Example #1
bool FaxGenerator::print( QPrinter& printer )
    QPainter p( &printer );

    QImage image( m_img );

    if ( ( image.width() > printer.width() ) || ( image.height() > printer.height() ) )

        image = image.scaled( printer.width(), printer.height(),
                              Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );

    p.drawImage( 0, 0, image );

    return true;
Example #2
int QPrinterProto::height() const
  QPrinter *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QPrinter*>(thisObject());
  if (item)
    return item->height();
  return 0;
Example #3
void QwtPolarRenderer::renderTo(
    QwtPolarPlot *plot, QPrinter &printer ) const
    int w = printer.width();
    int h = printer.height();

    QRectF rect( 0, 0, w, h );
    double aspect = rect.width() / rect.height();
    if ( ( aspect < 1.0 ) )
        rect.setHeight( aspect * rect.width() );

    QPainter p( &printer );
    render( plot, &p, rect );
Example #4
void PmChart::filePrint()
    QPrinter printer;
    QString creator = QString("pmchart Version ");


    QPrintDialog print(&printer, (QWidget *)this);
    if (print.exec()) {
	QPainter qp(&printer);
	painter(&qp, printer.width(), printer.height(), false, false);
Example #5
MSPeaksWnd::handlePrintCurrentView( const QString& pdfname )
	// A4 := 210mm x 297mm (8.27 x 11.69 inch)
	QSizeF sizeMM( 260, 160 ); // 260x160mm 

    int resolution = 300;
	const double mmToInch = 1.0 / 25.4;
    const QSizeF size = sizeMM * mmToInch * resolution;
    double margin_left = 0.2 /* inch */ * resolution;
    //double margin_right = ( 8.27 - 0.2 ) * resolution;
    //double margin_center = (margin_right - margin_left) / 2 + margin_left;

	QPrinter printer;
    printer.setColorMode( QPrinter::Color );
    printer.setPaperSize( QPrinter::A4 );
    printer.setFullPage( false );
	printer.setOrientation( QPrinter::Landscape );
    printer.setDocName( "QtPlatz MS Peaks" );
    printer.setOutputFileName( pdfname );
    printer.setResolution( resolution );

    QPainter painter( &printer );
    int n = 0;
    for ( auto& plot: plots_ ) {
        QRectF boundingRect;
        QRectF drawRect( margin_left, 0.0, printer.width() / 2.0, printer.height() );
        if ( n++ & 01 ) {
			drawRect.moveLeft( printer.width() / 2.0 );
            painter.drawText( drawRect, Qt::TextWordWrap, "Relationship between time and flight length", &boundingRect );
        } else {
            painter.drawText( drawRect, Qt::TextWordWrap, "Relationship between time and m/z", &boundingRect );
        QwtPlotRenderer renderer;
        renderer.setDiscardFlag( QwtPlotRenderer::DiscardCanvasBackground, true );
        renderer.setDiscardFlag( QwtPlotRenderer::DiscardCanvasFrame, true );
        renderer.setDiscardFlag( QwtPlotRenderer::DiscardBackground, true );
        drawRect.setTop( boundingRect.bottom() );
        drawRect.setHeight( size.height() );
        drawRect.setWidth( size.width() / 2 );
        renderer.render( plot.get(), &painter, drawRect ); // render plot
Example #6
void AccountsView::print( QPrinter &printer, QPrintDialog &printDialog )
    uint top, left, bottom, right;
    printer.margins( &top, &left, &bottom, &right );
    //kDebug(planDbg())<<m.width()<<"x"<<m.height()<<" :"<<top<<","<<left<<","<<bottom<<","<<right<<" :"<<size();
    QPainter p;
    p.begin( &printer );
    p.setViewport( left, top, printer.width() - left - right, printer.height() - top - bottom );
    p.setClipRect( left, top, printer.width() - left - right, printer.height() - top - bottom );
    QRect preg = p.clipRegion().boundingRect();
    //p.drawRect(preg.x(), preg.y(), preg.width()-1, preg.height()-1);
    double scale = qMin( ( double ) preg.width() / ( double ) size().width(), ( double ) preg.height() / ( double ) ( size().height() ) );
    if ( scale < 1.0 ) {
        p.scale( scale, scale );
    QPixmap labelPixmap = QPixmap::grabWidget( m_label );
    p.drawPixmap( m_label->pos(), labelPixmap );
    p.translate( 0, m_label->size().height() );
    m_dlv->paintContents( &p );
Example #7
bool KatePrinter::print (KateDocument *doc)
  QPrinter printer;

  // docname is now always there, including the right Untitled name

  KatePrintTextSettings *kpts = new KatePrintTextSettings;
  KatePrintHeaderFooter *kphf = new KatePrintHeaderFooter;
  KatePrintLayout *kpl = new KatePrintLayout;

  QList<QWidget*> tabs;
  tabs << kpts;
  tabs << kphf;
  tabs << kpl;

  QWidget *parentWidget=doc->widget();

  if ( !parentWidget )

