorLayout->addWidget( gig_tw );
	pathSelectorLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
	pathSelectorLayout->addWidget( sf2_tw );
	pathSelectorLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
	pathSelectorLayout->addWidget( vst_tw );
	pathSelectorLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
	pathSelectorLayout->addWidget( lad_tw );
	pathSelectorLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
	pathSelectorLayout->addWidget( stk_tw );
	pathSelectorLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
	pathSelectorLayout->addWidget( sf_tw );
	pathSelectorLayout->addWidget( fl_tw );
	pathSelectorLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
	pathSelectorLayout->addWidget( artwork_tw );
	pathSelectorLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
	pathSelectorLayout->addWidget( backgroundArtwork_tw );
	pathSelectorLayout->addSpacing( 10 );

	dir_layout->addWidget( pathSelectors );

	pathScroll->setWidget( pathSelectors );
	pathScroll->setWidgetResizable( true );

	QWidget * performance = new QWidget( ws );
	performance->setFixedSize( 360, 240 );
	QVBoxLayout * perf_layout = new QVBoxLayout( performance );
	perf_layout->setSpacing( 0 );
	perf_layout->setMargin( 0 );
	labelWidget( performance, tr( "Performance settings" ) );

	TabWidget * ui_fx_tw = new TabWidget( tr( "UI effects vs. "
						"performance" ).toUpper(),
								performance );
	ui_fx_tw->setFixedHeight( 80 );

	LedCheckBox * smoothScroll = new LedCheckBox(
			tr( "Smooth scroll in Song Editor" ), ui_fx_tw );
	smoothScroll->move( 10, 20 );
	smoothScroll->setChecked( m_smoothScroll );
	connect( smoothScroll, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleSmoothScroll( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * autoSave = new LedCheckBox(
			tr( "Enable auto save feature" ), ui_fx_tw );
	autoSave->move( 10, 40 );
	autoSave->setChecked( m_enableAutoSave );
	connect( autoSave, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleAutoSave( bool ) ) );

	LedCheckBox * animAFP = new LedCheckBox(
				tr( "Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor" ),
								ui_fx_tw );
	animAFP->move( 10, 60 );
	animAFP->setChecked( m_animateAFP );
	connect( animAFP, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
				this, SLOT( toggleAnimateAFP( bool ) ) );

	perf_layout->addWidget( ui_fx_tw );

	QWidget * audio = new QWidget( ws );
	audio->setFixedSize( 360, 200 );
	QVBoxLayout * audio_layout = new QVBoxLayout( audio );
	audio_layout->setSpacing( 0 );
	audio_layout->setMargin( 0 );
	labelWidget( audio, tr( "Audio settings" ) );

	TabWidget * audioiface_tw = new TabWidget( tr( "AUDIO INTERFACE" ),
									audio );
	audioiface_tw->setFixedHeight( 60 );

	m_audioInterfaces = new QComboBox( audioiface_tw );
	m_audioInterfaces->setGeometry( 10, 20, 240, 22 );

	QPushButton * audio_help_btn = new QPushButton(
			embed::getIconPixmap( "help" ), "", audioiface_tw );
	audio_help_btn->setGeometry( 320, 20, 28, 28 );
	connect( audio_help_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
						SLOT( displayAudioHelp() ) );

	// create ifaces-settings-widget
	QWidget * asw = new QWidget( audio );
	asw->setFixedHeight( 60 );

	QHBoxLayout * asw_layout = new QHBoxLayout( asw );
	asw_layout->setSpacing( 0 );
	asw_layout->setMargin( 0 );
	//asw_layout->setAutoAdd( true );

	m_audioIfaceSetupWidgets[AudioJack::name()] =
					new AudioJack::setupWidget( asw );

	m_audioIfaceSetupWidgets[AudioAlsa::name()] =
					new AudioAlsaSetupWidget( asw );

	m_audioIfaceSetupWidgets[AudioPulseAudio::name()] =
					new AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget( asw );

	m_audioIfaceSetupWidgets[AudioPortAudio::name()] =
					new AudioPortAudio::setupWidget( asw );

	m_audioIfaceSetupWidgets[AudioSdl::name()] =
					new AudioSdl::setupWidget( asw );

	m_audioIfaceSetupWidgets[AudioOss::name()] =
					new AudioOss::setupWidget( asw );
	m_audioIfaceSetupWidgets[AudioDummy::name()] =
					new AudioDummy::setupWidget( asw );

	for( AswMap::iterator it = m_audioIfaceSetupWidgets.begin();
				it != m_audioIfaceSetupWidgets.end(); ++it )
		m_audioIfaceNames[tr( it.key().toLatin1())] = it.key();
	for( trMap::iterator it = m_audioIfaceNames.begin();
				it != m_audioIfaceNames.end(); ++it )
		QWidget * audioWidget = m_audioIfaceSetupWidgets[it.value()];
		asw_layout->addWidget( audioWidget );
		m_audioInterfaces->addItem( it.key() );

