int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { // construct core app QCoreApplication app (argc, argv); // get arguments QString encoding = app.arguments().at(1); QString inFile = app.arguments().at(2); QString outFile = app.arguments().at(3); Kate::TextBuffer buffer (0); // set codec buffer.setFallbackTextCodec (QTextCodec::codecForName ("ISO 8859-15")); buffer.setTextCodec (QTextCodec::codecForName (encoding.toLatin1())); // switch to Mac EOL, this will test eol detection, as files are normal unix or dos buffer.setEndOfLineMode (Kate::TextBuffer::eolMac); // load file bool encodingErrors = false; bool tooLongLines = false; if (!buffer.load (inFile, encodingErrors, tooLongLines) || encodingErrors) return 1; // save file if (! (outFile)) return 1; return 0; }
void QGBSettings::initialize(const QCoreApplication & appli){ appli.setOrganizationName("Satellite"); appli.setOrganizationDomain(""); appli.setApplicationName("QGoldenBook"); d_instance = new QGBSettings(); }
void grabUVContext::toolOnSetup( MEvent &event ) { MPxTexContext::toolOnSetup( event ); QCoreApplication *app = qApp; app->installEventFilter(this); }
void Global::initialize() { // stop init process and exit if the class was allready initialized if(Global::init) { return; } // simplefy application instance QCoreApplication* app = QApplication::instance(); // init settings QString strConfigFile = QFileInfo(app->applicationFilePath()).baseName() + ".ini"; if(!QFile::exists(strConfigFile)) { qFatal("Cannot find Config file:\r\n%s", qPrintable(strConfigFile)); } Global::settings = new QSettings(strConfigFile, QSettings::IniFormat); Global::strServerHostname = Global::settings->value("server/hostname", Global::strServerHostname).toString(); Global::intServerPort = Global::settings->value("server/port", Global::intServerPort).toUInt(); Global::strSessionName = Global::settings->value("session/name", Global::strSessionName).toString(); // init socket Global::socketServer = new QTcpSocket(app); // init EleaphRpc handler Global::eleaphRpc = new EleaphRpc(app); Global::eleaphRpc->addDevice(Global::socketServer, IEleaph::NeverForgetDevice); // class was successfull initialized! Global::init = true; }
void loadTranslations( QCoreApplication &app, QTranslator &translator ) { const QString lang = QLocale::system().name(); QString code; int index = lang.indexOf ( '_' ); if ( lang == "C" ) { code = "en"; } else if ( index != -1 ) { code = lang.left ( index ); } else { index = lang.indexOf ( '@' ); if ( index != -1 ) code = lang.left ( index ); else code = lang; } QString const i18nDir = "/usr/share/marble/translations"; QString const relativeDir = app.applicationDirPath() + "/translations"; foreach( const QString &path, QStringList() << i18nDir << relativeDir << QDir::currentPath() ) { foreach( const QString &lang, QStringList() << lang << code ) { QFileInfo translations = QFileInfo( path + "/routing-instructions_" + lang + ".qm" ); if ( translations.exists() && translator.load( translations.absoluteFilePath() ) ) { app.installTranslator( &translator ); return; } } } }
void Global::initialize() { // stop init process and exit if the class was allready initialized if(Global::init) { return; } // simplefy application instance QCoreApplication* app = QCoreApplication::instance(); /// init settings QString strConfigFile = QFileInfo(app->applicationFilePath()).baseName() + ".ini"; if(!QFile::exists(strConfigFile)) { qFatal("Cannot find Config file:\r\n%s", qPrintable(strConfigFile)); } Global::settings = new QSettings(strConfigFile, QSettings::IniFormat); /// init database helper QSqlDatabase database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(Global::getConfigValue("database/driver").toString(), "sqm"); database.setDatabaseName(Global::getConfigValue("database/name", "").toString()); database.setHostName(Global::getConfigValue("database/hostname", "").toString()); database.setPort(Global::getConfigValue("database/port", 0).toInt()); database.setUserName(Global::getConfigValue("database/username", "").toString()); database.setPassword(Global::getConfigValue("database/password", "").toString()); database.setConnectOptions(Global::getConfigValue("database/connectoptions", "").toString()); if( { printf("Datenbank Verbindung erfolgreich!"); } else { qFatal("Datenbank Verbindung NICHT erfolgreich!"); } Global::databaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper("sqm"); // class was successfull initialized! Global::init = true; }
