QString DiffAnalystWindow::getNextDiffSessionName()
	QString defaultName = "Untitled-";
	int counter = 1;
	QStringList nameList;
	QString ret = "";

	QWidgetList wl = m_pWs->windowList(QWorkspace::CreationOrder);
	QWidgetList::iterator it = wl.begin();
	QWidgetList::iterator end = wl.end();
	for( ; it != end ; it++)
		nameList.push_back( (*it)->name() );

		QString pattern = QString("^")+ defaultName + QString::number(counter) + "$";
		QRegExp regExp(pattern);
		if(nameList.grep(regExp).size() == 0)
			ret = defaultName + QString::number(counter);
	return ret;	
Example #2
void KArtsModule::slotProcessArtsdOutput(KProcess*, char* buf, int len)
	// XXX(gioele): I suppose this will be called with full lines, am I wrong?

	QStringList availableIOs = QStringList::split("\n", QCString(buf, len));
	// valid entries have two leading spaces
	availableIOs = availableIOs.grep(QRegExp("^ {2}"));

	QString name, fullName;
	QStringList::Iterator it;
	for (it = availableIOs.begin(); it != availableIOs.end(); ++it) {
		name = (*it).left(12).stripWhiteSpace();
		fullName = (*it).mid(12).stripWhiteSpace();
		audioIOList.append(new AudioIOElement(name, fullName));
bool DiffAnalystWindow::diffSessionNameExists(QString name)
	bool ret = false;
	QStringList nameList;
	QWidgetList wl = m_pWs->windowList(QWorkspace::CreationOrder);
	QWidgetList::iterator it = wl.begin();
	QWidgetList::iterator end = wl.end();
	for( ; it != end ; it++)
		nameList.push_back( (*it)->name() );
	QString pattern = QString("^")+ name + "$";
	QRegExp regExp(pattern);
	if(nameList.grep(regExp).size() != 0)
		ret = true;
	return ret;
Example #4
void ReactionsWidget1::FillWidgetFromRI()


  // the reversibility checkbox

  if (mpRi->isReversible() == true)


  // the function combobox
  QStringList comboEntries;
  vectorOfStrings2QStringList(mpRi->getListOfPossibleFunctions(), comboEntries);

  ComboBox1->insertStringList(comboEntries, -1);

  // if there is a current function the parameter table is initialized
  if (mpRi->getFunctionName() != "")
      if (comboEntries.grep(FROM_UTF8(mpRi->getFunctionName())).size() == 0)


      assert(CCopasiRootContainer::getDatamodelList()->size() > 0);
      table->updateTable(*mpRi, *(*CCopasiRootContainer::getDatamodelList())[0]->getModel());
Example #5
void Font::init(const QString &n)
    // check if font already parsed
    _data = _dict->find(n);
    if ( _data==0 ) {
//        kdDebug(30516) << "font " << n << endl;
        QString name = n;
        name.replace("oblique", "italic");

        // check if known font
        _data = new Data;
        uint i = 0;
        while ( KNOWN_DATA[i].name!=0 ) {
            if ( name.find(KNOWN_DATA[i].name)!=-1 ) {
//                kdDebug(30516) << "found " << KNOWN_DATA[i].name
//                               << " " << isBold(KNOWN_DATA[i].style) << endl;
                _data->family = FAMILY_DATA[KNOWN_DATA[i].family];
                _data->style = KNOWN_DATA[i].style;
                _data->latex = KNOWN_DATA[i].latex;

        if ( _data->family.isEmpty() ) { // let's try harder
            // simple heuristic
            kdDebug(30516) << "unknown font : " << n << endl;
            if ( name.find("times")!=-1 )
            _data->family = FAMILY_DATA[Times];
            else if ( name.find("helvetica")!=-1 )
                _data->family = FAMILY_DATA[Helvetica];
            else if ( name.find("courier")!=-1 )
                _data->family = FAMILY_DATA[Courier];
            else if ( name.find("symbol")!=-1 )
                _data->family = FAMILY_DATA[Symbol];
            else { // with Qt
                QFontDatabase fdb;
                QStringList list = fdb.families();
                list = list.grep(name, false);
                if ( !list.isEmpty() ) {
                    _data->family = list[0];
                    kdDebug(30516) << "in Qt database as " << list[0] << endl;
                else {
                    kdDebug(30516) << "really unknown font !" << endl;
                    _data->family = name;

            bool italic = ( name.find("italic")!=-1 );
            bool bold = ( name.find("bold")!=-1 );
            _data->style = toStyle(bold, italic);
            _data->latex = false;

        _dict->insert(name, _data);

    // check if QFont already created
    if ( !_data->height.contains(_pointSize) ) {
        QFont font(_data->family, _pointSize,
                   (isBold(_data->style) ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal),
        QFontMetrics fm(font);
        _data->height.insert(_pointSize, fm.height());
Example #6
  Creates an implementation (cpp-file) for the form given in \a e.

