int ctkDICOMModelTest2( int argc, char * argv [] ) { QApplication app(argc, argv); if (argc <= 2) { std::cerr << "Warning, no sql file given. Test stops" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Usage: qctkDICOMModelTest1 <scratch.db> <dumpfile.sql>" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } try { ctkDICOMDatabase myCTK( argv[1] ); if (!myCTK.initializeDatabase(argv[2])) { std::cerr << "Error when initializing the data base: " << argv[2] << " error: " << myCTK.lastError().toStdString(); } ctkDICOMModel model; model.setDatabase(myCTK.database()); QWidget topLevel; QTreeView viewer; QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(&viewer); topLevel.setLayout(layout); viewer.setModel(&model); QHeaderView* previousHeaderView = viewer.header(); qDebug() << "previous: " << previousHeaderView->isHidden(); ctkCheckableHeaderView* headerView = new ctkCheckableHeaderView(Qt::Horizontal, &viewer); #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) headerView->setClickable(previousHeaderView->isClickable()); headerView->setMovable(previousHeaderView->isMovable()); #else headerView->setSectionsClickable(previousHeaderView->sectionsClickable()); headerView->setSectionsMovable(previousHeaderView->sectionsMovable()); #endif headerView->setHighlightSections(previousHeaderView->highlightSections()); headerView->checkableModelHelper()->setPropagateDepth(-1); headerView->checkableModelHelper()->setForceCheckability(true); viewer.setHeader(headerView); model.setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::Checked, Qt::CheckStateRole); qDebug() << "new: " << headerView->isHidden();; if (argc <= 3 || QString(argv[3]) != "-I") { QTimer::singleShot(200, &app, SLOT(quit())); } return app.exec(); } catch (std::exception e) { std::cerr << "Error when opening the data base file: " << argv[1] << " error: " << e.what(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
void pTreeComboBox::calculPopupGeometry() { if ( !mView ) { return; } QStyle * const style = this->style(); // set current item and select it view()->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex( mCurrentIndex, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows ); QFrame* container = mFrame; QStyleOptionComboBox opt; initStyleOption( &opt ); QRect listRect( style->subControlRect( QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &opt, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxListBoxPopup, this ) ); QRect screen = popupGeometry( QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber( this ) ); QPoint below = mapToGlobal( listRect.bottomLeft() ); int belowHeight = screen.bottom() -below.y(); QPoint above = mapToGlobal( listRect.topLeft() ); int aboveHeight = above.y() -screen.y(); bool boundToScreen = !window()->testAttribute( Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen ); listRect.moveTopLeft( mapToGlobal( rect().bottomLeft() ) ); listRect.setSize( QSize( qMax( qMax( view()->viewport()->width(), mFrame->width() ), width() ) , qMax( view()->viewport()->height(), mFrame->height() ) ) ); const bool usePopup = style->styleHint( QStyle::SH_ComboBox_Popup, &opt, this ); { int listHeight = 0; int count = 0; QStack<QModelIndex> toCheck; toCheck.push( view()->rootIndex() ); #ifndef QT_NO_TREEVIEW QTreeView* treeView = qobject_cast<QTreeView*>( view() ); if ( treeView && treeView->header() && !treeView->header()->isHidden() ) listHeight += treeView->header()->height(); #endif while ( !toCheck.isEmpty() ) { QModelIndex parent = toCheck.pop(); for ( int i = 0; i < model()->rowCount( parent ); ++i ) { QModelIndex idx = model()->index( i, mModelColumn, parent ); if ( !idx.isValid() ) continue; listHeight += view()->visualRect( idx ).height(); #ifndef QT_NO_TREEVIEW if ( model()->hasChildren( idx ) && treeView && treeView->isExpanded( idx ) ) toCheck.push( idx ); #endif ++count; if ( !usePopup && count > mMaxVisibleItems ) { toCheck.clear(); break; } } } listRect.setHeight( listHeight ); } { // add the spacing for the grid on the top and the bottom; int heightMargin = 0; // add the frame of the container int marginTop, marginBottom; container->getContentsMargins( 0, &marginTop, 0, &marginBottom ); heightMargin += marginTop +marginBottom; //add the frame of the view view()->getContentsMargins( 0, &marginTop, 0, &marginBottom ); marginTop += 0/*static_cast<QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate *>(QObjectPrivate::get(view()))->top*/; marginBottom += 0/*static_cast<QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate *>(QObjectPrivate::get(view()))->bottom*/; heightMargin += marginTop +marginBottom; listRect.setHeight( listRect.height() +heightMargin ); } // Add space for margin at top and bottom if the style wants it. if ( usePopup ) listRect.setHeight( listRect.height() +style->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_MenuVMargin, &opt, this ) *2 ); // Make sure the popup is wide enough to display its contents. if ( usePopup ) { const int diff = sizeHint().width() /*d->computeWidthHint()*/ -width(); if ( diff > 0 ) listRect.setWidth( listRect.width() +diff ); } //we need to activate the layout to make sure the min/maximum size are set when the widget was not yet show container->layout()->activate(); //takes account of the minimum/maximum size of the container listRect.setSize( listRect.size().expandedTo(container->minimumSize()) .boundedTo(container->maximumSize())); // make sure the widget fits on screen if (boundToScreen) { if (listRect.width() > screen.width() ) listRect.setWidth(screen.width()); if (/*mapToGlobal(*/listRect/*.bottomRight())*/.x() > screen.right()) { below.setX(screen.x() + screen.width() - listRect.width()); above.setX(screen.x() + screen.width() - listRect.width()); } if (/*mapToGlobal(*/listRect/*.topLeft())*/.x() < screen.x() ) { below.setX(screen.x()); above.setX(screen.x()); } } if ( usePopup ) { // Position horizontally. listRect.moveLeft( above.x() ); // Position vertically so the curently selected item lines up // with the combo box. /*const QRect currentItemRect = view()->visualRect( view()->currentIndex() ); const int offset =; listRect.moveTop( above.y() +offset );*/ // Clamp the listRect height and vertical position so we don't expand outside the // available screen geometry.This may override the vertical position, but it is more // important to show as much as possible of the popup. const int height = !boundToScreen ? listRect.height() : qMin(listRect.height(), screen.height()); listRect.setHeight(height); if (boundToScreen) { if ( < listRect.moveTop(; if (listRect.bottom() > screen.bottom()) listRect.moveBottom(screen.bottom()); } } else if (!boundToScreen || listRect.height() <= belowHeight) { listRect.moveTopLeft(below); } else if (listRect.height() <= aboveHeight) { listRect.moveBottomLeft(above); } else if (belowHeight >= aboveHeight) { listRect.setHeight(belowHeight); listRect.moveTopLeft(below); } else { listRect.setHeight(aboveHeight); listRect.moveBottomLeft(above); } #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) #ifndef QT_NO_IM if ( QInputContext *qic = inputContext() ) qic->reset(); #endif #endif QScrollBar* sb = view()->horizontalScrollBar(); Qt::ScrollBarPolicy policy = view()->horizontalScrollBarPolicy(); bool needHorizontalScrollBar = ( policy == Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded || policy == Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn ) && sb->minimum() < sb->maximum(); if ( needHorizontalScrollBar ) { listRect.adjust( 0, 0, 0, sb->height() ); } container->setGeometry( listRect ); #ifndef Q_WS_MAC const bool updatesEnabled = container->updatesEnabled(); #endif #if defined( Q_WS_WIN ) && !defined( QT_NO_EFFECTS ) // FIXME Fix me ASAP /*bool scrollDown = ( listRect.topLeft() == below ); if ( QApplication::isEffectEnabled( Qt::UI_AnimateCombo ) && !style->styleHint( QStyle::SH_ComboBox_Popup, &opt, this ) && !window()->testAttribute( Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen ) ) qScrollEffect( container, scrollDown ? QEffects::DownScroll : QEffects::UpScroll, 150 );*/ #endif // Don't disable updates on Mac OS X. Windows are displayed immediately on this platform, // which means that the window will be visible before the call to container->show() returns. // If updates are disabled at this point we'll miss our chance at painting the popup // menu before