KPluginInfo::List PluginLoader::listAppletInfoForUrl(const QUrl &url) { QString parentApp; QCoreApplication *app = QCoreApplication::instance(); if (app) { parentApp = app->applicationName(); } auto filter = [&parentApp](const KPluginMetaData &md) -> bool { const QString pa = md.value(QStringLiteral("X-KDE-ParentApp")); return (pa.isEmpty() || pa == parentApp) && !md.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-DropUrlPatterns")).isEmpty(); }; KPluginInfo::List allApplets = KPluginInfo::fromMetaData(KPackage::PackageLoader::self()->findPackages("Plasma/Applet", QString(), filter).toVector()); KPluginInfo::List filtered; foreach (const KPluginInfo &info, allApplets) { QStringList urlPatterns ="X-Plasma-DropUrlPatterns").toStringList(); foreach (const QString &glob, urlPatterns) { QRegExp rx(glob); rx.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard); if (rx.exactMatch(url.toString())) { #ifndef NDEBUG // qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << << "matches" << glob << url; #endif filtered << info; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Q_INIT_RESOURCE(resources); Core::resetCore(); //Start QApplication with or without GUI support. bool useGui = false; for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { if(QString(argv[i]) == "-gui") { useGui = true; } } QCoreApplication *app = 0; if(useGui) { app = new QApplication(argc, argv); } else { app = new QCoreApplication(argc, argv); } ASeriesClientApplication *nerd = new ASeriesClientApplication(); nerd->startApplication(); app->exec(); Core::getInstance()->waitForAllThreadsToComplete(); Core::resetCore(); delete app; return 0; }
QEventDispatcherGlibPrivate::QEventDispatcherGlibPrivate(GMainContext *context) : mainContext(context) { #if GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 && GLIB_MINOR_VERSION < 32 if (qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty("QT_NO_THREADED_GLIB")) { static QBasicMutex mutex; QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); if (!g_thread_supported()) g_thread_init(NULL); } #endif if (mainContext) { g_main_context_ref(mainContext); } else { QCoreApplication *app = QCoreApplication::instance(); if (app && QThread::currentThread() == app->thread()) { mainContext = g_main_context_default(); g_main_context_ref(mainContext); } else { mainContext = g_main_context_new(); } } #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 22, 0) g_main_context_push_thread_default (mainContext); #endif // setup post event source postEventSource = reinterpret_cast<GPostEventSource *>(g_source_new(&postEventSourceFuncs, sizeof(GPostEventSource))); postEventSource->; postEventSource->d = this; g_source_set_can_recurse(&postEventSource->source, true); g_source_attach(&postEventSource->source, mainContext); // setup socketNotifierSource socketNotifierSource = reinterpret_cast<GSocketNotifierSource *>(g_source_new(&socketNotifierSourceFuncs, sizeof(GSocketNotifierSource))); (void) new (&socketNotifierSource->pollfds) QList<GPollFDWithQSocketNotifier *>(); g_source_set_can_recurse(&socketNotifierSource->source, true); g_source_attach(&socketNotifierSource->source, mainContext); // setup normal and idle timer sources timerSource = reinterpret_cast<GTimerSource *>(g_source_new(&timerSourceFuncs, sizeof(GTimerSource))); (void) new (&timerSource->timerList) QTimerInfoList(); timerSource->processEventsFlags = QEventLoop::AllEvents; timerSource->runWithIdlePriority = false; g_source_set_can_recurse(&timerSource->source, true); g_source_attach(&timerSource->source, mainContext); idleTimerSource = reinterpret_cast<GIdleTimerSource *>(g_source_new(&idleTimerSourceFuncs, sizeof(GIdleTimerSource))); idleTimerSource->timerSource = timerSource; g_source_set_can_recurse(&idleTimerSource->source, true); g_source_set_priority(&idleTimerSource->source, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE); g_source_attach(&idleTimerSource->source, mainContext); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication app (argc, argv); if (app.arguments().size() != 2) { qCritical("You have to specify the file containing the json code"); exit (1); } QString filename = app.arguments()[1]; if (!QFile::exists ( filename )) { qCritical ("The file you specified doesn't exist!"); exit (1); } Parser driver; bool ok; QFile file (filename); QVariant data = driver.parse (&file, &ok); if (!ok) { qCritical("%s:%i - Error: %s", filename.toLatin1().data(), driver.errorLine(), qPrintable(driver.errorString())); exit (1); } else { qDebug() << "json object successfully converted to:"; qDebug() << data; } qDebug() << "JOB DONE, BYE"; return 0; }
