Example #1
  Returns wheter object \a e defines attribute \a name or not.

  \sa readAttribute()
bool DomTool::hasAttribute( const QDomElement& e, const QString& name )
    QDomElement n;
    for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	if ( n.tagName() == "attribute" ) {
	    if ( n.attribute( "name" ) != name )
	    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Example #2
  Returns the contents of attribute \a name of object \a e as
  variant or the variant passed as \a defValue if the attribute does
  not exist.

  \sa hasAttribute()
QVariant DomTool::readAttribute( const QDomElement& e, const QString& name, const QVariant& defValue, QString& comment )
    QDomElement n;
    for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	if ( n.tagName() == "attribute" ) {
	    if ( n.attribute( "name" ) != name )
	    return elementToVariant( n.firstChild().toElement(), defValue, comment );
    return defValue;
Example #3
  Returns whether object \a e defines attribute \a name or not.

  \sa readAttribute()
bool DomTool::hasAttribute(const QDomElement& e, const QString& name)
    QDomElement n;
    for (n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement()) {
        if (n.tagName() == QLatin1String("attribute")) {
            if (n.attribute(QLatin1String("name")) != name)
            return true;
    return false;
Example #4
  Creates a colorgroup with name \a name from the color group \a cg
void Ui3Reader::createColorGroupImpl(const QString& name, const QDomElement& e)
    int r = -1;
    QDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
    QString color;

    Color white;
    white.init(255, 255, 255);

    Color black;
    black.init(0, 0, 0);

    while (!n.isNull()) {
        if (n.tagName() == QLatin1String("color")) {
            Color col = DomTool::readColor(n);
            color = QLatin1String("QColor(%1, %2, %3)");
            color = color.arg(col.red).arg(col.green).arg(col.blue);
            if (col == white)
                color = QLatin1String("white");
            else if (col == black)
                color = QLatin1String("black");
            if (n.nextSibling().toElement().tagName() != QLatin1String("pixmap")) {
                out << indent << name << ".setColor(QColorGroup::" << ColorRole[r] << ", " << color << ");" << endl;
        } else if (n.tagName() == QLatin1String("pixmap")) {
            QString pixmap = n.firstChild().toText().data();
            if (!pixmapLoaderFunction.isEmpty()) {
                               + QLatin1Char('(')
                               + QLatin1String(externPixmaps ? "\"" : ""));

                pixmap.append(QLatin1String(externPixmaps ? "\"" : "") + QLatin1Char(')'));
            out << indent << name << ".setBrush(QColorGroup::"
                << ColorRole[r] << ", QBrush(" << color << ", " << pixmap << "));" << endl;
        n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
Example #5
void Uic::createActionImpl( const QDomElement &n, const QString &parent ) {
  for ( QDomElement ae = n; !ae.isNull(); ae = ae.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
    QString objName = registerObject( getObjectName( ae ) );
    if ( ae.tagName() == "action" )
      out << indent << objName << " = new QAction( " << parent << ", \"" << objName << "\" );" << endl;
    else if ( ae.tagName() == "actiongroup" )
      out << indent << objName << " = new QActionGroup( " << parent << ", \"" << objName << "\" );" << endl;
    bool subActionsDone = FALSE;
    bool hasMenuText = FALSE;
    QString actionText;
    for ( QDomElement n2 = ae.firstChild().toElement(); !n2.isNull(); n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
      if ( n2.tagName() == "property" ) {
        bool stdset = stdsetdef;
        if ( n2.hasAttribute( "stdset" ) )
          stdset = toBool( n2.attribute( "stdset" ) );
        QString prop = n2.attribute( "name" );
        if ( prop == "name" )
        QString value = setObjectProperty( "QAction", objName, prop, n2.firstChild().toElement(), stdset );
        if ( value.isEmpty() )