  \sa createFormDecl(), createObjectImpl()
void Uic::createFormImpl( const QDomElement &e )
    QDomElement n;
    QDomNodeList nl;
    int i;
    QString objClass = getClassName( e );
    if ( objClass.isEmpty() )
    QString objName = getObjectName( e );

    // generate local and local includes required
    QStringList globalIncludes, localIncludes;
    QStringList::Iterator it;

    QMap<QString, CustomInclude> customWidgetIncludes;

    // find additional slots and functions
    QStringList extraFuncts;
    QStringList extraFunctTyp;
    QStringList extraFunctSpecifier;

    nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "slot" );
    for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
	n = nl.item(i).toElement();
	if ( n.parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "slots"
	     && n.parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "connections" )
	if ( n.attribute( "language", "C++" ) != "C++" )
	QString functionName = n.firstChild().toText().data().stripWhiteSpace();
	if ( functionName.endsWith( ";" ) )
	    functionName = functionName.left( functionName.length() - 1 );
	extraFuncts += functionName;
	extraFunctTyp += n.attribute( "returnType", "void" );
	extraFunctSpecifier += n.attribute( "specifier", "virtual" );

    nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "function" );
    for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
	n = nl.item(i).toElement();
	if ( n.parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "functions" )
	if ( n.attribute( "language", "C++" ) != "C++" )
	QString functionName = n.firstChild().toText().data().stripWhiteSpace();
	if ( functionName.endsWith( ";" ) )
	    functionName = functionName.left( functionName.length() - 1 );
	extraFuncts += functionName;
	extraFunctTyp += n.attribute( "returnType", "void" );
	extraFunctSpecifier += n.attribute( "specifier", "virtual" );

    for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	if ( n.tagName() == "customwidgets" ) {
	    QDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
	    while ( !n2.isNull() ) {
		if ( n2.tagName() == "customwidget" ) {
		    QDomElement n3 = n2.firstChild().toElement();
		    QString cl;
		    WidgetDatabaseRecord *r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
		    while ( !n3.isNull() ) {
			if ( n3.tagName() == "class" ) {
			    cl = n3.firstChild().toText().data();
			    r->name = cl;
			} else if ( n3.tagName() == "header" ) {
			    CustomInclude ci;
			    ci.header = n3.firstChild().toText().data();
			    ci.location = n3.attribute( "location", "global" );
			    r->includeFile = ci.header;
			    customWidgetIncludes.insert( cl, ci );
			WidgetDatabase::append( r );
			n3 = n3.nextSibling().toElement();
		n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement();

    // additional includes (local or global) and forward declaractions
    nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "include" );
    for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
	QDomElement n2 = nl.item(i).toElement();
	QString s = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
	if ( n2.attribute( "location" ) != "local" ) {
	    if ( s.right( 5 ) == ".ui.h" && !QFile::exists( s ) )
	    if ( n2.attribute( "impldecl", "in implementation" ) != "in implementation" )
	    globalIncludes += s;

    registerDatabases( e );
    dbConnections = unique( dbConnections );
    if ( dbConnections.count() )
	globalIncludes += "qsqldatabase.h";
    if ( dbCursors.count() )
	globalIncludes += "qsqlcursor.h";
    bool dbForm = FALSE;
    if ( dbForms[ "(default)" ].count() )
	dbForm = TRUE;
    bool subDbForms = FALSE;
    for ( it = dbConnections.begin(); it != dbConnections.end(); ++it ) {
	if ( !(*it).isEmpty()  && (*it) != "(default)" ) {
	    if ( dbForms[ (*it) ].count() ) {
		subDbForms = TRUE;
    if ( dbForm || subDbForms ) {
	globalIncludes += "qsqlform.h";
	globalIncludes += "qsqlrecord.h";

    // do the local includes afterwards, since global includes have priority on clashes
    for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
	QDomElement n2 = nl.item(i).toElement();
	QString s = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
	if ( n2.attribute( "location" ) == "local" &&!globalIncludes.contains( s ) ) {
	    if ( s.right( 5 ) == ".ui.h" && !QFile::exists( s ) )
	    if ( n2.attribute( "impldecl", "in implementation" ) != "in implementation" )
	    localIncludes += s;

    // additional custom widget headers
    nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "header" );
    for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
	QDomElement n2 = nl.item(i).toElement();
	QString s = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
	if ( n2.attribute( "location" ) != "local" )
	    globalIncludes += s;
	    localIncludes += s;

    // includes for child widgets
    for ( it = tags.begin(); it != tags.end(); ++it ) {
	nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( *it );
	for ( i = 1; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) { // start at 1, 0 is the toplevel widget
	    QString name = getClassName( nl.item(i).toElement() );
	    if ( name == "Spacer" ) {
		globalIncludes += "qlayout.h";
		globalIncludes += "qapplication.h";
	    if ( name.mid( 1 ) == "ListView" )
		globalIncludes += "qheader.h";
	    if ( name != objClass ) {
		int wid = WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( name );
		QMap<QString, CustomInclude>::Iterator it = customWidgetIncludes.find( name );
		if ( it == customWidgetIncludes.end() )
		    globalIncludes += WidgetDatabase::includeFile( wid );

    out << "#include <qvariant.h>" << endl; // first for gcc 2.7.2

    globalIncludes = unique( globalIncludes );
    for ( it = globalIncludes.begin(); it != globalIncludes.end(); ++it ) {
	if ( !(*it).isEmpty() )
	    out << "#include <" << *it << ">" << endl;

    out << "#include <qlayout.h>" << endl;
    out << "#include <qtooltip.h>" << endl;
    out << "#include <qwhatsthis.h>" << endl;
    if ( objClass == "QMainWindow" ) {
	out << "#include <qaction.h>" << endl;
	out << "#include <qmenubar.h>" << endl;
	out << "#include <qpopupmenu.h>" << endl;
	out << "#include <qtoolbar.h>" << endl;

