static PyObject *meth_QScriptValueIterator_hasNext(PyObject *sipSelf, PyObject *sipArgs) { PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL; { QScriptValueIterator *sipCpp; if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "B", &sipSelf, sipType_QScriptValueIterator, &sipCpp)) { bool sipRes; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS sipRes = sipCpp->hasNext(); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS return PyBool_FromLong(sipRes); } }
void UT::SetResultMapWithSets(QList<QMap<QString,QString > >& fql_result_set, QScriptValueIterator& resultSetIter) { int i = 1; while (resultSetIter.hasNext()) { QMap<QString,QString> fql_result_set_map;; UT::getInstance()->LogToFile("# "+(i++)); QScriptValueIterator it3(resultSetIter.value()); while (it3.hasNext()) {; UT::getInstance()->LogToFile( +": " + it3.value().toString()); fql_result_set_map.insert(,it3.value().toString()); } fql_result_set.append(fql_result_set_map); } }
int BTCTrader::gotReply ( QNetworkReply* reply ) { /* if ( graph == NULL ) { // timerOrders->start ( poolInterval ); return 0; }*/ QByteArray result; float bid = 0; float ask = 0; float trade = 0; result = reply->readAll (); QScriptValue sc; QScriptEngine engine; sc = engine.evaluate("(" + QString(result) + ")"); if ("asks").isArray()) { QStringList items; qScriptValueToSequence("asks"), items); QMap<float,float> hash; for ( int i=0;i<items.count();i++ ) { if ( hash[ ( i ).split ( ',') .at ( 0 ).toFloat()] > 0 ) { hash[ ( i ).split ( ',') .at ( 0 ).toFloat()] += ( i ).split ( ',') .at ( 1 ).toFloat(); } else { hash.insert( ( i ).split ( ',') .at ( 0 ).toFloat(), ( i ).split ( ',') .at ( 1 ).toFloat() ); } } QList<float> keys = hash.keys(); qSort ( keys ); ask = ( 0 ); float balanceBs = 0; float count = balanceUSD; int counter = 0; while ( count > 0 ) { if ( count >= hash[ ( counter )]* ( counter ) ) { balanceBs += hash[ ( counter )]; count -= hash[ ( counter )]* ( counter ); } else { balanceBs += count/ ( counter ); count = 0; } counter++; } balanceBs -= balanceBs/100*fee; // ui->USDLabel->setText( QString::number ( balanceUSD ) ); // ui->USDtoBTCLabel->setText (QString::number ( balanceBs ) ); if ( graph != NULL ) graph->updateAsk( ask ); if ( ordersGraph != NULL ) ordersGraph->updateAsks( hash ); if ( tradeList != NULL ) { for ( int i=9; i>=0;i-- ) { QTableWidgetItem* item; item = tradeList->takeItem ( i, 0 ); ask = (float) ( 9 - i ); item->setText( QString::number ( ask ) ); item->setForeground( Qt::red ); tradeList->setItem ( i, 0, item ); item = tradeList->takeItem ( i, 1 ); ask = (float)hash.value( ( 9 - i ) ); item->setText( QString::number ( ask ) ); tradeList->setItem ( i, 1, item ); } } } if ("bids").isArray()) { QStringList items; qScriptValueToSequence("bids"), items); QMap<float,float> hash; for ( int i=0;i<items.count();i++ ) { if ( hash[ ( i ).split ( ',') .at ( 0 ).toFloat()] > 0 ) { hash[ ( i ).split ( ',') .at ( 0 ).toFloat()] += ( i ).split ( ',') .at ( 1 ).toFloat(); } else { hash.insert( ( i ).split ( ',') .at ( 0 ).toFloat(), ( i ).split ( ',') .at ( 1 ).toFloat() ); } } QList<float> keys = hash.keys(); qSort ( keys ); bid = ( keys.count() - 1 ); float balanceBs = 0; float count = balance; count -= count / 100 * fee; int counter = keys.count() - 1; while ( count > 0 ) { if ( count >= hash[ ( counter )] ) { balanceBs += hash[ ( counter )] * ( counter ); count -= hash[ ( counter ) ]; } else { balanceBs += count * ( counter ); count = 0; } counter--; } // ui->BTCLabel->setText( QString::number ( balance ) ); // ui->BTCtoUSDLabel->setText (QString::number ( balanceBs ) ); if ( graph != NULL ) graph->updateBid( bid ); if ( ordersGraph != NULL ) ordersGraph->updateBids( hash ); if ( tradeList != NULL ) { for ( int i=11; i<=20;i++ ) { QTableWidgetItem* item; item = tradeList->takeItem ( i, 0 ); bid = (float) ( keys.count() - i + 10 ); item->setText( QString::number ( bid ) ); item->setForeground( Qt::blue ); tradeList->setItem ( i, 0, item ); item = tradeList->takeItem ( i, 1 ); bid = (float)hash.value( ( keys.count() - i + 10 ) ); item->setText( QString::number ( bid ) ); tradeList->setItem ( i, 1, item ); } } timerDepth->start ( poolInterval ); } if ( ( "ticker" ).isObject() ) { QString str ="ticker").property("last").toString(); trade = str.toFloat (); graph->updateTrade( trade ); if ( tradeList != NULL ) { QTableWidgetItem* item; item = tradeList->takeItem ( 10, 0 ); item->setText( str ); item->setForeground( Qt::green ); tradeList->setItem ( 10, 0, item ); } // QTableWidgetItem* item; // item = ui->bidTableWidget->takeItem ( 0, 20 ); // item->setText( str ); // item->setForeground( Qt::green ); // ui->bidTableWidget->setItem ( 0, 20, item ); timerTicker->start ( poolInterval ); } if ( ( "usds" ).isString() ) { ( "usds" ).toNumber(); } if ( ( "btcs" ).isString() ) { balance = ( "btcs" ).toNumber(); } if ( ( "orders" ).isObject()/* && ! myOrderTableWidget->contextMenu->isVisible()*/ ) { errorCount = 0; // myOrderTableWidget->clear(); // myOrderTableWidget->setRowCount( 0 ); // myOrderTableWidget->setColumnCount( 4 ); QScriptValueIterator iterator ( "orders" ) ); while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {; QTableWidgetItem* item; // myOrderTableWidget->insertRow( 0 ); item = new QTableWidgetItem (); item->setText( iterator.value().property( "oid" ).toString() ); if ( iterator.value().property ( "status" ).toInteger() != 1 ) item->setBackgroundColor( ( QColor ( Qt::gray ) ) ); // myOrderTableWidget->setItem( 0, 0, item ); item = new QTableWidgetItem (); if ( iterator.value().property( "type" ).toInteger() == 1 ) item->setText( "S" ); else item->setText( "B" ); if ( iterator.value().property ( "status" ).toInteger() != 1 ) item->setBackgroundColor( ( QColor ( Qt::gray ) ) ); // myOrderTableWidget->setItem( 0, 1, item ); item = new QTableWidgetItem (); item->setText( iterator.value().property( "amount" ).toString() ); if ( iterator.value().property ( "status" ).toInteger() != 1 ) item->setBackgroundColor( ( QColor ( Qt::gray ) ) ); // myOrderTableWidget->setItem( 0, 2, item ); item = new QTableWidgetItem (); item->setText( iterator.value().property( "price" ).toString() ); if ( iterator.value().property ( "status" ).toInteger() != 1 ) item->setBackgroundColor( ( QColor ( Qt::gray ) ) ); // myOrderTableWidget->setItem( 0, 3, item ); // myOrderTableWidget->setRowHeight(0, 15); } /* myOrderTableWidget->removeRow( 0 );*/ /* myOrderTableWidget->setColumnWidth( 0, 0 ); myOrderTableWidget->setColumnWidth( 1, 20 ); myOrderTableWidget->setColumnWidth( 2, 110 ); myOrderTableWidget->setColumnWidth( 3, 110 );*/ timerOrders->start( poolInterval ); } if ( "error" ).toString().length() > 0 ) { errorCount += 1; qDebug ( QString ( result ).toStdString().c_str() ); if ( errorCount == 5 ) { failedLogin = true; qDebug ( "error" ).toString().toStdString().c_str() ); // this->ui->statusBar->showMessage ( "error" ).toString() ); // this->setWindowTitle( "BTCTrade - failed login" ); } } reply->deleteLater(); return 0; }
/*! Applies the given \a command to the given \a backend. */ QScriptDebuggerResponse QScriptDebuggerCommandExecutor::execute( QScriptDebuggerBackend *backend, const QScriptDebuggerCommand &command) { QScriptDebuggerResponse response; switch (command.type()) { case QScriptDebuggerCommand::None: break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::Interrupt: backend->interruptEvaluation(); break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::Continue: if (backend->engine()->isEvaluating()) { backend->continueEvalution(); response.setAsync(true); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::StepInto: { QVariant attr = command.attribute(QScriptDebuggerCommand::StepCount); int count = attr.isValid() ? attr.toInt() : 1; backend->stepInto(count); response.setAsync(true); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::StepOver: { QVariant attr = command.attribute(QScriptDebuggerCommand::StepCount); int count = attr.isValid() ? attr.toInt() : 1; backend->stepOver(count); response.setAsync(true); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::StepOut: backend->stepOut(); response.setAsync(true); break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::RunToLocation: backend->runToLocation(command.fileName(), command.lineNumber()); response.setAsync(true); break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::RunToLocationByID: backend->runToLocation(command.scriptId(), command.lineNumber()); response.setAsync(true); break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::ForceReturn: { int contextIndex = command.contextIndex(); QScriptDebuggerValue value = command.scriptValue(); QScriptEngine *engine = backend->engine(); QScriptValue realValue = value.toScriptValue(engine); backend->returnToCaller(contextIndex, realValue); response.setAsync(true); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::Resume: backend->resume(); response.setAsync(true); break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::SetBreakpoint: { QScriptBreakpointData data = command.breakpointData(); if (!data.isValid()) data = QScriptBreakpointData(command.fileName(), command.lineNumber()); int id = backend->setBreakpoint(data); response.setResult(id); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::DeleteBreakpoint: { int id = command.breakpointId(); if (!backend->deleteBreakpoint(id)) response.setError(QScriptDebuggerResponse::InvalidBreakpointID); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::DeleteAllBreakpoints: backend->deleteAllBreakpoints(); break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetBreakpoints: { QScriptBreakpointMap bps = backend->breakpoints(); if (!bps.isEmpty()) response.setResult(bps); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetBreakpointData: { int id = command.breakpointId(); QScriptBreakpointData data = backend->breakpointData(id); if (data.isValid()) response.setResult(data); else response.setError(QScriptDebuggerResponse::InvalidBreakpointID); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::SetBreakpointData: { int id = command.breakpointId(); QScriptBreakpointData data = command.breakpointData(); if (!backend->setBreakpointData(id, data)) response.setError(QScriptDebuggerResponse::InvalidBreakpointID); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetScripts: { QScriptScriptMap scripts = backend->scripts(); if (!scripts.isEmpty()) response.setResult(scripts); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetScriptData: { qint64 id = command.scriptId(); QScriptScriptData data = backend->scriptData(id); if (data.isValid()) response.setResult(data); else response.setError(QScriptDebuggerResponse::InvalidScriptID); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::ScriptsCheckpoint: backend->scriptsCheckpoint(); response.setResult(QVariant::fromValue(backend->scriptsDelta())); break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetScriptsDelta: response.setResult(QVariant::fromValue(backend->scriptsDelta())); break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::ResolveScript: response.setResult(backend->resolveScript(command.fileName())); break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetBacktrace: response.setResult(backend->backtrace()); break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetContextCount: response.setResult(backend->contextCount()); break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetContextState: { QScriptContext *ctx = backend->context(command.contextIndex()); if (ctx) response.setResult(static_cast<int>(ctx->state())); else response.setError(QScriptDebuggerResponse::InvalidContextIndex); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetContextID: { int idx = command.contextIndex(); if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < backend->contextCount())) response.setResult(backend->contextIds()[idx]); else response.setError(QScriptDebuggerResponse::InvalidContextIndex); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetContextInfo: { QScriptContext *ctx = backend->context(command.contextIndex()); if (ctx) response.setResult(QScriptContextInfo(ctx)); else