        QString call = objName + "->";
        if ( stdset ) {
          call += mkStdSet( prop ) + "( ";
        } else {
          call += "setProperty( \"" + prop + "\", ";
        call += value + " );";

        if ( prop == "menuText" )
          hasMenuText = TRUE;
        else if ( prop == "text" )
          actionText = value;

        if ( n2.firstChild().toElement().tagName() == "string" ) {
          trout << indent << call << endl;
        } else {
          out << indent << call << endl;
      } else if ( !subActionsDone && ( n2.tagName() == "actiongroup" || n2.tagName() == "action" ) ) {
        createActionImpl( n2, objName );
        subActionsDone = TRUE;
    // workaround for loading pre-3.3 files expecting bogus QAction behavior
    if ( !hasMenuText && !actionText.isEmpty() && uiFileVersion < "3.3" )
      trout << indent << objName << "->setMenuText(" << actionText << ");" << endl;
Example #6
void Uic::createActionDecl( const QDomElement& e ) {
  QString objClass = e.tagName() == "action" ? "QAction" : "QActionGroup";
  QString objName = getObjectName( e );
  if ( objName.isEmpty() )
  out << "    " << objClass << "* " << objName << ";" << endl;
  if ( e.tagName() == "actiongroup" ) {
    for ( QDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
      if ( n.tagName() == "action" || n.tagName() == "actiongroup" )
        createActionDecl( n );
Example #7
bool LinePath::loadFromXMI( QDomElement & qElement ) {
    QDomNode node = qElement.firstChild();
    QDomElement startElement = node.toElement();
    if( startElement.isNull() || startElement.tagName() != "startpoint" )
        return false;
    QString x = startElement.attribute( "startx", "0" );
    int nX = x.toInt();
    QString y = startElement.attribute( "starty", "0" );
    int nY = y.toInt();
    QPoint startPoint( nX, nY );

    node = startElement.nextSibling();
    QDomElement endElement = node.toElement();
    if( endElement.isNull() || endElement.tagName() != "endpoint" )
        return false;
    x = endElement.attribute( "endx", "0" );
    nX = x.toInt();
    y = endElement.attribute( "endy", "0" );
    nY = y.toInt();
    QPoint endPoint( nX, nY );
    setStartEndPoints( startPoint, endPoint );
    QPoint point;
    node = endElement.nextSibling();
    QDomElement element = node.toElement();
    int i = 1;
    while( !element.isNull() ) {
        if( element.tagName() == "point" ) {
            x = element.attribute( "x", "0" );
            y = element.attribute( "y", "0" );
            point.setX( x.toInt() );
            point.setY( y.toInt() );
            insertPoint( i++, point );
        node = element.nextSibling();
        element = node.toElement();

    return true;
Example #8
    Returns a list of the names of the properties of the given \a type
    found in the element \a e.
QStringList DomTool::propertiesOfType(const QDomElement& e, const QString& type)
    QStringList result;
    QDomElement n;
    for (n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement()) {
        if (n.tagName() == QLatin1String("property")) {
            QDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
            if (n2.tagName() == type)
                result += n.attribute(QLatin1String("name"));
    return result;
Example #9
void KWDWriter::cleanUpParagraph(const QDomElement &paragraph)
    QDomElement e = paragraph.elementsByTagName("FORMATS").item(0).toElement();
    if (e.isNull()) {
        kWarning(30503) << "cleanup : no valid paragraph"; return;
    for (QDomElement k = e.firstChild().toElement();!k.isNull();k = k.nextSibling().toElement()) {
        if (k.attribute("len", QString()).isNull()) {
Example #10
  Auxiliary function to load a color group. The colorgroup must not
  contain pixmaps.
QColorGroup Uic::loadColorGroup( const QDomElement &e ) {
  QColorGroup cg;
  int r = -1;
  QDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
  QColor col;
  while ( !n.isNull() ) {
    if ( n.tagName() == "color" ) {
      cg.setColor(( QColorGroup::ColorRole )r, ( col = DomTool::readColor( n ) ) );
    n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
  return cg;
Example #11
QStringList DomUtil::readListEntry(const QDomDocument &doc, const QString &path, const QString &tag)
    QStringList list;

    QDomElement el = elementByPath(doc, path);
    QDomElement subEl = el.firstChild().toElement();
    while (!subEl.isNull()) {
        if (subEl.tagName() == tag)
            list << subEl.firstChild().toText().data();
        subEl = subEl.nextSibling().toElement();

    return list;
Example #12
/*! Extracts the forms class name from \a e
QString Uic::getFormClassName( const QDomElement& e ) {
  QDomElement n;
  QString cn;
  for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
    if ( n.tagName() == "class" ) {
      QString s = n.firstChild().toText().data();
      int i;
      while (( i = s.find( ' ' ) ) != -1 )
        s[i] = '_';
      cn = s;
  return cn;
Example #13
  Returns the contents of property \a name of object \a e as
  variant or the variant passed as \a defValue if the property does
  not exist.