it's shown, causing flicker since the window then displays the standard gray // background. #ifndef Q_WS_MAC container->setUpdatesEnabled( false ); #endif container->raise(); container->show(); //container->updateScrollers(); view()->setFocus(); view()->scrollTo( view()->currentIndex(), style->styleHint( QStyle::SH_ComboBox_Popup, &opt, this ) ? QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter : QAbstractItemView::EnsureVisible ); #ifndef Q_WS_MAC container->setUpdatesEnabled( updatesEnabled ); #endif container->update(); #ifdef QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION if ( QApplication::keypadNavigationEnabled() ) view()->setEditFocus( true ); #endif }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { //:/image/cat.jpg ui->setupUi(this); QString imagepath = ":/new/prefix1/folder.png"; QPixmap image0(imagepath); QPixmap image = image0.scaled(QSize(100,100)); qDebug() << image.size(); QIcon myIcon = QIcon(image); QSplitter *page= new QSplitter(); //customer QList<QVariant> title; title<<"one"<<"two"; QList<ItemObject*> values; GetData(values); data =new ItemModel(Q_NULLPTR); data->setHeaderTitle(title); data->BindingData(values); selections = new QItemSelectionModel(data); table = new QTableView; table->setModel(data); table->setSelectionModel(selections); table->setItemDelegate(new MyTableViewStyleDelegate()); table->horizontalHeader()->setSectionsMovable(true); table->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); table->verticalHeader()->setSectionsMovable(true); table->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); // Set StaticContents to enable minimal repaints on resizes. table->viewport()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_StaticContents); table->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(table, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)),SLOT(customMenuRequested(QPoint))); //table->setStyleSheet("QTableView{background-color: rgb(250, 250, 115);" "alternate-background-color: rgb(141, 163, 215);}"); //table->setItemDelegateForColumn(0,new MyLineItemDelegate()); table->setItemDelegateForColumn(0,new CheckBoxDelegate(table)); table->setItemDelegateForColumn(1,new ReadOnlyDelegate()); table->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); table->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); table->setIconSize(QSize(1,1)); //header checkbox TableCheckedHeader *m_customHeader = NULL; m_customHeader = new TableCheckedHeader(Qt::Horizontal, this); table->setHorizontalHeader(m_customHeader); connect(m_customHeader, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(_headertoggled(bool))); page->addWidget(table); QTreeView *tree = new QTreeView; tree->setModel(data); tree->setSelectionModel(selections); tree->setUniformRowHeights(true); tree->header()->setStretchLastSection(false); tree->viewport()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_StaticContents); // Disable the focus rect to get minimal repaints when scrolling on Mac. tree->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, false); page->addWidget(tree); list = new QListView; //QObject::connect(list,SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex),this,SLOT(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)))); list->setModel(data); list->setIconSize(QSize(80,80)); list->setItemDelegate(new MyListItemDelegege()); list->setSelectionModel(selections); list->setSpacing(5); list->setViewMode(QListView::IconMode); list->setDragEnabled(false); list->setSelectionRectVisible(false); //list->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); list->setAlternatingRowColors(false); list->setResizeMode(QListWidget::Adjust); //list->viewport()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_StaticContents); list->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, true); //list->setItemDelegateForColumn(1,new MyLineItemDelegate()); list->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); //menu list->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(list,SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)),SLOT(CustomListMenuRequested(QPoint))); page->addWidget(list); this->setCentralWidget(page); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ctkTreeComboBox::resizePopup() { // copied