  QScopedPointer<QPrintDialog> printDialog(KdePrint::createPrintDialog(&printer, KdePrint::SystemSelectsPages, tabs, parentWidget));

  if ( doc->activeView()->selection() ) {
    printDialog->setOption(QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintSelection, true);

  if ( printDialog->exec() )

    KateRenderer renderer(doc, doc->activeKateView());
    renderer.config()->setSchema (kpl->colorScheme());

    QPainter paint( &printer );
     *        We work in tree cycles:
     *        1) initialize variables and retrieve print settings
     *        2) prepare data according to those settings
     *        3) draw to the printer
    uint pdmWidth = printer.width();
    uint pdmHeight = printer.height();
    int y = 0;
    uint xstart = 0; // beginning point for painting lines
    uint lineCount = 0;
    uint maxWidth = pdmWidth;
    int headerWidth = pdmWidth;
    int startCol = 0;
    int endCol = 0;
    bool pageStarted = true;
    int remainder = 0; // remaining sublines from a wrapped line (for the top of a new page)

    // Text Settings Page
    bool selectionOnly = (printDialog->printRange() == QAbstractPrintDialog::Selection);
    bool useGuide = kpts->printGuide();

    bool printLineNumbers = kpts->printLineNumbers();
    uint lineNumberWidth( 0 );

    // Header/Footer Page
    QFont headerFont(kphf->font()); // used for header/footer

    bool useHeader = kphf->useHeader();
    QColor headerBgColor(kphf->headerBackground());
    QColor headerFgColor(kphf->headerForeground());
    uint headerHeight( 0 ); // further init only if needed
    QStringList headerTagList; // do
    bool headerDrawBg = false; // do

    bool useFooter = kphf->useFooter();
    QColor footerBgColor(kphf->footerBackground());
    QColor footerFgColor(kphf->footerForeground());
    uint footerHeight( 0 ); // further init only if needed
    QStringList footerTagList; // do
    bool footerDrawBg = false; // do

    // Layout Page
    renderer.config()->setSchema( kpl->colorScheme() );
    bool useBackground = kpl->useBackground();
    bool useBox = kpl->useBox();
    int boxWidth(kpl->boxWidth());
    QColor boxColor(kpl->boxColor());
    int innerMargin = useBox ? kpl->boxMargin() : 6;

    // Post initialization
    int maxHeight = (useBox ? pdmHeight-innerMargin : pdmHeight);
    uint currentPage( 1 );
    uint lastline = doc->lastLine(); // necessary to print selection only
    uint firstline( 0 );
    const int fontHeight = renderer.fontHeight();
    KTextEditor::Range selectionRange;

    *        Now on for preparations...
    *        during preparations, variable names starting with a "_" means
    *        those variables are local to the enclosing block.
      if ( selectionOnly )
        // set a line range from the first selected line to the last
        selectionRange = doc->activeView()->selectionRange();
        firstline = selectionRange.start().line();
        lastline = selectionRange.end().line();
        lineCount = firstline;

      if ( printLineNumbers )
        // figure out the horiizontal space required
        QString s( QString("%1 ").arg( doc->lines() ) );
        s.fill('5', -1); // some non-fixed fonts haven't equally wide numbers
        // FIXME calculate which is actually the widest...
        lineNumberWidth = renderer.currentFontMetrics().width( s );
        // a small space between the line numbers and the text
        int _adj = renderer.currentFontMetrics().width( "5" );
        // adjust available width and set horizontal start point for data
        maxWidth -= (lineNumberWidth + _adj);
        xstart += lineNumberWidth + _adj;

      if ( useHeader || useFooter )
        // Set up a tag map
        // This retrieves all tags, ued or not, but
        // none of theese operations should be expensive,
        // and searcing each tag in the format strings is avoided.
        QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
        QMap<QString,QString> tags;

        KUser u (KUser::UseRealUserID);
        tags["u"] = u.loginName();

        tags["d"] = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(dt, KLocale::ShortDate);
        tags["D"] =  KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(dt, KLocale::LongDate);
        tags["h"] =  KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(dt.time(), false);
        tags["y"] =  KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(dt.date(), KLocale::ShortDate);
        tags["Y"] =  KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(dt.date(), KLocale::LongDate);
        tags["f"] =  doc->url().fileName();
        tags["U"] =  doc->url().prettyUrl();
        if ( selectionOnly )
          QString s( i18n("(Selection of) ") );
          tags["f"].prepend( s );
          tags["U"].prepend( s );

