 * \brief The OfflineMessageManager::offlineMessageManagerReply method parse an offline message query an return response
 * \param iqXML
 * \param iqFrom
 * \return QByteArray
QByteArray OfflineMessageManager::offlineMessageManagerReply(QDomDocument document, QString iqFrom)
    QString id = document.documentElement().attribute("id", Utils::generateId());
    QString offlineFirstChildTagName = document.documentElement().firstChildElement().firstChildElement().tagName();
    if (offlineFirstChildTagName == "fetch")
        QMultiHash<QString, QByteArray> messageList = getAllOfflineMessage(Utils::getBareJid(iqFrom));
        QList<QString> keyList = messageList.keys();

        QByteArray allMessages;
        foreach (QString key, keyList)
            QDomDocument document;

            QDomElement offlineElement = document.createElement("offline");
            offlineElement.setAttribute("xmlns", "http://jabber.org/protocol/offline");

            QDomElement item = document.createElement("item");
            item.setAttribute("node", key);

            allMessages += document.toByteArray();
bool QVCardRestoreHandler::propertyProcessed(
        const QVersitProperty& property,
        QList<QContactDetail>* updatedDetails)
    bool success = false;
    QString group;
    if (!property.groups().isEmpty())
        group = property.groups().first();
    if (property.name() == PropertyName) {
        if (property.groups().size() != 1)
            return false;
        QMultiHash<QString, QString> parameters = property.parameters();
        QContactDetail::DetailType detailType = QContactDetail::DetailType(parameters.value(DetailTypeParameter).toUInt());
        QString fieldName = parameters.value(FieldParameter);
        // Find a detail previously seen with the same definitionName, which was generated from
        // a property from the same group
        QContactDetail detail(detailType);
        foreach (const QContactDetail& previousDetail, mDetailGroupMap.detailsInGroup(group)) {
            if (previousDetail.type() == detailType) {
                detail = previousDetail;
        // If not found, it's a new empty detail with the definitionName set.

        detail.setValue(fieldName.toInt(), deserializeValue(property));

        // Replace the equivalent detail in updatedDetails with the new one
        QMutableListIterator<QContactDetail> it(*updatedDetails);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (it.next().key() == detail.key()) {
        success = true;
    if (!group.isEmpty()) {
        // Keep track of which details were generated from which Versit groups
        foreach (const QContactDetail& detail, *updatedDetails) {
            mDetailGroupMap.insert(group, detail);
void DayViewModel::assignDisplayValues()
    int count = itemsList.count();

    if(count == 0)

    QMultiHash<int,int> hashmap;

    //Counting how many items start at an index
    for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
        int index = 0,itemCount=0;

        CalendarDataItem *calItem = ((CalendarDataItem*)(itemsList.at(i)));
        index = computeStartIndex(calItem->startTime);
        ((CalendarDataItem*)(itemsList.at(i)))->startIndex = index;
        ((CalendarDataItem*)(itemsList.at(i)))->xUnits = 0;
        ((CalendarDataItem*)(itemsList.at(i)))->yUnits = 0;
        ((CalendarDataItem*)(itemsList.at(i)))->widthUnits = 1.0;
        double htVal = (calItem->startTime.secsTo(calItem->endTime) / (60.0*30.0));
        if(htVal<0.5) {
            htVal = 0.5;
        htVal = round(htVal);
        ((CalendarDataItem*)(itemsList.at(i)))->heightUnits = htVal;
        qDebug()<<"xUnits="<<calItem->xUnits<<",yUnits="<<calItem->yUnits<<",widthUnits="<<calItem->widthUnits<<", heightUnits="<<calItem->heightUnits<<",startIndex="<<calItem->startIndex;

        for(int j=0;j<calItem->heightUnits;j++) {
            if(hashmap.count(index+j) == 0) {
                itemCount = 1;
            } else {
                itemCount = hashmap.value(index+j);


