Example #1
void ConnectDialog::connectToServer(void)
    delete m_client;
    m_client = 0;
    m_ui->m_labelStatus->setText("Verbindungsaufbau ...");

    /* SelfSignedCertificate akzeptieren */
    QList<QSslError> expectedSslErrors;
    QSslCertificate cert = QSslCertificate::fromPath("cacert.pem").value(0);
    expectedSslErrors.append(QSslError(QSslError::SelfSignedCertificate, cert));

    /* Neue Verbindung aufbauen */
    QSslSocket* socket = new QSslSocket;
    socket->connectToHostEncrypted(m_ui->m_lineAddress->text(), m_ui->m_spinPort->value());

    /* Warte bis Verbindung steht */
    if (!socket->waitForEncrypted(10000))
        qDebug() << socket->errorString();
        m_ui->m_labelStatus->setText(QString("Fehler: ").append(socket->errorString()));
        delete socket;


    m_ui->m_labelStatus->setText("Verbindung erfolgreich aufgebaut.");
    m_client = new Client(socket);
    this->disconnect(m_ui->m_buttonClose, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()));
    this->connect(m_ui->m_buttonClose, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()));
Example #2
void SshServer::slot_newIncommingConnection( int socketDescriptor )
    QSslSocket* sslSocket = new QSslSocket();
	// before the handshake, we need to adjust some security parameters for SSL
	QSsl::SslProtocol sslProtocol;
	if( "SSL-v3" == _sshServerSettings._version )
		sslProtocol = QSsl::SslV3;
    else if( "TLS-v1" == _sshServerSettings._version )
		sslProtocol = QSsl::TlsV1;
		logError( this, "no valid SSL version to use" );
		delete sslSocket;        
    QSsl::EncodingFormat ecodingFormat = ("PER"==_sshServerSettings._format) ? QSsl::Pem : QSsl::Der;
    QSsl::KeyAlgorithm algorithm = ("RSA"==_sshServerSettings._cipher) ? QSsl::Rsa : QSsl::Dsa;
    QByteArray password;

    // setting the SSL version to use
    sslSocket->setProtocol( sslProtocol );
    // ensure that the peer's certificate will be verified 
    sslSocket->setPeerVerifyMode( QSslSocket::VerifyPeer );
    // ensure that the peer's cerficiate and its issuer's certificate will be verified
    sslSocket->setPeerVerifyDepth( 2 );

    // setting server's certificate
    sslSocket->setLocalCertificate( _sshServerSettings._certificate, ecodingFormat );
    // setting server's private key
    sslSocket->setPrivateKey( _sshServerSettings._privateKey, algorithm, ecodingFormat, password );
    // setting the CA ceritificate
    QList<QSslCertificate> caCertificates = QSslCertificate::fromPath( _sshServerSettings._certificate, ecodingFormat );
    sslSocket->setDefaultCaCertificates( caCertificates );
    // setup some traps for the socket events
	connect( sslSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), sslSocket, SLOT(deleteLater()) );
	connect( sslSocket, SIGNAL(encrypted()), SLOT(slot_SuccessfulConnected()) );
	connect( sslSocket, SIGNAL(sslErrors(const QList<QSslError>&)), this, SLOT(slot_UnSuccessfulConnected(const QList<QSslError>&)) );
    connect( sslSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(slot_IncommingData()) );
	// start the handshake
	bool result = sslSocket->setSocketDescriptor( socketDescriptor );
    if( false == result )
        logError( this, QString("failed to set socket descriptor: %1").arg(sslSocket->errorString()) );
        delete sslSocket;

Example #3
void Server::connectionFailure()
  QSslSocket *socket = dynamic_cast<QSslSocket *>(sender());

  std::cout << "connection error " << socket->errorString().toStdString() << std::endl;
Example #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);

    if (argc < 3) {
        QTextStream out(stdout);
        out << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " host port [options]" << endl;
        out << "The options can be one or more of the following:" << endl;
        out << "enable_empty_fragments" << endl;
        out << "disable_session_tickets" << endl;
        out << "disable_compression" << endl;
        out << "disable_sni" << endl;
        out << "enable_unsafe_reneg" << endl;
        return 1;

    QString host = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[1]);
    int port = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[2]).toInt();

