Example #1
void QgsWFSData::calculateExtentFromFeatures() const
  if ( mFeatures.size() < 1 )

  QgsRectangle bbox;

  QgsFeature* currentFeature = 0;
  QgsGeometry* currentGeometry = 0;
  bool bboxInitialised = false; //gets true once bbox has been set to the first geometry

  for ( int i = 0; i < mFeatures.size(); ++i )
    currentFeature = mFeatures[i];
    if ( !currentFeature )
    currentGeometry = currentFeature->geometry();
    if ( currentGeometry )
      if ( !bboxInitialised )
        bbox = currentGeometry->boundingBox();
        bboxInitialised = true;
        bbox.unionRect( currentGeometry->boundingBox() );
  ( *mExtent ) = bbox;
void QgsGeometryCheckerResultTab::highlightErrors( bool current )
  qDeleteAll( mCurrentRubberBands );

  QList<QTableWidgetItem*> items;
  QList<QgsPoint> errorPositions;
  QgsRectangle totextent;

  if ( current )
    items.append( ui.tableWidgetErrors->currentItem() );
    items.append( ui.tableWidgetErrors->selectedItems() );
  foreach ( QTableWidgetItem* item, items )
    QgsGeometryCheckError* error = ui.tableWidgetErrors->item( item->row(), 0 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).value<QgsGeometryCheckError*>();

    QgsAbstractGeometryV2* geometry = error->geometry();
    if ( ui.checkBoxHighlight->isChecked() && geometry )
      QgsRubberBand* featureRubberBand = new QgsRubberBand( mIface->mapCanvas() );
      QgsGeometry geom( geometry );
      featureRubberBand->addGeometry( &geom, mFeaturePool->getLayer() );
      featureRubberBand->setWidth( 5 );
      featureRubberBand->setColor( Qt::yellow );
      mCurrentRubberBands.append( featureRubberBand );
      // QgsGeometry above takes ownership of geometry and deletes it when it goes out of scope
      delete geometry;
      geometry = 0;

    if ( ui.radioButtonError->isChecked() || current || error->status() == QgsGeometryCheckError::StatusFixed )
      QgsRubberBand* pointRubberBand = new QgsRubberBand( mIface->mapCanvas(), QGis::Point );
      QgsPoint pos = mIface->mapCanvas()->mapSettings().layerToMapCoordinates( mFeaturePool->getLayer(), QgsPoint( error->location().x(), error->location().y() ) );
      pointRubberBand->addPoint( pos );
      pointRubberBand->setWidth( 20 );
      pointRubberBand->setColor( Qt::red );
      mCurrentRubberBands.append( pointRubberBand );
      errorPositions.append( pos );
    else if ( ui.radioButtonFeature->isChecked() && geometry )
      QgsRectangle geomextent = mIface->mapCanvas()->mapSettings().layerExtentToOutputExtent( mFeaturePool->getLayer(), geometry->boundingBox() );
      if ( totextent.isEmpty() )
        totextent = geomextent;
        totextent.unionRect( geomextent );
Example #3
QgsRectangle QgsMapSettings::fullExtent() const
  QgsDebugMsg( "called." );
  QgsMapLayerRegistry* registry = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance();

  // reset the map canvas extent since the extent may now be smaller
  // We can't use a constructor since QgsRectangle normalizes the rectangle upon construction
  QgsRectangle fullExtent;

  // iterate through the map layers and test each layers extent
  // against the current min and max values
  QStringList::const_iterator it = mLayers.begin();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Layer count: %1" ).arg( mLayers.count() ) );
  while ( it != mLayers.end() )
    QgsMapLayer * lyr = registry->mapLayer( *it );
    if ( !lyr )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "WARNING: layer '%1' not found in map layer registry!" ).arg( *it ) );
      QgsDebugMsg( "Updating extent using " + lyr->name() );
      QgsDebugMsg( "Input extent: " + lyr->extent().toString() );

      if ( lyr->extent().isNull() )

      // Layer extents are stored in the coordinate system (CS) of the
      // layer. The extent must be projected to the canvas CS
      QgsRectangle extent = layerExtentToOutputExtent( lyr, lyr->extent() );

      QgsDebugMsg( "Output extent: " + extent.toString() );
      fullExtent.unionRect( extent );


  if ( fullExtent.width() == 0.0 || fullExtent.height() == 0.0 )
    // If all of the features are at the one point, buffer the
    // rectangle a bit. If they are all at zero, do something a bit
    // more crude.

    if ( fullExtent.xMinimum() == 0.0 && fullExtent.xMaximum() == 0.0 &&
         fullExtent.yMinimum() == 0.0 && fullExtent.yMaximum() == 0.0 )
      fullExtent.set( -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
      const double padFactor = 1e-8;
      double widthPad = fullExtent.xMinimum() * padFactor;
      double heightPad = fullExtent.yMinimum() * padFactor;
      double xmin = fullExtent.xMinimum() - widthPad;
      double xmax = fullExtent.xMaximum() + widthPad;
      double ymin = fullExtent.yMinimum() - heightPad;
      double ymax = fullExtent.yMaximum() + heightPad;
      fullExtent.set( xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Full extent: " + fullExtent.toString() );
  return fullExtent;