void tst_QContactDetail::keys()
    QContactDetail d;
    QContactDetail d2;
    QVERIFY(d.key() != d2.key());

    d = d2;
    QVERIFY(d.key() == d2.key());
    QVERIFY(d.key() != d2.key());
Example #2
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QContactDetail& detail)
    dbg.nospace() << "QContactDetail(name=" << detail.definitionName() << ", key=" << detail.key();
    QVariantMap fields = detail.variantValues();
    QVariantMap::const_iterator it;
    for (it = fields.constBegin(); it != fields.constEnd(); ++it) {
        dbg.nospace() << ", " << it.key() << '=' << it.value();
    dbg.nospace() << ')';
    return dbg.maybeSpace();
 * Inserts the association between \a detail and \a groupName to the map.
 * The detail must have a key (ie. have already been saved in a contact) and the group name must not
 * be the empty string.
void DetailGroupMap::insert(const QString& groupName, const QContactDetail& detail)
    mDetailGroupName[detail.key()] = groupName;
    mDetailById[detail.key()] = detail;
 * Replaces the detail currently in the map with \a detail.
 * The detail must have a key (ie. have already been saved in a contact).
void DetailGroupMap::update(const QContactDetail& detail)
    mDetailById[detail.key()] = detail;