    // find out what images are required
    QStringList requiredImages;
    static const char *imgTags[] = { "pixmap", "iconset", 0 };
    for ( i = 0; imgTags[i] != 0; i++ ) {
	nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( imgTags[i] );
	for ( int j = 0; j < (int) nl.length(); j++ ) {
	    QDomNode nn = nl.item(j);
	    while ( nn.parentNode() != e.parentNode() )
		nn = nn.parentNode();
	    if ( nn.nodeName() != "customwidgets" )
		requiredImages += nl.item(j).firstChild().toText().data();

    if ( !requiredImages.isEmpty() || externPixmaps ) {
	out << "#include <qimage.h>" << endl;
	out << "#include <qpixmap.h>" << endl << endl;

      Put local includes after all global includes
    localIncludes = unique( localIncludes );
    for ( it = localIncludes.begin(); it != localIncludes.end(); ++it ) {
	if ( !(*it).isEmpty() && *it != QFileInfo( fileName + ".h" ).fileName() )
	    out << "#include \"" << *it << "\"" << endl;

    QString uiDotH = fileName + ".h";
    if ( QFile::exists( uiDotH ) ) {
	if ( !outputFileName.isEmpty() )
	    uiDotH = combinePath( uiDotH, outputFileName );
	out << "#include \"" << uiDotH << "\"" << endl;
	writeFunctImpl = FALSE;

    // register the object and unify its name
    objName = registerObject( objName );

    QStringList images;
    QStringList xpmImages;
    if ( pixmapLoaderFunction.isEmpty() && !externPixmaps ) {
	// create images
	for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	    if ( n.tagName()  == "images" ) {
		nl = n.elementsByTagName( "image" );
		for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
		    QString img = registerObject( nl.item(i).toElement().attribute("name") );
		    if ( !requiredImages.contains( img ) )
		    QDomElement tmp = nl.item(i).firstChild().toElement();
		    if ( tmp.tagName() != "data" )
		    QString format = tmp.attribute("format", "PNG" );
		    QString data = tmp.firstChild().toText().data();
		    if ( format == "XPM.GZ" ) {
			xpmImages += img;
			ulong length = tmp.attribute("length").toULong();
			QByteArray baunzip = unzipXPM( data, length );
			length = baunzip.size();
			// shouldn't we test the initial 'length' against the
			// resulting 'length' to catch corrupt UIC files?
			int a = 0;
			int column = 0;
			bool inQuote = FALSE;
			out << "static const char* const " << img << "_data[] = { " << endl;
			while ( baunzip[a] != '\"' )
			for ( ; a < (int) length; a++ ) {
			    out << baunzip[a];
			    if ( baunzip[a] == '\n' ) {
				column = 0;
			    } else if ( baunzip[a] == '"' ) {
				inQuote = !inQuote;

			    if ( column++ >= 511 && inQuote ) {
				out << "\"\n\""; // be nice with MSVC & Co.
				column = 1;
			out << endl;
		    } else {
			images += img;
			out << "static const unsigned char " << img << "_data[] = { " << endl;
			out << "    ";
			int a ;
			for ( a = 0; a < (int) (data.length()/2)-1; a++ ) {
			    out << "0x" << QString(data[2*a]) << QString(data[2*a+1]) << ",";
			    if ( a % 12 == 11 )
				out << endl << "    ";
				out << " ";
			out << "0x" << QString(data[2*a]) << QString(data[2*a+1]) << endl;
			out << "};" << endl << endl;
	out << endl;
    } else if ( externPixmaps ) {
	pixmapLoaderFunction = "QPixmap::fromMimeSource";

    // constructor
    if ( objClass == "QDialog" || objClass == "QWizard" ) {
	out << "/*" << endl;
	out << " *  Constructs a " << nameOfClass << " as a child of 'parent', with the" << endl;
	out << " *  name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'." << endl;
	out << " *" << endl;
	out << " *  The " << objClass.mid(1).lower() << " will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to" << endl;
	out << " *  TRUE to construct a modal " << objClass.mid(1).lower() << "." << endl;
	out << " */" << endl;
	out << nameOfClass << "::" << bareNameOfClass << "( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl )" << endl;
	out << "    : " << objClass << "( parent, name, modal, fl )";
    } else if ( objClass == "QWidget" )  {
	out << "/*" << endl;
	out << " *  Constructs a " << nameOfClass << " as a child of 'parent', with the" << endl;
	out << " *  name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'." << endl;
	out << " */" << endl;
	out << nameOfClass << "::" << bareNameOfClass << "( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )" << endl;
	out << "    : " << objClass << "( parent, name, fl )";
    } else if ( objClass == "QMainWindow" ) {
	out << "/*" << endl;
	out << " *  Constructs a " << nameOfClass << " as a child of 'parent', with the" << endl;
	out << " *  name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'." << endl;
	out << " *" << endl;
	out << " */" << endl;
	out << nameOfClass << "::" << bareNameOfClass << "( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )" << endl;
	out << "    : " << objClass << "( parent, name, fl )";
	isMainWindow = TRUE;
    } else {
	out << "/*" << endl;
	out << " *  Constructs a " << nameOfClass << " which is a child of 'parent', with the" << endl;
	out << " *  name 'name'.' " << endl;
	out << " */" << endl;
	out << nameOfClass << "::" << bareNameOfClass << "( QWidget* parent,  const char* name )" << endl;
	out << "    : " << objClass << "( parent, name )";

