bool QFileSystemEngine::renameFile(const QFileSystemEntry &source, const QFileSystemEntry &target, QSystemError &error)
    if (::rename(source.nativeFilePath().constData(), target.nativeFilePath().constData()) == 0)
        return true;
    error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
    return false;
QFileSystemEntry QFileSystemEngine::canonicalName(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QFileSystemMetaData &data)
    if (entry.isEmpty() || entry.isRoot())
        return entry;

#if !defined(Q_OS_MAC) && _POSIX_VERSION < 200809L
    // realpath(X,0) is not supported
    return QFileSystemEntry(slowCanonicalized(absoluteName(entry).filePath()));
    char *ret = 0;
# if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
#  if !defined(QT_NO_CORESERVICES)
    // Mac OS X 10.5.x doesn't support the realpath(X,0) extension we use here.
    if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion >= QSysInfo::MV_10_6) {
        ret = realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), (char*)0);
    } else {
        // on 10.5 we can use FSRef to resolve the file path.
        QString path = QDir::cleanPath(entry.filePath());
        FSRef fsref;
        if (FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8 *)path.toUtf8().data(), &fsref, 0) == noErr) {
            CFURLRef urlref = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(NULL, &fsref);
            CFStringRef canonicalPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(urlref, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
            QString ret = QCFString::toQString(canonicalPath);
            return QFileSystemEntry(ret);
#  else
    ret = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX);
    realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), (char*)ret);
#  endif //!defined(QT_NO_CORESERVICES)
#  else
    ret = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX);
    memset(ret, 0, PATH_MAX);
    ret = realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), ret);
    ret = realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), (char*)0);
    ret = realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), (char*)0);
# endif //defined(Q_OS_MAC)
    if (ret) {
        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
        data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
        QString canonicalPath = QDir::cleanPath(QString::fromLocal8Bit(ret));
        return QFileSystemEntry(canonicalPath);
    } else if (errno == ENOENT) { // file doesn't exist
        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
        data.entryFlags &= ~(QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute);
        return QFileSystemEntry();
    return entry;
QByteArray QFileSystemEngine::id(const QFileSystemEntry &entry)
    struct stat statResult;
    if (stat(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), &statResult)) {
        qErrnoWarning("stat() failed for '%s'", entry.nativeFilePath().constData());
        return QByteArray();
    QByteArray result = QByteArray::number(quint64(statResult.st_dev), 16);
    result += ':';
    result += QByteArray::number(quint64(statResult.st_ino));
    return result;
void tst_QFileSystemEntry::defaultCtor()
    QFileSystemEntry entry;


    QCOMPARE(entry.path(), QString("."));




#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)

bool QFileSystemEngine::setPermissions(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QFile::Permissions permissions, QSystemError &error, QFileSystemMetaData *data)
    mode_t mode = 0;
    if (permissions & (QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::ReadUser))
        mode |= S_IRUSR;
    if (permissions & (QFile::WriteOwner | QFile::WriteUser))
        mode |= S_IWUSR;
    if (permissions & (QFile::ExeOwner | QFile::ExeUser))
        mode |= S_IXUSR;
    if (permissions & QFile::ReadGroup)
        mode |= S_IRGRP;
    if (permissions & QFile::WriteGroup)
        mode |= S_IWGRP;
    if (permissions & QFile::ExeGroup)
        mode |= S_IXGRP;
    if (permissions & QFile::ReadOther)
        mode |= S_IROTH;
    if (permissions & QFile::WriteOther)
        mode |= S_IWOTH;
    if (permissions & QFile::ExeOther)
        mode |= S_IXOTH;

    bool success = ::chmod(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), mode) == 0;
    if (success && data) {
        data->entryFlags &= ~QFileSystemMetaData::Permissions;
        data->entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::MetaDataFlag(uint(permissions));
        data->knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::Permissions;
    if (!success)
        error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
    return success;

#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
static inline bool hasResourcePropertyFlag(const QFileSystemMetaData &data,
                                           const QFileSystemEntry &entry,
                                           CFStringRef key)
    QCFString path = CFStringCreateWithFileSystemRepresentation(0,
    if (!path)
        return false;

    QCFType<CFURLRef> url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(0, path, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle,
    if (!url)
        return false;