        QRegExp reTags( "%([dDfUhuyY])" ); // TODO tjeck for "%%<TAG>"

        if (useHeader)
          headerDrawBg = kphf->useHeaderBackground();
          headerHeight = QFontMetrics( headerFont ).height();
          if ( useBox || headerDrawBg )
            headerHeight += innerMargin * 2;
            headerHeight += 1 + QFontMetrics( headerFont ).leading();

          headerTagList = kphf->headerFormat();
          QMutableStringListIterator it(headerTagList);
          while ( it.hasNext() ) {
            QString tag = it.next();
            int pos = reTags.indexIn( tag );
            QString rep;
            while ( pos > -1 )
              rep = tags[reTags.cap( 1 )];
              tag.replace( (uint)pos, 2, rep );
              pos += rep.length();
              pos = reTags.indexIn( tag, pos );
            it.setValue( tag );

          if (!headerBgColor.isValid())
            headerBgColor = Qt::lightGray;
          if (!headerFgColor.isValid())
            headerFgColor = Qt::black;

        if (useFooter)
          footerDrawBg = kphf->useFooterBackground();
          footerHeight = QFontMetrics( headerFont ).height();
          if ( useBox || footerDrawBg )
            footerHeight += 2*innerMargin;
            footerHeight += 1; // line only

          footerTagList = kphf->footerFormat();
          QMutableStringListIterator it(footerTagList);
          while ( it.hasNext() ) {
            QString tag = it.next();
            int pos = reTags.indexIn( tag );
            QString rep;
            while ( pos > -1 )
              rep = tags[reTags.cap( 1 )];
              tag.replace( (uint)pos, 2, rep );
              pos += rep.length();
              pos = reTags.indexIn( tag, pos );
            it.setValue( tag );

          if (!footerBgColor.isValid())
            footerBgColor = Qt::lightGray;
          if (!footerFgColor.isValid())
            footerFgColor = Qt::black;
          // adjust maxheight, so we can know when/where to print footer
          maxHeight -= footerHeight;
      } // if ( useHeader || useFooter )

      if ( useBackground )
        if ( ! useBox )
          xstart += innerMargin;
          maxWidth -= innerMargin * 2;

      if ( useBox )
        if (!boxColor.isValid())
          boxColor = Qt::black;
        if (boxWidth < 1) // shouldn't be pssible no more!
          boxWidth = 1;
        // set maxwidth to something sensible
        maxWidth -= ( ( boxWidth + innerMargin )  * 2 );
        xstart += boxWidth + innerMargin;
        // maxheight too..
        maxHeight -= boxWidth;
        boxWidth = 0;

      // now that we know the vertical amount of space needed,
      // it is possible to calculate the total number of pages
      // if needed, that is if any header/footer tag contains "%P".
      if ( !headerTagList.filter("%P").isEmpty() || !footerTagList.filter("%P").isEmpty() )
        kDebug(13020)<<"'%P' found! calculating number of pages...";
        int pageHeight = maxHeight;
        if ( useHeader )
          pageHeight -= ( headerHeight + innerMargin );
        if ( useFooter )
          pageHeight -= innerMargin;
        const int linesPerPage = pageHeight / fontHeight;
//         kDebug() << "Lines per page:" << linesPerPage;
        // calculate total layouted lines in the document
        int totalLines = 0;
        // TODO: right now ignores selection printing
        for (int i = firstline; i <= lastline; ++i) {
          KateLineLayoutPtr rangeptr(new KateLineLayout(doc));
          renderer.layoutLine(rangeptr, (int)maxWidth, false);
          totalLines += rangeptr->viewLineCount();
        int totalPages = (totalLines / linesPerPage)
                      + ((totalLines % linesPerPage) > 0 ? 1 : 0);
//         kDebug() << "_______ pages:" << (totalLines / linesPerPage);
//         kDebug() << "________ rest:" << (totalLines % linesPerPage);

        // TODO: add space for guide if required
//         if ( useGuide )
//           _lt += (guideHeight + (fontHeight /2)) / fontHeight;

        // substitute both tag lists
        QString re("%P");
        QStringList::Iterator it;
        for ( it=headerTagList.begin(); it!=headerTagList.end(); ++it )
          (*it).replace( re, QString( "%1" ).arg( totalPages ) );
        for ( it=footerTagList.begin(); it!=footerTagList.end(); ++it )
          (*it).replace( re, QString( "%1" ).arg( totalPages ) );
    } // end prepare block

        On to draw something :-)
    while (  lineCount <= lastline  )
      startCol = 0;
      endCol = 0;

      if ( y + fontHeight > maxHeight )
        kDebug(13020)<<"Starting new page,"<<lineCount<<"lines up to now.";
        pageStarted = true;

      if ( pageStarted )
        if ( useHeader )
          if ( headerDrawBg )
            paint.fillRect(0, 0, headerWidth, headerHeight, headerBgColor);
          if (headerTagList.count() == 3)
            int valign = ( (useBox||headerDrawBg||useBackground) ?
            Qt::AlignVCenter : Qt::AlignTop );
            int align = valign|Qt::AlignLeft;
            int marg = ( useBox || headerDrawBg ) ? innerMargin : 0;
            if ( useBox ) marg += boxWidth;
            QString s;
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
              s = headerTagList[i];
              if (s.indexOf("%p") != -1) s.replace("%p", QString::number(currentPage));
              paint.drawText(marg, 0, headerWidth-(marg*2), headerHeight, align, s);
              align = valign|(i == 0 ? Qt::AlignHCenter : Qt::AlignRight);
          if ( ! ( headerDrawBg || useBox || useBackground ) ) // draw a 1 px (!?) line to separate header from contents
            paint.drawLine( 0, headerHeight-1, headerWidth, headerHeight-1 );
            //y += 1; now included in headerHeight
          y += headerHeight + innerMargin;