  \sa hasProperty()
QVariant DomTool::readProperty( const QDomElement& e, const QString& name, const QVariant& defValue, QString* comment )
    QDomElement n;
    for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	if ( n.tagName() == "property" ) {
	    QDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
	    if ( n2.tagName() == "name" ) {
		QString prop = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
		if ( prop == name )
		    return elementToVariant( n2.nextSibling().toElement(), defValue, comment );
    return defValue;
Example #14
void Uic::createPopupMenuImpl( const QDomElement &e, const QString &parentClass, const QString &parent ) {
  int i = 0;
  for ( QDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
    if ( n.tagName() == "action" || n.tagName() == "actiongroup" ) {
      QDomElement n2 = n.nextSibling().toElement();
      if ( n2.tagName() == "item" ) { // the action has a sub menu
        QString itemName = n2.attribute( "name" );
        QString itemText = n2.attribute( "text" );
        out << indent << itemName << " = new QPopupMenu( this );" << endl;
        out << indent << parent << "->insertItem( "  << n.attribute( "name" ) << "->iconSet(), ";
        out << trcall( itemText ) << ", " << itemName << " );" << endl;
        trout << indent << parent << "->changeItem( " << parent << "->idAt( " << i << " ), ";
        trout << trcall( itemText ) << " );" << endl;
        createPopupMenuImpl( n2, parentClass, itemName );
        n = n2;
      } else {
        out << indent << n.attribute( "name" ) << "->addTo( " << parent << " );" << endl;
    } else if ( n.tagName() == "separator" ) {
      out << indent << parent << "->insertSeparator();" << endl;
Example #15
  Returns wheter object \a e defines property \a name or not.

  \sa readProperty()
bool DomTool::hasProperty( const QDomElement& e, const QString& name )
    QDomElement n;
    for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	if ( n.tagName() == "property" ) {
	    QDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
	    if ( n2.tagName() == "name" ) {
		QString prop = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
		if ( prop == name )
		    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Example #16
/*! Extracts the forms class name from \a e
QString Ui3Reader::getFormClassName(const QDomElement& e)
    QDomElement n;
    QString cn;
    for (n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement()) {
        if (n.tagName() == QLatin1String("class")) {
            QString s = n.firstChild().toText().data();
            int i;
            while ((i = s.indexOf(QLatin1Char(' '))) != -1)
                s[i] = QLatin1Char('_');
            cn = s;
    return cn;
void Ui3Reader::createFormImpl(const QDomElement& e, const QString& form, const QString& connection, const QString& table)
    if (e.tagName() == QLatin1String("widget")
            && e.attribute(QLatin1String("class")) != QLatin1String("QDataTable")) {
        QString field = getDatabaseInfo(e, QLatin1String("field"));
        if (!field.isEmpty()) {
            if (isWidgetInTable(e, connection, table))
                out << indent << form << "Form->insert(" << getObjectName(e) << ", " << fixString(field) << ");" << endl;
    QDomElement n;
    for (n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement()) {
        createFormImpl(n, form, connection, table);

/*! Extracts a named object property from \a e.
QDomElement Ui3Reader::getObjectProperty( const QDomElement& e, const QString& name )
    QDomElement n;
    for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement();
          n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
        if ( n.tagName() == QLatin1String("property")  && n.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("name")) == name )
            return n;
    return n;
Example #19
  Auxiliary function to load a color group. The colorgroup must not
  contain pixmaps.
ColorGroup Ui3Reader::loadColorGroup(const QDomElement &e)
    ColorGroup cg;
    int r = -1;
    QDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
    Color col;
    while (!n.isNull()) {
        if (n.tagName() == QLatin1String("color")) {
            col = DomTool::readColor(n);
            cg.append(qMakePair(r, col));
        n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
    return cg;
Example #20
QColor DomTool::readColor( const QDomElement &e )
    QDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
    int r= 0, g = 0, b = 0;
    while ( !n.isNull() ) {
	if ( n.tagName() == "red" )
	    r = n.firstChild().toText().data().toInt();
	else if ( n.tagName() == "green" )
	    g = n.firstChild().toText().data().toInt();
	else if ( n.tagName() == "blue" )
	    b = n.firstChild().toText().data().toInt();
	n = n.nextSibling().toElement();

