Example #1
    Initializes the data structure needed by qGeomCalc and
    recalculates max/min and size hint.
void QBoxLayoutPrivate::setupGeom()
    if (!dirty)

    int maxw = horz(dir) ? 0 : QLAYOUTSIZE_MAX;
    int maxh = horz(dir) ? QLAYOUTSIZE_MAX : 0;
    int minw = 0;
    int minh = 0;
    int hintw = 0;
    int hinth = 0;

    bool horexp = false;
    bool verexp = false;

    hasHfw = false;

    int n = list.count();
    QVector<QLayoutStruct> a(n);

    QSizePolicy::ControlTypes controlTypes1;
    QSizePolicy::ControlTypes controlTypes2;
    int fixedSpacing = q->spacing();
    int previousNonEmptyIndex = -1;

    QStyle *style = 0;
    if (fixedSpacing < 0) {
        if (QWidget *parentWidget = q->parentWidget())
            style = parentWidget->style();

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        QBoxLayoutItem *box = list.at(i);
        QSize max = box->item->maximumSize();
        QSize min = box->item->minimumSize();
        QSize hint = box->item->sizeHint();
        Qt::Orientations exp = box->item->expandingDirections();
        bool empty = box->item->isEmpty();
        int spacing = 0;

        if (!empty) {
            if (fixedSpacing >= 0) {
                spacing = (previousNonEmptyIndex >= 0) ? fixedSpacing : 0;
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
                if (!horz(dir) && previousNonEmptyIndex >= 0) {
                    QBoxLayoutItem *sibling = (dir == QBoxLayout::TopToBottom  ? box : list.at(previousNonEmptyIndex));
                    if (sibling) {
                        QWidget *wid = sibling->item->widget();
                        if (wid)
                            spacing = qMax(spacing, sibling->item->geometry().top() - wid->geometry().top());
            } else {
                controlTypes1 = controlTypes2;
                controlTypes2 = box->item->controlTypes();
                if (previousNonEmptyIndex >= 0) {
                    QSizePolicy::ControlTypes actual1 = controlTypes1;
                    QSizePolicy::ControlTypes actual2 = controlTypes2;
                    if (dir == QBoxLayout::RightToLeft || dir == QBoxLayout::BottomToTop)
                        qSwap(actual1, actual2);

                    if (style) {
                        spacing = style->combinedLayoutSpacing(actual1, actual2,
                                             horz(dir) ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical,
                                             0, q->parentWidget());
                        if (spacing < 0)
                            spacing = 0;

            if (previousNonEmptyIndex >= 0)
                a[previousNonEmptyIndex].spacing = spacing;
            previousNonEmptyIndex = i;

        bool ignore = empty && box->item->widget(); // ignore hidden widgets
        bool dummy = true;
        if (horz(dir)) {
            bool expand = (exp & Qt::Horizontal || box->stretch > 0);
            horexp = horexp || expand;
            maxw += spacing + max.width();
            minw += spacing + min.width();
            hintw += spacing + hint.width();
            if (!ignore)
                qMaxExpCalc(maxh, verexp, dummy,
                            max.height(), exp & Qt::Vertical, box->item->isEmpty());
            minh = qMax(minh, min.height());
            hinth = qMax(hinth, hint.height());

            a[i].sizeHint = hint.width();
            a[i].maximumSize = max.width();
            a[i].minimumSize = min.width();
            a[i].expansive = expand;
            a[i].stretch = box->stretch ? box->stretch : box->hStretch();
        } else {
            bool expand = (exp & Qt::Vertical || box->stretch > 0);
            verexp = verexp || expand;
            maxh += spacing + max.height();
            minh += spacing + min.height();
            hinth += spacing + hint.height();
            if (!ignore)
                qMaxExpCalc(maxw, horexp, dummy,
                            max.width(), exp & Qt::Horizontal, box->item->isEmpty());
            minw = qMax(minw, min.width());
            hintw = qMax(hintw, hint.width());

            a[i].sizeHint = hint.height();
            a[i].maximumSize = max.height();
            a[i].minimumSize = min.height();
            a[i].expansive = expand;
            a[i].stretch = box->stretch ? box->stretch : box->vStretch();

        a[i].empty = empty;
        a[i].spacing = 0;   // might be be initialized with a non-zero value in a later iteration
        hasHfw = hasHfw || box->item->hasHeightForWidth();

    geomArray = a;

    expanding = (Qt::Orientations)
                       ((horexp ? Qt::Horizontal : 0)
                         | (verexp ? Qt::Vertical : 0));

    minSize = QSize(minw, minh);
    maxSize = QSize(maxw, maxh).expandedTo(minSize);
    sizeHint = QSize(hintw, hinth).expandedTo(minSize).boundedTo(maxSize);

    q->getContentsMargins(&leftMargin, &topMargin, &rightMargin, &bottomMargin);
    int left, top, right, bottom;
    effectiveMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom);
    QSize extra(left + right, top + bottom);

    minSize += extra;
    maxSize += extra;
    sizeHint += extra;

    dirty = false;