    // create pixmaps for all images
    if ( !xpmImages.isEmpty() ) {
	for ( it = xpmImages.begin(); it != xpmImages.end(); ++it ) {
	    out << "," << endl;
	    out << indent << "  " << *it << "( (const char **) " << (*it) << "_data )";
    out << endl;

    out << "{" << endl;
    if ( isMainWindow )
	out << indent << "(void)statusBar();" << endl;

    if ( !images.isEmpty() ) {
	out << indent << "QImage img;" << endl;
	for ( it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it ) {
	    out << indent << "img.loadFromData( " << (*it) << "_data, sizeof( " << (*it) << "_data ), \"PNG\" );" << endl;
	    out << indent << (*it) << " = img;" << endl;

    // set the properties
    QSize geometry( 0, 0 );

    for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	if ( n.tagName() == "property" ) {
	    bool stdset = stdsetdef;
	    if ( n.hasAttribute( "stdset" ) )
		stdset = toBool( n.attribute( "stdset" ) );
	    QString prop = n.attribute("name");
	    QDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
	    QString value = setObjectProperty( objClass, QString::null, prop, n2, stdset );
	    if ( value.isEmpty() )

	    if ( prop == "geometry" && n2.tagName() == "rect" ) {
		QDomElement n3 = n2.firstChild().toElement();
		while ( !n3.isNull() ) {
		    if ( n3.tagName() == "width" )
			geometry.setWidth( n3.firstChild().toText().data().toInt() );
		    else if ( n3.tagName() == "height" )
			geometry.setHeight( n3.firstChild().toText().data().toInt() );
		    n3 = n3.nextSibling().toElement();
	    } else {
		QString call;
		if ( stdset ) {
		    call = mkStdSet( prop ) + "( ";
		} else {
		    call = "setProperty( \"" + prop + "\", ";
		call += value + " );";

		if ( n2.tagName() == "string" ) {
		    trout << indent << call << endl;
		} else if ( prop == "name" ) {
		    out << indent << "if ( !name )" << endl;
		    out << "\t" << call << endl;
		} else {
		    out << indent << call << endl;

    // create all children, some forms have special requirements

    if ( objClass == "QWizard" ) {
	for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	    if ( tags.contains( n.tagName()  ) ) {
		QString page = createObjectImpl( n, objClass, "this" );
		QString comment;
		QString label = DomTool::readAttribute( n, "title", "", comment ).toString();
		out << indent << "addPage( " << page << ", QString(\"\") );" << endl;
		trout << indent << "setTitle( " << page << ", " << trcall( label, comment ) << " );" << endl;
		QVariant def( FALSE, 0 );
		if ( DomTool::hasAttribute( n, "backEnabled" ) )
		    out << indent << "setBackEnabled( " << page << ", " << mkBool( DomTool::readAttribute( n, "backEnabled", def).toBool() ) << endl;
		if ( DomTool::hasAttribute( n, "nextEnabled" ) )
		    out << indent << "setNextEnabled( " << page << ", " << mkBool( DomTool::readAttribute( n, "nextEnabled", def).toBool() ) << endl;
		if ( DomTool::hasAttribute( n, "finishEnabled" ) )
		    out << indent << "setFinishEnabled( " << page << ", " << mkBool( DomTool::readAttribute( n, "finishEnabled", def).toBool() ) << " );" << endl;
		if ( DomTool::hasAttribute( n, "helpEnabled" ) )
		    out << indent << "setHelpEnabled( " << page << ", " << mkBool( DomTool::readAttribute( n, "helpEnabled", def).toBool() ) << endl;
		if ( DomTool::hasAttribute( n, "finish" ) )
		    out << indent << "setFinish( " << page << ", " << mkBool( DomTool::readAttribute( n, "finish", def).toBool() ) << endl;
    } else { // standard widgets
	for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	    if ( tags.contains( n.tagName()  ) )
		createObjectImpl( n, objName, "this" );

    // database support
    dbConnections = unique( dbConnections );
    if ( dbConnections.count() )
	out << endl;
    for ( it = dbConnections.begin(); it != dbConnections.end(); ++it ) {
	if ( !(*it).isEmpty() && (*it) != "(default)") {
	    out << indent << (*it) << "Connection = QSqlDatabase::database( \"" <<(*it) << "\" );" << endl;

    nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "widget" );
    for ( i = 1; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) { // start at 1, 0 is the toplevel widget
	n = nl.item(i).toElement();
	QString s = getClassName( n );
	if ( (dbForm || subDbForms) && (s == "QDataBrowser" || s == "QDataView") ) {
	    QString objName = getObjectName( n );
	    QString tab = getDatabaseInfo( n, "table" );
	    QString con = getDatabaseInfo( n, "connection" );
	    out << indent << "QSqlForm* " << objName << "Form =  new QSqlForm( this, \"" << objName << "Form\" );" << endl;
	    QDomElement n2;
	    for ( n2 = n.firstChild().toElement(); !n2.isNull(); n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement() )
		createFormImpl( n2, objName, con, tab );
	    out << indent << objName << "->setForm( " << objName << "Form );" << endl;