    //Assign width values based on number of items at an index and their height
    for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
        CalendarDataItem *calItem = ((CalendarDataItem*)(itemsList.at(i)));
        int startIndex = calItem->startIndex;
        int htUnits = calItem->heightUnits;
        int maxCount=1,tmpVal=0;

        for(int j=0;j<htUnits;j++) {
            tmpVal = hashmap.value(startIndex+j);
            if(tmpVal>maxCount) {
                maxCount = tmpVal;

        calItem->widthUnits = (calItem->widthUnits)/maxCount;

    //Assign xUnits value
    QMultiHash<int,int> xOffsetHashmap;

    for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
        int itemCount=0;
        CalendarDataItem *calItem = ((CalendarDataItem*)(itemsList.at(i)));
        int startIndex = calItem->startIndex;
        int htUnits = calItem->heightUnits;
        int maxCount=0,tmpVal=0;

        for(int j=0;j<htUnits;j++) {
            tmpVal = xOffsetHashmap.value(startIndex+j);
            if(tmpVal>maxCount) {
                maxCount = tmpVal;
        for(int j=0;j<htUnits;j++) {
            if(xOffsetHashmap.count(startIndex+j) == 0) {
                itemCount = 1;
            } else {
                itemCount = xOffsetHashmap.value(startIndex+j);


Example #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  QxtCommandOptions options;

  options.add(CL_HELP, "display this help message",
  options.add(CL_NKEYS, "number of keys to generate",
  options.add(CL_PUBDIR, "directory in which to put public keys (default=./keys/pub)",
  options.add(CL_PRIVDIR, "directory in which to put private keys (default=./keys/priv)",
  options.add(CL_KEYTYPE, "specify the key type (default=dsa, options=dsa|rsa)",
  options.add(CL_LIB, "specify the library (default=cryptopp, options=cryptopp)",
  options.add(CL_RAND, "specify the base properties for the key (default=NULL)",
  options.add(CL_DEBUG, "enable debugging",

  options.parse(argc, argv);

  if(options.count(CL_HELP) || options.showUnrecognizedWarning()) {
    return -1;

  QMultiHash<QString, QVariant> params = options.parameters();

  int key_count = params.value(CL_NKEYS, 1).toInt();
  if(key_count < 1) {
    ExitWithWarning(options, "Invalid nkeys");

  QString pubdir_path = params.value(CL_PUBDIR, DEFAULT_PUBDIR).toString();
  QDir pubdir(pubdir_path);
  if(!pubdir.exists()) {

  if(!pubdir.exists()) {
    ExitWithWarning(options, "Unable to create pubdir");

  QString privdir_path = params.value(CL_PRIVDIR, DEFAULT_PRIVDIR).toString();
  QDir privdir(privdir_path);
  if(!privdir.exists()) {

  if(!privdir.exists()) {
    ExitWithWarning(options, "Unable to create privdir");

  if(params.contains(CL_DEBUG)) {

  QString lib_name = params.value(CL_LIB, "cryptopp").toString();
  QString key = params.value(CL_KEYTYPE, "dsa").toString();

  CryptoFactory &cf = CryptoFactory::GetInstance();
  QSharedPointer<CreateKey> ck(new CreateKey());
  if(lib_name == "cryptopp") {
    if(key == "dsa") {
      if(params.contains(CL_RAND)) {
        ck = QSharedPointer<CreateKey>(
            new CreateSeededDsaKey(params.value(CL_RAND).toString()));
    } else if (key == "rsa") {
    } else {
      ExitWithWarning(options, "Invalid key type");
  } else {
    ExitWithWarning(options, "Invalid library");

  Library *lib = cf.GetLibrary();
  QSharedPointer<Hash> hash(lib->GetHashAlgorithm());

  int count = 0;
  while(count < key_count) {
    QSharedPointer<AsymmetricKey> key((*ck)());
    QSharedPointer<AsymmetricKey> pubkey(key->GetPublicKey());
    QByteArray hvalue = hash->ComputeHash(pubkey->GetByteArray());
    QString id = Integer(hvalue).ToString();

    if(!key->Save(privdir_path + QDir::separator() + id)) {
      qFatal("Could not save private key");

    if(!pubkey->Save(pubdir_path + QDir::separator() + id + ".pub")) {
      qFatal("Could not save private key");


  return 0;
QString timetrackerstorage::load(TaskView* view, const QString &fileName)
// loads data from filename into view. If no filename is given, filename from preferences is used.
// filename might be of use if this program is run as embedded konqueror plugin.
    Q_UNUSED(fileName); // TODO: receive changes from akonadi
    kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
    QString err;
    KEMailSettings settings;

