Example #1
EGLConfig q_configFromQPlatformWindowFormat(EGLDisplay display, const QPlatformWindowFormat &format, bool highestPixelFormat, int surfaceType)
    EGLConfig cfg = 0;
    QVector<EGLint> configureAttributes = q_createConfigAttributesFromFormat(format);
    configureAttributes.append(EGL_SURFACE_TYPE); //we only support eglconfigs for windows for now

    if (format.windowApi() == QPlatformWindowFormat::OpenVG) {
    } else {

    do {
        // Get the number of matching configurations for this set of properties.
        EGLint matching = 0;
        if (!eglChooseConfig(display, configureAttributes.constData(), 0, 0, &matching) || !matching)

        // If we want the best pixel format, then return the first
        // matching configuration.
        if (highestPixelFormat) {
            eglChooseConfig(display, configureAttributes.constData(), &cfg, 1, &matching);
            if (matching < 1)
            return cfg;

        // Fetch all of the matching configurations and find the
        // first that matches the pixel format we wanted.
        int i = configureAttributes.indexOf(EGL_RED_SIZE);
        int confAttrRed = configureAttributes.at(i+1);
        i = configureAttributes.indexOf(EGL_GREEN_SIZE);
        int confAttrGreen = configureAttributes.at(i+1);
        i = configureAttributes.indexOf(EGL_BLUE_SIZE);
        int confAttrBlue = configureAttributes.at(i+1);
        i = configureAttributes.indexOf(EGL_ALPHA_SIZE);
        int confAttrAlpha = configureAttributes.at(i+1);

        EGLint size = matching;
        EGLConfig *configs = new EGLConfig [size];
        eglChooseConfig(display, configureAttributes.constData(), configs, size, &matching);
        for (EGLint index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
            EGLint red, green, blue, alpha;
            eglGetConfigAttrib(display, configs[index], EGL_RED_SIZE, &red);
            eglGetConfigAttrib(display, configs[index], EGL_GREEN_SIZE, &green);
            eglGetConfigAttrib(display, configs[index], EGL_BLUE_SIZE, &blue);
            eglGetConfigAttrib(display, configs[index], EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, &alpha);
            if (red == confAttrRed &&
                    green == confAttrGreen &&
                    blue == confAttrBlue &&
                    (confAttrAlpha == 0 ||
                     alpha == confAttrAlpha)) {
                cfg = configs[index];
                delete [] configs;
                return cfg;
        delete [] configs;
    } while (q_reduceConfigAttributes(&configureAttributes));
    qWarning("Cant find EGLConfig, returning null config");
    return 0;