    // actions, toolbars, menubar
    bool needEndl = FALSE;
    for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	if ( n.tagName()  == "actions" ) {
	    if ( !needEndl )
		out << endl << indent << "// actions" << endl;
	    createActionImpl( n.firstChild().toElement(), "this" );
	    needEndl = TRUE;
    if ( needEndl )
	out << endl;
    needEndl = FALSE;
    for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	if ( n.tagName() == "toolbars" ) {
	    if ( !needEndl )
		out << endl << indent << "// toolbars" << endl;
	    createToolbarImpl( n, objClass, objName );
	    needEndl = TRUE;
    if ( needEndl )
	out << endl;
    needEndl = FALSE;
    for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	if ( n.tagName() == "menubar" ) {
	    if ( !needEndl )
		out << endl << indent << "// menubar" << endl;
	    createMenuBarImpl( n, objClass, objName );
	    needEndl = TRUE;
    if ( needEndl )
	out << endl;

    out << indent << "languageChange();" << endl;

    // take minimumSizeHint() into account, for height-for-width widgets
    if ( !geometry.isNull() ) {
	out << indent << "resize( QSize(" << geometry.width() << ", "
	    << geometry.height() << ").expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) );" << endl;
	out << indent << "clearWState( WState_Polished );" << endl;

    for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	if ( n.tagName()  == "connections" ) {
	    // setup signals and slots connections
	    out << endl << indent << "// signals and slots connections" << endl;
	    nl = n.elementsByTagName( "connection" );
	    for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
		QString sender, receiver, signal, slot;
		for ( QDomElement n2 = nl.item(i).firstChild().toElement(); !n2.isNull(); n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
		    if ( n2.tagName() == "sender" )
			sender = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
		    else if ( n2.tagName() == "receiver" )
			receiver = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
		    else if ( n2.tagName() == "signal" )
			signal = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
		    else if ( n2.tagName() == "slot" )
			slot = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
		if ( sender.isEmpty() ||
		     receiver.isEmpty() ||
		     signal.isEmpty() ||
		     slot.isEmpty() )
		if ( sender[0] == '<' ||
		     receiver[0] == '<' ||
		     signal[0] == '<' ||
		     slot[0] == '<' )

		sender = registeredName( sender );
		receiver = registeredName( receiver );

		 // translate formwindow name to "this"
		if ( sender == objName )
		    sender = "this";
		if ( receiver == objName )
		    receiver = "this";

		out << indent << "connect( " << sender << ", SIGNAL( " << signal << " ), "
		    << receiver << ", SLOT( " << slot << " ) );" << endl;
	} else if ( n.tagName()  == "tabstops" ) {
	    // setup tab order
	    out << endl << indent << "// tab order" << endl;
	    QString lastName;
	    QDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
	    while ( !n2.isNull() ) {
		if ( n2.tagName() == "tabstop" ) {
		    QString name = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
		    name = registeredName( name );
		    if ( !lastName.isEmpty() )
			out << indent << "setTabOrder( " << lastName << ", " << name << " );" << endl;
		    lastName = name;
		n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement();

    // buddies
    bool firstBuddy = TRUE;
    for ( QValueList<Buddy>::Iterator buddy = buddies.begin(); buddy != buddies.end(); ++buddy ) {
	if ( isObjectRegistered( (*buddy).buddy ) ) {
	    if ( firstBuddy ) {
		out << endl << indent << "// buddies" << endl;
	    out << indent << (*buddy).key << "->setBuddy( " << registeredName( (*buddy).buddy ) << " );" << endl;
	    firstBuddy = FALSE;

    if ( extraFuncts.find( "init()" ) != extraFuncts.end() )
	out << indent << "init();" << endl;

    // end of constructor
    out << "}" << endl;
    out << endl;

    // destructor
    out << "/*" << endl;
    out << " *  Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources" << endl;
    out << " */" << endl;
    out << nameOfClass << "::~" << bareNameOfClass << "()" << endl;
    out << "{" << endl;
    if ( extraFuncts.find( "destroy()" ) != extraFuncts.end() )
	out << indent << "destroy();" << endl;
    out << indent << "// no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us" << endl;
    out << "}" << endl;
    out << endl;

    // handle application events if required
    bool needFontEventHandler = FALSE;
    bool needSqlTableEventHandler = FALSE;
    bool needSqlDataBrowserEventHandler = FALSE;
    nl = e.elementsByTagName( "widget" );
    for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
	if ( !DomTool::propertiesOfType( nl.item(i).toElement() , "font" ).isEmpty() )
	    needFontEventHandler = TRUE;
	QString s = getClassName( nl.item(i).toElement() );
	if ( s == "QDataTable" || s == "QDataBrowser" ) {
	    if ( !isFrameworkCodeGenerated( nl.item(i).toElement() ) )
	    if ( s == "QDataTable" )
		needSqlTableEventHandler = TRUE;
	    if ( s == "QDataBrowser" )
		needSqlDataBrowserEventHandler = TRUE;
	if ( needFontEventHandler && needSqlTableEventHandler && needSqlDataBrowserEventHandler )
    if ( needFontEventHandler && FALSE ) {
	//	indent = "\t"; // increase indentation for if-clause below
	out << "/*" << endl;
	out << " *  Main event handler. Reimplemented to handle" << endl;
	out << " *  application font changes";
	out << " */" << endl;
	out << "bool " << nameOfClass  << "::event( QEvent* ev )" << endl;
	out << "{" << endl;
	out << "    bool ret = " << objClass << "::event( ev ); " << endl;
	if ( needFontEventHandler ) {
	    indent += "\t";
	    out << "    if ( ev->type() == QEvent::ApplicationFontChange ) {" << endl;
	    for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
		n = nl.item(i).toElement();
		QStringList list = DomTool::propertiesOfType( n, "font" );
		for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
		    createExclusiveProperty( n, *it );
	    out << "    }" << endl;
	    indent = "    ";
	out << "}" << endl;
	out << endl;

