inline void qx_save(Archive & ar, const QRegExp & t, const unsigned int file_version) { Q_UNUSED(file_version); QString sPattern = t.pattern(); int iCaseSensitivity = static_cast<int>(t.caseSensitivity()); int iPatternSyntax = static_cast<int>(t.patternSyntax()); bool bMinimal = t.isMinimal(); ar << boost::serialization::make_nvp("pattern", sPattern); ar << boost::serialization::make_nvp("caseSensitivity", iCaseSensitivity); ar << boost::serialization::make_nvp("patternSyntax", iPatternSyntax); ar << boost::serialization::make_nvp("minimal", bMinimal); }
void XMLUtility::write(QXmlStreamWriter& writer, const QRegExp& regExp, const QString& name) { if (regExp.isEmpty() || !regExp.isValid() || name.length() == 0) { return; } writer.writeStartElement(name); writer.writeAttribute("IsMinimal", booleanToString(regExp.isMinimal())); writer.writeAttribute("CaseSensitive", caseToString(regExp.caseSensitivity())); writer.writeAttribute("PatternSyntax", getEnumMapper().PatternSyntaxToString(regExp.patternSyntax())); writer.writeCharacters(regExp.pattern()); writer.writeEndElement(); }
// Converts a QRegExp to a JS RegExp. // The conversion is not 100% exact since ECMA regexp and QRegExp // have different semantics/flags, but we try to do our best. Heap::RegExpObject::RegExpObject(const QRegExp &re) { global = false; // Convert the pattern to a ECMAScript pattern. QString pattern = QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_regexp_toCanonical)(re.pattern(), re.patternSyntax()); if (re.isMinimal()) { QString ecmaPattern; int len = pattern.length(); ecmaPattern.reserve(len); int i = 0; const QChar *wc = pattern.unicode(); bool inBracket = false; while (i < len) { QChar c = wc[i++]; ecmaPattern += c; switch (c.unicode()) { case '?': case '+': case '*': case '}': if (!inBracket) ecmaPattern += QLatin1Char('?'); break; case '\\': if (i < len) ecmaPattern += wc[i++]; break; case '[': inBracket = true; break; case ']': inBracket = false; break; default: break; } } pattern = ecmaPattern; } Scope scope(internalClass->engine); Scoped<QV4::RegExpObject> o(scope, this); o->d()->value = QV4::RegExp::create(scope.engine, pattern, re.caseSensitivity() == Qt::CaseInsensitive, false); o->initProperties(); }
void RegExp::newRegExp(QScriptValueImpl *result, const QRegExp &rx, int flags) { Q_ASSERT(!(flags & IgnoreCase) || (rx.caseSensitivity() == Qt::CaseInsensitive)); newRegExp_helper(result, rx, flags); }
QString SyntaxHighlighter::identifyWordGroup(const QString &word, const QChar &lookahead_chr, int idx, int &match_idx, int &match_len) { QRegExp expr; vector<QString>::iterator itr, itr_end; vector<QRegExp>::iterator itr_exp, itr_exp_end; vector<QRegExp> *vet_expr=nullptr; QString group; bool match=false, part_mach=false; MultiLineInfo *info=nullptr; //Try to get the multiline info for the current block info=getMultiLineInfo(idx, idx, current_block); /* Case the highlighter is in the middle of a multiline code block, a different action is executed: check if the current word does not matches with one of final expresion of the group indicating that the group highlighting must be interrupted after the current word */ if(info) { group=info->group; //Checking if the word is not a highlight ending for the group itr_exp=final_exprs[group].begin(); itr_exp_end=final_exprs[group].end(); part_mach=partial_match[group]; while(itr_exp!=itr_exp_end && !match) { expr=(*itr_exp); if(part_mach) { match_idx=word.indexOf(expr); match_len=expr.matchedLength(); match=(match_idx >= 0); } else { if(expr.patternSyntax()==QRegExp::FixedString) match=((expr.pattern().compare(word, expr.caseSensitivity())==0)); else match=expr.exactMatch(word); if(match) { match_idx=0; match_len=word.length(); } } if(match && lookahead_char.count(group) > 0 && lookahead_chr! match=false; itr_exp++; } /* If the word matches configures a multiline info with the values retrieved from the regexp matching */ if(match) { info->end_col=idx + match_idx + match_len-1; info->end_block=current_block; } else { match_idx=0; match_len=word.length(); } return(group); } else { itr=groups_order.begin(); itr_end=groups_order.end(); while(itr!