static PyObject *meth_QImageWriter_setFormat(PyObject *sipSelf, PyObject *sipArgs) { PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL; { const QByteArray* a0; int a0State = 0; QImageWriter *sipCpp; if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "BJ1", &sipSelf, sipType_QImageWriter, &sipCpp, sipType_QByteArray, &a0, &a0State)) { Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS sipCpp->setFormat(*a0); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS sipReleaseType(const_cast<QByteArray *>(a0),sipType_QByteArray,a0State); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } } /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */ sipNoMethod(sipParseErr, sipName_QImageWriter, sipName_setFormat, doc_QImageWriter_setFormat); return NULL; }
void diff_images(QImage *image1, QImage *image2, QString fileName) { // TODO: Check images size QImage* image3 = new QImage(image1->size(), QImage::Format_RGB32); for (int i = 0; i < image1->size().width(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < image1->size().height(); j++) { int p1 = qGray(image1->pixel(i,j)); int p2 = qGray(image2->pixel(i,j)); int p3 = p1-p2; double fSigma = 0.4 * 25.0; double diff = (static_cast<double>(p3)+ fSigma) * 255.0 / (2.0 * fSigma); if (diff < 0.0) diff = 0; if (diff > 255.5) diff = 255; p3 = diff; image3->setPixel(i,j,qRgb(p3,p3,p3)); } } QImageWriter* imageDiff = new QImageWriter(); imageDiff->setFileName(fileName); imageDiff->write(*image3); delete image3; delete imageDiff; }
void GraphicColumnWidget::slotExportToTiff() { QString fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Export Profile To Tiff..."), QDir::currentPath(), tr("TIFF Files (*.tif *.tiff *.Tif *.TIF *.TIFF *.Tiff)")); if (fn.isEmpty()) { return; } QImageWriter w; w.setFileName(fn); w.setFormat("TIFF"); QImage img(QSize((int)(_scene->width()), (int)(_scene->height())), QImage::Format_RGB32); QPainter painter(&img); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); _scene->render(&painter); painter.end(); if (w.write(img)) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Export Completed"), tr("Profile exported to <b>%1</b>.").arg(fn)); } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Export Failed"), tr("Could not export Profile: %1").arg(w.errorString())); } }
void image::sSave() { XSqlQuery newImage; if (__image.isNull()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("No Image Specified"), tr("You must load an image before you may save this record.") ); return; } if (_mode == cNew) { XSqlQuery imageid("SELECT NEXTVAL('image_image_id_seq') AS _image_id"); if (imageid.first()) _imageid = imageid.value("_image_id").toInt(); // ToDo QImageWriter imageIo; QBuffer imageBuffer; QString imageString;; imageIo.setDevice(&imageBuffer); imageIo.setFormat("PNG"); if (!imageIo.write(__image)) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error Saving Image"), tr("There was an error trying to save the image.") ); return; } imageBuffer.close(); imageString = QUUEncode(imageBuffer); newImage.prepare( "INSERT INTO image " "(image_id, image_name, image_descrip, image_data) " "VALUES " "(:image_id, :image_name, :image_descrip, :image_data);" ); newImage.bindValue(":image_id", _imageid); newImage.bindValue(":image_name", _name->text()); newImage.bindValue(":image_descrip", _descrip->toPlainText()); newImage.bindValue(":image_data", imageString); } else if (_mode == cEdit) { newImage.prepare( "UPDATE image " "SET image_name=:image_name, image_descrip=:image_descrip " "WHERE (image_id=:image_id);" ); newImage.bindValue(":image_id", _imageid); newImage.bindValue(":image_name", _name->text()); newImage.bindValue(":image_descrip", _descrip->toPlainText()); } newImage.exec(); done(_imageid); }