    CFBooleanRef value;
    if (CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(url, key, &value, NULL)) {
        if (value == kCFBooleanTrue)
            return true;

    return false;
QFileSystemEntry QFileSystemEngine::absoluteName(const QFileSystemEntry &entry)
    if (entry.isAbsolute() && entry.isClean())
        return entry;

    QByteArray orig = entry.nativeFilePath();
    QByteArray result;
    if (orig.isEmpty() || !orig.startsWith('/')) {
        QFileSystemEntry cur(currentPath());
        result = cur.nativeFilePath();
    if (!orig.isEmpty() && !(orig.length() == 1 && orig[0] == '.')) {
        if (!result.isEmpty() && !result.endsWith('/'))

    if (result.length() == 1 && result[0] == '/')
        return QFileSystemEntry(result, QFileSystemEntry::FromNativePath());
    const bool isDir = result.endsWith('/');

    /* as long as QDir::cleanPath() operates on a QString we have to convert to a string here.
     * ideally we never convert to a string since that loses information. Please fix after
     * we get a QByteArray version of QDir::cleanPath()
    QFileSystemEntry resultingEntry(result, QFileSystemEntry::FromNativePath());
    QString stringVersion = QDir::cleanPath(resultingEntry.filePath());
    if (isDir)
    return QFileSystemEntry(stringVersion);
bool QFileSystemEngine::removeFile(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QSystemError &error)
    if (unlink(entry.nativeFilePath().constData()) == 0)
        return true;
    error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
    return false;

static bool isPackage(const QFileSystemMetaData &data, const QFileSystemEntry &entry)
    if (!data.isDirectory())
        return false;

    QFileInfo info(entry.filePath());
    QString suffix = info.suffix();

    if (suffix.length() > 0) {
        // First step: is the extension known ?
        CFStringRef extensionRef = QCFString::toCFStringRef(suffix);
        CFStringRef uniformTypeIdentifier = UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(kUTTagClassFilenameExtension, extensionRef, NULL);
        if (UTTypeConformsTo(uniformTypeIdentifier, kUTTypeBundle))
            return true;

        // Second step: check if an application knows the package type
        CFStringRef path = QCFString::toCFStringRef(entry.filePath());
        QCFType<CFURLRef> url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(0, path, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);

        UInt32 type, creator;
        // Well created packages have the PkgInfo file
        if (CFBundleGetPackageInfoInDirectory(url, &type, &creator))
            return true;

        // Find if an application other than Finder claims to know how to handle the package
        QCFType<CFURLRef> application;

        if (application) {
            QCFType<CFBundleRef> bundle = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, application);
            CFStringRef identifier = CFBundleGetIdentifier(bundle);
            QString applicationId = QCFString::toQString(identifier);
            if (applicationId != QLatin1String("com.apple.finder"))
                return true;

    // Third step: check if the directory has the package bit set
    FSRef packageRef;
    FSPathMakeRef((UInt8 *)entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), &packageRef, NULL);

    FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;

    FolderInfo *folderInfo = reinterpret_cast<FolderInfo *>(catalogInfo.finderInfo);
    return folderInfo->finderFlags & kHasBundle;

QFileSystemIterator::QFileSystemIterator(const QFileSystemEntry &path, QDir::Filters filters,
        const QStringList &nameFilters, QDirIterator::IteratorFlags iteratorFlags)
        : lastError(KErrNone), entryIndex(-1)
    RFs& fs = qt_s60GetRFs();

    nativePath = path.nativeFilePath();
    if (!nativePath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\\')))

    QString absPath = QFileSystemEngine::absoluteName(path).nativeFilePath();

    if (!absPath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\\')))

    int pathLen = absPath.length();
    if (pathLen > KMaxFileName) {
        lastError = KErrBadName;

    //set up server side filtering to reduce IPCs
    //RDir won't accept all valid name filters e.g. "*. bar"
    if (nameFilters.count() == 1 && !(filters & QDir::AllDirs) && iteratorFlags
        == QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags && pathLen + nameFilters[0].length()
        <= KMaxFileName) {
        //server side supports one mask - skip this for recursive mode or if only files should be filtered