	QString audioDevName = 
		ConfigManager::inst()->value( "mixer", "audiodev" );
	if( audioDevName.length() == 0 )
		audioDevName = Engine::mixer()->audioDevName();
					"mixer", "audiodev", audioDevName );
		setCurrentIndex( m_audioInterfaces->findText( audioDevName ) );

	connect( m_audioInterfaces, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ),
		this, SLOT( audioInterfaceChanged( const QString & ) ) );

	audio_layout->addWidget( audioiface_tw );
	audio_layout->addSpacing( 20 );
	audio_layout->addWidget( asw );

	QWidget * midi = new QWidget( ws );
	QVBoxLayout * midi_layout = new QVBoxLayout( midi );
	midi_layout->setSpacing( 0 );
	midi_layout->setMargin( 0 );
	labelWidget( midi, tr( "MIDI settings" ) );

	TabWidget * midiiface_tw = new TabWidget( tr( "MIDI INTERFACE" ),
									midi );
	midiiface_tw->setFixedHeight( 60 );

	m_midiInterfaces = new QComboBox( midiiface_tw );
	m_midiInterfaces->setGeometry( 10, 20, 240, 22 );

	QPushButton * midi_help_btn = new QPushButton(
			embed::getIconPixmap( "help" ), "", midiiface_tw );
	midi_help_btn->setGeometry( 320, 20, 28, 28 );
	connect( midi_help_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
						SLOT( displayMIDIHelp() ) );

	// create ifaces-settings-widget
	QWidget * msw = new QWidget( midi );
	msw->setFixedHeight( 60 );

	QHBoxLayout * msw_layout = new QHBoxLayout( msw );
	msw_layout->setSpacing( 0 );
	msw_layout->setMargin( 0 );
	//msw_layout->setAutoAdd( true );

	m_midiIfaceSetupWidgets[MidiAlsaSeq::name()] =
					MidiSetupWidget::create<MidiAlsaSeq>( msw );
	m_midiIfaceSetupWidgets[MidiAlsaRaw::name()] =
					MidiSetupWidget::create<MidiAlsaRaw>( msw );

	m_midiIfaceSetupWidgets[MidiOss::name()] =
					MidiSetupWidget::create<MidiOss>( msw );

	m_midiIfaceSetupWidgets[MidiWinMM::name()] =
					MidiSetupWidget::create<MidiWinMM>( msw );

    m_midiIfaceSetupWidgets[MidiApple::name()] =
                    MidiSetupWidget::create<MidiApple>( msw );

	m_midiIfaceSetupWidgets[MidiDummy::name()] =
					MidiSetupWidget::create<MidiDummy>( msw );

	for( MswMap::iterator it = m_midiIfaceSetupWidgets.begin();
				it != m_midiIfaceSetupWidgets.end(); ++it )
		m_midiIfaceNames[tr( it.key().toLatin1())] = it.key();
	for( trMap::iterator it = m_midiIfaceNames.begin();
				it != m_midiIfaceNames.end(); ++it )
		QWidget * midiWidget = m_midiIfaceSetupWidgets[it.value()];
		msw_layout->addWidget( midiWidget );
		m_midiInterfaces->addItem( it.key() );

	QString midiDevName = 
		ConfigManager::inst()->value( "mixer", "mididev" );
	if( midiDevName.length() == 0 )
		midiDevName = Engine::mixer()->midiClientName();
					"mixer", "mididev", midiDevName );
		m_midiInterfaces->findText( midiDevName ) );

	connect( m_midiInterfaces, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ),
		this, SLOT( midiInterfaceChanged( const QString & ) ) );

	midi_layout->addWidget( midiiface_tw );
	midi_layout->addSpacing( 20 );
	midi_layout->addWidget( msw );

	m_tabBar->addTab( general, tr( "General settings" ), 0, false, true 
			)->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "setup_general" ) );
	m_tabBar->addTab( paths, tr( "Paths" ), 1, false, true 
			)->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap(
							"setup_directories" ) );
	m_tabBar->addTab( performance, tr( "Performance settings" ), 2, false,
				true )->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap(
							"setup_performance" ) );
	m_tabBar->addTab( audio, tr( "Audio settings" ), 3, false, true
			)->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "setup_audio" ) );
	m_tabBar->addTab( midi, tr( "MIDI settings" ), 4, true, true
			)->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "setup_midi" ) );

	m_tabBar->setActiveTab( _tab_to_open );

	hlayout->addWidget( m_tabBar );
	hlayout->addSpacing( 10 );
	hlayout->addWidget( ws );
	hlayout->addSpacing( 10 );

	QWidget * buttons = new QWidget( this );
	QHBoxLayout * btn_layout = new QHBoxLayout( buttons );
	btn_layout->setSpacing( 0 );
	btn_layout->setMargin( 0 );
	QPushButton * ok_btn = new QPushButton( embed::getIconPixmap( "apply" ),
						tr( "OK" ), buttons );
	connect( ok_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );

	QPushButton * cancel_btn = new QPushButton( embed::getIconPixmap(
								"cancel" ),
							tr( "Cancel" ),
							buttons );
	connect( cancel_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) );

	btn_layout->addSpacing( 10 );
	btn_layout->addWidget( ok_btn );
	btn_layout->addSpacing( 10 );
	btn_layout->addWidget( cancel_btn );
	btn_layout->addSpacing( 10 );

	vlayout->addWidget( settings );
	vlayout->addSpacing( 10 );
	vlayout->addWidget( buttons );
	vlayout->addSpacing( 10 );