int main(int argv, char **args) { //! [0] QImageWriter writer; writer.setFormat("png"); if (writer.supportsOption(QImageIOHandler::Description)) qDebug() << "Png supports embedded text"; //! [0] return 0; }
void imageview::sSave() { XSqlQuery newImage; if (_mode == cNew) { if (!__imageview.isNull()) { XSqlQuery imageid("SELECT NEXTVAL('image_image_id_seq') AS _image_id"); if (imageid.first()) _imageviewid = imageid.value("_image_id").toInt(); // ToDo QImageWriter imageIo; QBuffer imageBuffer; QString imageString;; imageIo.setDevice(&imageBuffer); imageIo.setFormat("PNG"); if (!imageIo.write(__imageview)) { // ToDo - should issue an error here reject(); return; } imageBuffer.close(); imageString = QUUEncode(imageBuffer); newImage.prepare( "INSERT INTO image " "(image_id, image_name, image_descrip, image_data) " "VALUES " "(:image_id, :image_name, :image_descrip, :image_data);" ); newImage.bindValue(":image_id", _imageviewid); newImage.bindValue(":image_name", _name->text()); newImage.bindValue(":image_descrip", _descrip->toPlainText()); newImage.bindValue(":image_data", imageString); } } else if (_mode == cEdit) { newImage.prepare( "UPDATE image " "SET image_name=:image_name, image_descrip=:image_descrip " "WHERE (image_id=:image_id);" ); newImage.bindValue(":image_id", _imageviewid); newImage.bindValue(":image_name", _name->text()); newImage.bindValue(":image_descrip", _descrip->toPlainText()); } newImage.exec(); done(_imageviewid); }
QStringList MainWindow::do_run_jobs(QMap<QString, rc_map> &jobs) { QStringList failed, succeeded; QString propaganda = QString("Generated by Morning Star v%1").arg(mos_version); this->setEnabled(false); for(QMap<QString, rc_map>::const_iterator k = jobs.begin(); k != jobs.end(); ++k) { QImage rc; QImageWriter out; out.setFormat("png"); out.setFileName(k.key()); out.setText("", propaganda); if(rc_image(this->img_original_, rc, k.value()) && out.write(rc)) { succeeded.push_back(out.fileName()); } else { failed.push_back(out.fileName()); } } this->setEnabled(true); if(failed.isEmpty() != true) { throw failed; } return succeeded; }
bool SaveFilter::saveFullImage(const QuillImage &image) const { QImageWriter *writer; if (priv->iODevice) writer = new QImageWriter(priv->iODevice, priv->fileFormatQt.toLatin1()); else writer = new QImageWriter(priv->fileName); if (!priv->fileFormatQt.isNull()) writer->setFormat(priv->fileFormatQt.toLatin1()); bool ok = writer->write(image); if (!ok) const_cast<SaveFilter *>(this)->setError(writer->error()); delete writer; return ok; }
void MainWindow::exportImage() { QVector<CPoint> centroids = nGas.getCentroids(); QVector<KPoint> points = nGas.getPoints(); QImage image(imageSize,QImage::Format_RGB32); QProgressDialog progress(this); progress.setWindowTitle("Self-organizing maps"); progress.setLabelText("Generating file..."); progress.setModal(true);; int k = 0; for(int i=0;i<image.width();i++) { progress.setValue(((double)i / (double)image.width()) * 100); if(progress.wasCanceled()) return; for(int j=0;j<image.height();j++) { for(int d=0;d<centroids.size();d++) centroids[d].setDistance(Centroids::countDistance(centroids[d],points[k])); qSort(centroids.begin(),centroids.end(),SortByDistance()); image.setPixel(i,j,qRgb(centroids[0].paramAt(0),centroids[1].paramAt(1),centroids[2].paramAt(2))); k++; } } progress.setValue(100); QGraphicsScene* scene = new QGraphicsScene(this); ui->graphicsView_2->setScene(scene); scene->addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image.scaled(ui->graphicsView->width()*0.95,ui->graphicsView->height()*0.95))); ui->graphicsView_2->show(); QImageWriter writer; writer.setFileName(QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this,tr("Open image"),"C:\\Users\\GiBSoN\\Desktop",tr("Image files (*.jpg *.png)"))); writer.setFormat("jpg"); writer.setCompression(10); writer.write(image); }
