Example #1
void MainWindow::pbUmount()
	this->disableAll() ;

	int row = m_ui->tableWidget->currentRow() ;

	QString path = m_ui->tableWidget->item( row,0 )->text() ;
	QString type = m_ui->tableWidget->item( row,2 )->text() ;

	if( type == "encfs" ){

		QString m = m_ui->tableWidget->item( row,1 )->text() ;

		if( !zuluMountTask::encfsUnmount( m ).await() ){

			DialogMsg m( this ) ;
			m.ShowUIOK( tr( "ERROR" ),tr( "Failed to unmount encfs volume" ) ) ;
			this->enableAll() ;
		auto r = zuluMountTask::unmountVolume( path,type ).await() ;

		if( r.failed() ){

			DialogMsg m( this ) ;
			m.ShowUIOK( tr( "ERROR" ),r.output() ) ;
			this->enableAll() ;
Example #2
void keyDialog::slotMountComplete( int st,QString m )
	m_working = false ;
	if( st == 0 ){
		if( utility::mapperPathExists( m_path ) ) {
			 * The volume is reported as opened and it actually is
			if( m_autoOpenFolderOnMount ){
				Task * t = new Task() ;
				t->setMountPoint( utility::mountPath( m_point ) ) ;
				t->setMountPointOpener( m_folderOpener ) ;
				connect( t,SIGNAL( errorStatus( int,int,int ) ),this,SLOT( fileManagerOpenStatus( int,int,int ) ) ) ;
				t->start( Task::openMountPoint ) ;
			 * The volume is reported as opened but it isnt,possible reason is a backe end crash

			DialogMsg m( this ) ;

			m.ShowUIOK( tr( "ERROR" ),tr( "An error has occured and the volume could not be opened" ) ) ;
			emit cancel() ;
		this->HideUI() ;
Example #3
void mountPartition::pbMount()
	QString test_mount = m_ui->lineEdit->text() ;

	if( test_mount.contains( "/" ) ){
		if( this->isVisible() ){
			DialogMsg msg( this ) ;
			msg.ShowUIOK( tr( "ERROR" ),tr( "\"/\" character is not allowed in the mount name field" ) ) ;
			m_ui->lineEdit->setFocus() ;
			this->deleteLater() ;
		return ;

	this->disableAll() ;

	QString exe = zuluMountPath ;

	QString volume = m_path ;
	volume.replace( "\"","\"\"\"" ) ;

	if( m_ui->checkBoxShareMountPoint->isChecked() ){
		exe += " -M -m -d \"" + volume + "\"" ;
		exe += " -m -d \"" + volume + "\"" ;

	QString m = m_ui->lineEdit->text().replace( "\"","\"\"\"" ) ;

	exe += " -z \"" + m + "\"";

	if( !m_deviceOffSet.isEmpty() ){

		QString addr = utility::keyPath() ;
		utility::keySend( addr,m_key ) ;

		exe += " -o " + m_deviceOffSet + " -f " + addr ;

	if( m_ui->checkBoxMountReadOnly->isChecked() ){
		exe += " -e -ro" ;
		exe += " -e -rw" ;

	if( !m_options.isEmpty() ){
		exe += " -Y " + m_options ;

	auto s = utility::Task::run( utility::appendUserUID( exe ) ).await() ;

	if( s.success() ){

		emit openMountPoint( utility::mountPath( m_ui->lineEdit->text() ) ) ;
		this->HideUI() ;
		if( this->isVisible() ){

			QString z = s.output() ;
			z.replace( tr( "ERROR: " ),"" ) ;

			DialogMsg m( this ) ;
			m.ShowUIOK( tr( "ERROR" ),z ) ;
			this->enableAll() ;
			this->deleteLater() ;