    // If file doesn't exist, create a blank one to avoid ResourceLocal load
    // error.  We make it user and group read/write, others read.  This is
    // masked by the users umask.  (See man creat)
    if ( d->mCalendar )
    // Create local file resource and add to resources
    d->mICalFile = "";
    d->mCalendar = KTTCalendar::createInstance();

    QObject::connect( d->mCalendar.data(), SIGNAL(calendarChanged()),
                      view, SLOT(iCalFileModified()) );
    d->mCalendar->setTimeSpec( KSystemTimeZones::local() );

    // Claim ownership of iCalendar file if no one else has.
    KCalCore::Person::Ptr owner = d->mCalendar->owner();
    if ( owner && owner->isEmpty() )
        // TODO
        d->mCalendar->setOwner( KCalCore::Person::Ptr(
           new KCalCore::Person( settings.getSetting( KEMailSettings::RealName ),
                                 settings.getSetting( KEMailSettings::EmailAddress ) ) ) );

    // TODO
    // Build task view from iCal data
    if (!err.isEmpty())
        KCalCore::Todo::List todoList;
        KCalCore::Todo::List::ConstIterator todo;
        QMultiHash< QString, Task* > map;

        // Build dictionary to look up Task object from Todo uid.  Each task is a
        // QListViewItem, and is initially added with the view as the parent.
        todoList = d->mCalendar->rawTodos();
        kDebug(5970) << "timetrackerstorage::load"
            << "rawTodo count (includes completed todos) ="
            << todoList.count();
        for (todo = todoList.constBegin(); todo != todoList.constEnd(); ++todo)
            Task* task = new Task(*todo, view);
            map.insert( (*todo)->uid(), task );

        // Load each task under it's parent task.
        for (todo = todoList.constBegin(); todo != todoList.constEnd(); ++todo)
            Task* task = map.value( (*todo)->uid() );
            // No relatedTo incident just means this is a top-level task.
            if ( !(*todo)->relatedTo().isEmpty() )
                Task *newParent = map.value( (*todo)->relatedTo() );

                // Complete the loading but return a message
                if ( !newParent )
                    err = i18n("Error loading \"%1\": could not find parent (uid=%2)",
                        task->name(), (*todo)->relatedTo()  );

                if (!err.isEmpty()) task->move( newParent );

        kDebug(5970) << "timetrackerstorage::load - loaded" << view->count()
            << "tasks from" << d->mICalFile;

    if ( view ) buildTaskView(d->mCalendar->weakPointer(), view);

    this->save(view); // FIXME ?

    return err;
QString timetrackerstorage::buildTaskView( const KTimeTracker::KTTCalendar::Ptr &calendar,
                                           TaskView *view )
// makes *view contain the tasks out of *rc.
    kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
    QString err;
    KCalCore::Todo::List todoList;
    KCalCore::Todo::List::ConstIterator todo;
    QMultiHash< QString, Task* > map;
    QVector<QString> runningTasks;
    QVector<QDateTime> startTimes;

    // remember tasks that are running and their start times
    QTreeWidgetItemIterator it( view );
    while ( *it )
        Task *task = static_cast< Task* >( *it );
        if ( task->isRunning() )
            runningTasks.append( task->uid() );
            startTimes.append( task->startTime() );

    todoList = calendar->rawTodos();
    for ( todo = todoList.constBegin(); todo != todoList.constEnd(); ++todo )
        Task* task = new Task(*todo, view);
        task->setWhatsThis(0,i18n("The task name is what you call the task, it can be chosen freely."));
        task->setWhatsThis(1,i18n("The session time is the time since you last chose \"start new session.\""));
        map.insert( (*todo)->uid(), task );