    return QColor( r, g, b );
TNeuron::TNeuron(const QDomElement &neuron)
	QDomElement weight = neuron.firstChild().toElement();
	while (!weight.isNull()) {
		if(weight.tagName() == "detectivity") {
			double newDetectivity = weight.attribute("value").toDouble();
			mDetectivity = newDetectivity;
		else if (weight.tagName() == "weight") {
			double newWeight = weight.attribute("value").toDouble();
			mSynapticWeights << newWeight;
		else Q_ASSERT(false);
		weight = weight.nextSibling().toElement();
	Q_ASSERT(mSynapticWeights.size() == neuron.attribute("countOfWeights").toDouble());
Example #22
DomUtil::TupleList DomUtil::readTupleListEntry(const QDomDocument &doc, const QString &path, const QString &tag,
                                        const QStringList &attrList)
    TupleList list;
    QDomElement el = elementByPath(doc, path);
    QDomElement subEl = el.firstChild().toElement();
    while (!subEl.isNull()) {
        if (subEl.tagName() == tag) {
            QStringList l;
            for(QValueListConstIterator<QString> it = attrList.begin(); it != attrList.end(); ++it)
                l << subEl.attribute(*it);
            list << l;
        subEl = subEl.nextSibling().toElement();
    return list;
Example #23
//  fromDomElement
//! Reset the object based on the contents of a DOM element representing a
//! search spec.
//! @return true if successful, false otherwise
SearchSpec::fromDomElement(const QDomElement& element)
    if (element.tagName() != XML_TOP_ELEMENT)
        return false;

    SearchSpec tmpSpec;

    if (element.hasAttribute(XML_VERSION_ATTR)) {
        bool ok;
        tmpSpec.version = element.attribute(XML_VERSION_ATTR).toInt(&ok);
        if (!ok)
            return false;

    QDomElement elem = element.firstChild().toElement();
    if (elem.isNull() || (elem.tagName() != XML_CONDITIONS_ELEMENT))
        return false;

    elem = elem.firstChild().toElement();
    if (elem.isNull() || ((elem.tagName() != XML_CONJUNCTION_ELEMENT) &&
                          (elem.tagName() != XML_DISJUNCTION_ELEMENT)))
        return false;

    tmpSpec.conjunction = (elem.tagName() == XML_CONJUNCTION_ELEMENT);

    for (elem = elem.firstChild().toElement(); !elem.isNull();
         elem = elem.nextSibling().toElement())
        SearchCondition condition;
        if (!condition.fromDomElement(elem))
            return false;

    if (tmpSpec.conditions.empty())
        return false;


    *this = tmpSpec;
    return true;
Example #24
Color DomTool::readColor(const QDomElement &e)
    QDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
    int r= 0, g = 0, b = 0;
    while (!n.isNull()) {
        if (n.tagName() == QLatin1String("red"))
            r = n.firstChild().toText().data().toInt();
        else if (n.tagName() == QLatin1String("green"))
            g = n.firstChild().toText().data().toInt();
        else if (n.tagName() == QLatin1String("blue"))
            b = n.firstChild().toText().data().toInt();
        n = n.nextSibling().toElement();

    Color c;
    c.init(r, g, b);
    return c;
Example #25
void WatchRoot::restorePartialProjectSession(const QDomElement* el)
    QDomDocument domDoc = el->ownerDocument();
    if (domDoc.isNull()) {
    QDomElement watchEl = el->namedItem("watchExpressions").toElement();
    QDomElement subEl = watchEl.firstChild().toElement();
    while (!subEl.isNull()) {
		new WatchVarItem(this, subEl.firstChild().toText().data(), UNKNOWN_TYPE);
        subEl = subEl.nextSibling().toElement();
Example #26
DomUtil::PairList DomUtil::readPairListEntry(const QDomDocument &doc, const QString &path, const QString &tag,
                                             const QString &firstAttr, const QString &secondAttr)
    PairList list;

    QDomElement el = elementByPath(doc, path);
    QDomElement subEl = el.firstChild().toElement();
    while (!subEl.isNull()) {
        if (subEl.tagName() == tag) {
            QString first = subEl.attribute(firstAttr);
            QString second = subEl.attribute(secondAttr);
            list << Pair(first, second);
        subEl = subEl.nextSibling().toElement();

    return list;
 * Helper function to loadModel
 * @param anArea that will contain a waitingList with patients parsed in this step
 * @param n is an xml node of the first patient in the waiting List
void StorageHandler::parseWaitingList(Area* anArea,QDomNode* n){
    QDomElement e;
    QDomNode node;
        e = n->toElement();

