Example #1
static QPixmap makeInvisible(unsigned flags, const QPixmap &p)
	unsigned swapColor = flags & ICON_COLOR_MASK;
	char shift = (flags >> 8) & 0xFF;
    QImage image = p.convertToImage();
	if (image.depth() != 32)
		image = image.convertDepth(32);
    unsigned int *data = (unsigned int*)image.bits();
	for (int y = 0; y < image.width(); y++){
		int x = image.width() / 2 - (y - image.height() / 2) * 2 / 3 + shift;
		if (x < 0)
			x = 0;
		if (x > image.width())
			x = image.width();
		unsigned int *line = data + y * (image.width()) + x;
		for (; x < image.width(); x++, line++){
	        QColor c(qRed(*line), qGreen(*line), qBlue(*line));
			int a = qAlpha(*line);
			int h, s, v;
			c.hsv(&h, &s, &v);
			if (swapColor){
				h = (swapColor * 2 - h) & 0xFF;
				c.setHsv(h, s / 2, v * 3 / 4);
				c.setHsv(h, s / 2, v * 3 / 4);
	        *line = qRgba(c.red(), c.green(), c.blue(), a);
    QPixmap pict;
    return pict;
Example #2
void  fom ::setIconImage(const QImage &newImage)
    if (newImage != image) 	
	image = newImage.convertDepth(60);		          
Example #3
const QMimeSource *MyMimeSourceFactory::data(const QString &abs_name) const
    QString name = abs_name;
    if (name.left(5) == "icon:"){
        name = name.mid(5);
        const QIconSet *icons = Icon(name.latin1());
        if (icons){
            QImage img = icons->pixmap(QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Normal).convertToImage();
            img = img.convertDepth(32);
            ((QMimeSourceFactory*)this)->setImage(abs_name, img);
    return QMimeSourceFactory::data(abs_name);
Example #4
 * Creates a thumbnail
 * It seems that only plugins that create an image "from scratch", like
 * the TextCreator should directly use the specified size.
const QString &p_path,                                                // path of the cmg file to open
int p_width,                                                          // maximum width for the preview
int p_height,                                                         // maximum height for the preview
QImage &p_img                                                         // location to fill with an image
    QString v_image = "/.DirIcon";

    // initialize the CmgUtl class with the cmg file
    _isoUtl = new CmgUtl(p_path.latin1());

    // first, we try to load the /.DirIcon file,
    if (!this->readImage(v_image))
        // in case of failure, we check into the recipe file
        if (this->readRecipe(v_image))

    // close the CmgUtl class
    delete _isoUtl;

    // load the image into the QImage buffer
    if (_buffer == NULL) return false;
    if (!p_img.loadFromData((const uchar *)_buffer,_size))
        _buffer = NULL;
        return false;
    if (p_img.depth() != 32) p_img=p_img.convertDepth(32);
    if (p_img.width()>p_width || p_img.height()>p_height)
        p_img = p_img.smoothScale(p_width, p_height, QImage::ScaleMin);

    return true;
void LibartCanvas::drawImage(QImage image, SVGStylableImpl *style, const SVGMatrixImpl *matrix, const KSVGPolygon& clippingPolygon)
	SVGShapeImpl *shape = dynamic_cast<SVGShapeImpl *>(style);

		if(image.depth() != 32)
			image = image.convertDepth(32);

		ArtSVP *imageBorder = svpFromPolygon(clippingPolygon);
		ArtSVP *clipSvp = clipSingleSVP(imageBorder, shape);

		ArtDRect bbox;
		art_drect_svp(&bbox, clipSvp);

		// clamp to viewport
		int x0 = int(bbox.x0);
		int y0 = int(bbox.y0);

		// Use inclusive coords for x1/y1 for clipToBuffer
		int x1 = int(ceil(bbox.x1)) - 1;
		int y1 = int(ceil(bbox.y1)) - 1;

		if(x0 < int(m_width) && y0 < int(m_height) && x1 >= 0 && y1 >= 0)
			clipToBuffer(x0, y0, x1, y1);