    TUint symbianMask = 0;
    if ((filters & QDir::Dirs) || (filters & QDir::AllDirs) || (iteratorFlags
        & QDirIterator::Subdirectories))
        symbianMask |= KEntryAttDir; //include directories
    if (filters & QDir::Hidden)
        symbianMask |= KEntryAttHidden;
    if (filters & QDir::System)
        symbianMask |= KEntryAttSystem;
    //Do not use KEntryAttMatchExclusive to optimise to return only
    //directories for QDir::Dirs. There may be a file which is actually
    //a "mount point" for a file engine and needs to be returned so it
    //can be overriden to be a directory, see QTBUG-23688
    if (symbianMask == 0
        && ((filters & QDir::PermissionMask) == QDir::Writable)) {
            symbianMask = KEntryAttMatchExclude | KEntryAttReadOnly;

    lastError = dirHandle.Open(fs, qt_QString2TPtrC(absPath), symbianMask);
bool QFileSystemEngine::setCurrentPath(const QFileSystemEntry &entry)
    QFileSystemMetaData meta;
    QFileSystemEntry absname = absoluteName(entry);
    fillMetaData(absname, meta, QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute | QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType);
    if(!(meta.exists() && meta.isDirectory()))
        return false;

    RFs& fs = qt_s60GetRFs();
    QString abspath = absname.nativeFilePath();
    TInt r = fs.SetSessionPath(qt_QString2TPtrC(abspath));
    //SetSessionPath succeeds for non existent directory, which is why it's checked above
    if (r == KErrNone) {
        __ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(unsigned short));
        //attempt to set open C to the same path
        r = ::wchdir(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(absname.filePath().utf16()));
        if (r < 0)
            qWarning("failed to sync path to open C");
        return true;
    return false;
QFileSystemEntry QFileSystemEngine::canonicalName(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QFileSystemMetaData &data)
    if (entry.isEmpty() || entry.isRoot())
        return entry;

#if !defined(Q_OS_MAC) && !defined(Q_OS_QNX) && !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && _POSIX_VERSION < 200809L
    // realpath(X,0) is not supported
    return QFileSystemEntry(slowCanonicalized(absoluteName(entry).filePath()));
    char *ret = 0;
# if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
    // When using -mmacosx-version-min=10.4, we get the legacy realpath implementation,
    // which does not work properly with the realpath(X,0) form. See QTBUG-28282.
    if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion >= QSysInfo::MV_10_6) {
        ret = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX + 1);
        if (ret && realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), (char*)ret) == 0) {
            const int savedErrno = errno; // errno is checked below, and free() might change it
            errno = savedErrno;
            ret = 0;
    } else {
        // on 10.5 we can use FSRef to resolve the file path.
        QString path = QDir::cleanPath(entry.filePath());
        FSRef fsref;
        if (FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8 *)path.toUtf8().data(), &fsref, 0) == noErr) {
            CFURLRef urlref = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(NULL, &fsref);
            CFStringRef canonicalPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(urlref, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
            QString ret = QCFString::toQString(canonicalPath);
            return QFileSystemEntry(ret);
# else
#  if _POSIX_VERSION >= 200801L
    ret = realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), (char*)0);
#  else
    ret = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX + 1);
    if (realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), (char*)ret) == 0) {
        const int savedErrno = errno; // errno is checked below, and free() might change it
        errno = savedErrno;
        ret = 0;
#  endif
# endif
    if (ret) {
        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
        data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
        QString canonicalPath = QDir::cleanPath(QString::fromLocal8Bit(ret));
        return QFileSystemEntry(canonicalPath);
    } else if (errno == ENOENT) { // file doesn't exist
        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
        data.entryFlags &= ~(QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute);
        return QFileSystemEntry();
    return entry;
QFileSystemEntry QFileSystemEngine::getLinkTarget(const QFileSystemEntry &link, QFileSystemMetaData &data)
#if defined(__GLIBC__) && !defined(PATH_MAX)
#define PATH_CHUNK_SIZE 256
    char *s = 0;
    int len = -1;
    int size = PATH_CHUNK_SIZE;