response.setError(QScriptDebuggerResponse::InvalidContextIndex); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetThisObject: { QScriptContext *ctx = backend->context(command.contextIndex()); if (ctx) response.setResult(ctx->thisObject()); else response.setError(QScriptDebuggerResponse::InvalidContextIndex); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetActivationObject: { QScriptContext *ctx = backend->context(command.contextIndex()); if (ctx) response.setResult(ctx->activationObject()); else response.setError(QScriptDebuggerResponse::InvalidContextIndex); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetScopeChain: { QScriptContext *ctx = backend->context(command.contextIndex()); if (ctx) { QScriptDebuggerValueList dest; QScriptValueList src = ctx->scopeChain(); for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); ++i) dest.append(; response.setResult(dest); } else { response.setError(QScriptDebuggerResponse::InvalidContextIndex); } } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::ContextsCheckpoint: { response.setResult(QVariant::fromValue(backend->contextsCheckpoint())); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetPropertyExpressionValue: { QScriptContext *ctx = backend->context(command.contextIndex()); int lineNumber = command.lineNumber(); QVariant attr = command.attribute(QScriptDebuggerCommand::UserAttribute); QStringList path = attr.toStringList(); if (!ctx || path.isEmpty()) break; QScriptContextInfo ctxInfo(ctx); if (ctx->callee().isValid() && ((lineNumber < ctxInfo.functionStartLineNumber()) || (lineNumber > ctxInfo.functionEndLineNumber()))) { break; } QScriptValueList objects; int pathIndex = 0; if ( == QLatin1String("this")) { objects.append(ctx->thisObject()); ++pathIndex; } else { objects << ctx->scopeChain(); } for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i) { QScriptValue val =; for (int j = pathIndex; val.isValid() && (j < path.size()); ++j) { val =; } if (val.isValid()) { bool hadException = (ctx->state() == QScriptContext::ExceptionState); QString str = val.toString(); if (!hadException && backend->engine()->hasUncaughtException()) backend->engine()->clearExceptions(); response.setResult(str); break; } } } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetCompletions: { QScriptContext *ctx = backend->context(command.contextIndex()); QVariant attr = command.attribute(QScriptDebuggerCommand::UserAttribute); QStringList path = attr.toStringList(); if (!ctx || path.isEmpty()) break; QScriptValueList objects; QString prefix = path.last(); QSet<QString> matches; if (path.size() > 1) { const QString &topLevelIdent =; QScriptValue obj; if (topLevelIdent == QLatin1String("this")) { obj = ctx->thisObject(); } else { QScriptValueList scopeChain; scopeChain = ctx->scopeChain(); for (int i = 0; i < scopeChain.size(); ++i) { QScriptValue oo =; if (oo.isObject()) { obj = oo; break; } } } for (int i = 1; obj.isObject() && (i < path.size()-1); ++i) obj =; if (obj.isValid()) objects.append(obj); } else { objects << ctx->scopeChain(); QStringList keywords; keywords.append(QString::fromLatin1("this")); keywords.append(QString::fromLatin1("true")); keywords.append(QString::fromLatin1("false")); keywords.append(QString::fromLatin1("null")); for (int i = 0; i < keywords.size(); ++i) { const QString &kwd =; if (isPrefixOf(prefix, kwd)) matches.insert(kwd); } } for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i) { QScriptValue obj =; while (obj.isObject()) { QScriptValueIterator it(obj); while (it.hasNext()) {; QString propertyName =; if (isPrefixOf(prefix, propertyName)) matches.insert(propertyName); } obj = obj.prototype(); } } QStringList matchesList = matches.toList(); qStableSort(matchesList); response.setResult(matchesList); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::NewScriptObjectSnapshot: { int id = backend->newScriptObjectSnapshot(); response.setResult(id); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::ScriptObjectSnapshotCapture: { int id = command.snapshotId(); QScriptObjectSnapshot *snap = backend->scriptObjectSnapshot(id); Q_ASSERT(snap != 0); QScriptDebuggerValue object = command.scriptValue(); Q_ASSERT(object.type() == QScriptDebuggerValue::ObjectValue); QScriptEngine *engine = backend->engine(); QScriptValue realObject = object.toScriptValue(engine); Q_ASSERT(realObject.isObject()); QScriptObjectSnapshot::Delta delta = snap->capture(realObject); QScriptDebuggerObjectSnapshotDelta result; result.removedProperties = delta.removedProperties; bool didIgnoreExceptions = backend->ignoreExceptions(); backend->setIgnoreExceptions(true); for (int i = 0; i < delta.changedProperties.size(); ++i) { const QScriptValueProperty &src =; bool hadException = engine->hasUncaughtException(); QString str = src.value().toString(); if (!hadException && engine->hasUncaughtException()) engine->clearExceptions(); QScriptDebuggerValueProperty dest(, src.value(), str, src.flags()); result.changedProperties.append(dest); } for (int j = 0; j < delta.addedProperties.size(); ++j) { const QScriptValueProperty &src =; bool hadException = engine->hasUncaughtException(); QString str = src.value().toString(); if (!hadException && engine->hasUncaughtException()) engine->clearExceptions(); QScriptDebuggerValueProperty dest(, src.value(), str, src.flags()); result.addedProperties.append(dest); } backend->setIgnoreExceptions(didIgnoreExceptions); response.setResult(QVariant::fromValue(result)); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::DeleteScriptObjectSnapshot: { int id = command.snapshotId(); backend->deleteScriptObjectSnapshot(id); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::NewScriptValueIterator: { QScriptDebuggerValue object = command.scriptValue(); Q_ASSERT(object.type() == QScriptDebuggerValue::ObjectValue); QScriptEngine *engine = backend->engine(); QScriptValue realObject = object.toScriptValue(engine); Q_ASSERT(realObject.isObject()); int id = backend->newScriptValueIterator(realObject); response.setResult(id); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::GetPropertiesByIterator: { int id = command.iteratorId(); int count = 1000; QScriptValueIterator *it = backend->scriptValueIterator(id); Q_ASSERT(it != 0); QScriptDebuggerValuePropertyList props; for (int i = 0; (i < count) && it->hasNext(); ++i) { it->next(); QString name = it->name(); QScriptValue value = it->value(); QString valueAsString = value.toString(); QScriptValue::PropertyFlags flags = it->flags(); QScriptDebuggerValueProperty prp(name, value, valueAsString, flags); props.append(prp); } response.setResult(props); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::DeleteScriptValueIterator: { int id = command.iteratorId(); backend->deleteScriptValueIterator(id); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::Evaluate: { int contextIndex = command.contextIndex(); QString program = command.program(); QString fileName = command.fileName(); int lineNumber = command.lineNumber(); backend->evaluate(contextIndex, program, fileName, lineNumber); response.setAsync(true); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::ScriptValueToString: { QScriptDebuggerValue value = command.scriptValue(); QScriptEngine *engine = backend->engine(); QScriptValue realValue = value.toScriptValue(engine); response.setResult(realValue.toString()); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::SetScriptValueProperty: { QScriptDebuggerValue object = command.scriptValue(); QScriptEngine *engine = backend->engine(); QScriptValue realObject = object.toScriptValue(engine); QScriptDebuggerValue value = command.subordinateScriptValue(); QScriptValue realValue = value.toScriptValue(engine); QString name =; realObject.setProperty(name, realValue); } break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::ClearExceptions: backend->engine()->clearExceptions(); break; case QScriptDebuggerCommand::UserCommand: case QScriptDebuggerCommand::MaxUserCommand: break; } return response; }