        if ( useFooter )
          if ( ! ( footerDrawBg || useBox || useBackground ) ) // draw a 1 px (!?) line to separate footer from contents
            paint.drawLine( 0, maxHeight + innerMargin - 1, headerWidth, maxHeight + innerMargin - 1 );
          if ( footerDrawBg )
            paint.fillRect(0, maxHeight+innerMargin+boxWidth, headerWidth, footerHeight, footerBgColor);
          if (footerTagList.count() == 3)
            int align = Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft;
            int marg = ( useBox || footerDrawBg ) ? innerMargin : 0;
            if ( useBox ) marg += boxWidth;
            QString s;
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
              s = footerTagList[i];
              if (s.indexOf("%p") != -1) s.replace("%p", QString::number(currentPage));
              paint.drawText(marg, maxHeight+innerMargin, headerWidth-(marg*2), footerHeight, align, s);
              align = Qt::AlignVCenter|(i == 0 ? Qt::AlignHCenter : Qt::AlignRight);
        } // done footer

        if ( useBackground )
          // If we have a box, or the header/footer has backgrounds, we want to paint
          // to the border of those. Otherwise just the contents area.
          int _y = y, _h = maxHeight - y;
          if ( useBox )
            _y -= innerMargin;
            _h += 2 * innerMargin;
            if ( headerDrawBg )
              _y -= innerMargin;
              _h += innerMargin;
            if ( footerDrawBg )
              _h += innerMargin;
          paint.fillRect( 0, _y, pdmWidth, _h, renderer.config()->backgroundColor());

        if ( useBox )
          paint.setPen(QPen(boxColor, boxWidth));
          paint.drawRect(0, 0, pdmWidth, pdmHeight);
          if (useHeader)
            paint.drawLine(0, headerHeight, headerWidth, headerHeight);
            y += innerMargin;

          if ( useFooter ) // drawline is not trustable, grr.
            paint.fillRect( 0, maxHeight+innerMargin, headerWidth, boxWidth, boxColor );

        if ( useGuide && currentPage == 1 )
        {  // FIXME - this may span more pages...
          // draw a box unless we have boxes, in which case we end with a box line
          int _ystart = y;
          QString _hlName = doc->highlight()->name();

          QList<KateExtendedAttribute::Ptr> _attributes; // list of highlight attributes for the legend
          doc->highlight()->getKateExtendedAttributeList(kpl->colorScheme(), _attributes);

          KateAttributeList _defaultAttributes;
          KateHlManager::self()->getDefaults ( renderer.config()->schema(), _defaultAttributes );

          QColor _defaultPen = _defaultAttributes.at(0)->foreground().color();

          int _marg = 0;
          if ( useBox )
            _marg += (2*boxWidth) + (2*innerMargin);
            if ( useBackground )
              _marg += 2*innerMargin;
            _marg += 1;
            y += 1 + innerMargin;

          // draw a title string
          QFont _titleFont = renderer.config()->font();
          paint.setFont( _titleFont );
          QRect _r;
          paint.drawText( QRect(_marg, y, pdmWidth-(2*_marg), maxHeight - y),
            i18n("Typographical Conventions for %1", _hlName ), &_r );
          int _w = pdmWidth - (_marg*2) - (innerMargin*2);
          int _x = _marg + innerMargin;
          y += _r.height() + innerMargin;
          paint.drawLine( _x, y, _x + _w, y );
          y += 1 + innerMargin;

          int _widest( 0 );
          foreach (const KateExtendedAttribute::Ptr &attribute, _attributes)
            _widest = qMax(QFontMetrics(attribute->font()).width(attribute->name().section(':',1,1)), _widest);

          int _guideCols = _w/( _widest + innerMargin );

          // draw attrib names using their styles
          int _cw = _w/_guideCols;
          int _i(0);

          QString _currentHlName;
          foreach (const KateExtendedAttribute::Ptr &attribute, _attributes)
            QString _hl = attribute->name().section(':',0,0);
            QString _name = attribute->name().section(':',1,1);
            if ( _hl != _hlName && _hl != _currentHlName ) {
              _currentHlName = _hl;
              if ( _i%_guideCols )
                y += fontHeight;
              y += innerMargin;
              paint.drawText( _x, y, _w, fontHeight, Qt::AlignTop, _hl + ' ' + i18n("text") );
              y += fontHeight;
              _i = 0;