			QRect screenBBox(x0, y0, x1 - x0 + 1, y1 - y0 + 1);

			QByteArray mask = SVGMaskElementImpl::maskRectangle(shape, screenBBox);

			double affine[6];
			KSVGHelper::matrixToAffine(matrix, affine);

			ksvg_art_rgb_affine_clip(clipSvp, m_buffer + x0 * nrChannels() + y0 * rowStride(), x0, y0, x1 + 1, y1 + 1, rowStride(), nrChannels(), image.bits(), image.width(), image.height(), image.width() * 4, affine, int(style->getOpacity() * 255), (const art_u8 *)mask.data());

Example #6
//This function makes a pixmap which is based on icon, but has a number painted on it.
QPixmap BoxContainerItem::calcComplexPixmap(const QPixmap &icon, const QColor &fgColour, const QFont *font, const int count)
    QPixmap result(icon);
    QPixmap numberPixmap(icon.size());
    QImage iconImage(icon.convertToImage());
    QImage numberImage;
    QRgb *rgbline;
    QPainter p;

    //Make a transparent number; first make a white number on a black background.
    //This pixmap also is the base alpha-channel, the foreground colour is added later.
    p.begin(&numberPixmap, false);
    p.drawText(icon.rect(), Qt::AlignCenter, QString::number(count));

    //Convert to image and add the alpha channel.
    numberImage = numberPixmap.convertToImage();
    if(numberImage.depth() != 32)   //Make sure depth is 32 (and thus can have an alpha channel)
        numberImage = numberImage.convertDepth(32);
    numberImage.setAlphaBuffer(true);   //Enable alpha channel
    for(int xx = 0; xx < numberImage.height(); ++xx)
        rgbline = (QRgb *)numberImage.scanLine(xx);

        for(int yy = 0; yy < numberImage.width(); ++yy)
            //Set colour and alpha channel
            rgbline[ yy ] = qRgba(fgColour.red(), fgColour.green(), fgColour.blue(), qRed(rgbline[ yy ]));

    //Merge icon and number and convert to result.
    KIconEffect::overlay(iconImage, numberImage);

    return result;
Example #7
QImage QGLWidget::convertToGLFormat( const QImage& img )
    QImage res = img.convertDepth( 32 );
    res = res.mirror();

    if ( QImage::systemByteOrder() == QImage::BigEndian ) {
	// Qt has ARGB; OpenGL wants RGBA
	for ( int i=0; i < res.height(); i++ ) {
	    uint *p = (uint*)res.scanLine( i );
	    uint *end = p + res.width();
	    while ( p < end ) {
		*p <<= 8;
    else {
	// Qt has ARGB; OpenGL wants ABGR (i.e. RGBA backwards)
	res = res.swapRGB();
    return res;
void QAnimationWriter::appendFrame(const QImage& frm, const QPoint& offset)
    QImage frame = frm.convertDepth(32);
    const int alignx = 1;
    if ( dev ) {
        if ( prev.isNull() || !d->canCompose() ) {
        } else {
            bool done;
            int minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
            int w = frame.width();
            int h = frame.height();

            QRgb** jt = (QRgb**)frame.jumpTable();
            QRgb** pjt = (QRgb**)prev.jumpTable() + offset.y();

            // Find left edge of change
            done = FALSE;
            for (minx = 0; minx < w && !done; minx++) {
                for (int ty = 0; ty < h; ty++) {
                    if ( jt[ty][minx] != pjt[ty][minx+offset.x()] ) {
                        done = TRUE;

            // Find right edge of change
            done = FALSE;
            for (maxx = w-1; maxx >= 0 && !done; maxx--) {
                for (int ty = 0; ty < h; ty++) {
                    if ( jt[ty][maxx] != pjt[ty][maxx+offset.x()] ) {
                        done = TRUE;