bool JsonParser::read( QIODevice* device ) { // Assert previous document got released. delete m_document; m_document = new GeoDataDocument; Q_ASSERT( m_document ); // Fixes for test parsing device->seek(21); // Strip off 'onKothicDataRespone(' QString temp = QString::fromUtf8( device->readAll() ); int midIndex = temp.size(); int rightIndex = midIndex; for ( int i=0; i<4; ++i ) { rightIndex = midIndex; midIndex = temp.lastIndexOf( ',', midIndex-1 ); if ( i==1 ) { QString name = temp.mid( midIndex-1 ); name.remove( name.size()-2,2 ); m_document->setName( "Kothic " + name ); } } QString stream = temp.mid(0, midIndex); stream.prepend('('); stream.append("})"); bool hasGranularity = false; int const granularity = temp.mid(midIndex+15, rightIndex-midIndex-16).toInt( &hasGranularity ); if (!hasGranularity) { mDebug() << "Cannot parse json file (failed to parse granularity) " << temp; return false; } /** THIS IS A TEST PARSER FOR KOTHIK's JSON FORMAT **/ m_data = m_engine.evaluate( stream ); if (m_engine.hasUncaughtException()) { mDebug() << "Cannot parse json file: " << m_engine.uncaughtException().toString(); return false; } // Start parsing GeoDataPlacemark *placemark; GeoDataFeature::GeoDataVisualCategory category; // Bounding box coordinates float east; float south; float west; float north; // Global data (even if it is at the end of the json response // it is possible to read it now) if ( "bbox" ).isArray() ){ QStringList coors = "bbox" ).toString().split( QLatin1Char( ',' ) ); // Load the bounding box coordinates west =; east =; south =; north =; } else{ mDebug() << "Cannot parse bbox"; return false; } // All downloaded placemarks will be features, so we should iterate // on features QScriptValue const features = "features" ); if (features.isArray()){ QScriptValueIterator iterator( features ); // Add items to the list while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {; GeoDataGeometry * geom; placemark = new GeoDataPlacemark(); QString const typeProperty = iterator.value().property( "type" ).toString(); if ( typeProperty == "Polygon" ){ geom = new GeoDataPolygon( RespectLatitudeCircle | Tessellate ); } else if ( typeProperty == "LineString" ){ geom = new GeoDataLineString( RespectLatitudeCircle | Tessellate ); } else if ( typeProperty == "Point" ){ geom = new GeoDataPoint(); } else geom = 0; QScriptValueIterator it (iterator.value().property( "properties" )); bool propertiesCorrect = false; // Parsing properties while ( it.hasNext() && geom != 0 ) {; if ( == "name" ){ placemark->setName( it.value().toString() ); }else if ( !propertiesCorrect ){ category = GeoDataFeature::OsmVisualCategory( + '=' + it.value().toString() ); if (category != 0){ placemark->setVisualCategory( category ); propertiesCorrect = true; } } } // Parsing coordinates QScriptValue const coordinatesProperty = iterator.value().property( "coordinates" ); if ( coordinatesProperty.isArray() ){ QScriptValueIterator it ( coordinatesProperty ); while ( it.hasNext() ) {; QStringList coors = it.value().toString().split( QLatin1Char( ',' ) ); for (int x = 0; x < coors.size()-1 && coors.size()>1 ;){ float auxX = ( / granularity)*(east-west) + west; float auxY = ( / granularity)*(north-south) + south; QString const typeProperty = iterator.value().property( "type" ).toString(); if (typeProperty == "Polygon"){ GeoDataLinearRing ring = ((GeoDataPolygon*)geom)->outerBoundary(); ring.append( GeoDataCoordinates(auxX, auxY,0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ); // FIXME appending to the ring could be done more efficiently ((GeoDataPolygon*)geom)->setOuterBoundary(ring); } else if (typeProperty == "LineString"){ ((GeoDataLineString*) geom)->append( GeoDataCoordinates(auxX, auxY,0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ); } else if (typeProperty == "Point"){ ((GeoDataPoint*) geom)->setCoordinates( GeoDataCoordinates(auxX,auxY,0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ); } } } } if ( propertiesCorrect && geom != 0 ){ placemark->setGeometry( geom ); placemark->setVisible( true ); m_document->append( placemark ); } } } return true; }