            KTextEditor::Attribute _attr =  *_defaultAttributes[attribute->defaultStyleIndex()];
            _attr += *attribute;
            paint.setPen( _attr.foreground().color() );
            paint.setFont( _attr.font() );

            if (_attr.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush) ) {
              QRect _rect = QFontMetrics(_attr.font()).boundingRect(_name);
              _rect.moveTo(_x + ((_i%_guideCols)*_cw), y);
               paint.fillRect(_rect, _attr.background() );

            paint.drawText(( _x + ((_i%_guideCols)*_cw)), y, _cw, fontHeight, Qt::AlignTop, _name );

            if ( _i && ! ( _i%_guideCols ) )
              y += fontHeight;

          if ( _i%_guideCols )
            y += fontHeight;// last row not full

          // draw a box around the legend
          paint.setPen ( _defaultPen );
          if ( useBox )
            paint.fillRect( 0, y+innerMargin, headerWidth, boxWidth, boxColor );
            _marg -=1;
            paint.drawRect( _marg, _ystart, pdmWidth-(2*_marg), y-_ystart+innerMargin );

          y += ( useBox ? boxWidth : 1 ) + (innerMargin*2);
        } // useGuide

        pageStarted = false;
      } // pageStarted; move on to contents:)
void DetailledPrintStyle::print( const KABC::Addressee::List &contacts, PrintProgress *progress )
  mPrintProgress = progress;

  progress->addMessage( i18n( "Setting up fonts and colors" ) );
  progress->setProgress( 0 );

  bool useKDEFonts;
  QFont font;
  QColor foreColor = Qt::black;
  QColor headerColor = Qt::white;
  bool useHeaderColor = true;
  QColor backColor = Qt::black;
  bool useBGColor;

  // save, always available defaults:
  QFont header = QFont("Helvetica", 12, QFont::Normal);
  QFont headlines = QFont("Helvetica", 12, QFont::Normal, true);
  QFont body = QFont("Helvetica", 12, QFont::Normal);
  QFont fixed = QFont("Courier", 12, QFont::Normal);
  QFont comment = QFont("Helvetica", 10, QFont::Normal);

  // store the configuration settings:
  KConfigGroup config = KGlobal::config()->group(ConfigSectionName);
  useKDEFonts = mPageAppearance->cbStandardFonts->isChecked();
  config.writeEntry( UseKDEFonts, useKDEFonts );

  // read the font and color selections from the wizard pages:
  config.writeEntry( ColoredContactHeaders, useBGColor );

  // use colored contact headers, otherwise use plain black and white):
  if ( useBGColor ) {
    headerColor = mPageAppearance->kcbHeaderTextColor->color();
    backColor = mPageAppearance->kcbHeaderBGColor->color();
    config.writeEntry( ContactHeaderForeColor, headerColor );
    config.writeEntry( ContactHeaderBGColor, backColor );

  if ( mPageAppearance->cbStandardFonts->isChecked() ) {
    QFont standard = KGlobalSettings::generalFont();
    header = standard;
    headlines = standard;
    body = standard;
    fixed = KGlobalSettings::fixedFont();
    comment = standard;
  } else {
    header.setFamily( mPageAppearance->kfcHeaderFont->currentText() );
    header.setPointSize( mPageAppearance->kisbHeaderFontSize->value() );
    config.writeEntry( HeaderFont, header );

    // headlines:
    headlines.setFamily( mPageAppearance->kfcHeadlineFont->currentText() );
    headlines.setPointSize( mPageAppearance->kisbHeadlineFontSize->value() );
    config.writeEntry( HeadlinesFont, headlines );

    // body:
    body.setFamily( mPageAppearance->kfcBodyFont->currentText() );
    body.setPointSize( mPageAppearance->kisbBodyFontSize->value() );
    config.writeEntry( BodyFont, body );

    // details:
    comment.setFamily( mPageAppearance->kfcDetailsFont->currentText() );
    comment.setPointSize( mPageAppearance->kisbDetailsFontSize->value() );
    config.writeEntry( DetailsFont, comment );

    // fixed:
    fixed.setFamily( mPageAppearance->kfcFixedFont->currentText() );
    fixed.setPointSize( mPageAppearance->kisbFixedFontSize->value() );
    config.writeEntry( FixedFont, fixed );

  mPainter = new KABEntryPainter;
  mPainter->setForegroundColor( foreColor );
  mPainter->setHeaderColor( headerColor );
  mPainter->setBackgroundColor( backColor );
  mPainter->setUseHeaderColor( useHeaderColor );
  mPainter->setHeaderFont( header );
  mPainter->setHeadLineFont( headlines );
  mPainter->setBodyFont( body );
  mPainter->setFixedFont( fixed );
  mPainter->setCommentFont( comment );
  // Printing "Work Address:" / "Telephones:" headlines adds
  // no interesting information and just take space.
  // So I added this setter, but I leave it true by default because
  // otherwise the indenting looks a bit weird -- ## TODO.
  mPainter->setPrintHeadLines( true ); // TODO a checkbox for it

  QPrinter *printer = wizard()->printer();

  progress->addMessage( i18n( "Setting up margins and spacing" ) );
  int marginTop = 0,
      marginLeft = 64, // to allow stapling, need refinement with two-side prints
      marginRight = 0,
      marginBottom = 0;

  register int left, top, width, height;