void OpenGLHelpers::takeSnapshot(QString filename, int width, int height, int startY){ uchar * imageData = new uchar[4*width * height]; glReadPixels(0, startY,width, height,GL_BGRA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,(void *)imageData); int * vals = (int*)imageData, * lo, * hi; for(int row = 0; row < height/2; ++row){ hi = vals+row*width; lo = vals + (height - 1 - row)*width; for(int i = 0; i < width ; ++i) std::swap(hi[i],lo[i]); } QImage img = QImage(imageData,width,height,QImage::Format_ARGB32); QImageWriter * writer = new QImageWriter(filename); writer->setFormat("jpg"); writer->setQuality(100); writer->write(img); delete writer; delete [] imageData; }
static QByteArray randomJPEGByteArray(int w=512, int h=512, int q=85 ) { QImage image=randomImage(w,h); QBuffer bu;; QImageWriter iw; iw.setFormat("jpeg"); iw.setDevice(&bu); iw.setOptimizedWrite(true ); iw.setQuality(q); iw.setCompression(9); iw.setProgressiveScanWrite(true ); iw.write( image ); bu.close(); QByteArray ba=bu.buffer(); //utility::byteArrayToFile("random_test.jpeg",ba ); //qDebug()<<"Random JPEG image of size "<<w<<"x"<<h<<" was "<< utility::humanReadableSize(ba.size())<< "("<<(qreal)ba.size()/((qreal)w*h) << " bytes/pixel)"; return ba; }
/** * @return Path to the thumbnail of the given DXF file. If no thumbnail exists, one is * created in the user's home. If no thumbnail can be created, an empty string is returned. */ QString QG_LibraryWidget::getPathToPixmap(const QString& dir, const QString& dxfFile, const QString& dxfPath) { // the thumbnail must be created in the user's home. #if QT_VERSION < 0x040400 QString iconCacheLocation = emu_qt44_storageLocationData() + QDir::separator() + "iconCache" + QDir::separator(); #elif QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 QString iconCacheLocation=QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation) + QDir::separator() + "iconCache" + QDir::separator(); #else QString iconCacheLocation=QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DataLocation) + QDir::separator() + "iconCache" + QDir::separator(); #endif RS_DEBUG->print("QG_LibraryWidget::getPathToPixmap: " "dir: '%s' dxfFile: '%s' dxfPath: '%s'", dir.toLatin1().data(), dxfFile.toLatin1().data(), dxfPath.toLatin1().data()); // List of all directories that contain part libraries: QStringList directoryList = RS_SYSTEM->getDirectoryList("library"); directoryList.prepend(iconCacheLocation); QStringList::Iterator it; QFileInfo fiDxf(dxfPath); QString itemDir; QString pngPath; // look in all possible system directories for PNG files // in the current library path: for (it=directoryList.begin(); it!=directoryList.end(); ++it) { itemDir = (*it)+dir; pngPath = itemDir + QDir::separator() + fiDxf.baseName() + ".png"; RS_DEBUG->print("QG_LibraryWidget::getPathToPixmap: checking: '%s'", pngPath.toLatin1().data()); QFileInfo fiPng(pngPath); // the thumbnail exists: if (fiPng.isFile()) { RS_DEBUG->print("QG_LibraryWidget::getPathToPixmap: dxf date: %s, png date: %s", fiDxf.lastModified().toString().toLatin1().data(), fiPng.lastModified().toString().toLatin1().data()); if (fiPng.lastModified() > fiDxf.lastModified()) { RS_DEBUG->print("QG_LibraryWidget::getPathToPixmap: thumbnail found: '%s'", pngPath.toLatin1().data()); return pngPath; } else { RS_DEBUG->print("QG_LibraryWidget::getPathToPixmap: thumbnail needs to be updated: '%s'", pngPath.toLatin1().data()); } } } // create all directories needed: RS_SYSTEM->createPaths(iconCacheLocation + dir); // QString foo=iconCacheLocation + dir + QDir::separator() + fiDxf.baseName() + ".png"; pngPath = iconCacheLocation + dir + QDir::separator() + fiDxf.baseName() + ".png"; QPixmap* buffer = new QPixmap(128,128); RS_PainterQt painter(buffer); painter.setBackground(RS_Color(255,255,255)); painter.eraseRect(0,0, 128,128); RS_StaticGraphicView gv(128,128, &painter); RS_Graphic graphic; if (, RS2::FormatUnknown)) { gv.setContainer(&graphic); gv.zoomAuto(false); // gv.drawEntity(&graphic, true); for (RS_Entity* e=graphic.firstEntity(RS2::ResolveAll); e; e=graphic.nextEntity(RS2::ResolveAll)) { if (e->rtti() != RS2::EntityHatch){ RS_Pen pen = e->getPen(); pen.setColor(Qt::black); e->setPen(pen); } gv.drawEntity(&painter, e); } QImageWriter iio; QImage img; img = buffer->toImage(); img = img.scaled(64,64, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); // iio.setImage(img); iio.setFileName(pngPath); iio.setFormat("PNG"); if (!iio.write(img)) { pngPath = ""; RS_DEBUG->print(RS_Debug::D_ERROR, "QG_LibraryWidget::getPathToPixmap: Cannot write thumbnail: '%s'", pngPath.toLatin1().data()); } } else { RS_DEBUG->print(RS_Debug::D_ERROR, "QG_LibraryWidget::getPathToPixmap: Cannot open file: '%s'", dxfPath.toLatin1().data()); } // GraphicView deletes painter painter.end(); delete buffer; return pngPath; }
QImage* nlm_filter(QImage* image, QSize size, int d, int ld, double sigma) { int pW = size.width()+d-(d%2!=0?1:0); int pH = size.height()+d-(d%2!=0?1:0); QImage* imageFiltered = new QImage(pW, pH, QImage::Format_RGB32); QImage* tmpImage1 = new QImage(pW, pH, QImage::Format_RGB32); nlm_increse_image(image, imageFiltered, size, d); double** redArray = new double*[pW]; double** greenArray = new double*[pW]; double** blueArray = new double*[pW]; double** redArrayOutput = new double*[pW]; double** greenArrayOutput = new double*[pW]; double** blueArrayOutput = new double*[pW]; createColorArrays(redArray, greenArray, blueArray, imageFiltered, pW, pH); createColorArrays(redArrayOutput, greenArrayOutput, blueArrayOutput, tmpImage1, pW, pH); #ifdef MTHREADING QFuture<void> prRed = QtConcurrent::run( processColorArray, redArray, redArrayOutput, FilterParam(QSize(pW, pH), d, ld, sigma) ); QFuture<void> prGreen = QtConcurrent::run( processColorArray, greenArray, greenArrayOutput, FilterParam(QSize(pW, pH), d, ld, sigma) ); QFuture<void> prBlue = QtConcurrent::run( processColorArray, blueArray, blueArrayOutput, FilterParam(QSize(pW, pH), d, ld, sigma) ); prRed.waitForFinished(); prGreen.waitForFinished(); prBlue.waitForFinished(); #else processColorArray(redArray, redArrayOutput, FilterParam(QSize(pW, pH), d, ld, sigma)); processColorArray(greenArray, greenArrayOutput, FilterParam(QSize(pW, pH), d, ld, sigma)); processColorArray(blueArray, blueArrayOutput, FilterParam(QSize(pW, pH), d, ld, sigma)); #endif QImage* tmpImage = new QImage(size, QImage::Format_RGB32); createImageFromColors(redArrayOutput, greenArrayOutput, blueArrayOutput, tmpImage, pW, pH, d); deleteColorsArrays(redArray, greenArray, blueArray, pW); deleteColorsArrays(redArrayOutput, greenArrayOutput, blueArrayOutput, pW); QImageWriter* writer = new QImageWriter(); writer->setFileName("tmp.png"); writer->write(*tmpImage); delete tmpImage1; delete imageFiltered; return tmpImage; }
int LoadImage::writeToDB(const QByteArray &pdata, const QString pkgname, QString &errMsg) { if (pdata.isEmpty()) { errMsg = TR("<font color=orange>The image %1 is empty.