// Create a database connection and run a query std::shared_ptrconn = GetDatabaseConnection(); QueryResult result = conn->ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM customers"); // Get the number of rows in the result set size_t numRows = result.GetRowCount(); std::cout << "Number of rows: " << numRows << std::endl;
// Create a database connection and run a query std::shared_ptrIn this example, we use the same database connection and query, but we are now only interested in the count of customers. We use the GetRowCount function again to retrieve the number of rows in the result set, which will always be 1 in this case. Based on the function signature and usage context, it is likely that the QueryResult class is part of a database library such as MySQL Connector/C++, SQLiteCpp, or ODBC++.conn = GetDatabaseConnection(); QueryResult result = conn->ExecuteQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers"); // Get the number of rows in the result set size_t numRows = result.GetRowCount(); std::cout << "Number of rows: " << numRows << std::endl;