    if ( needSqlTableEventHandler || needSqlDataBrowserEventHandler ) {
	out << "/*" << endl;
	out << " *  Widget polish.  Reimplemented to handle" << endl;
	if ( needSqlTableEventHandler )
	    out << " *  default data table initialization" << endl;
	if ( needSqlDataBrowserEventHandler )
	    out << " *  default data browser initialization" << endl;
	out << " */" << endl;
	out << "void " << nameOfClass  << "::polish()" << endl;
	out << "{" << endl;
	if ( needSqlTableEventHandler ) {
	    for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
		QString s = getClassName( nl.item(i).toElement() );
		if ( s == "QDataTable" ) {
		    n = nl.item(i).toElement();
		    QString c = getObjectName( n );
		    QString conn = getDatabaseInfo( n, "connection" );
		    QString tab = getDatabaseInfo( n, "table" );
		    if ( !( conn.isEmpty() || tab.isEmpty() || !isFrameworkCodeGenerated( nl.item(i).toElement() ) ) ) {
			out << indent << "if ( " << c << " ) {" << endl;
			out << indent << indent << "QSqlCursor* cursor = " << c << "->sqlCursor();" << endl;
			out << indent << indent << "if ( !cursor ) {" << endl;
			if ( conn == "(default)" )
			    out << indent << indent << indent << "cursor = new QSqlCursor( \"" << tab << "\" );" << endl;
			    out << indent << indent << indent << "cursor = new QSqlCursor( \"" << tab << "\", TRUE, " << conn << "Connection );" << endl;
			out << indent << indent << indent << "if ( " << c << "->isReadOnly() ) " << endl;
			out << indent << indent << indent << indent << "cursor->setMode( QSqlCursor::ReadOnly );" << endl;
			out << indent << indent << indent << c << "->setSqlCursor( cursor, FALSE, TRUE );" << endl;
			out << indent << indent << "}" << endl;
			out << indent << indent << "if ( !cursor->isActive() )" << endl;
			out << indent << indent << indent << c << "->refresh( QDataTable::RefreshAll );" << endl;
			out << indent << "}" << endl;
	if ( needSqlDataBrowserEventHandler ) {
	    nl = e.elementsByTagName( "widget" );
	    for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
		QString s = getClassName( nl.item(i).toElement() );
		if ( s == "QDataBrowser" ) {
		    QString obj = getObjectName( nl.item(i).toElement() );
		    QString tab = getDatabaseInfo( nl.item(i).toElement(),
						   "table" );
		    QString conn = getDatabaseInfo( nl.item(i).toElement(),
						    "connection" );
		    if ( !(tab.isEmpty() || !isFrameworkCodeGenerated( nl.item(i).toElement() ) ) ) {
			out << indent << "if ( " << obj << " ) {" << endl;
			out << indent << indent << "if ( !" << obj << "->sqlCursor() ) {" << endl;
			if ( conn == "(default)" )
			    out << indent << indent << indent << "QSqlCursor* cursor = new QSqlCursor( \"" << tab << "\" );" << endl;
			    out << indent << indent << indent << "QSqlCursor* cursor = new QSqlCursor( \"" << tab << "\", TRUE, " << conn << "Connection );" << endl;
			out << indent << indent << indent << obj << "->setSqlCursor( cursor, TRUE );" << endl;
			out << indent << indent << indent << obj << "->refresh();" << endl;
			out << indent << indent << indent << obj << "->first();" << endl;
			out << indent << indent << "}" << endl;
			out << indent << "}" << endl;
	out << indent << objClass << "::polish();" << endl;
	out << "}" << endl;
	out << endl;

    out << "/*" << endl;
    out << " *  Sets the strings of the subwidgets using the current" << endl;
    out << " *  language." << endl;
    out << " */" << endl;
    out << "void " << nameOfClass << "::languageChange()" << endl;
    out << "{" << endl;
    out << languageChangeBody;
    out << "}" << endl;
    out << endl;

    // create stubs for additional slots if necessary
    if ( !extraFuncts.isEmpty() && writeFunctImpl ) {
	it = extraFuncts.begin();
	QStringList::Iterator it2 = extraFunctTyp.begin();
	QStringList::Iterator it3 = extraFunctSpecifier.begin();
	while ( it != extraFuncts.end() ) {
	    QString type = *it2;
	    if ( type.isEmpty() )
		type = "void";
	    type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
	    QString fname = Parser::cleanArgs( *it );
	    if ( !(*it3).startsWith("pure") ) { // "pure virtual" or "pureVirtual"
		out << type << " " << nameOfClass << "::" << fname << endl;
		out << "{" << endl;
		if ( *it != "init()" && *it != "destroy()" ) {
		    QRegExp numeric( "^(?:signed|unsigned|u?char|u?short|u?int"
				     "|double)$" );
		    QString retVal;

		      We return some kind of dummy value to shut the
		      compiler up.