void grabUVContext::toolOffCleanup() { QCoreApplication *app = qApp; app->removeEventFilter(this); MPxTexContext::toolOffCleanup(); }
bool qtnStartInplaceEdit(QWidget* editor) { if (!editor) return false; if (g_inplaceEditor) { Q_ASSERT(false); qtnStopInplaceEdit(); } QCoreApplication* app = QCoreApplication::instance(); if (!app) { Q_ASSERT(false); return false; } g_inplaceEditor = editor; g_inplaceEditorHandler = new QtnInplaceEditorHandler(); // move focus to editor if (QApplication::focusWidget() != g_inplaceEditor->focusWidget()) g_inplaceEditor->setFocus(); // connect to editor destroyed signal QObject::connect( g_inplaceEditor, &QObject::destroyed , g_inplaceEditorHandler, &QtnInplaceEditorHandler::OnEditorDestroyed); // install application event filter app->installEventFilter(g_inplaceEditorHandler); return true; }
QApplicationActivityObserver * QApplicationActivityObserver::instance() { static QMutex mymutex; static QScopedPointer<QApplicationActivityObserver> instance; QMutexLocker locker(&mymutex); // Creating instance if (instance.isNull()) { instance.reset(new QApplicationActivityObserver()); } // Installing event filter static bool installed_filter = false; if (!installed_filter) { QCoreApplication * app = QCoreApplication::instance(); if (app) { app->installEventFilter(; installed_filter = true; qDebug()<<__FUNCTION__<<"Successfully installed event filter."; } else { qWarning()<<__FUNCTION__<<"installing event filter failed because QCoreApplication instance doesn't exist, will try later."; } } return; }
void MainWindow::on_about() { QCoreApplication * app = QCoreApplication::instance(); QMessageBox::about(this, app->applicationName(), app->applicationName() + ": example of Qt using marnav\n\nVersion: " + app->applicationVersion() + "\n\nSee file: LICENSE"); }
/*! Enters the main event loop and waits until exit() is called. Returns the value that was passed to exit(). If \a flags are specified, only events of the types allowed by the \a flags will be processed. It is necessary to call this function to start event handling. The main event loop receives events from the window system and dispatches these to the application widgets. Generally speaking, no user interaction can take place before calling exec(). As a special case, modal widgets like QMessageBox can be used before calling exec(), because modal widgets use their own local event loop. To make your application perform idle processing (i.e. executing a special function whenever there are no pending events), use a QTimer with 0 timeout. More sophisticated idle processing schemes can be achieved using processEvents(). \sa QApplication::quit(), exit(), processEvents() */ int QEventLoop::exec(ProcessEventsFlags flags) { Q_D(QEventLoop); //we need to protect from race condition with QThread::exit QMutexLocker locker(&static_cast<QThreadPrivate *>(QObjectPrivate::get(d->threadData->thread))->mutex); if (d->threadData->quitNow) return -1; if (d->inExec) { qWarning("QEventLoop::exec: instance %p has already called exec()", this); return -1; } d->inExec = true; d->exit = false; ++d->threadData->loopLevel; d->threadData->eventLoops.push(this); locker.unlock(); // remove posted quit events when entering a new event loop QCoreApplication *app = QCoreApplication::instance(); if (app && app->thread() == thread()) QCoreApplication::removePostedEvents(app, QEvent::Quit); #if defined(QT_NO_EXCEPTIONS) while (!d->exit) processEvents(flags | WaitForMoreEvents | EventLoopExec); #else try { while (!d->exit) processEvents(flags | WaitForMoreEvents | EventLoopExec); } catch (...) { qWarning("Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing\n" "exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must\n" "reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.\n"); // copied from below locker.relock(); QEventLoop *eventLoop = d->threadData->eventLoops.pop(); Q_ASSERT_X(eventLoop == this, "QEventLoop::exec()", "internal error"); Q_UNUSED(eventLoop); // --release warning d->inExec = false; --d->threadData->loopLevel; throw; } #endif // copied above locker.relock(); QEventLoop *eventLoop = d->threadData->eventLoops.pop(); Q_ASSERT_X(eventLoop == this, "QEventLoop::exec()", "internal error"); Q_UNUSED(eventLoop); // --release warning d->inExec = false; --d->threadData->loopLevel; return d->returnCode; }