</font>") .arg(_name); return -2; } QString encodeddata; if (DEBUG) qDebug("LoadImage::writeToDB(): image starts with %s", pdata.left(10).data()); if (QString(pdata.left(pdata.indexOf("\n"))).contains(QRegExp("^\\s*begin \\d+ \\S+"))) { if (DEBUG) qDebug("LoadImage::writeToDB() image is already uuencoded"); encodeddata = pdata; } else { // there's just GOT to be a better way to do this QImageWriter imageIo; QBuffer imageBuffer;; imageIo.setDevice(&imageBuffer); imageIo.setFormat(_filename.right(_filename.size() - _filename.lastIndexOf(".") - 1).toAscii()); if (DEBUG) qDebug("LoadImage::writeToDB() image has format %s", imageIo.format().data()); QImage image; image.loadFromData(pdata); if (!imageIo.write(image)) { errMsg = TR("<font color=orange>Error processing image %1: " "<br>%2</font>") .arg(_name).arg(imageIo.errorString()); return -3; } imageBuffer.close(); encodeddata = QUUEncode(imageBuffer); if (DEBUG) qDebug("LoadImage::writeToDB() image was uuencoded: %s", qPrintable(encodeddata.left(160))); } QSqlQuery select; QSqlQuery upsert; int imageid = -1; int pkgheadid = -1; int pkgitemid = -1; if (pkgname.isEmpty()) select.prepare(QString("SELECT image_id, -1, -1" " FROM %1image " " WHERE (image_name=:name);") .arg(_system ? "" : "pkg")); else select.prepare(_pkgitemQueryStr); select.bindValue(":name", _name); select.bindValue(":pkgname", pkgname); select.bindValue(":grade", _grade); select.bindValue(":type", _pkgitemtype); select.exec(); if(select.first()) { imageid = select.value(0).toInt(); pkgheadid = select.value(1).toInt(); pkgitemid = select.value(2).toInt(); } else if (select.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) { QSqlError err = select.lastError(); errMsg = _sqlerrtxt.arg(_filename).arg(err.driverText()).arg(err.databaseText()); return -5; } if (imageid >= 0) upsert.prepare(QString("UPDATE %1image " " SET image_data=:source," " image_descrip=:notes " " WHERE (image_id=:id); ") .arg(_system ? "" : "pkg")); else { upsert.prepare("SELECT NEXTVAL('image_image_id_seq');"); upsert.exec(); if (upsert.first()) imageid = upsert.value(0).toInt(); else if (upsert.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) { QSqlError err = upsert.lastError(); errMsg = _sqlerrtxt.arg(_filename).arg(err.driverText()).arg(err.databaseText()); return -6; } upsert.prepare(QString("INSERT INTO %1image " "(image_id, image_name, image_data, image_descrip) " "VALUES (:id, :name, :source, :notes);") .arg(_system ? "" : "pkg")); } upsert.bindValue(":id", imageid); upsert.bindValue(":source", encodeddata); upsert.bindValue(":notes", _comment); upsert.bindValue(":name", _name); if (!upsert.exec()) { QSqlError err = upsert.lastError(); errMsg = _sqlerrtxt.arg(_filename).arg(err.driverText()).arg(err.databaseText()); return -7; } if (pkgheadid >= 0) { int tmp = upsertPkgItem(pkgitemid, pkgheadid, imageid, errMsg); if (tmp < 0) return tmp; } return imageid; }
void River::generateImages(QVector<QImage> &images, QVector<QString> & stockNames, QMutex &imageMutex, Statistics & stats) { imageMutex.lock(); #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp for for(int imageIndex = 0; imageIndex < NUM_IMAGES; imageIndex++){ QColor color("black"); images[imageIndex].fill(color.rgb()); } #pragma omp for for(int i = 0; i < p.getSize(); i++){ if(!p.hasWater[i]) { continue; } int x = p.pxcor[i]; int y = p.pycor[i]; QColor macroColor = getHeatMapColor(p.macro[i], stats.avgMacro, stats.maxMacro); QColor phytoColor = getHeatMapColor(p.phyto[i], stats.avgPhyto, stats.maxPhyto); QColor herbivoreColor = getHeatMapColor(p.herbivore[i], stats.avgHerbivore, stats.maxHerbivore); QColor waterDecompColor = getHeatMapColor(p.waterdecomp[i], stats.avgWaterDecomp, stats.maxWaterDecomp); QColor sedDecompColor = getHeatMapColor(p.seddecomp[i], stats.avgSedDecomp, stats.maxSedDecomp); QColor sedConsumerColor = getHeatMapColor(p.sedconsumer[i], stats.avgSedConsumer, stats.maxSedConsumer); QColor consumColor = getHeatMapColor(p.consumer[i], stats.avgConsum, stats.maxConsum); QColor DOCColor = getHeatMapColor(p.DOC[i], stats.avgDOC, stats.maxDOC); QColor POCColor = getHeatMapColor(p.POC[i], stats.avgPOC, stats.maxPOC); QColor detritusColor = getHeatMapColor(p.detritus[i], stats.avgDetritus, stats.maxDetritus); images[STOCK_MACRO].setPixel( x, y, macroColor.rgb()); images[STOCK_PHYTO].setPixel(x, y, phytoColor.rgb()); images[STOCK_HERBIVORE].setPixel(x, y, herbivoreColor.rgb()); images[STOCK_WATERDECOMP].setPixel( x, y, waterDecompColor.rgb()); images[STOCK_SEDDECOMP].setPixel(x, y, sedDecompColor.rgb()); images[STOCK_SEDCONSUMER].setPixel(x, y, sedConsumerColor.rgb()); images[STOCK_CONSUMER].setPixel(x, y, consumColor.rgb()); images[STOCK_DOC].setPixel(x, y, DOCColor.rgb()); images[STOCK_POC].setPixel(x, y, POCColor.rgb()); images[STOCK_DETRITUS].setPixel(x, y, detritusColor.rgb()); int patchCarbon = p.macro[i] + p.phyto[i] + p.herbivore[i] + p.waterdecomp[i] + p.seddecomp[i] + p.sedconsumer[i] + p.consumer[i] + p.DOC[i] + p.POC[i] + p.detritus[i]; QColor allCarbonColor = getHeatMapColor(patchCarbon, stats.avgCarbon, stats.maxCarbon); images[STOCK_ALL_CARBON].setPixel(x, y, allCarbonColor.rgb()); } //Due to the layout of the hydrofiles, the river will appear upside down if we don't flip it. #pragma omp for for(int imageIndex = 0; imageIndex < NUM_IMAGES; imageIndex++){ images[imageIndex] = images[imageIndex].mirrored(false,true); } } imageMutex.unlock(); QImageWriter writer; writer.setFormat("png"); for(int i = 0; i < NUM_IMAGES; i++){ QString date_time_str = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("_MMM_d_H_mm_ss"); QString fileName = "./results/images/" + stockNames[i] + date_time_str + ".png"; writer.setFileName(fileName); writer.write(images[i]); } }
// // save image in the opengl texture into file // bool frag_pane::saveImage( const QString strFile ) { bool bRetCode = false; QImageWriter writer; int nWidth, nHeight; int k, iRow, i, j, iRed, iGreen, iBlue; QImage *img = NULL; GLubyte *image = NULL; if( !validImageProc( ) ) { goto PIX_EXIT; } if( !_out_fbo ) { goto PIX_EXIT; } nWidth = _out_fbo->size().width( ); nHeight = _out_fbo->size().height( ); // get the buffer into texture _out_fbo->bind( ); glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); glViewport( 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight ); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho( 0.0, nWidth, 0.0, nHeight, -1.0, 1.0 ); glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); glLoadIdentity( ); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, _out_fbo->texture( ) ); image = new GLubyte[nHeight*nWidth*4]; if( !image ) { qDebug() << "ERROR! Memory Allocation Failed."; goto PIX_EXIT; } glReadPixels( 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image ); // *** create image *** img = new QImage( nWidth, nHeight, QImage::Format_RGB888 ); if( !img ) { qDebug() << "ERROR! Failed to Create QImage."; goto PIX_EXIT; } for( i = 0; i < nHeight; i++ ) { iRow = nHeight - i - 1; for( j = 0 ; j < nWidth ; j++ ) { k = i * nWidth + j; iRed = (int)image[k*3]; iGreen = (int)image[k*3+1]; iBlue = (int)image[k*3+2]; img->setPixel( j, iRow, qRgb( iRed, iGreen, iBlue ) ); } } // save the image writer.setFileName( strFile ); if( !writer.canWrite( ) ) { qDebug() << "ERROR! Can't write to this file " << strFile; goto PIX_EXIT; } if( !writer.write( *img ) ) { qDebug() << "ERROR! Failed to read image " << strFile; goto PIX_EXIT; } _out_fbo->release( ); // --- DONE --- bRetCode = true; PIX_EXIT: if( image ) { delete[] image; image = NULL; } if( img ) { delete img; img = NULL; } return bRetCode; }