from QComboBox.cpp Q_D(ctkTreeComboBox); QStyle * const style = this->style(); QWidget* container = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(this->view()->parent()); QStyleOptionComboBox opt; this->initStyleOption(&opt); QRect listRect(style->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &opt, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxListBoxPopup, this)); QRect screen = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry( QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(this)); QPoint below = this->mapToGlobal(listRect.bottomLeft()); int belowHeight = screen.bottom() - below.y(); QPoint above = this->mapToGlobal(listRect.topLeft()); int aboveHeight = above.y() - screen.y(); bool boundToScreen = !this->window()->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen); const bool usePopup = style->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ComboBox_Popup, &opt, this); { int listHeight = 0; int count = 0; QStack<QModelIndex> toCheck; toCheck.push(this->view()->rootIndex()); #ifndef QT_NO_TREEVIEW QTreeView *treeView = qobject_cast<QTreeView*>(this->view()); if (treeView && treeView->header() && !treeView->header()->isHidden()) listHeight += treeView->header()->height(); #endif while (!toCheck.isEmpty()) { QModelIndex parent = toCheck.pop(); for (int i = 0; i < this->model()->rowCount(parent); ++i) { QModelIndex idx = this->model()->index(i, this->modelColumn(), parent); if (!idx.isValid()) { continue; } listHeight += this->view()->visualRect(idx).height(); /* + container->spacing() */; #ifndef QT_NO_TREEVIEW if (this->model()->hasChildren(idx) && treeView && treeView->isExpanded(idx)) { toCheck.push(idx); } #endif ++count; if (!usePopup && count > this->maxVisibleItems()) { toCheck.clear(); break; } } } listRect.setHeight(listHeight); } { // add the spacing for the grid on the top and the bottom; int heightMargin = 0;//2*container->spacing(); // add the frame of the container int marginTop, marginBottom; container->getContentsMargins(0, &marginTop, 0, &marginBottom); heightMargin += marginTop + marginBottom; //add the frame of the view this->view()->getContentsMargins(0, &marginTop, 0, &marginBottom); //marginTop += static_cast<QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate *>(QObjectPrivate::get(this->view()))->top; //marginBottom += static_cast<QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate *>(QObjectPrivate::get(this->view()))->bottom; heightMargin += marginTop + marginBottom; listRect.setHeight(listRect.height() + heightMargin); } // Add space for margin at top and bottom if the style wants it. if (usePopup) { listRect.setHeight(listRect.height() + style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuVMargin, &opt, this) * 2); } // Make sure the popup is wide enough to display its contents. if (usePopup) { const int diff = d->computeWidthHint() - this->width(); if (diff > 0) { listRect.setWidth(listRect.width() + diff); } } //we need to activate the layout to make sure the min/maximum size are set when the widget was not yet show container->layout()->activate(); //takes account of the minimum/maximum size of the container listRect.setSize( listRect.size().expandedTo(container->minimumSize()) .boundedTo(container->maximumSize())); // make sure the widget fits on screen if (boundToScreen) { if (listRect.width() > screen.width() ) { listRect.setWidth(screen.width()); } if (this->mapToGlobal(listRect.bottomRight()).x() > screen.right()) { below.setX(screen.x() + screen.width() - listRect.width()); above.setX(screen.x() + screen.width() - listRect.width()); } if (this->mapToGlobal(listRect.topLeft()).x() < screen.x() ) { below.setX(screen.x()); above.setX(screen.x()); } } if (usePopup) { // Position horizontally. listRect.moveLeft(above.x()); #ifndef Q_WS_S60 // Position vertically so the curently selected item lines up // with the combo box. const QRect currentItemRect = this->view()->visualRect(this->view()->currentIndex()); const int offset = -; listRect.moveTop(above.y() + offset -; #endif // Clamp the listRect height and vertical