=itr_end && !match) { group=(*itr); vet_expr=&initial_exprs[group]; itr++; itr_exp=vet_expr->begin(); itr_exp_end=vet_expr->end(); part_mach=partial_match[group]; while(itr_exp!=itr_exp_end && !match) { expr=(*itr_exp); if(part_mach) { match_idx=word.indexOf(expr); match_len=expr.matchedLength(); match=(match_idx >= 0); } else { if(expr.patternSyntax()==QRegExp::FixedString) match=((expr.pattern().compare(word, expr.caseSensitivity())==0)); else match=expr.exactMatch(word); if(match) { match_idx=0; match_len=word.length(); } } if(match && lookahead_char.count(group) > 0 && lookahead_chr! match=false; itr_exp++; } /* Case the word matches with one of group regexp check if this latter has final expressions which indicates that the group treats multiline blocks. This way alocates a info with the initial configurations */ if(match && final_exprs.count(group)) { if(!info) { info=new MultiLineInfo; info->group=group; info->start_col=idx + match_idx + match_len; info->start_block=current_block; multi_line_infos.push_back(info); } } } if(!match) group=""; return(group); } }
void MyMoneyReport::write(QDomElement& e, QDomDocument *doc, bool anonymous) const { // No matter what changes, be sure to have a 'type' attribute. Only change // the major type if it becomes impossible to maintain compatibility with // older versions of the program as new features are added to the reports. // Feel free to change the minor type every time a change is made here. writeBaseXML(*doc, e); if (anonymous) { e.setAttribute("name", m_id); e.setAttribute("comment", QString(m_comment).fill('x')); } else { e.setAttribute("name", m_name); e.setAttribute("comment", m_comment); } e.setAttribute("group", m_group); e.setAttribute("convertcurrency", m_convertCurrency); e.setAttribute("favorite", m_favorite); e.setAttribute("tax", m_tax); e.setAttribute("investments", m_investments); e.setAttribute("loans", m_loans); e.setAttribute("rowtype", kRowTypeText[m_rowType]); e.setAttribute("datelock", kDateLockText[m_dateLock]); e.setAttribute("includeschedules", m_includeSchedules); e.setAttribute("columnsaredays", m_columnsAreDays); e.setAttribute("includestransfers", m_includeTransfers); if (!m_budgetId.isEmpty()) e.setAttribute("budget", m_budgetId); e.setAttribute("includesactuals", m_includeBudgetActuals); e.setAttribute("includeunused", m_includeUnusedAccounts); e.setAttribute("includesforecast", m_includeForecast); e.setAttribute("includesprice", m_includePrice); e.setAttribute("includesaverageprice", m_includeAveragePrice); e.setAttribute("mixedtime", m_mixedTime); e.setAttribute("includesmovingaverage", m_includeMovingAverage); if (m_includeMovingAverage) e.setAttribute("movingaveragedays", m_movingAverageDays); if (m_chartType < 0 || m_chartType >= kChartTypeText.size()) { qDebug("m_chartType out of bounds with %d on report of type %d. Default to none.", m_chartType, m_reportType); e.setAttribute("charttype", kChartTypeText[0]); } else { e.setAttribute("charttype", kChartTypeText[m_chartType]); } e.setAttribute("chartdatalabels", m_chartDataLabels); e.setAttribute("chartgridlines", m_chartGridLines); e.setAttribute("chartbydefault", m_chartByDefault); e.setAttribute("chartlinewidth", m_chartLineWidth); e.setAttribute("skipZero", m_skipZero); if (m_reportType == ePivotTable) { e.setAttribute("type", "pivottable 1.15"); e.setAttribute("detail", kDetailLevelText[m_detailLevel]); e.setAttribute("columntype", kColumnTypeText[m_columnType]); e.setAttribute("showrowtotals", m_showRowTotals); } else