int LoadImage::writeToDB(const QByteArray &pdata, const QString pkgname, QString &errMsg) { if (pdata.isEmpty()) { errMsg = TR("<font color=orange>The image %1 is empty.</font>") .arg(_name); return -2; } QByteArray encodeddata; if (DEBUG) qDebug("LoadImage::writeToDB(): image starts with %s", pdata.left(10).data()); if (QString(pdata.left(pdata.indexOf("\n"))).contains(QRegExp("^\\s*begin \\d+ \\S+"))) { if (DEBUG) qDebug("LoadImage::writeToDB() image is already uuencoded"); encodeddata = pdata; } else { // there's just GOT to be a better way to do this QImageWriter imageIo; QBuffer imageBuffer;; imageIo.setDevice(&imageBuffer); imageIo.setFormat(_filename.right(_filename.size() - _filename.lastIndexOf(".") - 1).toAscii()); if (DEBUG) qDebug("LoadImage::writeToDB() image has format %s", imageIo.format().data()); QImage image; image.loadFromData(pdata); if (!imageIo.write(image)) { errMsg = TR("<font color=orange>Error processing image %1: " "<br>%2</font>") .arg(_name).arg(imageIo.errorString()); return -3; } imageBuffer.close(); encodeddata = QUUEncode(imageBuffer).toAscii(); if (DEBUG) qDebug("LoadImage::writeToDB() image was uuencoded: %s", encodeddata.left(160).data()); } _selectMql = new MetaSQLQuery("SELECT image_id, -1, -1" " FROM <? literal(\"tablename\") ?> " " WHERE (image_name=<? value(\"name\") ?>);"); _updateMql = new MetaSQLQuery("UPDATE <? literal(\"tablename\") ?> " " SET image_data=<? value(\"source\") ?>," " image_descrip=<? value(\"notes\") ?> " " WHERE (image_id=<? value(\"id\") ?>) " "RETURNING image_id AS id;"); _insertMql = new MetaSQLQuery("INSERT INTO <? literal(\"tablename\") ?> (" " image_id, image_name, image_data, image_descrip" ") VALUES (" " DEFAULT, <? value(\"name\") ?>," " <? value(\"source\") ?>, <? value(\"notes\") ?>) " "RETURNING image_id AS id;"); ParameterList params; params.append("tablename", "image"); return Loadable::writeToDB(encodeddata, pkgname, errMsg, params); }
QVariant QXcbMime::mimeConvertToFormat(QXcbConnection *connection, xcb_atom_t a, const QByteArray &data, const QString &format, QVariant::Type requestedType, const QByteArray &encoding) { QString atomName = mimeAtomToString(connection, a); // qDebug() << "mimeConvertDataToFormat" << format << atomName << data; if (!encoding.isEmpty() && atomName == format + QLatin1String(";charset=") + QString::fromLatin1(encoding)) { #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCODEC if (requestedType == QVariant::String) { QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(encoding); if (codec) return codec->toUnicode(data); } #endif return data; } // special cases for string types if (format == QLatin1String("text/plain")) { if (a == connection->atom(QXcbAtom::UTF8_STRING)) return QString::fromUtf8(data); if (a == XCB_ATOM_STRING || a == connection->atom(QXcbAtom::TEXT)) return QString::fromLatin1(data); } // special case for uri types if (format == QLatin1String("text/uri-list")) { if (atomName == QLatin1String("text/x-moz-url")) { // we expect this as utf16 <url><space><title> // the first part is a url that should only contain ascci char // so it should be safe to check that the second char is 0 // to verify that it is utf16 if (data.size() > 1 && == 0) return QString::fromRawData((const QChar *)data.constData(), data.size() / 2).split(QLatin1Char('\n')).first().toLatin1(); } } if (atomName == format) return data; #if 0 // ### // special case for images if (format == QLatin1String("image/ppm")) { if (a == XCB_ATOM_PIXMAP && data.size() == sizeof(Pixmap)) { Pixmap xpm = *((Pixmap*); if (!xpm) return QByteArray(); Window root; int x; int y; uint width; uint height; uint border_width; uint depth; XGetGeometry(display, xpm, &root, &x, &y, &width, &height, &border_width, &depth); XImage *ximg = XGetImage(display,xpm,x,y,width,height,AllPlanes,depth==1 ? XYPixmap : ZPixmap); QImage qimg = QXlibStatic::qimageFromXImage(ximg); XDestroyImage(ximg); QImageWriter imageWriter; imageWriter.setFormat("PPMRAW"); QBuffer buf;; imageWriter.setDevice(&buf); imageWriter.write(qimg); return buf.buffer(); } } #endif return QVariant(); }