Example #1
    \fn void QTextTable::insertColumns(int index, int columns)

    Inserts a number of \a columns before the column with the specified \a index.

    \sa insertRows() resize() removeRows() removeColumns() appendRows() appendColumns()
void QTextTable::insertColumns(int pos, int num)
    if (num <= 0)

    if (d->dirty)

    if (pos > d->nCols || pos < 0)
        pos = d->nCols;

//     qDebug() << "-------- insertCols" << pos << num;
    QTextDocumentPrivate *p = d->pieceTable;
    QTextFormatCollection *c = p->formatCollection();

    for (int i = 0; i < d->nRows; ++i) {
        int cell;
        if (i == d->nRows - 1 && pos == d->nCols)
            cell = d->fragment_end;
            cell = d->grid[i*d->nCols + pos];
        QTextDocumentPrivate::FragmentIterator it(&p->fragmentMap(), cell);
        QTextCharFormat fmt = c->charFormat(it->format);
        if (pos > 0 && pos < d->nCols && cell == d->grid[i*d->nCols + pos - 1]) {
            // cell spans the insertion place, extend it
            fmt.setTableCellColumnSpan(fmt.tableCellColumnSpan() + num);
            p->setCharFormat(it.position(), 1, fmt);
        } else {
            Q_ASSERT(fmt.objectIndex() == objectIndex());
            int position = it.position();
            int cfmt = p->formatCollection()->indexForFormat(fmt);
            int bfmt = p->formatCollection()->indexForFormat(QTextBlockFormat());
            for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                p->insertBlock(QTextBeginningOfFrame, position, bfmt, cfmt, QTextUndoCommand::MoveCursor);

    QTextTableFormat tfmt = format();
    QVector<QTextLength> columnWidths = tfmt.columnWidthConstraints();
    if (! columnWidths.isEmpty()) {
        for (int i = num; i > 0; --i)
            columnWidths.insert(pos, columnWidths[qMax(0, pos-1)]);
    tfmt.setColumnWidthConstraints (columnWidths);

//     qDebug() << "-------- end insertCols" << pos << num;
void KDReports::TextDocumentData::scaleFontsBy( qreal factor )
    QTextCursor cursor( m_document );
    qreal currentPointSize = -1.0;
    QTextCursor lastCursor( m_document );
        qreal cursorFontPointSize = cursor.charFormat().fontPointSize();
        //qDebug() << cursorFontPointSize << "last=" << currentPointSize << cursor.block().text() << "position=" << cursor.position();
        if ( cursorFontPointSize != currentPointSize ) {
            if ( currentPointSize != -1.0 ) {
                setFontSizeHelper( lastCursor, cursor.position() - 1, currentPointSize, factor );
                lastCursor.setPosition( cursor.position() - 1, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor );
            currentPointSize = cursorFontPointSize;
        if ( cursor.atEnd() )
        cursor.movePosition( QTextCursor::NextCharacter );
    if ( currentPointSize != -1.0 ) {
        setFontSizeHelper( lastCursor, cursor.position(), currentPointSize, factor );

    // Also adjust the padding in the cells so that it remains proportional,
    // and the column constraints.
    Q_FOREACH( QTextTable* table, m_tables ) {
        QTextTableFormat format = table->format();
        format.setCellPadding( format.cellPadding() * factor );

        QVector<QTextLength> constraints = format.columnWidthConstraints();
        for ( int i = 0; i < constraints.size(); ++i ) {
            if ( constraints[i].type() == QTextLength::FixedLength ) {
                constraints[i] = QTextLength( QTextLength::FixedLength, constraints[i].rawValue() * factor );
        format.setColumnWidthConstraints( constraints );

        table->setFormat( format );
Example #3
    \fn void QTextTable::removeColumns(int index, int columns)

    Removes a number of \a columns starting with the column at the specified
    \a index.