    // 1.1. Load each task under it's parent task.
    for( todo = todoList.constBegin(); todo != todoList.constEnd(); ++todo )
        Task* task = map.value( (*todo)->uid() );
        // No relatedTo incident just means this is a top-level task.
        if ( !(*todo)->relatedTo().isEmpty() )
            Task* newParent = map.value( (*todo)->relatedTo() );
            // Complete the loading but return a message
            if ( !newParent )
                err = i18n("Error loading \"%1\": could not find parent (uid=%2)",
            else task->move( newParent );

    // restart tasks that have been running with their start times
    for ( int i=0; i<view->count(); i++)
        for ( int n = 0; n < runningTasks.count(); ++n )
            if ( runningTasks[n] == view->itemAt(i)->uid() )
                view->startTimerFor( view->itemAt(i), startTimes[n] );

    return err;
 * Handles incoming HTTP requests and dispatches them to the appropriate service.
 * The \a requestID is an opaque value generated by the connector.
 * Subclasses may override this function to perform preprocessing on each
 * request, but they must call the base class implementation in order to
 * generate and dispatch the appropriate events.
 * To facilitate use with multi-threaded applications, the event will remain
 * valid until a response is posted.
void QxtHttpSessionManager::incomingRequest(quint32 requestID, const QHttpRequestHeader& header, QxtWebContent* content)
    QMultiHash<QString, QString> cookies;
    foreach(const QString& cookie, header.allValues("cookie"))   // QHttpHeader is case-insensitive, thankfully
        foreach(const QString& kv, cookie.split("; "))
            int pos = kv.indexOf('=');
            if (pos == -1) continue;
            cookies.insert(kv.left(pos), kv.mid(pos + 1));

    int sessionID;
    QString sessionCookie = cookies.value(qxt_d().sessionCookieName);

    if (qxt_d().sessionKeys.contains(sessionCookie))
        sessionID = qxt_d().sessionKeys[sessionCookie];
        if(!sessionID && header.majorVersion() > 0 && qxt_d().autoCreateSession)
            sessionID = newSession();
    else if (header.majorVersion() > 0 && qxt_d().autoCreateSession)
        sessionID = newSession();
        sessionID = 0;

    QIODevice* device = connector()->getRequestConnection(requestID);
    QxtHttpSessionManagerPrivate::ConnectionState& state = qxt_d().connectionState[device];
    state.sessionID = sessionID;
    state.httpMajorVersion = header.majorVersion();
    state.httpMinorVersion = header.minorVersion();
    if (state.httpMajorVersion == 0 || (state.httpMajorVersion == 1 && state.httpMinorVersion == 0) || header.value("connection").toLower() == "close")
        state.keepAlive = false;
        state.keepAlive = true;