position so we don't expand outside the // available screen geometry.This may override the vertical position, but it is more // important to show as much as possible of the popup. const int height = !boundToScreen ? listRect.height() : qMin(listRect.height(), screen.height()); #ifdef Q_WS_S60 //popup needs to be stretched with screen minimum dimension listRect.setHeight(qMin(screen.height(), screen.width())); #else listRect.setHeight(height); #endif if (boundToScreen) { if ( < { listRect.moveTop(; } if (listRect.bottom() > screen.bottom()) { listRect.moveBottom(screen.bottom()); } } #ifdef Q_WS_S60 if (screen.width() < screen.height()) { // in portait, menu should be positioned above softkeys listRect.moveBottom(screen.bottom()); } else { TRect staConTopRect = TRect(); AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EStaconTop, staConTopRect); listRect.setWidth(listRect.height()); //by default popup is centered on screen in landscape listRect.moveCenter(; if (staConTopRect.IsEmpty()) { // landscape without stacon, menu should be at the right (opt.direction == Qt::LeftToRight) ? listRect.setRight(screen.right()) : listRect.setLeft(screen.left()); } } #endif } else if (!boundToScreen || listRect.height() <= belowHeight) { listRect.moveTopLeft(below); } else if (listRect.height() <= aboveHeight) { listRect.moveBottomLeft(above); } else if (belowHeight >= aboveHeight) { listRect.setHeight(belowHeight); listRect.moveTopLeft(below); } else { listRect.setHeight(aboveHeight); listRect.moveBottomLeft(above); } #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) && !defined QT_NO_IM if (QInputContext *qic = this->inputContext()) { qic->reset(); } #endif QScrollBar *sb = this->view()->horizontalScrollBar(); Qt::ScrollBarPolicy policy = this->view()->horizontalScrollBarPolicy(); bool needHorizontalScrollBar = (policy == Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded || policy == Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn) && sb->minimum() < sb->maximum(); if (needHorizontalScrollBar) { listRect.adjust(0, 0, 0, sb->height()); } container->setGeometry(listRect); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QWidget * main_wg = new QWidget; // cria um objeto "splitter" para compartilhar widgets: QSplitter *splitter = new QSplitter(main_wg); // cria um "model" usando o "StandardModel" QStandardItemModel *model = new QStandardItemModel; const int totCols = 3; int col; // define os títulos das colunas: for (col = 0; col < totCols; ++col) { model->setHorizontalHeaderItem(col, new QStandardItem( QString("COL-%1").arg(col+1) ) ); } // alimenta linhas, colunas e sub-níveis: QStandardItem *parentItem = model->invisibleRootItem(); const int iniLevel = 0; const int totLevels= 3; QString prevRows(""); QVector<QSize> vec_ColsRows; // colunas, linhas de cada nível vec_ColsRows.reserve( totLevels ); // quantidade-colunas, quantidade-linhas vec_ColsRows << QSize(3,10) << QSize(3,3) << QSize(3,2) ; populate_model ( parentItem, vec_ColsRows, iniLevel, prevRows); // Neste exemplo, // O "model" foi alimentado com linhas, colunas e sub-níveis: // E serão criadas 4 "views" (uma "tree", uma "table", uma "list" e uma "comboBox") // relacionadas ao mesmo "model"; // Cada "view" exibe os dados de uma determinada maneira; // 1- ==== a primeira "view" é uma "tree": QTreeView *tree = new QTreeView(splitter); tree->setModel(model); // habilita classificação na tree: tree->setSortingEnabled(true); // classifica tree->sortByColumn(0); // expande toda a árvore: tree->expandAll(); // força largura de todas as colunas // para exibição completa do texto dos seus itens for (col = 0; col < totCols; ++col) tree->resizeColumnToContents(col); // configura o header para permitir mudança na ordem de classificacão: QHeaderView * hdrTree = tree->header(); hdrTree->setClickable (true); hdrTree->setSortIndicator(0,Qt::AscendingOrder); hdrTree->setSortIndicatorShown(true); hdrTree->setMovable(true); // permite mover colunas do header // 2- ==== a segunda "view" é uma "table" QTableView *table = new QTableView(splitter); table->setModel(model); table->setAlternatingRowColors(true); // habilita classificação na table: table->setSortingEnabled(true); // classifica table->sortByColumn(0); // configura o header para permitir mudança na ordem de classificacão: QHeaderView * hdrTable = table->horizontalHeader(); hdrTable->setClickable (true); hdrTable->setSortIndicator(0,Qt::AscendingOrder); hdrTable->setSortIndicatorShown(true); hdrTable->setMovable(true); // permite mover colunas do header // 3- ==== a terceira view é uma "list": QListView *list = new QListView(splitter); list->setModel(model); // 4- ==== a quarta "view" é uma "comboBox" QComboBox *combo = new QComboBox; combo->setModel(model); // configura a "splitter" definindo a largura de cada "view" int width = 800; QList< int > cols; cols << int(width* 0.45) << int(width*0.45) << int(width*0.1); splitter->setSizes(cols); // layout para agrupar a "combo" e a "splitter": QGridLayout * glayMain = new QGridLayout; main_wg->setLayout( glayMain); glayMain->addWidget( combo, 0, 1); // linha 0, coluna 0; glayMain->setRowMinimumHeight(1, glayMain->verticalSpacing() * 4); // linha 1: linha de separação glayMain->addWidget( splitter, 2, 0, 1, 3 ); // linha 2, coluna 0, rowSpan 1, colSpan 3 main_wg->setWindowTitle("06_standard - 4 'views' usando o mesmo 'model' (StandardModel) - recursivo"); main_wg->resize(800,500); main_wg->show(); return app.exec(); }
int TreeView::header(lua_State * L) // const : QHeaderView * { QTreeView* obj = QtObject<QTreeView>::check( L, 1); QtObject<QHeaderView>::create( L, obj->header() ); return 1; }
void qjackctlInterfaceComboBox::populateModel (void) { const bool bBlockSignals = QComboBox::blockSignals(true); QComboBox::setUpdatesEnabled(false); QComboBox::setDuplicatesEnabled(false); QLineEdit *pLineEdit = QComboBox::lineEdit(); // FIXME: Only valid for ALSA, Sun and OSS devices, // for the time being... and also CoreAudio ones too. const QString& sDriver = m_pDriverComboBox->currentText(); const bool bAlsa = (sDriver == "alsa"); const bool bSun = (sDriver == "sun"); const bool bOss = (sDriver == "oss"); #ifdef CONFIG_COREAUDIO const bool bCoreaudio = (sDriver == "coreaudio"); std::map<QString, AudioDeviceID> coreaudioIdMap; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PORTAUDIO const bool bPortaudio = (sDriver == "portaudio"); #endif QString sCurName = pLineEdit->text(); QString sName, sSubName; int iCards = 0; clearCards(); int iCurCard = -1; if (bAlsa) { #ifdef CONFIG_ALSA_SEQ // Enumerate the ALSA cards and PCM harfware devices... snd_ctl_t *handle; snd_ctl_card_info_t *info; snd_pcm_info_t *pcminfo; snd_ctl_card_info_alloca(&info); snd_pcm_info_alloca(&pcminfo); const QString sPrefix("hw:%1"); const QString sSuffix(" (%1)"); const QString sSubSuffix("%1,%2"); QString sName2, sSubName2; bool bCapture, bPlayback; int iCard = -1; while (snd_card_next(&iCard) >= 0 && iCard >= 0) { sName = sPrefix.arg(iCard); if (snd_ctl_open(&handle, sName.toUtf8().constData(), 0) >= 0 && snd_ctl_card_info(handle, info) >= 0) { sName2 = sPrefix.arg(snd_ctl_card_info_get_id(info)); addCard(sName2, snd_ctl_card_info_get_name(info) + sSuffix.arg(sName)); if (sCurName == sName || sCurName == sName2) iCurCard = iCards; ++iCards; int iDevice = -1; while (snd_ctl_pcm_next_device(handle, &iDevice) >= 0 && iDevice >= 0) { // Capture devices.. bCapture = false; if (m_iAudio == QJACKCTL_CAPTURE || m_iAudio == QJACKCTL_DUPLEX) { snd_pcm_info_set_device(pcminfo, iDevice); snd_pcm_info_set_subdevice(pcminfo, 0); snd_pcm_info_set_stream(pcminfo, SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE); bCapture = (snd_ctl_pcm_info(handle, pcminfo) >= 0); } // Playback devices.. bPlayback = false; if (m_iAudio == QJACKCTL_PLAYBACK || m_iAudio == QJACKCTL_DUPLEX) { snd_pcm_info_set_device(pcminfo, iDevice); snd_pcm_info_set_subdevice(pcminfo, 0); snd_pcm_info_set_stream(pcminfo, SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK); bPlayback = (snd_ctl_pcm_info(handle, pcminfo) >= 0); } // List iif compliant with the audio mode criteria... if ((m_iAudio == QJACKCTL_CAPTURE && bCapture && !bPlayback) || (m_iAudio == QJACKCTL_PLAYBACK && !bCapture && bPlayback) || (m_iAudio == QJACKCTL_DUPLEX && bCapture && bPlayback)) { sSubName = sSubSuffix.arg(sName).arg(iDevice); sSubName2 = sSubSuffix.arg(sName2).arg(iDevice); addCard(sSubName2, snd_pcm_info_get_name(pcminfo) + sSuffix.arg(sSubName)); if (sCurName == sSubName || sCurName == sSubName2) iCurCard = iCards; ++iCards; } } snd_ctl_close(handle); } } #endif // CONFIG_ALSA_SEQ } else if (bSun) { QFile file("/var/run/dmesg.boot"); if ( { QTextStream stream(&file); QString sLine; QRegExp rxDevice("audio([0-9]) at (.