    \sa insertRows(), insertColumns(), removeRows(), resize(), appendRows(), appendColumns()
void QTextTable::removeColumns(int pos, int num)
//     qDebug() << "-------- removeCols" << pos << num;

    if (num <= 0 || pos < 0)
    if (d->dirty)
    if (pos >= d->nCols)
    if (pos + num > d->nCols)
        pos = d->nCols - num;

    QTextDocumentPrivate *p = d->pieceTable;
    QTextFormatCollection *collection = p->formatCollection();

    // delete whole table?
    if (pos == 0 && num == d->nCols) {
        const int pos = p->fragmentMap().position(d->fragment_start);
        p->remove(pos, p->fragmentMap().position(d->fragment_end) - pos + 1);

    p->aboutToRemoveCell(cellAt(0, pos).firstPosition(), cellAt(d->nRows - 1, pos + num - 1).lastPosition());

    QList<int> touchedCells;
    for (int r = 0; r < d->nRows; ++r) {
        for (int c = pos; c < pos + num; ++c) {
            int cell = d->grid[r*d->nCols + c];
            QTextDocumentPrivate::FragmentIterator it(&p->fragmentMap(), cell);
            QTextCharFormat fmt = collection->charFormat(it->format);
            int span = fmt.tableCellColumnSpan();
            if (touchedCells.contains(cell) && span <= 1)
            touchedCells << cell;

            if (span > 1) {
                fmt.setTableCellColumnSpan(span - 1);
                p->setCharFormat(it.position(), 1, fmt);
            } else {
                // remove cell
                int index = d->cells.indexOf(cell) + 1;
                int f_end = index < d->cells.size() ? d->cells.at(index) : d->fragment_end;
                p->remove(it.position(), p->fragmentMap().position(f_end) - it.position());

    QTextTableFormat tfmt = format();
    QVector<QTextLength> columnWidths = tfmt.columnWidthConstraints();
    if (columnWidths.count() > pos) {
        columnWidths.remove(pos, num);
        tfmt.setColumnWidthConstraints (columnWidths);

//     qDebug() << "-------- end removeCols" << pos << num;
Example #4
    \fn void QTextTable::insertColumns(int index, int columns)

    Inserts a number of \a columns before the column with the specified \a index.

    \sa insertRows(), resize(), removeRows(), removeColumns(), appendRows(), appendColumns()
void QTextTable::insertColumns(int pos, int num)
    if (num <= 0)

    if (d->dirty)

    if (pos > d->nCols || pos < 0)
        pos = d->nCols;

//     qDebug() << "-------- insertCols" << pos << num;
    QTextDocumentPrivate *p = d->pieceTable;
    QTextFormatCollection *c = p->formatCollection();

    QList<int> extendedSpans;
    for (int i = 0; i < d->nRows; ++i) {
        int cell;
        if (i == d->nRows - 1 && pos == d->nCols) {
            cell = d->fragment_end;
        } else {
            int logicalGridIndexBeforePosition = pos > 0
                                                 ? d->findCellIndex(d->grid[i*d->nCols + pos - 1])
                                                 : -1;

            // Search for the logical insertion point by skipping past cells which are not the first
            // cell in a rowspan. This means any cell for which the logical grid index is
            // less than the logical cell index of the cell before the insertion.
            int logicalGridIndex;
            int gridArrayOffset = i*d->nCols + pos;
            do {
                cell = d->grid[gridArrayOffset];
                logicalGridIndex = d->findCellIndex(cell);
            } while (logicalGridIndex < logicalGridIndexBeforePosition
                     && gridArrayOffset < d->nRows*d->nCols);

            if (logicalGridIndex < logicalGridIndexBeforePosition
                && gridArrayOffset == d->nRows*d->nCols)
                cell = d->fragment_end;