if (m_reportType == eQueryTable) { e.setAttribute("type", "querytable 1.14"); QStringList columns; unsigned qc = m_queryColumns; unsigned it_qc = eQCbegin; unsigned index = 1; while (it_qc != eQCend) { if (qc & it_qc) columns += kQueryColumnsText[index]; it_qc *= 2; index++; } e.setAttribute("querycolumns", columns.join(",")); } else if (m_reportType == eInfoTable) { e.setAttribute("type", "infotable 1.0"); e.setAttribute("detail", kDetailLevelText[m_detailLevel]); e.setAttribute("showrowtotals", m_showRowTotals); } // // Text Filter // QRegExp textfilter; if (textFilter(textfilter)) { QDomElement f = doc->createElement("TEXT"); f.setAttribute("pattern", textfilter.pattern()); f.setAttribute("casesensitive", (textfilter.caseSensitivity() == Qt::CaseSensitive) ? 1 : 0); f.setAttribute("regex", (textfilter.patternSyntax() == QRegExp::Wildcard) ? 1 : 0); f.setAttribute("inverttext", m_invertText); e.appendChild(f); } // // Type & State Filters // QList<int> typelist; if (types(typelist) && ! typelist.empty()) { // iterate over payees, and add each one QList<int>::const_iterator it_type = typelist.constBegin(); while (it_type != typelist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("TYPE"); p.setAttribute("type", kTypeText[*it_type]); e.appendChild(p); ++it_type; } } QList<int> statelist; if (states(statelist) && ! statelist.empty()) { // iterate over payees, and add each one QList<int>::const_iterator it_state = statelist.constBegin(); while (it_state != statelist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("STATE"); p.setAttribute("state", kStateText[*it_state]); e.appendChild(p); ++it_state; } } // // Number Filter // QString nrFrom, nrTo; if (numberFilter(nrFrom, nrTo)) { QDomElement f = doc->createElement("NUMBER"); f.setAttribute("from", nrFrom); f.setAttribute("to", nrTo); e.appendChild(f); } // // Amount Filter // MyMoneyMoney from, to; if (amountFilter(from, to)) { // bool getAmountFilter(MyMoneyMoney&,MyMoneyMoney&); QDomElement f = doc->createElement("AMOUNT"); f.setAttribute("from", from.toString()); f.setAttribute("to", to.toString()); e.appendChild(f); } // // Payees Filter // QStringList payeelist; if (payees(payeelist)) { if (payeelist.empty()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("PAYEE"); e.appendChild(p); } else { // iterate over payees, and add each one QStringList::const_iterator it_payee = payeelist.constBegin(); while (it_payee != payeelist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("PAYEE"); p.setAttribute("id", *it_payee); e.appendChild(p); ++it_payee; } } } // // Tags Filter // QStringList taglist; if (tags(taglist)) { if (taglist.empty()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("TAG"); e.appendChild(p); } else { // iterate over tags, and add each one QStringList::const_iterator it_tag = taglist.constBegin(); while (it_tag != taglist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("TAG"); p.setAttribute("id", *it_tag); e.appendChild(p); ++it_tag; } } } // // Account Groups Filter // QList<MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE> accountgrouplist; if (accountGroups(accountgrouplist)) { // iterate over accounts, and add each one QList<MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE>::const_iterator it_group = accountgrouplist.constBegin(); while (it_group != accountgrouplist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("ACCOUNTGROUP"); p.setAttribute("group", kAccountTypeText[*it_group]); e.appendChild(p); ++it_group; } } // // Accounts Filter // QStringList accountlist; if (accounts(accountlist)) { // iterate over accounts, and add each one QStringList::const_iterator it_account = accountlist.constBegin(); while (it_account != accountlist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("ACCOUNT"); p.setAttribute("id", *it_account); e.appendChild(p); ++it_account; } } // // Categories Filter // accountlist.clear(); if (categories(accountlist)) { // iterate over accounts, and add each one QStringList::const_iterator it_account = accountlist.constBegin(); while (it_account != accountlist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("CATEGORY"); p.setAttribute("id", *it_account); e.appendChild(p); ++it_account; } } // // Date Filter // if (m_dateLock == userDefined) { QDate dateFrom, dateTo; if (dateFilter(dateFrom, dateTo)) { QDomElement f = doc->createElement("DATES"); if (dateFrom.isValid()) f.setAttribute("from", dateFrom.toString(Qt::ISODate)); if (dateTo.isValid()) f.setAttribute("to", dateTo.toString(Qt::ISODate)); e.appendChild(f); } } }
QScriptValue searchReplaceFunction(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine, bool replace){ QEditor *editor = qobject_cast<QEditor*>(context->thisObject().toQObject()); //read arguments SCRIPT_REQUIRE(editor, "invalid object"); SCRIPT_REQUIRE(!replace || context->argumentCount()>=2, "at least two arguments are required"); SCRIPT_REQUIRE(context->argumentCount()>=1, "at least one argument is required"); SCRIPT_REQUIRE(context->argumentCount()<=4, "too many arguments"); SCRIPT_REQUIRE(context->argument(0).isString()||context->argument(0).isRegExp(), "first argument must be a string or regexp"); QDocumentSearch::Options flags = QDocumentSearch::Silent; bool global = false, caseInsensitive = false; QString searchFor; if (context->argument(0).isRegExp()) { flags |= QDocumentSearch::RegExp; QRegExp r = context->argument(0).toRegExp(); searchFor = r.pattern(); caseInsensitive = r.caseSensitivity() == Qt::CaseInsensitive; Q_ASSERT(caseInsensitive == context->argument(0).property("ignoreCase").toBool()); //check assumption about javascript core global = context->argument(0).property("global").toBool(); } else searchFor = context->argument(0).toString(); QScriptValue handler; QDocumentCursor scope = editor->document()->cursor(0,0,editor->document()->lineCount(),0); int handlerCount = 0; for (int i=1; i<context->argumentCount();i++) if (context->argument(i).isString() || context->argument(i).isFunction()) handlerCount++; SCRIPT_REQUIRE(handlerCount <= (replace?2:1), "too many string or function arguments"); for (int i=1; i<context->argumentCount();i++) { QScriptValue a = context->argument(i); if (a.isFunction()) { SCRIPT_REQUIRE(!handler.isValid(), "Multiple callbacks"); handler = a; } else if (a.isString()) { if (!replace || handlerCount > 1) { QString s = a.toString().toLower(); global = s.contains("g"); caseInsensitive = s.contains("i"); if (s.contains("w")) flags |= QDocumentSearch::WholeWords; } else { SCRIPT_REQUIRE(!handler.isValid(), "Multiple callbacks"); handler = a; } handlerCount--; } else if (a.isNumber()) flags |= QDocumentSearch::Options((int)a.toNumber()); else if (a.isObject()) scope = cursorFromValue(a); else SCRIPT_REQUIRE(false, "Invalid argument"); } SCRIPT_REQUIRE(handler.isValid() || !replace, "No callback given"); if (!caseInsensitive) flags |= QDocumentSearch::CaseSensitive; //search/replace QDocumentSearch search(editor, searchFor, flags); search.setScope(scope); if (replace && handler.isString()) { search.setReplaceText(handler.toString()); search.setOption(QDocumentSearch::Replace,true); return, global, false, false); } if (!handler.isValid()) return,global,true,false); int count=0; while (, false, true, false) && search.cursor().isValid()) { count++; QDocumentCursor temp = search.cursor(); QScriptValue cb =, QScriptValueList() << engine->newQObject(&temp)); if (replace && cb.isValid()){ QDocumentCursor tmp = search.cursor(); tmp.replaceSelectedText(cb.toString()); search.setCursor(tmp.selectionEnd()); } if (!global) break; } return count; }