Example #1
void LibreFM::requestFinished(int id, bool err)
	if(err) {
		proxy->error(QString("Libre.FM: Request failed: %1.").arg(http.errorString()));
		if(httpGetId == id) httpGetId = 0;
		if(httpPostId == id) httpPostId = 0;
	} else {
		if(httpGetId == id) {
			httpGetId = 0;
			if(needInfo) {
				QByteArray arr = http.readAll();
				proxy->log("Libre.FM response:" + arr);
				emit xmlInfo(QString::fromUtf8((const char*)arr));
				needInfo = false;
			} else {
				QString request = http.readAll();
				QString status = request.section('\n', 0, 0);
				if(status == "OK") {
					session = request.section('\n', 1, 1);
					nowPlayingUrl = request.section('\n', 2, 2);
					submissionUrl = request.section('\n', 3, 3);
					connected = true;

					proxy->log("Libre.FM: handshake complete");
				} else if(status.startsWith("BANNED")) {
					proxy->error("Libre.FM: I was banned at Libre.FM, I don't want to live any more.");
					connected = false;
				} else if(status.startsWith("BADAUTH")) {
					proxy->error("Libre.FM: Incorrect user name or password.");
					connected = false;
				} else if(status.startsWith("BADTIME")) {
					proxy->error("Libre.FM: Incorrect time. The system clock must be corrected.");
					connected = false;
				} else if(status.startsWith("FAILED")) {
					proxy->error("Libre.FM: " + status);
					connected = false;
				} else {
					connected = false;
					proxy->warning("Libre.FM: Unknown response:  " + status);
		} else if(httpPostId == id) {
			httpPostId = 0;
			QString request = http.readAll();
			if(request.startsWith("OK")) {
				// nothing to do
			} else if(request.startsWith("BADSESSION")) {
				connected = false;
				proxy->error("Libre.FM: Bad session identifier. Need for reconnect to the server.");
			} else if(request.startsWith("FAILED")) {
				proxy->error("Libre.FM: " + request);
			} else {
				proxy->warning("Libre.FM: Unknown response:  " + request);
Example #2
void InfoLastFM::requestFinished(int id, bool err)
    if(err) {
        proxy->error(QString("Last.FM info: Request failed: %1.").arg(http.errorString()));
        if(httpGetId == id) httpGetId = 0;
        if(httpPostId == id) httpPostId = 0;
    } else {
        if(httpGetId == id) {
            httpGetId = 0;
            if(needInfo) {
                QByteArray arr = http.readAll();
                QString text = QString::fromUtf8((const char*)arr);
                proxy->log("Last.FM info response:" + text);
                QString artist, album, mbid, imageUrl, info;
                parseInfo(text, artist, album, mbid, imageUrl, info);
                if(album.size()) { // album found
                    if(imageUrl.size() && infoType == SInfo::AlbumArt)
                        proxy->setResponse(requestId, SInfo(SInfo::AlbumArt, "", imageUrl));
                    if(info.size() && infoType == SInfo::AlbumText)
                        proxy->setResponse(requestId, SInfo(SInfo::AlbumText, info, ""));
                } else if(artist.size()) { // artist found
                    if(imageUrl.size() && infoType == SInfo::ArtistArt)
                        proxy->setResponse(requestId, SInfo(SInfo::ArtistArt, "", imageUrl));
                    if(info.size() && infoType == SInfo::ArtistText)
                        proxy->setResponse(requestId, SInfo(SInfo::ArtistText, info, ""));
                //emit xmlInfo(QString::fromUtf8((const char*)arr));
                needInfo = false;
            } else {
        } else if(httpPostId == id) {
            httpPostId = 0;
            QString request = http.readAll();
            if(request.startsWith("OK")) {
                // nothing to do
            } else {
                proxy->warning("Last.FM info: Unknown response:  " + request);
Example #3
QString Client::sendData(const QString &data) {
//    qDebug() << "send to url => " << mUrl << " | data => " << data;
    QHttp http;
    QUrl url(mUrl);
    http.post(url.path(), data.toUtf8());
    if(http.error() != QHttp::NoError) {
        return "";
    return QString(http.readAll());
Example #4
bool CetonStreamHandler::HttpRequest(
    const QString &method, const QString &script, const QUrl &params,
    QString &response, uint &status_code) const
    QHttp http;

    QByteArray request_params(params.encodedQuery());

    if (method == "GET")
        QString path = script + "?" + QString(request_params);
        QHttpRequestHeader header(method, path);
        header.setValue("Host", _ip_address);
        QHttpRequestHeader header(method, script);
        header.setValue("Host", _ip_address);
        http.request(header, request_params);

    while (http.hasPendingRequests() || http.currentId())

    if (http.error() != QHttp::NoError)
        status_code = 0;
        response = http.errorString();
        return false;

    QHttpResponseHeader resp_header = http.lastResponse();
    if (!resp_header.isValid())
        status_code = 0;
        response = "Completed but response object was not valid";
        return false;

    status_code = resp_header.statusCode();
    response = QString(http.readAll());
    return true;