*)"); while (!stream.atEnd()) { sLine = stream.readLine(); if (rxDevice.exactMatch(sLine)) { sName = "/dev/audio" + rxDevice.cap(1); addCard(sName, rxDevice.cap(2)); if (sCurName == sName) iCurCard = iCards; ++iCards; } } file.close(); } } else if (bOss) { // Enumerate the OSS Audio devices... QFile file("/dev/sndstat"); if ( { QTextStream stream(&file); QString sLine; bool bAudioDevices = false; QRegExp rxHeader("Audio devices.*", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp rxDevice("([0-9]+):[ ]+(.*)"); while (!stream.atEnd()) { sLine = stream.readLine(); if (bAudioDevices) { if (rxDevice.exactMatch(sLine)) { sName = "/dev/dsp" + rxDevice.cap(1); addCard(sName, rxDevice.cap(2)); if (sCurName == sName) iCurCard = iCards; ++iCards; } else break; } else if (rxHeader.exactMatch(sLine)) bAudioDevices = true; } file.close(); } } #ifdef CONFIG_COREAUDIO else if (bCoreaudio) { // Find out how many Core Audio devices are there, if any... // (code snippet gently "borrowed" from Stephane Letz jackdmp;) OSStatus err; Boolean isWritable; UInt32 outSize = sizeof(isWritable); err = AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo(kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &outSize, &isWritable); if (err == noErr) { // Calculate the number of device available... int numCoreDevices = outSize / sizeof(AudioDeviceID); // Make space for the devices we are about to get... AudioDeviceID *coreDeviceIDs = new AudioDeviceID [numCoreDevices]; err = AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &outSize, (void *) coreDeviceIDs); if (err == noErr) { // Look for the CoreAudio device name... char coreDeviceName[256]; UInt32 nameSize = 256; for (int i = 0; i < numCoreDevices; i++) { err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(coreDeviceIDs[i], 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName, &outSize, &isWritable); if (err == noErr) { err = AudioDeviceGetProperty(coreDeviceIDs[i], 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName, &nameSize, (void *) coreDeviceName); if (err == noErr) { char drivername[128]; UInt32 dnsize = 128; // this returns the unique id for the device // that must be used on the commandline for jack if (getDeviceUIDFromID(coreDeviceIDs[i], drivername, dnsize) == noErr) { sName = drivername; } else { sName = "Error"; } coreaudioIdMap[sName] = coreDeviceIDs[i]; // TODO: hide this ugly ID from the user, // only show human readable name // humanreadable \t UID sSubName = QString(coreDeviceName); addCard(sSubName, sName); if (sCurName == sName || sCurName == sSubName) iCurCard = iCards; ++iCards; } } } } delete [] coreDeviceIDs; } } #endif // CONFIG_COREAUDIO #ifdef CONFIG_PORTAUDIO else if (bPortaudio) { const QStringList& names = PortAudioProber::getNames(this); const int iCards = names.size(); for (int i = 0; i < iCards; ++i) { const QString& sName = names[i]; if (sCurName == sName) iCurCard = iCards; addCard(sName, QString()); } } #endif // CONFIG_PORTAUDIO addCard(m_sDefName, QString()); if (sCurName == m_sDefName || sCurName.isEmpty()) iCurCard = iCards; ++iCards; QTreeView *pTreeView = static_cast<QTreeView *> (QComboBox::view()); #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 pTreeView->header()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); #else pTreeView->header()->resizeSections(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); #endif pTreeView->setMinimumWidth( pTreeView->sizeHint().width() + QComboBox::iconSize().width()); QComboBox::setCurrentIndex(iCurCard); pLineEdit->setText(sCurName); QComboBox::setUpdatesEnabled(true); QComboBox::blockSignals(bBlockSignals); }