    QSslConfiguration config = QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration();

    for (int i=3; i < argc; i++) {
        QString option = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[i]);

        if (option == QStringLiteral("enable_empty_fragments"))
            config.setSslOption(QSsl::SslOptionDisableEmptyFragments, false);
        else if (option == QStringLiteral("disable_session_tickets"))
            config.setSslOption(QSsl::SslOptionDisableSessionTickets, true);
        else if (option == QStringLiteral("disable_compression"))
            config.setSslOption(QSsl::SslOptionDisableCompression, true);
        else if (option == QStringLiteral("disable_sni"))
            config.setSslOption(QSsl::SslOptionDisableServerNameIndication, true);
        else if (option == QStringLiteral("enable_unsafe_reneg"))
            config.setSslOption(QSsl::SslOptionDisableLegacyRenegotiation, false);


    QSslSocket socket;
    socket.connectToHostEncrypted(host, port);

    if ( !socket.waitForEncrypted() ) {
        qDebug() << socket.errorString();
        return 1;

    return 0;
Example #5
void QwwSmtpClientPrivate::onError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError e)
    emit q->socketError(e, socket->errorString());
void LanLinkProvider::connectError()
    QSslSocket* socket = qobject_cast<QSslSocket*>(sender());
    if (!socket) return;
    disconnect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(connected()));
    disconnect(socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(connectError()));

    qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CORE) << "Fallback (1), try reverse connection (send udp packet)" << socket->errorString();
    NetworkPackage np("");
    np.set("tcpPort", mTcpPort);
    mUdpSocket.writeDatagram(np.serialize(), receivedIdentityPackages[socket].sender, port);

    //The socket we created didn't work, and we didn't manage
    //to create a LanDeviceLink from it, deleting everything.
    delete receivedIdentityPackages.take(socket).np;
    delete socket;
Example #7
bool SenderPrivate::connectToHost()

    QSslSocket *sslSock = nullptr;
    switch (connectionType) {
    case Sender::TlsConnection:
    case Sender::TcpConnection:
        qCDebug(SIMPLEMAIL_SENDER) << "Connecting to host" << host << port;
        socket->connectToHost(host, port);
    case Sender::SslConnection:
        sslSock = qobject_cast<QSslSocket*>(socket);
        if (sslSock) {
            qCDebug(SIMPLEMAIL_SENDER) << "Connecting to host encrypted" << host << port;
            sslSock->connectToHostEncrypted(host, port);
        } else {
            return false;

    // Tries to connect to server
    if (!socket->waitForConnected(connectionTimeout)) {
        lastError = socket->errorString();
        qCDebug(SIMPLEMAIL_SENDER) << "Connection failed" << socket->errorString();
        Q_EMIT q->smtpError(Sender::ConnectionTimeoutError);
        return false;

    // If the response code is not 220 (Service ready)
    // means that is something wrong with the server
    if (!waitForResponse(220)) {
        Q_EMIT q->smtpError(Sender::ServerError);
        return false;

    qCDebug(SIMPLEMAIL_SENDER) << "Sending EHLO" << name;
    // Send a EHLO/HELO message to the server
    // The client's first command must be EHLO/HELO
    sendMessage("EHLO " + name.toLatin1());

    // The response code needs to be 250.
    if (!waitForResponse(250)) {
        Q_EMIT q->smtpError(Sender::ServerError);
        return false;
    qCDebug(SIMPLEMAIL_SENDER) << "Sent hello";

    if (connectionType == Sender::TlsConnection) {
        qCDebug(SIMPLEMAIL_SENDER) << "Sending STARTTLS";

        // send a request to start TLS handshake

        // The response code needs to be 220.
        if (!waitForResponse(220)) {
            Q_EMIT q->smtpError(Sender::ServerError);
            return false;

        if (sslSock) {
            qCDebug(SIMPLEMAIL_SENDER) << "Starting client encryption";

            if (!sslSock->waitForEncrypted(connectionTimeout)) {
                qCDebug(SIMPLEMAIL_SENDER) << "Failed to encrypt connection" << sslSock->errorString();
                Q_EMIT q->smtpError(Sender::ConnectionTimeoutError);
                return false;

        qCDebug(SIMPLEMAIL_SENDER) << "Sending second EHLO" << name;
        // Send ELHO one more time
        sendMessage(QByteArrayLiteral("EHLO ") + name.toLatin1());

        // The response code needs to be 250.
        if (!waitForResponse(250)) {
            Q_EMIT q->smtpError(Sender::ServerError);
            return false;

    state = SenderPrivate::Connected;

    // If no errors occured the function returns true.
    return true;