    QxtWebRequestEvent* event = new QxtWebRequestEvent(sessionID, requestID, QUrl::fromEncoded(header.path().toUtf8()));
    qxt_d().pendingRequests.insert(QPair<int,int>(sessionID, requestID), event);
    QTcpSocket* socket = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket*>(device);
    if (socket)
        event->remoteAddress = socket->peerAddress();
#if defined(QT_SECURETRANSPORT) || !defined(QT_NO_OPENSSL)
        QSslSocket* sslSocket = qobject_cast<QSslSocket*>(socket);
        if(sslSocket) {
            event->isSecure = true;
            event->clientCertificate = sslSocket->peerCertificate();
    event->method = header.method();
    event->cookies = cookies;
    if (event->url.host().isEmpty())
    if (event->url.port() == -1)
    event->contentType = header.contentType();
    event->content = content;
    typedef QPair<QString, QString> StringPair;
    foreach(const StringPair& line, header.values())
        if (line.first.toLower() == "cookie") continue;
        event->headers.insert(line.first, line.second);
    event->headers.insert("X-Request-Protocol", "HTTP/" + QString::number(state.httpMajorVersion) + '.' + QString::number(state.httpMinorVersion));
    if (sessionID && session(sessionID))
        QxtAbstractWebService *service = session(sessionID);
            content->setParent(service); // Set content ownership to the service
    else if (qxt_d().staticService)
        postEvent(new QxtWebErrorEvent(0, requestID, 500, "Internal Configuration Error"));
Example #8
namespace EdictFormatting
  // Forward declarations of our functions to be used.
  QMultiHash<QString, QString> createPartOfSpeechCategories();
  QSet<QString>                createPartsOfSpeech();
  QSet<QString>                createMiscMarkings();
  QSet<QString>                createFieldOfApplication();
  QStringList                  createNounsList();
  QStringList                  createVerbsList();
  QStringList                  createExpressionsList();
  QStringList                  createPrefixesList();
  QStringList                  createSuffixesList();
  // Private variables.
  QString noun      = QString( i18nc( "This must be a single word", "Noun" ) );
  QString verb      = QString( i18nc( "This must be a single word", "Verb" ) );
  QString adjective = QString( i18nc( "This must be a single word", "Adjective" ) );
  QString adverb    = QString( i18nc( "This must be a single word", "Adverb" ) );
  QString particle  = QString( i18nc( "This must be a single word", "Particle" ) );
  QString ichidanVerb   = QString( i18nc( "This is a technical japanese linguist's term... and probably should not be translated (except possibly in far-eastern languages), this must be a single word", "Ichidan" ) );
  QString godanVerb     = QString( i18nc( "This is a technical japanese linguist's term... and probably should not be translated, this must be a single word", "Godan" ) );
  QString fukisokuVerb  = QString( i18nc( "This is a technical japanese linguist's term... and probably should not be translated, this must be a single word", "Fukisoku" ) );
  QString expression = QString( i18n( "Expression" ) );
  QString idiomaticExpression = QString( i18n( "Idiomatic expression" ) );
  QString prefix = QString( i18n( "Prefix" ) );
  QString suffix = QString( i18n( "Suffix" ) );
  QString nounPrefix = QString( i18n( "Noun (used as a prefix)" ) );
  QString nounSuffix = QString( i18n( "Noun (used as a suffix)" ) );

  // Define our public variables.
  QMultiHash<QString, QString> PartOfSpeechCategories = createPartOfSpeechCategories();
  QSet<QString> PartsOfSpeech      = createPartsOfSpeech();
  QSet<QString> MiscMarkings       = createMiscMarkings();
  QSet<QString> FieldOfApplication = createFieldOfApplication();

  // PartOfSpeechCategories needs to has some values before this line.
  QStringList Nouns         = createNounsList();
  QStringList Adjectives    = PartOfSpeechCategories.values( adjective );
  QStringList Adverbs       = PartOfSpeechCategories.values( adverb );
  QStringList IchidanVerbs  = PartOfSpeechCategories.values( ichidanVerb );
  QStringList GodanVerbs    = PartOfSpeechCategories.values( godanVerb );
  QStringList FukisokuVerbs = PartOfSpeechCategories.values( fukisokuVerb );
  QStringList Verbs         = createVerbsList();
  QStringList Expressions   = createExpressionsList();
  QStringList Prefix        = createPrefixesList();
  QStringList Suffix        = createSuffixesList();
  QString     Particle      = PartOfSpeechCategories.value( particle );

  QStringList createNounsList()
    QStringList list;
    list.append( PartOfSpeechCategories.values( noun ) );
    list.append( PartOfSpeechCategories.values( nounPrefix ) );
    list.append( PartOfSpeechCategories.values( nounSuffix ) );
    return list;

  QStringList createVerbsList()
    QStringList list;
    list.append( PartOfSpeechCategories.values( verb ) );
    list.append( IchidanVerbs );
    list.append( GodanVerbs );
    list.append( FukisokuVerbs );
    return list;

  QStringList createExpressionsList()
    QStringList list;
    list.append( PartOfSpeechCategories.values( expression ) );
    list.append( PartOfSpeechCategories.values( idiomaticExpression ) );
    return list;

  QStringList createPrefixesList()
    QStringList list;
    list.append( PartOfSpeechCategories.values( prefix ) );
    list.append( PartOfSpeechCategories.values( nounPrefix ) );
    return list;

  QStringList createSuffixesList()
    QStringList list;
    list.append( PartOfSpeechCategories.values( suffix ) );
    list.append( PartOfSpeechCategories.values( nounSuffix ) );
    return list;