  QPainter painter( printer );

  left = qMax( printer->pageRect().left() - printer->paperRect().left(), marginLeft );
  top = qMax( printer->pageRect().top() - printer->paperRect().top(), marginTop );
  width = printer->width() - left - qMax( printer->paperRect().right() - printer->pageRect().right(), marginRight );
  height = printer->height() - top - qMax( printer->paperRect().bottom() - printer->pageRect().bottom(), marginBottom );

  printer->setFullPage( true ); // use whole page
  painter.setViewport( left, top, width, height );
  progress->addMessage( i18n( "Printing" ) );

  printEntries( contacts, printer, &painter,
                QRect( 0, 0, printer->width(), printer->height() ) );

  progress->addMessage( i18n( "Done" ) );

Example #9
void Matrix::exportVector(const QString& fileName, int res, bool color, bool keepAspect, QPrinter::PageSize pageSize)
    if (d_view_type != ImageView)

	if ( fileName.isEmpty() ){
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("QtiPlot - Error"), tr("Please provide a valid file name!"));

	QPrinter printer;
	if (res)

    if (fileName.contains(".eps"))

    if (color)

    int cols = numCols();
    int rows = numRows();
    QRect rect = QRect(0, 0, cols, rows);
    if (pageSize == QPrinter::Custom)
        printer.setPageSize(Graph::minPageSize(printer, rect));

    double aspect = (double)cols/(double)rows;
	if (aspect < 1)

    if (keepAspect){// export should preserve aspect ratio
        double page_aspect = double(printer.width())/double(printer.height());
        if (page_aspect > aspect){
            int margin = (int) ((0.1/2.54)*printer.logicalDpiY()); // 1 mm margins
            int height = printer.height() - 2*margin;
            int width = int(height*aspect);
            int x = (printer.width()- width)/2;
            rect = QRect(x, margin, width, height);
        } else if (aspect >= page_aspect){
            int margin = (int) ((0.1/2.54)*printer.logicalDpiX()); // 1 mm margins
            int width = printer.width() - 2*margin;
            int height = int(width/aspect);
            int y = (printer.height()- height)/2;
            rect = QRect(margin, y, width, height);
	} else {
	    int x_margin = (int) ((0.1/2.54)*printer.logicalDpiX()); // 1 mm margins
        int y_margin = (int) ((0.1/2.54)*printer.logicalDpiY()); // 1 mm margins
        int width = printer.width() - 2*x_margin;
        int height = printer.height() - 2*y_margin;
        rect = QRect(x_margin, y_margin, width, height);

    QPainter paint(&printer);
    paint.drawImage(rect, d_matrix_model->renderImage());
Example #10
void Matrix::print(const QString& fileName)
	QPrinter printer;
	printer.setColorMode (QPrinter::GrayScale);

	if (!fileName.isEmpty()){
	} else {
        QPrintDialog printDialog(&printer, applicationWindow());
        if (printDialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted)
		printer.setFullPage( true );
		QPainter p;
		if ( !p.begin(&printer ) )
			return; // paint on printer
		int dpiy = printer.logicalDpiY();
		const int margin = (int) ( (1/2.54)*dpiy ); // 1 cm margins

        if (d_view_type == ImageView){
            p.drawImage (printer.pageRect(), d_matrix_model->renderImage());

		QHeaderView *vHeader = d_table_view->verticalHeader();

		int rows = numRows();
		int cols = numCols();
		int height = margin;
		int i, vertHeaderWidth = vHeader->width();
		int right = margin + vertHeaderWidth;

		// print header
		QString header_label = d_matrix_model->headerData(0, Qt::Horizontal).toString();
		QRect br = p.boundingRect(br, Qt::AlignCenter, header_label);
		p.drawLine(right, height, right, height+br.height());
		QRect tr(br);

		for(i=0; i<cols; i++){
			int w = d_table_view->columnWidth(i);
			header_label = d_matrix_model->headerData(i, Qt::Horizontal).toString();
			p.drawText(tr, Qt::AlignCenter, header_label,-1);
			right += w;
			p.drawLine(right, height, right, height+tr.height());

			if (right >= printer.width()-2*margin )

		p.drawLine(margin + vertHeaderWidth, height, right-1, height);//first horizontal line
		height += tr.height();
		p.drawLine(margin, height, right-1, height);