void AMCrashMonitorSupport::report(){ QCoreApplication *app = QApplication::instance(); QStringList appArguments = app->arguments(); if(!appArguments.contains("--enableCrashMonitor")) return; kill(globalCrashMonitorPID, SIGUSR2); }
/*! Enters the main event loop and waits until exit() is called. Returns the value that was passed to exit(). If \a flags are specified, only events of the types allowed by the \a flags will be processed. It is necessary to call this function to start event handling. The main event loop receives events from the window system and dispatches these to the application widgets. Generally speaking, no user interaction can take place before calling exec(). As a special case, modal widgets like QMessageBox can be used before calling exec(), because modal widgets use their own local event loop. To make your application perform idle processing (i.e. executing a special function whenever there are no pending events), use a QTimer with 0 timeout. More sophisticated idle processing schemes can be achieved using processEvents(). \sa QCoreApplication::quit(), exit(), processEvents() */ int QEventLoop::exec(ProcessEventsFlags flags) { Q_D(QEventLoop); //we need to protect from race condition with QThread::exit QMutexLocker locker(&static_cast<QThreadPrivate *>(QObjectPrivate::get(d->threadData->thread))->mutex); if (d->threadData->quitNow) return -1; if (d->inExec) { qWarning("QEventLoop::exec: instance %p has already called exec()", this); return -1; } struct LoopReference { QEventLoopPrivate *d; QMutexLocker &locker; bool exceptionCaught; LoopReference(QEventLoopPrivate *d, QMutexLocker &locker) : d(d), locker(locker), exceptionCaught(true) { d->inExec = true; d->exit.storeRelease(false); ++d->threadData->loopLevel; d->threadData->eventLoops.push(d->q_func()); locker.unlock(); } ~LoopReference() { if (exceptionCaught) { qWarning("Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing\n" "exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt.\n" "You must not let any exception whatsoever propagate through Qt code.\n" "If that is not possible, in Qt 5 you must at least reimplement\n" "QCoreApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.\n"); } locker.relock(); QEventLoop *eventLoop = d->threadData->eventLoops.pop(); Q_ASSERT_X(eventLoop == d->q_func(), "QEventLoop::exec()", "internal error"); Q_UNUSED(eventLoop); // --release warning d->inExec = false; --d->threadData->loopLevel; } }; LoopReference ref(d, locker); // remove posted quit events when entering a new event loop QCoreApplication *app = QCoreApplication::instance(); if (app && app->thread() == thread()) QCoreApplication::removePostedEvents(app, QEvent::Quit); while (!d->exit.loadAcquire()) processEvents(flags | WaitForMoreEvents | EventLoopExec); ref.exceptionCaught = false; return d->returnCode.load(); }
void MainWindow::on_about() { QCoreApplication* app = QCoreApplication::instance(); QString version; if (app) { version = QString("\n\nVersion: ") + app->applicationVersion(); } QMessageBox::about(this, "qtnavigator", "qtnavigator : navigation software" + version); }
void ServiceApp::start() { QCoreApplication *app = application(); app->setApplicationName(SCHAT_NAME); app->setApplicationVersion(SCHAT_VERSION); app->setOrganizationName(LS("IMPOMEZIA")); app->setOrganizationDomain(SCHAT_DOMAIN); m_init = new NodeInit(LS("schatd2"), app); }