            // Find top edge of change
            done = FALSE;
            for (miny = 0; miny < h && !done; miny++) {
                for (int tx = 0; tx < w; tx++) {
                    if ( jt[miny][tx] != pjt[miny][tx+offset.x()] ) {
                        done = TRUE;

            // Find right edge of change
            done = FALSE;
            for (maxy = h-1; maxy >= 0 && !done; maxy--) {
                for (int tx = 0; tx < w; tx++) {
                    if ( jt[maxy][tx] != pjt[maxy][tx+offset.x()] ) {
                        done = TRUE;

            if ( minx > maxx ) minx=maxx=0;
            if ( miny > maxy ) miny=maxy=0;

            if ( alignx > 1 ) {
                minx -= minx % alignx;
                maxx = maxx - maxx % alignx + alignx - 1;

            int dw = maxx-minx+1;
            int dh = maxy-miny+1;

            QImage diff(dw, dh, 32);

            int x, y;
            for (y = 0; y < dh; y++) {
                QRgb* li = (QRgb*)frame.scanLine(y+miny)+minx;
                QRgb* lp = (QRgb*)prev.scanLine(y+miny+offset.y())+minx+offset.x();
                QRgb* ld = (QRgb*)diff.scanLine(y);
                if ( alignx ) {
                    for (x = 0; x < dw; x+=alignx) {
                        int i;
                        for (i=0; i<alignx; i++) {
                            if ( li[x+i] != lp[x+i] )
                        if ( i == alignx ) {
                            // All the same
                            for (i=0; i<alignx; i++) {
                                ld[x+i] = qRgba(0,0,0,0);
                        } else {
                            // Some different
                            for (i=0; i<alignx; i++) {
                                ld[x+i] = 0xff000000 | li[x+i];
                } else {
                    for (x = 0; x < dw; x++) {
                        if ( li[x] != lp[x] )
                            ld[x] = 0xff000000 | li[x];
                            ld[x] = qRgba(0,0,0,0);
            qDebug("%d,%d  %d,%d",minx,miny,offset.x(),offset.y());
        if ( prev.isNull() || prev.size() == frame.size() && offset == QPoint(0,0) ) {
            prev = frame;
        } else {
Example #9
int main( int*, char**)
    QImage *img;

    img = new QImage( "in.png" );
    int w,h;
    int y;
    img->setAlphaBuffer( TRUE );
    *img = img->convertDepth( 32 );
    w = img->width();
    h = img->height();
#if 0
    for ( y = 0; y < h; y ++ ) {
	uint *line = (uint*)img->scanLine( y );
	for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ ) {
	    uint pixel = line[x];
	    int r = qRed(pixel);
	    int g = qGreen(pixel);
	    int b = qBlue(pixel);
	    int min = QMIN( r, QMIN( g, b ) );
	    int max = QMAX( r, QMAX( g, b ) );
	    r -= min;
	    g -= min;
	    b -= min;
	    if ( max !=min ) {
		r = (r*255)/(max-min);
		g = (g*255)/(max-min);
		b = (b*255)/(max-min);
	    int a = 255-min;
	    a -=  (max-min)/3; //hack more transparency for colors.
	    line[x] = qRgba( r, g, b, a );
    *img = img->smoothScale( w/2, h/2 );

    qDebug( "saving out.png");
    img->save( "out.png", "PNG" );
    w = img->width();
    h = img->height();
    QImage *img2 = new QImage( w, h, 32 );
    img2->setAlphaBuffer( TRUE );
    for ( y = 0; y < h; y++ ) {
	for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ ) {
	    QRgb shader = img->pixel( x, y );

	    int as = qAlpha(shader)/3;

	    int r = (qRed(shader)*(255-as))/255;
	    int g = (qGreen(shader)*(255-as))/255;
	    int b = (qBlue(shader)*(255-as))/255;

	    img2->setPixel( x, y, qRgba(r,g,b,as) ); 

    img2->save( "outshade.png", "PNG" );

get_transformed_pixmap(QPixmap* originalPixmap,
		       QPixmap* destPixmap,
		       int src_x, int src_y, 
		       int src_width, int src_height,
		       int transform,
		       bool hasAlpha) {

    QImage originalImage = originalPixmap->convertToImage();

    if ( hasAlpha ) {
	// Qt's handling of the alpha channel in the conversion
	// process between QPixmap and QImage is buggy.
	// If the pixmap's pixels only have alpha values 0x00 and 0xFF
	// then the resulting QImage from conversion will return
	// false for hasAlphaBuffer().
	// so we set our own flag instead of depending on Qt to 
	// maintain alpha information.