DlgCreateToken::DlgCreateToken(const QStringList &_predefinedTokens, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), predefinedTokens(_predefinedTokens) { nameLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Name:")); nameEdit = new QLineEdit(tr("Token")); nameEdit->selectAll(); nameLabel->setBuddy(nameEdit); colorLabel = new QLabel(tr("C&olor:")); colorEdit = new QComboBox; colorEdit->addItem(tr("white"), "w"); colorEdit->addItem(tr("blue"), "u"); colorEdit->addItem(tr("black"), "b"); colorEdit->addItem(tr("red"), "r"); colorEdit->addItem(tr("green"), "g"); colorEdit->addItem(tr("multicolor"), "m"); colorEdit->addItem(tr("colorless"), QString()); colorLabel->setBuddy(colorEdit); ptLabel = new QLabel(tr("&P/T:")); ptEdit = new QLineEdit; ptLabel->setBuddy(ptEdit); annotationLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Annotation:")); annotationEdit = new QLineEdit; annotationLabel->setBuddy(annotationEdit); destroyCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("&Destroy token when it leaves the table")); destroyCheckBox->setChecked(true); QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout; grid->addWidget(nameLabel, 0, 0); grid->addWidget(nameEdit, 0, 1); grid->addWidget(colorLabel, 1, 0); grid->addWidget(colorEdit, 1, 1); grid->addWidget(ptLabel, 2, 0); grid->addWidget(ptEdit, 2, 1); grid->addWidget(annotationLabel, 3, 0); grid->addWidget(annotationEdit, 3, 1); grid->addWidget(destroyCheckBox, 4, 0, 1, 2); QGroupBox *tokenDataGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Token data")); tokenDataGroupBox->setLayout(grid); cardDatabaseModel = new CardDatabaseModel(db, this); cardDatabaseDisplayModel = new CardDatabaseDisplayModel(this); cardDatabaseDisplayModel->setSourceModel(cardDatabaseModel); cardDatabaseDisplayModel->setIsToken(CardDatabaseDisplayModel::ShowTrue); chooseTokenFromAllRadioButton = new QRadioButton(tr("Show &all tokens")); connect(chooseTokenFromAllRadioButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(actChooseTokenFromAll(bool))); chooseTokenFromDeckRadioButton = new QRadioButton(tr("Show tokens from this &deck")); connect(chooseTokenFromDeckRadioButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(actChooseTokenFromDeck(bool))); QTreeView *chooseTokenView = new QTreeView; chooseTokenView->setModel(cardDatabaseDisplayModel); chooseTokenView->setUniformRowHeights(true); chooseTokenView->setRootIsDecorated(false); chooseTokenView->setAlternatingRowColors(true); chooseTokenView->setSortingEnabled(true); chooseTokenView->sortByColumn(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); chooseTokenView->resizeColumnToContents(0); chooseTokenView->header()->setStretchLastSection(false); chooseTokenView->header()->hideSection(1); chooseTokenView->header()->hideSection(2); chooseTokenView->header()->setResizeMode(3, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); chooseTokenView->header()->setResizeMode(4, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); connect(chooseTokenView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(tokenSelectionChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex))); if (predefinedTokens.isEmpty()) chooseTokenFromAllRadioButton->setChecked(true); else { chooseTokenFromDeckRadioButton->setChecked(true); cardDatabaseDisplayModel->setCardNameSet(QSet<QString>::fromList(predefinedTokens)); } QVBoxLayout *tokenChooseLayout = new QVBoxLayout; tokenChooseLayout->addWidget(chooseTokenFromAllRadioButton); tokenChooseLayout->addWidget(chooseTokenFromDeckRadioButton); tokenChooseLayout->addWidget(chooseTokenView); QGroupBox *tokenChooseGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Choose token from list")); tokenChooseGroupBox->setLayout(tokenChooseLayout); QVBoxLayout *leftVBox = new QVBoxLayout; leftVBox->addWidget(tokenDataGroupBox); leftVBox->addStretch(); QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout; hbox->addLayout(leftVBox); hbox->addWidget(tokenChooseGroupBox); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(actOk())); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject())); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->addLayout(hbox); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); setLayout(mainLayout); setWindowTitle(tr("Create token")); setFixedHeight(sizeHint().height()); setMinimumWidth(300); }