Example #1
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName ("BerndStramm");
  QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain ("bernd-stramm.com");
  QCoreApplication::setApplicationName ("loco");
  deliberate::ProgramVersion pv ("Loco");
  QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion (pv.Number());

  QApplication  app (argc, argv);
  QLocale locale;
  QSysInfo sysInfo;

  QSettings  settings;
  deliberate::InitSettings ();
  deliberate::SetSettings (settings);
  settings.setValue ("program",pv.MyName());

  QStringList  configMessages;

  deliberate::CmdOptions  opts ("loco");
  opts.AddSoloOption ("debug","D",QObject::tr("show Debug log window"));
  opts.AddStringOption ("logdebug","L",QObject::tr("write Debug log to file"));

  deliberate::UseMyOwnMessageHandler ();

  bool optsOk = opts.Parse (argc, argv);
  if (!optsOk) {
    opts.Usage ();
  if (opts.WantHelp ()) {
    opts.Usage ();
    exit (0);
  pv.CLIVersion ();
  configMessages.append (QString ("Portions %1")
         .arg ("Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)"));
  configMessages.append (QString("Built on %1 %2")
                         .arg (__DATE__).arg(__TIME__));
  configMessages.append (QObject::tr("Build with Qt %1").arg(QT_VERSION_STR));
  configMessages.append (QObject::tr("Running with Qt %1").arg(qVersion()));

  configMessages.append (QObject::tr("Current Country %1")
  configMessages.append (QObject::tr("Current Language %1")
  configMessages.append (QObject::tr("build API %1")
                          .arg (sysInfo.buildAbi()));
  configMessages.append(QObject::tr("Kernel %1")
                        .arg(sysInfo.kernelType() + " "+sysInfo.kernelVersion()));
  configMessages.append((QObject::tr("Product Name %1")
  for (int cm=0; cm<configMessages.size(); cm++) {
    deliberate::StdOut () << configMessages[cm] << endl;
  if (opts.WantVersion ()) {
    exit (0);
  bool showDebug = opts.SeenOpt ("debug");
  int result;

  deliberate::StartDebugLog (showDebug);
  bool logDebug = opts.SeenOpt ("logdebug");
  if (logDebug) {
    QString logfile ("/dev/null");
    opts.SetStringOpt ("logdebug",logfile);
    deliberate::StartFileLog (logfile);
  QStringList args = opts.Arguments();
  QString tour;
  cout  << "\n\nargument count" << args.count();
  if (args.count() > 0) {
    tour = args.at(0);
  } else {
    tour = QString(":/tour-default");
  cout << "\n\n\n\t\t" << Q_FUNC_INFO << "tour is" << tour.toStdString() << "\n\n\n";
  loco::Loco   loco (tour);

  app.setWindowIcon (loco.windowIcon());
  loco.Init (app);
  loco.AddConfigMessages (configMessages);

  loco.Run ();
  loco.RunSlippy ();
  result = app.exec ();
  qDebug () << " QApplication exec finished " << result;
  return result;
void QQMlDom::setCorrectPreBuilt(const QString version)

    QSysInfo info;

    // FIXME need to either let the user pick out the mirror
    // Or we need to use something to set the mirror

//    int utcOffSet;
//    QDateTime dt1 = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
//    QDateTime dt2 = dt1.toUTC();
//    dt1.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC);

//    int offset = dt2.secsTo(dt1) / 3600;

//    utcOffSet = offset;

//    QString defaultPath;
//    switch (utcOffSet) {

//    case -8|"-7"|"-6"|"-5":
//        defaultPath = QString("%1%2/").arg("https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt-installer-framework/").arg(version);
//        break;
//    case "":
//        break;
//    }

    QString defaultPath = QString("%1%2/").arg("https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt-installer-framework/").arg(version);

//   = c
    QString os;
    QString downloadFullPath;
    os = info.kernelType().toLatin1();
    QString arch = info.buildCpuArchitecture();
    if ( os == "linux")
        if(arch == "x86_64") {

            downloadFullPath = QString("%1%2%3%4")

            if (downloadFullPath == m_correctPrebuiltUrl)
            m_correctPrebuiltUrl = downloadFullPath;
            qDebug() << downloadFullPath;
        //FIXME error check for arm and what not
            downloadFullPath = QString("%1%2%3%4")
            if (downloadFullPath == m_correctPrebuiltUrl)
            m_correctPrebuiltUrl = downloadFullPath;
            qDebug() << downloadFullPath;
    else if (os == "wince" || os == "winnt")
        downloadFullPath = QString("%1%2%3%4")
                           .arg("Qt Installer Framework Opensource ")
        if (downloadFullPath == m_correctPrebuiltUrl)
        m_correctPrebuiltUrl = downloadFullPath;
        qDebug() << downloadFullPath;

    else if (os == "darwin" )
        downloadFullPath = QString("%1%2%3%4")
                           .arg(" Qt Installer Framework Opensource ")
        if (downloadFullPath == m_correctPrebuiltUrl)
        m_correctPrebuiltUrl = downloadFullPath;
        qDebug() << downloadFullPath;
        error("Can not set the correct version of Qt IFW Maybe your OS is not supported");