    while (1) {
        s = (char *) ::realloc(s, size);
        len = ::readlink(link.nativeFilePath().constData(), s, size);
        if (len < 0) {
        if (len < size) {
        size *= 2;
    char s[PATH_MAX+1];
    int len = readlink(link.nativeFilePath().constData(), s, PATH_MAX);
    if (len > 0) {
        QString ret;
        if (!data.hasFlags(QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType))
            fillMetaData(link, data, QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType);
        if (data.isDirectory() && s[0] != '/') {
            QDir parent(link.filePath());
            ret = parent.path();
            if (!ret.isEmpty() && !ret.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
                ret += QLatin1Char('/');
        s[len] = '\0';
        ret += QFile::decodeName(QByteArray(s));
#if defined(__GLIBC__) && !defined(PATH_MAX)

        if (!ret.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
            if (link.filePath().startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
                            + QLatin1Char('/'));
            } else {
                ret.prepend(QDir::currentPath() + QLatin1Char('/'));
        ret = QDir::cleanPath(ret);
        if (ret.size() > 1 && ret.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
        return QFileSystemEntry(ret);
#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
        QCFString path = CFStringCreateWithFileSystemRepresentation(0,
        if (!path)
            return QFileSystemEntry();

        QCFType<CFURLRef> url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(0, path, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle,
        if (!url)
            return QFileSystemEntry();

        QCFType<CFDataRef> bookmarkData = CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile(0, url, NULL);
        if (!bookmarkData)
            return QFileSystemEntry();

        QCFType<CFURLRef> resolvedUrl = CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData(0,
                | kCFBookmarkResolutionWithoutMountingMask), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (!resolvedUrl)
            return QFileSystemEntry();

        QCFString cfstr(CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(resolvedUrl, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle));
        if (!cfstr)
            return QFileSystemEntry();

        return QFileSystemEntry(QCFString::toQString(cfstr));
    return QFileSystemEntry();
bool QFileSystemEngine::fillMetaData(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QFileSystemMetaData &data,
        QFileSystemMetaData::MetaDataFlags what)
#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType) {
        if (!data.hasFlags(QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType))
            what |= QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType;
    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute) {
        // Mac OS >= 10.5: st_flags & UF_HIDDEN
        what |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;
#endif // defined(Q_OS_MACX)

    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags)
        what |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;

    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute) {
        //  FIXME:  Would other queries being performed provide this bit?
        what |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;

    data.entryFlags &= ~what;

    const char * nativeFilePath;
    int nativeFilePathLength;
        const QByteArray &path = entry.nativeFilePath();
        nativeFilePath = path.constData();
        nativeFilePathLength = path.size();

    bool entryExists = true; // innocent until proven otherwise

    QT_STATBUF statBuffer;
    bool statBufferValid = false;
    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType) {
        if (QT_LSTAT(nativeFilePath, &statBuffer) == 0) {
            if (S_ISLNK(statBuffer.st_mode)) {
                data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType;
            } else {
                statBufferValid = true;
                data.entryFlags &= ~QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;
        } else {
            entryExists = false;

        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType;

    if (statBufferValid || (what & QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags)) {
        if (entryExists && !statBufferValid)
            statBufferValid = (QT_STAT(nativeFilePath, &statBuffer) == 0);

        if (statBufferValid)
        else {
            entryExists = false;
            data.creationTime_ = 0;
            data.modificationTime_ = 0;
            data.accessTime_ = 0;
            data.size_ = 0;
            data.userId_ = (uint) -2;
            data.groupId_ = (uint) -2;

        // reset the mask
        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags
            | QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;

#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::AliasType)
        if (entryExists) {
            FSRef fref;
            if (FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8 *)nativeFilePath, &fref, NULL) == noErr) {
                Boolean isAlias, isFolder;
                if (FSIsAliasFile(&fref, &isAlias, &isFolder) == noErr) {
                    if (isAlias)
                        data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::AliasType;
        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::AliasType;

    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::UserPermissions) {
        // calculate user permissions

        if (entryExists) {
            if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::UserReadPermission) {
                if (QT_ACCESS(nativeFilePath, R_OK) == 0)
                    data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::UserReadPermission;
            if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::UserWritePermission) {
                if (QT_ACCESS(nativeFilePath, W_OK) == 0)
                    data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::UserWritePermission;
            if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::UserExecutePermission) {
                if (QT_ACCESS(nativeFilePath, X_OK) == 0)
                    data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::UserExecutePermission;
        data.knownFlagsMask |= (what & QFileSystemMetaData::UserPermissions);