    /*Qt gives us this useful API that returns a section of a QImage*/
    QImage sectionImage  = originalImage.copy(src_x, src_y, 
					      src_width, src_height);
    /* Skip this pixel-by-pixel copy if there is no transform */
    if (0 != transform) {
	QImage sectionImage32bpp = sectionImage.convertDepth(32);
	QImage processedImage;
	int nXOriginSrc = 0;
	int nYOriginSrc = 0;
	int nWidth      = src_width;
	int nHeight     = src_height;
	/*scan length of the source image*/
	int imageWidth  = src_width;
	/*number of rows of the source image*/
	int imageHeight = src_height;
	int imgLen;
	int srcImgLen;
	int t_width;
	int t_height;
	int srcX;
	int srcY;
	int xStart;
	int yStart;
	int xIncr;
	int yIncr;
	int destX;
	int destY;
	int yCounter;
	int xCounter;
	int srcIndex;
	int destIndex;
	uchar* srcBits     = NULL;
	uchar* destBits    = NULL;
	uchar* srcBitsPtr  = NULL;
	uchar* destBitsPtr = NULL;
	/* set dimensions of image being created,
	   depending on transform */
	if (transform & TRANSFORM_INVERTED_AXES) {
	    t_width  = src_height;
	    t_height = src_width;
	} else {
	    t_width  = src_width;
	    t_height = src_height;
	/* width * height * 4 gives us the size of a 32 bpp image */
	imgLen = nWidth * nHeight << 2;
	srcImgLen = imageWidth  * imageHeight << 2;
	/* Qt specific */
	processedImage.create(t_width, t_height, 32);
	srcBits  = sectionImage32bpp.bits();
	destBits = processedImage.bits();
	/* ----------- */
	if (transform & TRANSFORM_Y_FLIP) {
	    yStart = nHeight-1;
	    yIncr = -1;
	} else {
	    yStart = 0;
	    yIncr = +1;
	if (transform & TRANSFORM_X_FLIP) {
	    xStart = nWidth-1;
	    xIncr = -1;
	} else {
	    xStart = 0;
	    xIncr = +1;
	srcBitsPtr  = srcBits;
	destBitsPtr = destBits;
	/* increment srcX,Y regular. increment destX,Y according to transform.
	   this makes handling of mask and alpha values easier */
	for (srcY = nYOriginSrc, destY = yStart, yCounter = 0; 
	     yCounter < nHeight; 
	     srcY++, destY+=yIncr, yCounter++) {
	    /* in the current implementation we have source bitmap
	       dimension as the width of the image and the height of the region
	       destination bitmap is of the dimensions of the region */
	    for (srcX = nXOriginSrc, destX = xStart, xCounter = 0; 
		 xCounter < nWidth; 
		 srcX++, destX+=xIncr, xCounter++) {
		if ( transform & TRANSFORM_INVERTED_AXES ) {
		    destIndex =  ( ( (destX) * t_width) + (destY) );
		} else {
		    destIndex =  ( ( (destY) * t_width) + (destX) );
		destBitsPtr =  destBits + (destIndex * 4) ;
		srcIndex = (((srcY) * imageWidth) + (srcX));
		srcBitsPtr = srcBits + (srcIndex * 4);
		/* copy the pixel that is pointed to */
		*((int *)destBitsPtr) = *((int *)srcBitsPtr);
	    } /*for x*/
	} /* for y */
	/* ---------- */