/*! Enters the main event loop and waits until exit() is called. Returns the value that was passed to exit(). If \a flags are specified, only events of the types allowed by the \a flags will be processed. It is necessary to call this function to start event handling. The main event loop receives events from the window system and dispatches these to the application widgets. Generally speaking, no user interaction can take place before calling exec(). As a special case, modal widgets like QMessageBox can be used before calling exec(), because modal widgets use their own local event loop. To make your application perform idle processing (i.e. executing a special function whenever there are no pending events), use a QTimer with 0 timeout. More sophisticated idle processing schemes can be achieved using processEvents(). \sa QApplication::quit(), exit(), processEvents() */ int QEventLoop::exec(ProcessEventsFlags flags) { Q_D(QEventLoop); if (d->threadData->quitNow) return -1; if (d->inExec) { qWarning("QEventLoop::exec: instance %p has already called exec()", this); return -1; } d->inExec = true; d->exit = false; ++d->threadData->loopLevel; d->threadData->eventLoops.push(this); // remove posted quit events when entering a new event loop QCoreApplication *app = QCoreApplication::instance(); if (app && app->thread() == thread()) QCoreApplication::removePostedEvents(app, QEvent::Quit); #if defined(QT_NO_EXCEPTIONS) while (!d->exit) { //printf("** qeventloop() 1 right before handle_events\n"); processEvents(flags | WaitForMoreEvents | EventLoopExec); } #else try { while (!d->exit) { processEvents(flags | WaitForMoreEvents | EventLoopExec); } } catch (...) { qWarning("Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing\n" "exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must\n" "reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.\n"); // copied from below QEventLoop *eventLoop = d->threadData->eventLoops.pop(); Q_ASSERT_X(eventLoop == this, "QEventLoop::exec()", "internal error"); Q_UNUSED(eventLoop); // --release warning d->inExec = false; --d->threadData->loopLevel; throw; } #endif // copied above QEventLoop *eventLoop = d->threadData->eventLoops.pop(); Q_ASSERT_X(eventLoop == this, "QEventLoop::exec()", "internal error"); Q_UNUSED(eventLoop); // --release warning d->inExec = false; --d->threadData->loopLevel; return d->returnCode; }
void MainWindow::getMayaWindow() { QCoreApplication* app = qApp; if (app) { cout << "Application name is '" << app->applicationName().toStdString() << "'" << endl; } else { cout << "No maya app detected: " << app << endl; } }
QEventDispatcherGlibPrivate::QEventDispatcherGlibPrivate(GMainContext *context) : mainContext(context) { if (qgetenv("QT_NO_THREADED_GLIB").isEmpty()) { static int dummyValue = 0; // only used for its address QMutexLocker locker(QMutexPool::instance()->get(&dummyValue)); if (!g_thread_supported()) g_thread_init(NULL); } if (mainContext) { g_main_context_ref(mainContext); } else { QCoreApplication *app = QCoreApplication::instance(); if (app && QThread::currentThread() == app->thread()) { mainContext = g_main_context_default(); g_main_context_ref(mainContext); } else { mainContext = g_main_context_new(); } } // setup post event source postEventSource = reinterpret_cast<GPostEventSource *>(g_source_new(&postEventSourceFuncs, sizeof(GPostEventSource))); postEventSource->serialNumber = 1; g_source_set_can_recurse(&postEventSource->source, true); g_source_attach(&postEventSource->source, mainContext); // setup socketNotifierSource socketNotifierSource = reinterpret_cast<GSocketNotifierSource *>(g_source_new(&socketNotifierSourceFuncs, sizeof(GSocketNotifierSource))); (void) new (&socketNotifierSource->pollfds) QList<GPollFDWithQSocketNotifier *>(); g_source_set_can_recurse(&socketNotifierSource->source, true); g_source_attach(&socketNotifierSource->source, mainContext); // setup normal and idle timer sources timerSource = reinterpret_cast<GTimerSource *>(g_source_new(&timerSourceFuncs, sizeof(GTimerSource))); (void) new (&timerSource->timerList) QTimerInfoList(); timerSource->processEventsFlags = QEventLoop::AllEvents; timerSource->runWithIdlePriority = false; g_source_set_can_recurse(&timerSource->source, true); g_source_attach(&timerSource->source, mainContext); idleTimerSource = reinterpret_cast<GIdleTimerSource *>(g_source_new(&idleTimerSourceFuncs, sizeof(GIdleTimerSource))); idleTimerSource->timerSource = timerSource; g_source_set_can_recurse(&idleTimerSource->source, true); g_source_set_priority(&idleTimerSource->source, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE); g_source_attach(&idleTimerSource->source, mainContext); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ctkErrorLogQtMessageHandler::ctkErrorLogQtMessageHandler() : Superclass() { this->SavedQtMessageHandler = 0; QCoreApplication * coreApp = QCoreApplication::instance(); // Keep track of all instantiated ctkErrorLogModel QList<QVariant> handlers = coreApp->property("ctkErrorLogQtMessageHandlers").toList(); handlers << QVariant::fromValue(this); //handlers << QVariant::fromValue(QPointer<ctkErrorLogQtMessageHandler>(this)); coreApp->setProperty("ctkErrorLogQtMessageHandlers", handlers); }
