Example #1
void QgsAttributeTableModel::loadAttributes()
  if ( !layer() )

  bool ins = false, rm = false;

  QgsAttributeList attributes;
  const QgsFields &fields = layer()->fields();


  for ( int idx = 0; idx < fields.count(); ++idx )
    const QgsEditorWidgetSetup setup = QgsGui::editorWidgetRegistry()->findBest( layer(), fields[idx].name() );
    QgsEditorWidgetFactory *widgetFactory = QgsGui::editorWidgetRegistry()->factory( setup.type() );
    QgsFieldFormatter *fieldFormatter = QgsApplication::fieldFormatterRegistry()->fieldFormatter( setup.type() );

    mWidgetFactories.append( widgetFactory );
    mWidgetConfigs.append( setup.config() );
    mAttributeWidgetCaches.append( fieldFormatter->createCache( layer(), idx, setup.config() ) );
    mFieldFormatters.append( fieldFormatter );

    attributes << idx;

  if ( mFieldCount + mExtraColumns < attributes.size() + mExtraColumns )
    ins = true;
    beginInsertColumns( QModelIndex(), mFieldCount + mExtraColumns, attributes.size() - 1 );
  else if ( attributes.size() + mExtraColumns < mFieldCount + mExtraColumns )
    rm = true;
    beginRemoveColumns( QModelIndex(), attributes.size(), mFieldCount + mExtraColumns - 1 );

  mFieldCount = attributes.size();
  mAttributes = attributes;

  for ( SortCache &cache : mSortCaches )
    if ( cache.sortFieldIndex >= mAttributes.count() )
      cache.sortFieldIndex = -1;

  if ( ins )
  else if ( rm )
Example #2
void QgsAttributeTypeDialog::defaultExpressionChanged()
  QString expression = mExpressionWidget->expression();
  if ( expression.isEmpty() )
    mDefaultPreviewLabel->setText( QString() );

  QgsExpressionContext context = mLayer->createExpressionContext();

  if ( !mPreviewFeature.isValid() )
    // get first feature
    QgsFeatureIterator it = mLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setLimit( 1 ) );
    it.nextFeature( mPreviewFeature );

  context.setFeature( mPreviewFeature );

  QgsExpression exp = QgsExpression( expression );
  exp.prepare( &context );

  if ( exp.hasParserError() )
    mDefaultPreviewLabel->setText( "<i>" + exp.parserErrorString() + "</i>" );

  QVariant val = exp.evaluate( &context );
  if ( exp.hasEvalError() )
    mDefaultPreviewLabel->setText( "<i>" + exp.evalErrorString() + "</i>" );

  QgsFieldFormatter *fieldFormatter = QgsApplication::fieldFormatterRegistry()->fieldFormatter( editorWidgetType() );

  QString previewText = fieldFormatter->representValue( mLayer, mFieldIdx, editorWidgetConfig(), QVariant(), val );

  mDefaultPreviewLabel->setText( "<i>" + previewText + "</i>" );
Example #3
void QgsAttributeTableModel::featureAdded( QgsFeatureId fid, bool resettingModel )
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "(%2) fid: %1" ).arg( fid ).arg( mFeatureRequest.filterType() ), 4 );
  bool featOk = true;

  if ( mFeat.id() != fid )
    featOk = loadFeatureAtId( fid );

  if ( featOk && mFeatureRequest.acceptFeature( mFeat ) )
    for ( SortCache &cache : mSortCaches )
      if ( cache.sortFieldIndex >= 0 )
        QgsFieldFormatter *fieldFormatter = mFieldFormatters.at( cache.sortFieldIndex );
        const QVariant &widgetCache = mAttributeWidgetCaches.at( cache.sortFieldIndex );
        const QVariantMap &widgetConfig = mWidgetConfigs.at( cache.sortFieldIndex );
        QVariant sortValue = fieldFormatter->representValue( layer(), cache.sortFieldIndex, widgetConfig, widgetCache, mFeat.attribute( cache.sortFieldIndex ) );
        cache.sortCache.insert( mFeat.id(), sortValue );
      else if ( cache.sortCacheExpression.isValid() )
        mExpressionContext.setFeature( mFeat );
        cache.sortCache[mFeat.id()] = cache.sortCacheExpression.evaluate( &mExpressionContext );

    // Skip if the fid is already in the map (do not add twice)!
    if ( ! mIdRowMap.contains( fid ) )
      int n = mRowIdMap.size();
      if ( !resettingModel )
        beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), n, n );
      mIdRowMap.insert( fid, n );
      mRowIdMap.insert( n, fid );
      if ( !resettingModel )
      reload( index( rowCount() - 1, 0 ), index( rowCount() - 1, columnCount() ) );
Example #4
void QgsAttributeTableModel::attributeValueChanged( QgsFeatureId fid, int idx, const QVariant &value )
  // Defer all updates if a bulk edit/rollback command is running
  if ( mBulkEditCommandRunning )
    mAttributeValueChanges.insert( QPair<QgsFeatureId, int>( fid, idx ), value );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "(%4) fid: %1, idx: %2, value: %3" ).arg( fid ).arg( idx ).arg( value.toString() ).arg( mFeatureRequest.filterType() ), 2 );

  for ( SortCache &cache : mSortCaches )
    if ( cache.sortCacheAttributes.contains( idx ) )
      if ( cache.sortFieldIndex == -1 )
        if ( loadFeatureAtId( fid ) )
          mExpressionContext.setFeature( mFeat );
          cache.sortCache[fid] = cache.sortCacheExpression.evaluate( &mExpressionContext );
        QgsFieldFormatter *fieldFormatter = mFieldFormatters.at( cache.sortFieldIndex );
        const QVariant &widgetCache = mAttributeWidgetCaches.at( cache.sortFieldIndex );
        const QVariantMap &widgetConfig = mWidgetConfigs.at( cache.sortFieldIndex );
        QVariant sortValue = fieldFormatter->representValue( layer(), cache.sortFieldIndex, widgetConfig, widgetCache, value );
        cache.sortCache.insert( fid, sortValue );
  // No filter request: skip all possibly heavy checks
  if ( mFeatureRequest.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterNone )
    if ( loadFeatureAtId( fid ) )
      setData( index( idToRow( fid ), fieldCol( idx ) ), value, Qt::EditRole );
    if ( loadFeatureAtId( fid ) )
      if ( mFeatureRequest.acceptFeature( mFeat ) )
        if ( !mIdRowMap.contains( fid ) )
          // Feature changed in such a way, it will be shown now
          featureAdded( fid );
          // Update representation
          setData( index( idToRow( fid ), fieldCol( idx ) ), value, Qt::EditRole );
        if ( mIdRowMap.contains( fid ) )
          // Feature changed such, that it is no longer shown
          featuresDeleted( QgsFeatureIds() << fid );
        // else: we don't care