		      1.  If the type is 'void', we return nothing.

		      2.  If the type is 'bool', we return 'FALSE'.

		      3.  If the type is 'unsigned long' or
			  'Q_UINT16' or 'double' or similar, we
			  return '0'.

		      4.  If the type is 'Foo *', we return '0'.

		      5.  If the type is 'Foo &', we create a static
			  variable of type 'Foo' and return it.

		      6.  If the type is 'Foo', we assume there's a
			  default constructor and use it.
		    if ( type != "void" ) {
			QStringList toks = QStringList::split( " ", type );
			bool isBasicNumericType =
				( toks.grep(numeric).count() == toks.count() );

			if ( type == "bool" ) {
			    retVal = "FALSE";
			} else if ( isBasicNumericType || type.endsWith("*") ) {
			    retVal = "0";
			} else if ( type.endsWith("&") ) {
			    do {
				type.truncate( type.length() - 1 );
			    } while ( type.endsWith(" ") );
			    retVal = "uic_temp_var";
			    out << indent << "static " << type << " " << retVal << ";" << endl;
			} else {
			    retVal = type + "()";

		    out << indent << "qWarning( \"" << nameOfClass << "::" << fname << ": Not implemented yet\" );" << endl;
		    if ( !retVal.isEmpty() )
			out << indent << "return " << retVal << ";" << endl;
		out << "}" << endl;
		out << endl;
bool SqlDbBackend::createSchema()
	QStringList tables;
	QStringList constraints;
	QString exec;
	PropertyInfo *prop;
	uint i;

	// This sequence is incremented every time a new object is created
	m_db->exec( "CREATE SEQUENCE seq_dboid;" );

	// This sequence is incremented every time a record is created or modified and is used in the dbseq field that will be created in each table.
	m_db->exec( "CREATE SEQUENCE seq_dbseq;" );

	// Create the tables. Iterate creating the classes that
	// have inheritance first.
	QStringList classList( Classes::parentsFirst() );
	QStringList::const_iterator it( classList.constBegin() );
	QStringList::const_iterator end( classList.constEnd() );
	ClassInfo *currentClass;
	for ( ; it != end; ++it ) {
		currentClass = Classes::classInfo( *it );

		exec = "CREATE TABLE " +  currentClass->name().lower() + " ( " + oidFieldName() + " BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, " + sequenceFieldName() + " BIGINT NOT NULL, ";

		// Create properties fields
		PropertiesInfoConstIterator pIt( currentClass->propertiesBegin() );
		PropertiesInfoConstIterator pEnd( currentClass->propertiesEnd() );
		for ( ; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt ) {
			prop = *pIt;
			if ( prop->readOnly() == false )
				exec += prop->name() + " " + sqlType( prop ) + ", ";

		// Create related objects fields
		// For 1-1 relations only create the field in one of the two tables.
		// We assume that both classes have relation to each other.
		RelationInfosConstIterator oIt( currentClass->relationsBegin() );
		RelationInfosConstIterator oEnd( currentClass->relationsEnd() );
		RelationInfo *rObj;
		for ( ; oIt != oEnd; ++oIt ) {
			rObj = *oIt;
			// needs to be >= to consider cases where the parent and related class(table) are the same
			if ( ! rObj->isOneToOne() || rObj->relatedClassInfo()->name() >= rObj->parentClassInfo()->name() ) {
				exec += rObj->name().lower() + " BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ";
				constraints << currentClass->name() + "-" + rObj->name() + "-" + rObj->relatedClassInfo()->name();

		// Search in all the classes if they have N - 1 relations with the current class
		ClassInfoIterator cIt( Classes::begin() );
		ClassInfoIterator cEnd( Classes::end() );
		ClassInfo *cInfo;
		for ( ; cIt != cEnd; ++cIt ) {
			cInfo = *cIt;
			CollectionInfosIterator colIt( cInfo->collectionsBegin() );
			CollectionInfosIterator colEnd( cInfo->collectionsEnd() );
			CollectionInfo *rCol;
			for ( ; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt ) {
				rCol = *colIt;
				if ( rCol->childrenClassInfo()->name() == currentClass->name() && rCol->isNToOne() && constraints.grep( rCol->name() ).count() == 0 ) {
					exec += rCol->name().lower() + " BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ";
					constraints << currentClass->name() + "-" + rCol->name() + "-" + rCol->parentClassInfo()->name();

		CollectionInfosIterator colIt( currentClass->collectionsBegin() );
		CollectionInfosIterator colEnd( currentClass->collectionsEnd() );
		CollectionInfo *col;
		for ( ; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt ) {
			col = *colIt;
			if ( ! tables.grep( col->name() ).count() > 0 && ! col->isNToOne() ) {
				tables << col->name() + "-"  + filterFieldName( col ) + "-" + idFieldName( col );

		// Take off the colon and space
		exec = exec.left( exec.length() - 2 );
		exec += ")";
		if ( currentClass->parent() != 0 )
			exec += " INHERITS ( " + currentClass->parent()->name() + ")";

		m_db->exec( exec );

		if ( m_db->lastError().type() != QSqlError::None ) {
			kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << exec << endl;
			kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << m_db->lastError().text()  << endl;

	As PostgreSQL doesn't properly support foreign keys to inherited tables we will create
	foreign keys (references) only when the refered class hasn't any inherited classes.

