RefIntegral::RefIntegral(int spatialDim,
  const CellType& maxCellType,
  int dim,
  const CellType& cellType,
  const BasisFamily& testBasis,
  int alpha,
  int testDerivOrder,
  const BasisFamily& unkBasis,
  int beta,
  int unkDerivOrder, 
  const QuadratureFamily& quad_in,
  bool isInternalBdry,
  const ParametrizedCurve& globalCurve,
  const Mesh& mesh,
  int verb)
  : ElementIntegral(spatialDim, maxCellType,  dim, cellType,
    testBasis, alpha, testDerivOrder, 
    unkBasis, beta, unkDerivOrder, isInternalBdry, globalCurve , mesh ,verb), W_()

  Tabs tab0(0);
    tab0 << "************* creating reference 2-form integrals ********");
  if (setupVerb()) describe(Out::os());



  QuadratureType qType = new GaussianQuadratureType();
  int reqOrder = qType.findValidOrder(cellType,
      std::max(1, unkBasis.order() + testBasis.order()));

      tab0 << "using quadrature order=" << reqOrder);
  QuadratureFamily quad = qType.createQuadFamily(reqOrder);

  /* If we have a valid curve (in case of Adaptive Cell Integration)
   * then we have to choose the quadrature which the user specified*/
  if (globalCurve.isCurveValid()){
	 quad = quad_in;
	 Tabs tab1;
	 SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(),tab1 << "ACI change quadrature to Quadrature of order: "<<quad.order());
  quad_ = quad;

    tab0 << "processing evaluation cases");

  for (int fc=0; fc<nFacetCases(); fc++)
    Tabs tab1;
    SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab1 << "------ evaluation case " << fc << " of "
      << nFacetCases() << "-------");
    W_[fc].resize(nRefDerivTest() * nNodesTest()  * nRefDerivUnk() * nNodesUnk());
    for (int i=0; i<W_[fc].size(); i++) W_[fc][i]=0.0;

    Array<Array<Array<Array<double> > > > testBasisVals(nRefDerivTest());
    Array<Array<Array<Array<double> > > > unkBasisVals(nRefDerivUnk());
    getQuad(quad, fc, quadPts_, quadWeights_);
    int nQuad = quadPts_.size();

    for (int r=0; r<nRefDerivTest(); r++)
      Tabs tab2;
      SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab2 
        << "evaluating test function basis derivative " 
        << r << " of " << nRefDerivTest());
      MultiIndex mi;
      if (testDerivOrder==1) mi[r] = 1;
      SpatialDerivSpecifier deriv(mi);
      testBasis.refEval(evalCellType(), quadPts_, deriv,
        testBasisVals[r], setupVerb());

    for (int r=0; r<nRefDerivUnk(); r++)
      Tabs tab2;
      SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab2 
        << "evaluating unknown function basis derivative " 
        << r << " of " << nRefDerivUnk());
      MultiIndex mi;
      if (unkDerivOrder==1) mi[r] = 1;
      SpatialDerivSpecifier deriv(mi);
    	quadPts_, deriv, unkBasisVals[r], setupVerb());

    SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab1 << "doing quadrature...");
    int vecComp = 0;
    for (int q=0; q<nQuad; q++)
      for (int t=0; t<nRefDerivTest(); t++)
        for (int nt=0; nt<nNodesTest(); nt++)
          for (int u=0; u<nRefDerivUnk(); u++)
            for (int nu=0; nu<nNodesUnk(); nu++)
              value(fc, t, nt, u, nu) 
                += chop(quadWeights_[q] * testBasisVals[t][vecComp][q][nt]
                  * unkBasisVals[u][vecComp][q][nu]);
              W_ACI_F2_[fc][q][t][nt][u][nu] = chop( testBasisVals[t][vecComp][q][nt]
                                               * unkBasisVals[u][vecComp][q][nu] );
    SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab1 << "...done");
      + W_[fc].size());
    for (int i=0; i<W_[fc].size(); i++) W_[fc][i] = chop(W_[fc][i]);

  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab0 
    << "----------------------------------------");
  SUNDANCE_MSG4(setupVerb(), tab0 
    << "reference bilinear form integral results");
  if (setupVerb() >= 4)
    for (int fc=0; fc<nFacetCases(); fc++)
      Tabs tab1;
      SUNDANCE_MSG4(setupVerb(), tab1 << "evaluation case " << fc << " of "
        << nFacetCases());
      for (int rt=0; rt<nRefDerivTest(); rt++)
        for (int ru=0; ru<nRefDerivUnk(); ru++)
          Tabs tab2;
          MultiIndex miTest;
          if (testDerivOrder==1) miTest[rt] = 1;
          MultiIndex miUnk;
          if (unkDerivOrder==1) miUnk[ru] = 1;
          SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab2 << "test multiindex=" << miTest
            << " unk multiindex=" << miUnk);
          ios_base::fmtflags oldFlags = Out::os().flags();
          for (int nt=0; nt<nNodesTest(); nt++)
            Tabs tab3;
            Out::os() << tab3 << setw(10) << nt;
            for (int nu=0; nu<nNodesUnk(); nu++)
              Out::os() << setw(12) << std::setprecision(5)
                        << value(fc, rt, nt, ru, nu) ;
            Out::os() << std::endl;