        QString healthCardNumber = e.attribute( "healthCardNumber", "1111111111" );
        QString firstName = e.attribute( "firstName", "FirstName" );
        QString lastName = e.attribute( "lastName", "LastName" );
        QDate dateAdded  = Convenience::fromXML(e.attribute("dateAdded", "2000-02-02"));
        Logger::infoMessage("storageHandler","parseWaitingList", "Patient added to waiting list name= ", firstName);
        anArea->addPatientToWaitingList(healthCardNumber, firstName, lastName, dateAdded);
        node = e.nextSibling();
        n = &(node);


Example #28
QDomElement Ui3Reader::parse(const QDomDocument &doc)
    root = doc.firstChild().toElement();
    widget = QDomElement();

    pixmapLoaderFunction = getPixmapLoaderFunction(doc.firstChild().toElement());
    nameOfClass = getFormClassName(doc.firstChild().toElement());

    uiFileVersion = doc.firstChild().toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("version"));
    stdsetdef = toBool(doc.firstChild().toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("stdsetdef")));

    if (doc.firstChild().isNull() || doc.firstChild().firstChild().isNull())
        return widget;

    QDomElement e = doc.firstChild().firstChild().toElement();
    while (!e.isNull()) {
        if (e.tagName() == QLatin1String("widget")) {
            widget = e;
        } else if (e.tagName() == QLatin1String("pixmapinproject")) {
            externPixmaps = true;
        } else if (e.tagName() == QLatin1String("layoutdefaults")) {
            defSpacing = e.attribute(QLatin1String("spacing"), defSpacing.toString());
            defMargin = e.attribute(QLatin1String("margin"), defMargin.toString());
        } else if (e.tagName() == QLatin1String("layoutfunctions")) {
            defSpacing = e.attribute(QLatin1String("spacing"), defSpacing.toString());
            bool ok;
            if (!ok) {
                QString buf = defSpacing.toString();
                defSpacing = buf.append(QLatin1String("()"));
            defMargin = e.attribute(QLatin1String("margin"), defMargin.toString());
            if (!ok) {
                QString buf = defMargin.toString();
                defMargin = buf.append(QLatin1String("()"));
        e = e.nextSibling().toElement();

    return widget;
Example #29
QString Uic::createListViewColumnImpl( const QDomElement &e, const QString &parent,
				       QString *value )
    QDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
    QString txt;
    QString com;
    QString pix;
    bool clickable = FALSE, resizable = FALSE;
    while ( !n.isNull() ) {
	if ( n.tagName() == "property" ) {
	    QString attrib = n.attribute("name");
	    QVariant v = DomTool::elementToVariant( n.firstChild().toElement(), QVariant() );
	    if ( attrib == "text" ) {
		txt = v.toString();
		com = getComment( n );
	    } else if ( attrib == "pixmap" ) {
		pix = v.toString();
		if ( !pix.isEmpty() && !pixmapLoaderFunction.isEmpty() ) {
		    pix.prepend( pixmapLoaderFunction + "( " + QString( externPixmaps ? "\"" : "" ) );
		    pix.append( QString( externPixmaps ? "\"" : "" ) + " )" );
	    } else if ( attrib == "clickable" )
		clickable = v.toBool();
	    else if ( attrib == "resizable" || attrib == "resizeable" )
		resizable = v.toBool();
	n = n.nextSibling().toElement();

    if ( value )
	*value = trcall( txt, com );

    QString s;
    s = indent + parent + "->addColumn( " + trcall( txt, com ) + " );\n";
    if ( !pix.isEmpty() )
	s += indent + parent + "->header()->setLabel( " + parent + "->header()->count() - 1, " + pix + ", " + trcall( txt, com ) + " );\n";
    if ( !clickable )
	s += indent + parent + "->header()->setClickEnabled( FALSE, " + parent + "->header()->count() - 1 );\n";
    if ( !resizable )
	s += indent + parent + "->header()->setResizeEnabled( FALSE, " + parent + "->header()->count() - 1 );\n";
    return s;
Example #30
void ParserAlbum::writeToAlbumByFile(const QString & _source)
    QDomElement element = m_pDoc->documentElement();
    QDomElement node  = element.firstChild().toElement();
    while(node.tagName() != "images")
        node = node.nextSibling().toElement();
        QTextStream(m_pFile) << m_pDoc->toString();