inline QDBusDefaultConnection(BusType type, const char *name) : QDBusConnection(connectToBus(type, QString::fromLatin1(name))), ownName(name) { // make sure this connection is running on the main thread QCoreApplication *instance = QCoreApplication::instance(); if (!instance) { qWarning("QDBusConnection: %s D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.", type == SessionBus ? "session" : type == SystemBus ? "system" : "generic"); } else if (QDBusConnectionPrivate::d(*this)) { QDBusConnectionPrivate::d(*this)->moveToThread(instance->thread()); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication app (argc, argv); QTime time; int duration; CmdLineParser cmd (app.arguments()); CmdLineParser::Result res = cmd.parse(); if (res == CmdLineParser::Help) return 0; else if (res == CmdLineParser::Error) return -1; QString filename = cmd.file(); if (!QFile::exists ( filename )) { qCritical ("The file you specified doesn't exist!"); exit (1); } Parser parser; bool ok; QFile file (filename); time.start(); QVariant data = parser.parse (&file, &ok); duration = time.elapsed(); if (!ok) { qCritical("%s:%i - Error: %s", filename.toLatin1().data(), parser.errorLine(), qPrintable(parser.errorString())); exit (1); } else { qDebug() << "Parsing of" << filename << "took" << duration << "ms"; if (!cmd.quiet()) qDebug() << data; } if (cmd.serialize()) { // serializer tests qDebug() << "Serializing... "; QJson::Serializer serializer; serializer.setIndentMode(cmd.indentationMode()); time.start(); QByteArray b = serializer.serialize(data); duration = time.elapsed(); qDebug() << "Serialization took:" << duration << "ms"; if (!cmd.quiet()) qDebug() << b; } qDebug() << "JOB DONE, BYE"; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef _WIN32 timeBeginPeriod(1); #endif //initialize ressources (compiled images, etc.) Q_INIT_RESOURCE(resources); Core::resetCore(); //Start QApplication with or without GUI support. bool useGui = true; for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { if(QString(argv[i]) == "-nogui") { useGui = false; } else if(QString(argv[i]) == "-gui") { useGui = true; } } QCoreApplication *app = 0; if(useGui) { app = new QApplication(argc, argv); } else { app = new QCoreApplication(argc, argv); } OrcsModelOptimizerApplication *nerd = new OrcsModelOptimizerApplication(); nerd->startApplication(); app->exec(); Core::getInstance()->waitForAllThreadsToComplete(); Core::resetCore(); delete app; #ifdef _WIN32 timeEndPeriod(1); #endif return 0; }
void Robot::logInit() { QCoreApplication *pApp = QCoreApplication::instance(); QsLogging::Logger& logger = QsLogging::Logger::instance(); logger.setLoggingLevel(QsLogging::TraceLevel); //Log to file const QString logPath(QDir(pApp->applicationDirPath()).filePath("Log.txt")); QsLogging::DestinationPtr fileDestination( QsLogging::DestinationFactory::MakeFileDestination(logPath) ); logger.addDestination(fileDestination); //Log to standard output QsLogging::DestinationPtr debugDestination = QsLogging::DestinationFactory::MakeDebugOutputDestination(); logger.addDestination(debugDestination); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a (argc, argv); Nuria::HttpServer server; server.root ()->connectSlot ("index", mySlot); if (!server.listen (QHostAddress::Any, 3000)) { nError() << "Failed to listen on port 3000."; return 1; } nLog() << "Listening on all interfaces on port 3000."; return a.exec (); }
void MyService::start() { try { QCoreApplication *app = application(); qDebug() << "Service started!"; qDebug() << app->applicationDirPath(); //MyClass.dosomething(); } catch(...) { qCritical() << "An unknown error in the start"; } }
void start() { QCoreApplication *app = application(); QServer* tcpServer = createServer(); if (tcpServer) { tcpServer->listen(); if (!tcpServer->isListening()) { logMessage(QString("Failed to bind to port %1").arg(tcpServer->serverPort()), QtServiceBase::Error); app->quit(); } } }