	// Create relation tables (for N-M relations)
	QStringList list;
	for ( i = 0; i < tables.count(); ++i ) {
		list = QStringList::split( QString( "-" ), tables[ i ] );
		exec = "CREATE TABLE " + list[ 0 ].lower() + " ( " + list[ 1 ].lower() + " BIGINT NOT NULL ";
		if ( Classes::classInfo( list[ 1 ] )->children().count() == 0 )
			exec += " REFERENCES " + list[ 1 ].lower() + " DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED";
		exec += ", " + list[ 2 ].lower() + " BIGINT NOT NULL ";
		if ( Classes::classInfo( list[2] )->children().count() == 0 )
			exec += " REFERENCES " + list[ 2 ].lower() + " DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED";
		exec += ", " + sequenceFieldName() + " BIGINT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY( " + list[1].lower() + " , " + list[2].lower() + " ) );";

		m_db->exec( exec );
		if ( m_db->lastError().type() != QSqlError::None ) {
			kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " -> " << exec << endl;
			kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " -> " << m_db->lastError().text() << endl;

	// Create foreign keys in class tables
	for ( i = 0; i < constraints.count(); ++i ) {
		list = QStringList::split( QString( "-" ), constraints[ i ] );
		// If the related class  doesn't have children we can use a normal
		// foreign key in PostgreSQL. Otherwise we have to use our own trigger.
		kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "'" << list[ 2 ] << "'" << endl;
		if ( Classes::classInfo( list[ 2 ] )->children().count() == 0 )
			exec = "ALTER TABLE " + list[ 0 ].lower() + " ADD FOREIGN KEY (" + list[ 1 ].lower() + ") REFERENCES " + list[ 2 ].lower() + "( " + oidFieldName() + " ) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED";
		//	exec = "CREATE DDL!!!";
		m_db->exec( exec );
		if ( m_db->lastError().type() != QSqlError::None ) {
			kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " -> " << exec << endl;
			kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " -> " << m_db->lastError().text() << endl;
	return true;
Example #8
bool KigPlugin::readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& metainfo, uint /*what*/ )
  KFileMetaInfoGroup metagroup = appendGroup( metainfo, "KigInfo");

  QString sfile =  metainfo.path();
  bool iscompressed = false;
  QFile f( sfile );
  if ( !sfile.endsWith( ".kig", false ) )
    iscompressed = true;

    QString tempdir = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation( "tmp" );
    if ( tempdir.isEmpty() )
      return false;

    QString tempname = sfile.section( '/', -1 );
    if ( sfile.endsWith( ".kigz", false ) )
      tempname.remove( QRegExp( "\\.[Kk][Ii][Gg][Zz]$" ) );
      return false;
    // reading compressed file
    KTar* ark = new KTar( sfile, "application/x-gzip" );
    ark->open( IO_ReadOnly );
    const KArchiveDirectory* dir = ark->directory();
    QStringList entries = dir->entries();
    QStringList kigfiles = entries.grep( QRegExp( "\\.kig$" ) );
    if ( kigfiles.count() != 1 )
      return false;
    const KArchiveEntry* kigz = dir->entry( kigfiles[0] );
    if ( !kigz->isFile() )
      return false;
    dynamic_cast<const KArchiveFile*>( kigz )->copyTo( tempdir );

    f.setName( tempdir + kigz->name() );

  if ( !f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) )
    return false;

  QDomDocument doc( "KigDocument" );
  if ( !doc.setContent( &f ) )
    return false;


  // removing temp file
  if ( iscompressed )

  QDomElement main = doc.documentElement();

  // reading the version...
  QString version = main.attribute( "Version" );
  if ( version.isEmpty() ) version = main.attribute( "version" );
  if ( version.isEmpty() ) version = i18n( "Translators: Not Available", "n/a" );
  appendItem( metagroup, "Version", version );

  // reading the compatibility version...
  QString compatversion = main.attribute( "CompatibilityVersion" );
  if ( compatversion.isEmpty() )
    compatversion = i18n( "%1 represents Kig version",
                          "%1 (as the version)" ).arg( version );
  appendItem( metagroup, "CompatVersion", compatversion );

  // reading the Coordinate System...
  QCString coordsystem;
  for ( QDomNode n = main.firstChild(); ! n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() )
    QDomElement e = n.toElement();
    if ( e.isNull() ) continue;
    if ( e.tagName() == "CoordinateSystem" )
      coordsystem = e.text().latin1();
  appendItem( metagroup, "CoordSystem", coordsystem );

  // has Kig document the grid?
  bool btmp = true;
  QString stmp = main.attribute( "grid" );
  if ( !( stmp.isEmpty() || ( stmp != "0" ) ) )
    btmp = ( stmp != "0" );
  QString stmp2 = btmp ? i18n( "Yes" ) : i18n( "No" );
  appendItem( metagroup, "Grid", stmp2 );

  // has Kig document the axes?
  btmp = true;
  stmp = main.attribute( "axes" );
  if ( !( stmp.isEmpty() || ( stmp != "0" ) ) )
    btmp = ( stmp != "0" );
  stmp2 = btmp ? i18n( "Yes" ) : i18n( "No" );
  appendItem( metagroup, "Axes", stmp2 );

  stmp2 = iscompressed ? i18n( "Yes" ) : i18n( "No" );
  appendItem( metagroup, "Compressed", stmp2 );

  return true;