	if(TRUE == sectionImage.hasAlphaBuffer() ) {
	} else {
    } else {
	/* No transform, just copy the image sub-section */
extern "C" void gxpport_decodeimmutable_to_platformbuffer
(unsigned char* srcBuffer, long length, 
 unsigned char** ret_dataBuffer, long* ret_length,
 gxutl_native_image_error_codes* creationErrorPtr) {

    gxutl_image_format format;
    MIDP_ERROR err;
    unsigned int w, h;

    err = gxutl_image_get_info(srcBuffer, (unsigned int)length,
			       &format, &w, &h);
    switch (err) {

	break; /* continue */

    switch (format) {

        /* already in RAW format. make a copy */
	    unsigned char* dataBuffer = (unsigned char*) midpMalloc(length);
	    if (NULL == dataBuffer) {
	    } else {
		memcpy(dataBuffer, srcBuffer, length);
		*ret_dataBuffer = dataBuffer;
		*ret_length = length;

		*creationErrorPtr = GXUTL_NATIVE_IMAGE_NO_ERROR;

            QImage qimage;
            if (qimage.loadFromData((uchar*)srcBuffer, 
                                    (unsigned int)length)) {
                int imgWidth  = qimage.width();
                int imgHeight = qimage.height();
                if ((0 == imgWidth) || (0 == imgHeight)) {
                    *creationErrorPtr = GXUTL_NATIVE_IMAGE_DECODING_ERROR;
                } else {
                    QImage image;
                    if (IMAGE_DEPTH != qimage.depth()) {
                        image = qimage.convertDepth(IMAGE_DEPTH);
                    } else {
                        image = qimage;
                    *ret_length = offsetof(gxutl_image_buffer_raw, data)
				+ image.numBytes();

                    gxutl_image_buffer_raw *dataBuffer =
			(gxutl_image_buffer_raw *) midpMalloc(*ret_length);
                    if (NULL == dataBuffer) {
                        *creationErrorPtr = GXUTL_NATIVE_IMAGE_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR;
                    } else {
                        dataBuffer->width    = (unsigned int)imgWidth;
                        dataBuffer->height   = (unsigned int)imgHeight;
                        dataBuffer->hasAlpha = (unsigned int)image.hasAlphaBuffer();
                        memcpy(dataBuffer->header, gxutl_raw_header, 4);
                        memcpy(dataBuffer->data, image.bits(), image.numBytes());
                        *ret_dataBuffer = (unsigned char *)dataBuffer;
                        *creationErrorPtr = GXUTL_NATIVE_IMAGE_NO_ERROR;
            } else {
                *creationErrorPtr = GXUTL_NATIVE_IMAGE_DECODING_ERROR;

    } /* switch (format) */
Example #12
bool KImGalleryPlugin::createThumb( const QString& imgName, const QString& sourceDirName,
                                    const QString& imgGalleryDir, const QString& imageFormat)
    QImage img;
    const QString pixPath = sourceDirName + QString::fromLatin1("/") + imgName;

    if (m_copyFiles) {
        KURL srcURL = KURL::fromPathOrURL(pixPath);
        //kdDebug(90170) << "srcURL: " << srcURL << endl;
        KURL destURL = KURL::fromPathOrURL(imgGalleryDir + QString::fromLatin1("/images/") + imgName);
        //kdDebug(90170) << "destURL: " << destURL << endl;
        KIO::NetAccess::copy(srcURL, destURL, static_cast<KParts::Part *>(parent())->widget());

    const QString imgNameFormat = imgName + extension(imageFormat);
    const QString thumbDir = imgGalleryDir + QString::fromLatin1("/thumbs/");
    int extent = m_configDlg->getThumbnailSize();