    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute
            && !data.isHidden()) {
        QString fileName = entry.fileName();
        if ((fileName.size() > 0 && fileName.at(0) == QLatin1Char('.'))
                || (entryExists && _q_isMacHidden(nativeFilePath)))
            data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute;
        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute;

#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType) {
        if (entryExists && isPackage(data, entry))
            data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType;

        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType;
    if (!entryExists) {
        return false;
    return data.hasFlags(what);
Example #15
QFileSystemEntry QFileSystemEngine::getLinkTarget(const QFileSystemEntry &link, QFileSystemMetaData &data)
#if defined(__GLIBC__) && !defined(PATH_MAX)
#define PATH_CHUNK_SIZE 256
    char *s = 0;
    int len = -1;
    int size = PATH_CHUNK_SIZE;

    while (1) {
        s = (char *) ::realloc(s, size);
        len = ::readlink(link.nativeFilePath().constData(), s, size);
        if (len < 0) {
        if (len < size) {
        size *= 2;
    char s[PATH_MAX+1];
    int len = readlink(link.nativeFilePath().constData(), s, PATH_MAX);
    if (len > 0) {
        QString ret;
        if (!data.hasFlags(QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType))
            fillMetaData(link, data, QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType);
        if (data.isDirectory() && s[0] != '/') {
            QDir parent(link.filePath());
            ret = parent.path();
            if (!ret.isEmpty() && !ret.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
                ret += QLatin1Char('/');
        s[len] = '\0';
        ret += QFile::decodeName(QByteArray(s));
#if defined(__GLIBC__) && !defined(PATH_MAX)

        if (!ret.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
            if (link.filePath().startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
                            + QLatin1Char('/'));
            } else {
                ret.prepend(QDir::currentPath() + QLatin1Char('/'));
        ret = QDir::cleanPath(ret);
        if (ret.size() > 1 && ret.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
        return QFileSystemEntry(ret);
#if !defined(QWS) && !defined(Q_WS_QPA) && defined(Q_OS_MAC)
        FSRef fref;
        if (FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8 *)QFile::encodeName(QDir::cleanPath(link.filePath())).data(), &fref, 0) == noErr) {
            // TODO get the meta data info from the QFileSystemMetaData object
            Boolean isAlias, isFolder;
            if (FSResolveAliasFile(&fref, true, &isFolder, &isAlias) == noErr && isAlias) {
                AliasHandle alias;
                if (FSNewAlias(0, &fref, &alias) == noErr && alias) {
                    QCFString cfstr;
                    if (FSCopyAliasInfo(alias, 0, 0, &cfstr, 0, 0) == noErr)
                        return QFileSystemEntry(QCFString::toQString(cfstr));
    return QFileSystemEntry();
Example #16
bool QFileSystemEngine::setCurrentPath(const QFileSystemEntry &path)
    int r;
    r = QT_CHDIR(path.nativeFilePath());
    return r >= 0;
QFileSystemEntry QFileSystemEngine::canonicalName(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QFileSystemMetaData &data)
    if (entry.isEmpty() || entry.isRoot())
        return entry;

#if !defined(Q_OS_MAC) && !defined(Q_OS_QNX) && !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && !defined(Q_OS_HAIKU) && _POSIX_VERSION < 200809L
    // realpath(X,0) is not supported
    return QFileSystemEntry(slowCanonicalized(absoluteName(entry).filePath()));
    char *ret = 0;
# if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
    ret = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX + 1);
    if (ret && realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), (char*)ret) == 0) {
        const int savedErrno = errno; // errno is checked below, and free() might change it
        errno = savedErrno;
        ret = 0;
# elif defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
    // On some Android versions, realpath() will return a path even if it does not exist
    // To work around this, we check existence in advance.
    if (!data.hasFlags(QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute))
        fillMetaData(entry, data, QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute);

    if (!data.exists()) {
        ret = 0;
        errno = ENOENT;
    } else {
        ret = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX + 1);
        if (realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), (char*)ret) == 0) {
            const int savedErrno = errno; // errno is checked below, and free() might change it
            errno = savedErrno;
            ret = 0;

