Example #1
void Server::newConnection(int socket){
  cout << "New connection received" << endl;
  QSocketDevice* s = new QSocketDevice();
  s->setSocket(socket, QSocketDevice::Stream);
  int use_keep_alive = 1;
  if(setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &use_keep_alive, sizeof(use_keep_alive))){
    int errsv = errno;
    cerr << "Unable to set socket to use keep_alive error: " 
	 << errsv << " : " << strerror(errsv) << endl;
  // change the default behaviour to a more aggressive polling
  struct protoent* pe = getprotobyname("tcp"); // pe->p_proto contains the number
  int keep_alive_time = 60;
  int keep_alive_intvl = 60;
  int keep_alive_probes = 20;
  if(setsockopt(socket, pe->p_proto, TCP_KEEPIDLE, &keep_alive_time, sizeof(keep_alive_time)))
    cerr << "Unable to set socket option keep alive time" << endl;
  if(setsockopt(socket, pe->p_proto, TCP_KEEPINTVL, &keep_alive_intvl, sizeof(keep_alive_intvl)))
    cerr << "Unable to set socket option keep alive interval" << endl;
  if(setsockopt(socket, pe->p_proto, TCP_KEEPCNT, &keep_alive_probes, sizeof(keep_alive_probes)))
    cerr << "Unable to set sockt option keep alive probes" << endl;

  connections[s] = new ConnectionObject(s, &pSet, (QWidget*)this);