  QMultiHash<QString, QString> createPartOfSpeechCategories()
    QMultiHash<QString, QString> categories;

    // Nouns
    categories.insert( noun, "n" );
    categories.insert( noun, "n-adv" );
    categories.insert( noun, "n-t" );
    categories.insert( noun, "adv-n" );

    // Noun (used as a prefix)
    categories.insert( nounPrefix, "n-pref" );

    // Noun (used as a suffix)
    categories.insert( nounSuffix, "n-suf" );

    // Ichidan Verbs
    categories.insert( ichidanVerb, "v1" );
    categories.insert( ichidanVerb, "vz" );

    // Godan Verbs
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5aru" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5b" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5g" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5k" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5k-s" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5m" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5n" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5r" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5r-i" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5s" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5t" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5u" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5u-s" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5uru" );
    categories.insert( godanVerb, "v5z" );

    // Fukisoku verbs
    categories.insert( fukisokuVerb, "iv" );
    categories.insert( fukisokuVerb, "vk" );
    categories.insert( fukisokuVerb, "vn" );
    categories.insert( fukisokuVerb, "vs-i" );
    categories.insert( fukisokuVerb, "vs-s" );

    // Other Verbs
    categories.insert( verb, "vi" );
    categories.insert( verb, "vs" );
    categories.insert( verb, "vt" );
    categories.insert( verb, "aux-v" );

    // Adjectives
    categories.insert( adjective, "adj-i" );
    categories.insert( adjective, "adj-na" );
    categories.insert( adjective, "adj-no" );
    categories.insert( adjective, "adj-pn" );
    categories.insert( adjective, "adj-t" );
    categories.insert( adjective, "adj-f" );
    categories.insert( adjective, "adj" );
    categories.insert( adjective, "aux-adj" );

    // Adverbs
    categories.insert( adverb, "adv" );
    categories.insert( adverb, "adv-n" );
    categories.insert( adverb, "adv-to" );

    // Particle
    categories.insert( particle, "prt" );

    // Expression
    categories.insert( expression, "exp" );

    // Idiomatic expression
    categories.insert( idiomaticExpression, "id" );

    // Prefix
    categories.insert( prefix, "pref" );

    // Suffix
    categories.insert( suffix, "suf" );

    return categories;

  QSet<QString> createPartsOfSpeech()
    QSet<QString> category;

    category << "adj-i" << "adj-na" << "adj-no" << "adj-pn" << "adj-t" << "adj-f"
             << "adj" << "adv" << "adv-n" << "adv-to" << "aux" << "aux-v"
             << "aux-adj" << "conj" << "ctr" << "exp" << "id" << "int"
             << "iv" << "n" << "n-adv" << "n-pref" << "n-suf" << "n-t"
             << "num" << "pn" << "pref" << "prt" << "suf" << "v1"
             << "v5" << "v5aru" << "v5b" << "v5g" << "v5k" << "v5k-s"
             << "v5m" << "v5n" << "v5r" << "v5r-i" <<  "v5s" << "v5t"
             << "v5u" << "v5u-s" << "v5uru" << "v5z" << "vz" << "vi"
             << "vk" << "vn" << "vs" << "vs-i" << "vs-s" << "vt";

    return category;

  QSet<QString> createFieldOfApplication()
    QSet<QString> category;

    // Field of Application terms
    category << "Buddh" << "MA"   << "comp" << "food" << "geom"
             << "ling"  << "math" << "mil"  << "physics";

    return category;

  QSet<QString> createMiscMarkings()
    QSet<QString> category;

    // Miscellaneous Markings (in EDICT terms)
    category << "X"    << "abbr" << "arch" << "ateji"   << "chn"   << "col" << "derog"
             << "eK"   << "ek"   << "fam"  << "fem"     << "gikun" << "hon" << "hum" << "iK"   << "id"
             << "io"   << "m-sl" << "male" << "male-sl" << "ng"    << "oK"  << "obs" << "obsc" << "ok"
             << "poet" << "pol"  << "rare" << "sens"    << "sl"    << "uK"  << "uk"  << "vulg";

    return category;