        if (pos > 0 && pos < d->nCols && cell == d->grid[i*d->nCols + pos - 1]) {
            // cell spans the insertion place, extend it
            if (!extendedSpans.contains(cell)) {
                QTextDocumentPrivate::FragmentIterator it(&p->fragmentMap(), cell);
                QTextCharFormat fmt = c->charFormat(it->format);
                fmt.setTableCellColumnSpan(fmt.tableCellColumnSpan() + num);
                p->setCharFormat(it.position(), 1, fmt);
                d->dirty = true;
                extendedSpans << cell;
        } else {
            /* If the next cell is spanned from the row above, we need to find the right position
            to insert to */
            if (i > 0 && pos < d->nCols && cell == d->grid[(i-1) * d->nCols + pos]) {
                int gridIndex = i*d->nCols + pos;
                const int gridEnd = d->nRows * d->nCols - 1;
                while (gridIndex < gridEnd && cell == d->grid[gridIndex]) {
                if (gridIndex == gridEnd)
                    cell = d->fragment_end;
                    cell = d->grid[gridIndex];
            QTextDocumentPrivate::FragmentIterator it(&p->fragmentMap(), cell);
            QTextCharFormat fmt = c->charFormat(it->format);
            Q_ASSERT(fmt.objectIndex() == objectIndex());
            int position = it.position();
            int cfmt = p->formatCollection()->indexForFormat(fmt);
            int bfmt = p->formatCollection()->indexForFormat(QTextBlockFormat());
            for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                p->insertBlock(QTextBeginningOfFrame, position, bfmt, cfmt, QTextUndoCommand::MoveCursor);

    QTextTableFormat tfmt = format();
    QVector<QTextLength> columnWidths = tfmt.columnWidthConstraints();
    if (! columnWidths.isEmpty()) {
        for (int i = num; i > 0; --i)
            columnWidths.insert(pos, columnWidths[qMax(0, pos-1)]);
    tfmt.setColumnWidthConstraints (columnWidths);

//     qDebug() << "-------- end insertCols" << pos << num;
Example #5
void HtmlExporter::emitTable( const QTextTable *table )
    //qDebug() << "emitTable" << html;
    QTextTableFormat format = table->format();

    html += QLatin1String( "\n<table" );

    if ( format.hasProperty( QTextFormat::FrameBorder ) ) {
        emitAttribute( "border", QString::number( format.border() ) );

    emitFloatStyle( format.position() );
    emitAlignment( format.alignment() );
    emitTextLength( "width", format.width() );

    if ( format.hasProperty( QTextFormat::TableCellSpacing ) ) {
        emitAttribute( "cellspacing", QString::number( format.cellSpacing() ) );
    if ( format.hasProperty( QTextFormat::TableCellPadding ) ) {
        emitAttribute( "cellpadding", QString::number( format.cellPadding() ) );

    QBrush bg = format.background();
    if ( bg != Qt::NoBrush ) {
        emitAttribute( "bgcolor", bg.color().name() );

    html += QLatin1Char( '>' );

    const int rows = table->rows();
    const int columns = table->columns();

    QVector<QTextLength> columnWidths = format.columnWidthConstraints();
    if ( columnWidths.isEmpty() ) {
        columnWidths.resize( columns );
        columnWidths.fill( QTextLength() );
//    Q_ASSERT(columnWidths.count() == columns);

    QVarLengthArray<bool> widthEmittedForColumn( columns );
    for ( int i = 0; i < columns; ++i ) {
        widthEmittedForColumn[i] = false;

    const int headerRowCount = qMin( format.headerRowCount(), rows );
    if ( headerRowCount > 0 ) {
        html += QLatin1String( "<thead>" );

    for ( int row = 0; row < rows; ++row ) {
        html += QLatin1String( "\n<tr>" );

        for ( int col = 0; col < columns; ++col ) {
            const QTextTableCell cell = table->cellAt( row, col );

            // for col/rowspans
            if ( cell.row() != row ) {

            if ( cell.column() != col ) {

            html += QLatin1String( "\n<td" );

            if ( !widthEmittedForColumn[col] ) {
                emitTextLength( "width", columnWidths.at( col ) );
                widthEmittedForColumn[col] = true;

            if ( cell.columnSpan() > 1 ) {
                emitAttribute( "colspan", QString::number( cell.columnSpan() ) );

            if ( cell.rowSpan() > 1 ) {
                emitAttribute( "rowspan", QString::number( cell.rowSpan() ) );

            const QTextCharFormat cellFormat = cell.format();
            QBrush bg = cellFormat.background();
            if ( bg != Qt::NoBrush ) {
                emitAttribute( "bgcolor", bg.color().name() );

            html += QLatin1Char( '>' );

            emitFrame( cell.begin() );

            html += QLatin1String( "</td>" );

        html += QLatin1String( "</tr>" );
        if ( headerRowCount > 0 && row == headerRowCount - 1 ) {
            html += QLatin1String( "</thead>" );

    html += QLatin1String( "</table>" );