# else
#  if _POSIX_VERSION >= 200801L
    ret = realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), (char*)0);
#  else
    ret = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX + 1);
    if (realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), (char*)ret) == 0) {
        const int savedErrno = errno; // errno is checked below, and free() might change it
        errno = savedErrno;
        ret = 0;
#  endif
# endif
    if (ret) {
        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
        data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
        QString canonicalPath = QDir::cleanPath(QString::fromLocal8Bit(ret));
        return QFileSystemEntry(canonicalPath);
    } else if (errno == ENOENT) { // file doesn't exist
        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
        data.entryFlags &= ~(QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute);
        return QFileSystemEntry();
    return entry;
Example #18
bool QFileSystemEngine::fillMetaData(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QFileSystemMetaData &data,
        QFileSystemMetaData::MetaDataFlags what)
#if !defined(QWS) && !defined(Q_WS_QPA) && defined(Q_OS_MAC)
    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType) {
        if (!data.hasFlags(QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType))
            what |= QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType;

#if !defined(QWS) && !defined(Q_WS_QPA) && defined(Q_OS_MAC) \
    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute) {
        // Mac OS >= 10.5: st_flags & UF_HIDDEN
        what |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;

    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags)
        what |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;

    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute) {
        //  FIXME:  Would other queries being performed provide this bit?
        what |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;

    data.entryFlags &= ~what;

    const char * nativeFilePath;
    int nativeFilePathLength;
        const QByteArray &path = entry.nativeFilePath();
        nativeFilePath = path.constData();
        nativeFilePathLength = path.size();

    bool entryExists = true; // innocent until proven otherwise

    QT_STATBUF statBuffer;
    bool statBufferValid = false;
    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType) {
        if (QT_LSTAT(nativeFilePath, &statBuffer) == 0) {
            if (S_ISLNK(statBuffer.st_mode)) {
                data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType;
            } else {
                statBufferValid = true;
                data.entryFlags &= ~QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;
        } else {
            entryExists = false;

        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType;

    if (statBufferValid || (what & QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags)) {
        if (entryExists && !statBufferValid)
            statBufferValid = (QT_STAT(nativeFilePath, &statBuffer) == 0);

        if (statBufferValid)
        else {
            entryExists = false;
            data.creationTime_ = 0;
            data.modificationTime_ = 0;
            data.accessTime_ = 0;
            data.size_ = 0;
            data.userId_ = (uint) -2;
            data.groupId_ = (uint) -2;

        // reset the mask
        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags
            | QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;

#if !defined(QWS) && !defined(Q_WS_QPA) && defined(Q_OS_MAC)
    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::AliasType)
        if (entryExists) {
            FSRef fref;
            if (FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8 *)nativeFilePath, &fref, NULL) == noErr) {
                Boolean isAlias, isFolder;
                if (FSIsAliasFile(&fref, &isAlias, &isFolder) == noErr) {
                    if (isAlias)
                        data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::AliasType;
        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::AliasType;

    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::UserPermissions) {
        // calculate user permissions

        if (entryExists) {
            if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::UserReadPermission) {
                if (QT_ACCESS(nativeFilePath, R_OK) == 0)
                    data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::UserReadPermission;
            if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::UserWritePermission) {
                if (QT_ACCESS(nativeFilePath, W_OK) == 0)
                    data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::UserWritePermission;
            if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::UserExecutePermission) {
                if (QT_ACCESS(nativeFilePath, X_OK) == 0)
                    data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::UserExecutePermission;
        data.knownFlagsMask |= (what & QFileSystemMetaData::UserPermissions);

    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute
            && !data.isHidden()) {
        QString fileName = entry.fileName();
        if ((fileName.size() > 0 && fileName.at(0) == QLatin1Char('.'))
                || (entryExists && _q_isMacHidden(nativeFilePath)))
            data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute;
        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute;

#if !defined(QWS) && !defined(Q_WS_QPA) && defined(Q_OS_MAC)
    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType) {
        if (entryExists && data.isDirectory()) {
            QCFType<CFStringRef> path = CFStringCreateWithBytes(0,
                    (const UInt8*)nativeFilePath, nativeFilePathLength,
                    kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
            QCFType<CFURLRef> url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(0, path,
                    kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);

            UInt32 type, creator;
            if (CFBundleGetPackageInfoInDirectory(url, &type, &creator))
                data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType;

        data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType;

    return data.hasFlags(what);