    // this code is stolen from kdebase/kioslave/thumbnail/imagecreator.cpp
    // (c) 2000 gis and malte

    m_imgWidth = 120; // Setting the size of the images is
    m_imgHeight = 90; // required to generate faster 'loading' pages
    if ( img.load( pixPath ) )
        int w = img.width(), h = img.height();
        // scale to pixie size
        // kdDebug(90170) << "w: " << w << " h: " << h << endl;
        // Resizing if to big
        if(w > extent || h > extent)
            if(w > h)
                h = (int)( (double)( h * extent ) / w );
                if ( h == 0 ) h = 1;
                w = extent;
                Q_ASSERT( h <= extent );
                w = (int)( (double)( w * extent ) / h );
                if ( w == 0 ) w = 1;
                h = extent;
                Q_ASSERT( w <= extent );
            const QImage scaleImg(img.smoothScale( w, h ));
            if ( scaleImg.width() != w || scaleImg.height() != h )
                kdDebug(90170) << "Resizing failed. Aborting." << endl;
                return false;
            img = scaleImg;
            if (m_configDlg->colorDepthSet() == true )
                const QImage depthImg(img.convertDepth(m_configDlg->getColorDepth()));
                img = depthImg;
        kdDebug(90170) << "Saving thumbnail to: " << thumbDir + imgNameFormat  << endl;
        if (!img.save(thumbDir + imgNameFormat, imageFormat.latin1()))
            kdDebug(90170) << "Saving failed. Aborting." << endl;
            return false;
        m_imgWidth = w;
        m_imgHeight = h;
        return true;
    return false;
Example #13
void KdmPixmap::drawContents(QPainter *p, const QRect &r)
    // choose the correct pixmap class
    PixmapStruct::PixmapClass *pClass = &pixmap.normal;
    if(state == Sactive && pixmap.active.present)
        pClass = &pixmap.active;
    if(state == Sprelight && pixmap.prelight.present)
        pClass = &pixmap.prelight;

        if(pClass->fullpath.isEmpty()) // if neither is set, we're empty

        kdDebug() << "renderSVG\n";
        renderSvg(pClass, area);

    int px = area.left() + r.left();
    int py = area.top() + r.top();
    int sx = r.x();
    int sy = r.y();
    int sw = r.width();
    int sh = r.height();
    if(px < 0)
        px *= -1;
        sx += px;
        px = 0;
    if(py < 0)
        py *= -1;
        sy += py;
        py = 0;

        QImage scaledImage;

        // use the loaded pixmap or a scaled version if needed

        if(area.size() != pClass->pixmap.size())
                kdDebug() << "renderSVG\n";
                renderSvg(pClass, area);
                scaledImage = pClass->pixmap.convertToImage();
                kdDebug() << "convertFromImage\n";
                QImage tempImage = pClass->pixmap.convertToImage();
                scaledImage = tempImage.smoothScale(area.width(), area.height());
            scaledImage = pClass->pixmap.convertToImage();

        bool haveTint = pClass->tint.rgb() != 0xFFFFFF;
        bool haveAlpha = pClass->alpha < 1.0;

        if(haveTint || haveAlpha)
            // blend image(pix) with the given tint

            scaledImage = scaledImage.convertDepth(32);
            int w = scaledImage.width();
            int h = scaledImage.height();
            float tint_red = float(pClass->tint.red()) / 255;
            float tint_green = float(pClass->tint.green()) / 255;
            float tint_blue = float(pClass->tint.blue()) / 255;
            float tint_alpha = pClass->alpha;

            for(int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
                QRgb *ls = (QRgb *)scaledImage.scanLine(y);
                for(int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
                    QRgb l = ls[x];
                    int r = int(qRed(l) * tint_red);
                    int g = int(qGreen(l) * tint_green);
                    int b = int(qBlue(l) * tint_blue);
                    int a = int(qAlpha(l) * tint_alpha);
                    ls[x] = qRgba(r, g, b, a);

    // kdDebug() << "Pixmap::drawContents " << pClass->readyPixmap.size() << " " << px << " " << py << " " << sx << " " << sy << " " << sw << " " <<
    // sh << endl;
    p->drawPixmap(px, py, pClass->readyPixmap, sx, sy, sw, sh);