  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab0 << "done reference bilinear form ctor");
RefIntegral::RefIntegral(int spatialDim,
  const CellType& maxCellType,
  int dim, 
  const CellType& cellType,
  const QuadratureFamily& quad_in,
  bool isInternalBdry,
  const ParametrizedCurve& globalCurve,
  const Mesh& mesh,
  int verb)
  : ElementIntegral(spatialDim, maxCellType, dim, cellType, isInternalBdry, globalCurve , mesh,
    verb), W_()
  Tabs tab0(0);

    tab0 << "************* creating reference 0-form integrals ********");
  if (setupVerb()) describe(Out::os());
  /* we need to sum the quadrature weights 
     to compute the volume of the reference cell */
  QuadratureFamily quad = new GaussianQuadrature(2);
  /* If we have a valid curve (in case of Adaptive Cell Integration)
   * then we have to choose the quadrature which the user specified*/
  if (globalCurve.isCurveValid()){
	 quad = quad_in;
	 Tabs tab1;
	 SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(),tab1 << "ACI change quadrature to Quadrature of order: "<<quad.order());
  quad_ = quad;

  Array<Point> quadPts;
  Array<double> quadWeights;


  quad.getPoints(cellType, quadPts, quadWeights);  

  quadWeights_ = quadWeights;

  for (int q=0; q<quadWeights.size(); q++) {
	  W_[0][0] += quadWeights[q];
RefIntegral::RefIntegral(int spatialDim,
  const CellType& maxCellType,
  int dim, 
  const CellType& cellType,
  const BasisFamily& testBasis,
  int alpha,
  int testDerivOrder,
  const QuadratureFamily& quad_in,
  bool isInternalBdry,
  const ParametrizedCurve& globalCurve,
  const Mesh& mesh,
  int verb)
  : ElementIntegral(spatialDim, maxCellType, dim, cellType, 
    testBasis, alpha, testDerivOrder, isInternalBdry, globalCurve , mesh , verb), W_()
  Tabs tab0(0);
    tab0 << "************* creating reference 1-form integrals ********");
  if (setupVerb()) describe(Out::os());


  /* Determine the quadrature order needed for exact integrations */
  QuadratureType qType = new GaussianQuadratureType();
  int reqOrder = qType.findValidOrder(cellType, 
    std::max(1, testBasis.order()));

    tab0 << "using quadrature order=" << reqOrder);
  /* Create a quadrature family of the required order */
  QuadratureFamily quad = qType.createQuadFamily(reqOrder);
  /* If we have a valid curve (in case of Adaptive Cell Integration)
   * then we have to choose the quadrature which the user specified*/
  if (globalCurve.isCurveValid()){
	 quad = quad_in;
	 Tabs tab1;
	 SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(),tab1 << "ACI change quadrature to Quadrature of order: "<<quad.order());
  quad_ = quad;

  /* We now loop over the different evaluation cases, integrating the
   * basis functions for each. Because this is a reference integral,
   * we can actually do the untransformed integrals here. */
  for (int fc=0; fc<nFacetCases(); fc++)
    Tabs tab1;
      tab1 << "evaluation case=" << fc << " of " << nFacetCases());
    /* initialize size of untransformed integral results array */
    W_[fc].resize(nRefDerivTest() * nNodesTest());

    /* initialize values of integrals to zero */
    for (int i=0; i<W_[fc].size(); i++) { W_[fc][i]=0.0; }

    Array<Array<Array<Array<double> > > > testBasisVals(nRefDerivTest());
    /* get quadrature points */

    getQuad(quad, fc, quadPts_, quadWeights_);

    int nQuad = quadPts_.size();

    /* compute the basis functions */
    for (int r=0; r<nRefDerivTest(); r++)
      Tabs tab2;
      SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab2 << "evaluating basis derivative " 
        << r << " of " << nRefDerivTest());

      MultiIndex mi;
      if (testDerivOrder==1) mi[r] = 1;
      SpatialDerivSpecifier deriv(mi);
      testBasis.refEval(evalCellType(), quadPts_, deriv,
        testBasisVals[r], setupVerb());

    /* do the quadrature */
    SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab1 << "doing quadrature");
    int vecComp = 0;
    for (int q=0; q<nQuad; q++)
      for (int t=0; t<nRefDerivTest(); t++)
        for (int nt=0; nt<nNodesTest(); nt++)
          value(fc, t, nt) 
            += chop(quadWeights_[q] * testBasisVals[t][vecComp][q][nt]) ;
          W_ACI_F1_[fc][q][t][nt] = chop(testBasisVals[t][vecComp][q][nt]);

    for (int i=0; i<W_[fc].size(); i++) W_[fc][i] = chop(W_[fc][i]);

    addFlops(3*nQuad*nRefDerivTest()*nNodesTest() + W_[fc].size());

  /* print the result */
  SUNDANCE_MSG4(setupVerb(), tab0 << "--------------------------------------");
  SUNDANCE_MSG4(setupVerb(), tab0 << "reference linear form integral results");
  if (setupVerb() >= 4)
    for (int fc=0; fc<nFacetCases(); fc++)
      Tabs tab1;
      SUNDANCE_MSG4(setupVerb(), tab1 << "------ evaluation case " << fc << " of "
        << nFacetCases() << "-------");
      for (int r=0; r<nRefDerivTest(); r++)
        Tabs tab2;

        MultiIndex mi;
        if (testDerivOrder==1) mi[r] = 1;
        SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab2 << "multiindex=" << mi);

        ios_base::fmtflags oldFlags = Out::os().flags();
        for (int nt=0; nt<nNodesTest(); nt++)
          Tabs tab3;
          Out::os() << tab3 << setw(10) << nt 
                    << setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << value(fc, r, nt) 
                    << std::endl;

  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab0 << "done reference linear form ctor");