		// print table values
			right = margin;
			QString cell_text = d_matrix_model->headerData(i, Qt::Horizontal).toString()+"\t";
			tr = p.boundingRect(tr, Qt::AlignCenter, cell_text);
			p.drawLine(right, height, right, height+tr.height());

			right += vertHeaderWidth;
			p.drawLine(right, height, right, height+tr.height());

			for(int j=0; j<cols; j++){
				int w = d_table_view->columnWidth (j);
				cell_text = text(i,j)+"\t";
				tr = p.boundingRect(tr,Qt::AlignCenter,cell_text);
				p.drawText(br, Qt::AlignCenter, cell_text, -1);
				right += w;
				p.drawLine(right, height, right, height+tr.height());

				if (right >= printer.width()-2*margin )
			height += br.height();
			p.drawLine(margin, height, right-1, height);

			if (height >= printer.height()-margin ){
				height = margin;
				p.drawLine(margin, height, right, height);
bool Screenshot::SaveScreenShotToPdf(QPixmap screenShot,
                                     QString fileName,
                                     QPrinter::Orientation orientation,
                                     QPrinter::PageSize pageSize,
                                     QPrinter::ColorMode colorMode)
    QByteArray encodedString;
    QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("Windows-1251");;
    QString appendText, titleMessage;

    Qt::WindowFlags flag = 0;
    flag |=  Qt::Tool;// Удаление значка с taskbar и кнопок максимум, минимум размера окна
    flag |=  Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint;// Всегда поверх других
    flag |=  Qt::FramelessWindowHint;
    flag |=  Qt::WindowTitleHint;

    QDateTime date_time = QDateTime::currentDateTime();

    QMessageBox msgBox;
    msgBox.setWindowTitle(date_time.toString() + " " + QApplication::applicationName() + ":" + QApplication::applicationVersion());

    // Step 1. Убедится, что screenshot не пустой
        encodedString = "Сообщение";
        titleMessage = codec->toUnicode(encodedString);
        encodedString = "В буфере обмена ничего нет";
        msgBox.setText(titleMessage); // Заголовок сообщения
        msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); // Тип иконки сообщения
        msgBox.setInformativeText(appendText); // Основное сообщение Message Box
        msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Save); // На какой кнопке фокусироваться по умолчанию
        return 0;

    // Step 2. Убедится, что fileName не пустой
    if (fileName.isEmpty()){
        encodedString = "Сообщение";
        titleMessage = codec->toUnicode(encodedString);
        encodedString = "Имя файла не указано";
        appendText = codec->toUnicode(encodedString);
        msgBox.setText(titleMessage); // Заголовок сообщения
        msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); // Тип иконки сообщения
        msgBox.setInformativeText(appendText); // Основное сообщение Message Box
        msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Save); // На какой кнопке фокусироваться по умолчанию
        return 0;

    // Расширение файла
    fileName += ".pdf";

    // Step 3. Проверка существования файла. Если файл существует, то решить, нужно ли его перезаписывать
    if (QFile::exists(fileName)){
        encodedString = "Процедура сохранения";
        titleMessage = codec->toUnicode(encodedString);
        encodedString = " \nуже существует. Заменить?";
        appendText = codec->toUnicode(encodedString);
        msgBox.setText(titleMessage); // Заголовок сообщения
        msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); // Тип иконки сообщения
        msgBox.setInformativeText(fileName + appendText); // Основное сообщение Message Box
        msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Cancel); // Добавление реагирования на софт клавиши
        msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Save); // На какой кнопке фокусироваться по умолчанию

        int ret = msgBox.exec(); // Запускаем QMessageBox. После выполнения, в ret будет лежать значение кнопки, на которую нажали - это необходимо для дальнейшей обработки событий

        if(ret == QMessageBox::Cancel)
            return 0;

    // Step 4. Объявление экземпляра класса QPrinter и определение его настроек
    QPrinter printer;

    // Step 5. Проверка на возможные ошибки
    QPainter painter;
    if (! painter.begin(&printer)){
        encodedString = "Ошибка открытия файла";
        titleMessage = codec->toUnicode(encodedString);
        encodedString = "Убедитесь, что запись в файл разрешена";
        appendText = codec->toUnicode(encodedString);
        msgBox.setText(titleMessage); // Заголовок сообщения
        msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); // Тип иконки сообщения
        msgBox.setInformativeText(appendText); // Основное сообщение Message Box
        msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Save); // На какой кнопке фокусироваться по умолчанию
        return 0;

    if (! printer.newPage()){
        encodedString = "Ошибка при добавлении новой страницы";
        titleMessage = codec->toUnicode(encodedString);
        encodedString = "Убедитесь, что на диске есть место";
        appendText = codec->toUnicode(encodedString);
        msgBox.setText(titleMessage); // Заголовок сообщения
        msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); // Тип иконки сообщения
        msgBox.setInformativeText(appendText); // Основное сообщение Message Box
        msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Save); // На какой кнопке фокусироваться по умолчанию
        return 0;
    // Step 6. Сохранение
    painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, printer.width(), printer.height(), screenShot);
    QFile file("c://test.txt");
    file.open(QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text);
    QTextStream out(&file);
    out << temp;
    out << "\n";
    return 1;
Example #12
void inputRZImpl::print()
    QString fname = EGSdir + EGSfileName;
    QPrinter* printer = new QPrinter;
    printer->setPageSize( QPrinter::Letter );
    const int Margin = 20;
    const int MarginY = 30;
    int pageNo = 1;

    QPrintDialog pdialog(printer,this);

    if ( pdialog.exec()) {

cout << "let's print !!!" << endl;

        QPainter paint( printer );
        //if( !paint.begin( printer ) )              // paint on printer
        //     return;

       static const char *fonts[] = { "Helvetica", "Courier", "Times", 0 };
       static int	 sizes[] = { 10, 12, 18, 24, 36, 0 };
       int yPos = 0;

       QFont fontNormal( fonts[1], sizes[0] );
       QFont fontBold( fonts[0], sizes[0] );
       fontBold.setWeight( QFont::Black);

       paint.setFont( fontBold );
       QFontMetrics fmBold = paint.fontMetrics();
       paint.setFont( fontNormal );
       QFontMetrics fm = paint.fontMetrics();

       //qt3to4 -- BW
       //Q3PaintDeviceMetrics metrics( printer ); // need width/height

       QFile              fi( fname );
       //qt3to4 -- BW
       //Q3TextStream ts( &fi );
       QTextStream ts( &fi );
       QString          t;
       int StepsPerPage =  500;

       int LinesPerPage = (printer->height() - 2* MarginY) / fm.lineSpacing();
       if ( fi.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {

            int NumOfPages = 1 + TotalTextLines( fname ) / LinesPerPage;
            int totalSteps = StepsPerPage * NumOfPages;

            QString msg( "Printing (page " );
                         msg += QString::number( pageNo );
                         msg += ")...";
            //qt3to4 -- BW
            //Q3ProgressDialog* dialog = new Q3ProgressDialog(msg, "Cancel",
             //                                                               totalSteps, this, "progress", true);
            QProgressDialog* dialog = new QProgressDialog(msg, "Cancel",0,totalSteps);
            //dialog->setTotalSteps( totalSteps );
            //dialog->setProgress( 0 );
            dialog->setMinimumDuration( 0 );

            int progress_count = 0;

           QString gui = "EGSnrc GUI for RZ Geometries:  " + EGSfileName;
           QDate currDate = QDate::currentDate();
           QString date = currDate.toString ( "dd.MM.yyyy" );
           paint.setFont( fontBold );
           paint.drawText( Margin, 0,  printer->width() - 2*Margin, fmBold.lineSpacing(),
                        Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::RichText, gui );
           paint.drawText( Margin, 0,  printer->width() - 2*Margin, fmBold.lineSpacing(),
                        Qt::AlignRight, date );
           paint.drawLine( Margin, MarginY - 10, printer->width() - Margin, MarginY - 10 );
           paint.drawLine( Margin, printer->height() - MarginY + 10,
                                    printer->width() - Margin, printer->height() - MarginY + 10 );
           paint.drawText( Margin, printer->height() - fmBold.lineSpacing(),
	                       printer->width(), fmBold.lineSpacing(),
                                     Qt::AlignHCenter, QString::number( pageNo ) );
           paint.setFont( fontNormal );

           do {
                if ( dialog->wasCanceled() )
                t = ts.readLine();

                if ( MarginY + yPos + fm.lineSpacing() > printer->height() - MarginY ) {
                                    //dialog->setProgress( ++progress_count );
                                    dialog->setValue(++progress_count );
                         }while ( progress_count < StepsPerPage*pageNo );
	           msg = "Printing (page " + QString::number( ++pageNo ) + ")...";
	           dialog->setLabelText( msg );
                         printer->newPage();             // no more room on this page
                         yPos = 0;                       // back to top of page
                         paint.setFont( fontBold );
                         paint.drawText( Margin, 0,  printer->width() - 2*Margin, fmBold.lineSpacing(),
                                                   Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::RichText, gui );
                         paint.drawText( Margin, 0,  printer->width() - 2*Margin, fmBold.lineSpacing(),
                                                  Qt::AlignRight, date );
                        paint.drawLine( Margin, MarginY - 10, printer->width() - Margin, MarginY - 10 );
	          paint.drawLine( Margin, printer->height() - MarginY + 10,
                                    printer->width() - Margin, printer->height() - MarginY + 10 );
                        paint.drawText( Margin, printer->height() - fmBold.lineSpacing(),
	                       printer->width(), fmBold.lineSpacing(),
                                     Qt::AlignHCenter, QString::number( pageNo ) );
                         paint.setFont( fontNormal );

                paint.drawText( Margin, MarginY + yPos,
                        printer->width(), fm.lineSpacing(),
                        Qt::TextExpandTabs | Qt::TextDontClip, t );

                yPos = yPos + fm.lineSpacing();

               dialog->setValue( progress_count );

           //qt3to4 -- BW
           //} while ( !ts.eof() );
          } while ( !ts.atEnd() );

               dialog->setValue( ++progress_count );
           }while ( progress_count < totalSteps );

          dialog->setValue( totalSteps );
       else {
               QMessageBox::critical( 0,
                        tr("Error printing "),
	          tr("Couldn't open file %1").arg(fname),
                        tr("Quit") );


    else {
             QMessageBox::information( this, "Printing status", "Printing aborted");

    delete printer;